6,063 research outputs found

    Activating Generalized Fuzzy Implications from Galois Connections

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    This paper deals with the relation between fuzzy implications and Galois connections, trying to raise the awareness that the fuzzy implications are indispensable to generalise Formal Concept Analysis. The concrete goal of the paper is to make evident that Galois connections, which are at the heart of some of the generalizations of Formal Concept Analysis, can be interpreted as fuzzy incidents. Thus knowledge processing, discovery, exploration and visualization as well as data mining are new research areas for fuzzy implications as they are areas where Formal Concept Analysis has a niche.F.J. Valverde-Albacete—was partially supported by EU FP7 project LiMoSINe, (contract 288024). C. Peláez-Moreno—was partially supported by the Spanish Government-CICYT project 2011-268007/TEC.Publicad

    Formal Contexts, Formal Concept Analysis, and Galois Connections

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    Formal concept analysis (FCA) is built on a special type of Galois connections called polarities. We present new results in formal concept analysis and in Galois connections by presenting new Galois connection results and then applying these to formal concept analysis. We also approach FCA from the perspective of collections of formal contexts. Usually, when doing FCA, a formal context is fixed. We are interested in comparing formal contexts and asking what criteria should be used when determining when one formal context is better than another formal context. Interestingly, we address this issue by studying sets of polarities.Comment: In Proceedings Festschrift for Dave Schmidt, arXiv:1309.455

    Relational Galois connections between transitive fuzzy digraphs

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    Fuzzy-directed graphs are often chosen as the data structure to model and implement solutions to several problems in the applied sciences. Galois connections have also shown to be useful both in theoretical and in practical problems. In this paper, the notion of relational Galois connection is extended to be applied between transitive fuzzy directed graphs. In this framework, the components of the connection are crisp relations satisfying certain reasonable properties given in terms of the so-called full powering

    Four-fold Formal Concept Analysis based on Complete Idempotent Semifields

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    Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a well-known supervised boolean data-mining technique rooted in Lattice and Order Theory, that has several extensions to, e.g., fuzzy and idempotent semirings. At the heart of FCA lies a Galois connection between two powersets. In this paper we extend the FCA formalism to include all four Galois connections between four different semivectors spaces over idempotent semifields, at the same time. The result is K¯¯¯¯-four-fold Formal Concept Analysis (K¯¯¯¯-4FCA) where K¯¯¯¯ is the idempotent semifield biasing the analysis. Since complete idempotent semifields come in dually-ordered pairs—e.g., the complete max-plus and min-plus semirings—the basic construction shows dual-order-, row–column- and Galois-connection-induced dualities that appear simultaneously a number of times to provide the full spectrum of variability. Our results lead to a fundamental theorem of K¯¯¯¯-four-fold Formal Concept Analysis that properly defines quadrilattices as 4-tuples of (order-dually) isomorphic lattices of vectors and discuss its relevance vis-à-vis previous formal conceptual analyses and some affordances of their results

    On the existence of right adjoints for surjective mappings between fuzzy structures0

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    En este trabajo los autores continúan su estudio de la caracterización de la existencia de adjunciones (conexiones de Galois isótonas) cuyo codominio no está dotado de estructura en principio. En este artículo se considera el caso difuso en el que se tiene un orden difuso R definido en un conjunto A y una aplicación sobreyectiva f:A-> B compatible respecto de dos relaciones de similaridad definidas en el dominio A y en el condominio B, respectivamente. Concretamente, el problema es encontrar un orden difuso S en B y una aplicación g:B-> A compatible también con las correspondientes similaridades definidas en A y en B, de tal forma que el par (f,g) constituya un adjunción

    Towards a generalisation of formal concept analysis for data mining purposes

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    In this paper we justify the need for a generalisation of Formal Concept Analysis for the purpose of data mining and begin the synthesis of such theory. For that purpose, we first review semirings and semimodules over semirings as the appropriate objects to use in abstracting the Boolean algebra and the notion of extents and intents, respectively. We later bring to bear powerful theorems developed in the field of linear algebra over idempotent semimodules to try to build a Fundamental Theorem for K-Formal Concept Analysis, where K is a type of idempotent semiring. Finally, we try to put Formal Concept Analysis in new perspective by considering it as a concrete instance of the theory developed
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