20 research outputs found

    Development of a Social Gamified Platform for e-Learning

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    The way in which nowadays education is evolving, makes it possible to associate it with MOOCs courses and gamification techniques to improve learning outcomes of students. To this end, this paper shows the development of an educational e-learning platform built upon the Elgg social framework, where a set of gamification elements were added: Points, achievements, leaderboards and rewards. For the future, effectiveness validations will be carried out with students as well as further developments with other types of gamification elements

    Gamification as a Service for Formative Assessment E-Learning Tools

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    Formative assessment tools can benefit from the addition of gamification elements, as stronger engagement may generate further learning opportunities. However, adding gamification elements to such tools may require a significant development effort and leads to few opportunities for re-use, e.g. among different e-learning tools within the same course or degree. In this paper, we describe a platform for offering gamification elements as a service to any formative assessment tool. We describe our experience in an introductory course for Digital Circuit Design in a Computer Science Degree

    Social gamification in education: a gamified platform based on the Elgg framework

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    Education, MOOCs and gamification are growing together over the recent years to help students to get better academic results. A literature review was performed to detect the main gamification elements used in current educational field. Therefore, we have modified the well-known Elgg social platform to add some gamification elements to the system. These elements were points, achievements, leaderboards and rewards. For the future, we are planning experiments with students to verify the effectiveness of these elements for engaging students

    How to Engineer Gamification: The Consensus, the Best Practice and the Grey Areas.

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    Gamification typically refers to the use of game elements in a business context in order to change users’ behaviors, mainly increasing motivation and engagement, towards a certain task or a strategic objective. Gamification has received a good deal of emphasis in both academia and industry across various disciplines, e.g., psychology and human computer interaction, and application areas, e.g. education and marketing. Despite the increasing interest, we still need a unified and holistic picture of how to engineer gamification including: the meaning of the term; its development process; the stakeholders and disciplines which need to be involved in it; and the concerns and risks an ad-hoc design could raise for both businesses and users. To address this need, this paper reports on a review of the literature on a range of gamification techniques and applications, followed by empirical research which involved collecting expert opinions using qualitative and quantitative methods. Based on the results of this research,we provide a body of knowledge about gamification and highlight good practice principles and areas of gamification that are debatable and require further investigation

    Gamification Design with a Domain-Driven Engineering Approach

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    Companies use a variety of methods and processes to improve the quality of their services, which, in turn, would increase the satisfaction of their users and hence their popularity. One of the enhancements that have been used in recent years is known as gamification. With the benefit of being virtually independent of business types, one of the goals of gamification is to solve user engagement issues. Even so, companies fail to achieve their goals after instantiating gamification into their services, and one cause is related to poor gamification design. The main objective of the developed project was to acquire and develop a possible solution to this problem through the use of a specific set of methods, technologies and the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approach. In this sense, in-depth research was done into previous gamification applications and other previous attempts to solve the problem at hand. Several gamification concepts were analyzed, gathering as much data as possible about the subject before the conceptualization of the solution’s domain through an MDE approach.As empresas usam uma variedade de métodos e processos para melhorar a qualidade dos seus serviços, o que por sua vez aumentaria a satisfação de seus utilizadores e, consequentemente, sua popularidade. Um exemplo do mesmo que tem sido utilizado nos últimos anos é conhecido como gamification. Com o benefício de ser praticamente independente dos tipos de negócios, um dos objetivos de gamification é resolver problemas relacionados com a interação entre o serviço e o utilizador. Mesmo assim, as empresas não conseguem atingir os seus objetivos após a adição de gamification nos seus serviços, e uma das causas está relacionada a mau design de gamification. O principal objetivo do projeto é desenvolver uma possível solução para o problema através do uso de um conjunto específico de métodos, tecnologias e da abordagem Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). Nesse sentido, uma pesquisa rigorosa foi realizada sobre aplicações existentes de gamification, como também sobre outras tentativas de resolver o problema em questão. Vários conceitos de gamification foram analisados, de forma a reunir o máximo de informação possível sobre o assunto antes da conceituação do domínio para a solução através da abordagem MDE

    Engineering Digital Motivation in Businesses: A Modelling and Analysis Framework

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    Digital Motivation refers to the use of software-based solutions to change, enhance, or maintain people’s attitude and behaviour towards specific tasks, policies, and regulations. Gamification, persuasive technology and entertainment computing are example strands of such a paradigm. Digital Motivation has unique properties which necessitate careful consideration of its analysis design methods. This stems from the strong human factor involvement, and if it is not implemented effectively, it can result in Digital Motivation being perceived negatively or leading to reduced motivation. The emerging literature on the topic includes approaches for creating Digital Motivation solutions. However, their primary focus is on specifying its operation, for example, the design of feedback, rewards and levels. In this paper, we propose a novel modelling language which enables capturing Digital Motivation as an integral part of the organisational and social structure of a business, captured via Goal Models. We also demonstrate how modelling of motivational techniques at this level, the goal level, enables a more powerful analysis that informs the introduction, design and management of Digital Motivation. Finally, we evaluate the language and its analysis using different perspectives and quality measures and report the results

    Desenvolvimento de software gamificado para fomentar a mobilidade compartilhada em ambiente universitário

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)–Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB, Gama, 2020.A mobilidade urbana sustentável é uma dimensão importante em uma cidade inteligente e um dos principais problemas para a sustentabilidade da cidade. Também teve um impacto transformacional em muitas cidades globais, melhorando a acessibilidade do transporte e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzindo a propriedade de veículos pessoais. O uso compartilhado de um veículo, bicicleta ou outro modo é uma estratégia de transporte eficiente, mas pode falhar se não houver iniciativas de conscientização e políticas de incentivo. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento da versão inicial de um software gamificado para mobilidade compartilhada. O cenário de aplicação da solução é a Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade de Brasília - Campus Gama e os usuários são os próprios estudantes. A abordagem metodológica abrange os princípios aplicados à Engenharia de Software, utilizando processos e métodos mais adequados ao contexto. Partindo do levantamento de requisitos e se consumando na implantação do software. O resultado do trabalho fornece ao público alvo o acesso à um sistema web com recursos de gamificação possibilitando a inclusão de melhorias para sua evolução e a inserção de mais técnicas de design de jogos.Sustainable urban mobility is an important dimension in a smart city and one of the main problems for the sustainability of the city. It has also had a transformational impact in many global cities, improving accessibility of transportation and, at the same time, reducing ownership of personal vehicles. The shared use of a vehicle, bicycle or otherwise is an efficient transportation strategy, but it can fail if there are no awareness initiatives and incentive policies. Therefore, the objective of this work is the development of the initial version of a gamified software for shared mobility. The solution application scenario is the Engineering Faculty of the University of Brasília - Campus Gama and the users are the students themselves. The methodological approach covers the principles applied to Software Engineering, using processes and methods more appropriate to the context. Starting from the requirements survey and ending with the software implementation. The result of the work provides the target audience with access to a web system with gamification resources, enabling the inclusion of improvements for its evolution and the insertion of more game design techniques