11 research outputs found

    GWO-BP neural network based OP performance prediction for mobile multiuser communication networks

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    The complexity and variability of wireless channels makes reliable mobile multiuser communications challenging. As a consequence, research on mobile multiuser communication networks has increased significantly in recent years. The outage probability (OP) is commonly employed to evaluate the performance of these networks. In this paper, exact closed-form OP expressions are derived and an OP prediction algorithm is presented. Monte-Carlo simulation is used to evaluate the OP performance and verify the analysis. Then, a grey wolf optimization back-propagation (GWO-BP) neural network based OP performance prediction algorithm is proposed. Theoretical results are used to generate training data. We also examine the extreme learning machine (ELM), locally weighted linear regression (LWLR), support vector machine (SVM), BP neural network, and wavelet neural network methods. Compared to the wavelet neural network, LWLR, SVM, BP, and ELM methods, the results obtained show that the GWO-BP method provides the best OP performance prediction

    Optimizing artificial neural networks using LevyChaotic mapping on Wolf Pack optimization algorithm for detect driving sleepiness

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    Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are utilized to solve a variety of problems in many domains. In this type of network, training and selecting parameters that define networks architecture play an important role in enhancing the accuracy of the network's output; Therefore, Prior to training, those parameters must be optimized. Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) has been considered one of the efficient developed approaches in the Swarm Intelligence area that is used to solve real-world optimization problems. However, GWO still faces a problem of the slump in local optimums in some places due to insufficient diversity. This paper proposes a novel algorithm Levy Flight- Chaotic Chen mapping on Wolf Pack Algorithm in Neural Network. It efficiently exploits the search regions to detect driving sleepiness and balance the exploration and exploitation operators, which are considered implied features of any stochastic search algorithm. Due to the lack of dataset availability, a dataset of 15 participants has been collected from scratch to evaluate the proposed algorithm's performance. The results show that the proposed algorithm achieves an accuracy of 99.3%

    Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Gray Wolf Optimizer Based on Voice Recognition

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    Globally, drowsiness detection prevents accidents. Blood biochemicals, brain impulses, etc., can measure tiredness. However, due to user discomfort, these approaches are challenging to implement. This article describes a voice-based drowsiness detection system and shows how to detect driver fatigue before it hampers driving. A neural network and Gray Wolf Optimizer are used to classify sleepiness automatically. The recommended approach is evaluated in alert and sleep-deprived states on the driver tiredness detection voice real dataset. The approach used in speech recognition is mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) and linear prediction coefficients (LPCs). The SVM algorithm has the lowest accuracy (71.8%) compared to the typical neural network. GWOANN employs 13-9-7-5 and 30-20-13-7 neurons in hidden layers, where the GWOANN technique had 86.96% and 90.05% accuracy, respectively, whereas the ANN model achieved 82.50% and 85.27% accuracy, respectively

    Driver drowsiness detection using Gray Wolf Optimizer based on voice recognition

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    Globally, drowsiness detection prevents accidents. Blood biochemicals, brain impulses, etc., can measure tiredness. However, due to user discomfort, these approaches are challenging to implement. This article describes a voice-based drowsiness detection system and shows how to detect driver fatigue before it hampers driving. A neural network and Gray Wolf Optimizer are used to classify sleepiness automatically. The recommended approach is evaluated in alert and sleep-deprived states on the driver tiredness detection voice real dataset. The approach used in speech recognition is mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) and linear prediction coefficients (LPCs). The SVM algorithm has the lowest accuracy (71.8%) compared to the typical neural network. GWOANN employs 13-9-7-5 and 30-20-13-7 neurons in hidden layers, where the GWOANN technique had 86.96% and 90.05% accuracy, respectively, whereas the ANN model achieved 82.50% and 85.27% accuracy, respective

    Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Gray Wolf Optimizer Based on Face and Eye Tracking

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    It is critical today to provide safe and collision-free transport. As a result, identifying the driver’s drowsiness before their capacity to drive is jeopardized. An automated hybrid drowsiness classification method that incorporates the artificial neural network (ANN) and the gray wolf optimizer (GWO) is presented to discriminate human drowsiness and fatigue for this aim. The proposed method is evaluated in alert and sleep-deprived settings on the driver drowsiness detection of video dataset from the National Tsing Hua University Computer Vision Lab. The video was subjected to various video and image processing techniques to detect the drivers’ eye condition. Four features of the eye were extracted to determine the condition of drowsiness, the percentage of eyelid closure (PERCLOS), blink frequency, maximum closure duration of the eyes, and eye aspect ratio (ARE). These parameters were then integrated into an ANN and combined with the proposed method (gray wolf optimizer with ANN [GWOANN]) for drowsiness classification. The accuracy of these models was calculated, and the results demonstrate that the proposed method is the best. An Adadelta optimizer with 3 and 4 hidden layer networks of (13, 9, 7, and 5) and (200, 150, 100, 50, and 25) neurons was utilized. The GWOANN technique had 91.18% and 97.06% accuracy, whereas the ANN model had 82.35% and 86.76%

    Monte Carlo Method with Heuristic Adjustment for Irregularly Shaped Food Product Volume Measurement

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    Volume measurement plays an important role in the production and processing of food products. Various methods have been proposed to measure the volume of food products with irregular shapes based on 3D reconstruction. However, 3D reconstruction comes with a high-priced computational cost. Furthermore, some of the volume measurement methods based on 3D reconstruction have a low accuracy. Another method for measuring volume of objects uses Monte Carlo method. Monte Carlo method performs volume measurements using random points. Monte Carlo method only requires information regarding whether random points fall inside or outside an object and does not require a 3D reconstruction. This paper proposes volume measurement using a computer vision system for irregularly shaped food products without 3D reconstruction based on Monte Carlo method with heuristic adjustment. Five images of food product were captured using five cameras and processed to produce binary images. Monte Carlo integration with heuristic adjustment was performed to measure the volume based on the information extracted from binary images. The experimental results show that the proposed method provided high accuracy and precision compared to the water displacement method. In addition, the proposed method is more accurate and faster than the space carving method

    Multi-Dimensional Resource Orchestration in Vehicular Edge Networks

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    In the era of autonomous vehicles, the advanced technologies of connected vehicle lead to the development of driving-related applications to meet the stringent safety requirements and the infotainment applications to improve passenger experience. Newly developed vehicular applications require high-volume data transmission, accurate sensing data collection, and reliable interaction, imposing substantial constrains on vehicular networks that solely rely on cellular networks to fetch data from the Internet and on-board processors to make driving decisions. To enhance multifarious vehicular applications, Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks (HVNets) have been proposed, in which edge nodes, including base stations and roadside units, can provide network connections, resulting in significantly reduced vehicular communication cost. In addition, caching servers are equipped at the edge nodes, to further alleviate the communication load for backhaul links and reduce data downloading delay. Hence, we aim to orchestrate the multi-dimensional resources, including communication, caching, and sensing resources, in the complex and dynamic vehicular environment to enhance vehicular edge network performance. The main technical issues are: 1) to accommodate the delivery services for both location-based and popular contents, the scheme of caching contents at edge servers should be devised, considering the cooperation of caching servers at different edge nodes, the mobility of vehicles, and the differential requirements of content downloading services; 2) to support the safety message exchange and collective perception services for vehicles, communication and sensing resources are jointly allocated, the decisions of which are coupled due to the resource sharing among different services and neighboring vehicles; and 3) for interaction-intensive service provisioning, e.g., trajectory design, the forwarding resources in core networks are allocated to achieve delay-sensitive packet transmissions between vehicles and management controllers, ensuring the high-quality interactivity. In this thesis, we design the multi-dimensional resource orchestration schemes in the edge assisted HVNets to address the three technical issues. Firstly, we design a cooperative edge caching scheme to support various vehicular content downloading services, which allows vehicles to fetch one content from multiple caching servers cooperatively. In particular, we consider two types of vehicular content requests, i.e., location-based and popular contents, with different delay requirements. Both types of contents are encoded according to fountain code and cooperatively cached at multiple servers. The proposed scheme can be optimized by finding an optimal cooperative content placement that determines the placing locations and proportions for all contents. To this end, we analyze the upper bound proportion of content caching at a single server and provide the respective theoretical analysis of transmission delay and service cost (including content caching and transmission cost) for both types of contents. We then formulate an optimization problem of cooperative content placement to minimize the overall transmission delay and service cost. As the problem is a multi-objective multi-dimensional multi-choice knapsack one, which is proved to be NP-hard, we devise an ant colony optimization-based scheme to solve the problem and achieve a near-optimal solution. Simulation results are provided to validate the performance of the proposed scheme, including its convergence and optimality of caching, while guaranteeing low transmission delay and service cost. Secondly, to support the vehicular safety message transmissions, we propose a two-level adaptive resource allocation (TARA) framework. In particular, three types of safety message are considered in urban vehicular networks, i.e., the event-triggered message for urgent condition warning, the periodic message for vehicular status notification, and the message for environmental perception. Roadside units are deployed for network management, and thus messages can be transmitted through either vehicle-to-infrastructure or vehicle-to-vehicle connections. To satisfy the requirements of different message transmissions, the proposed TARA framework consists of a group-level resource reservation module and a vehicle-level resource allocation module. Particularly, the resource reservation module is designed to allocate resources to support different types of message transmission for each vehicle group at the first level, and the group is formed by a set of neighboring vehicles. To learn the implicit relation between the resource demand and message transmission requests, a supervised learning model is devised in the resource reservation module, where to obtain the training data we further propose a sequential resource allocation (SRA) scheme. Based on historical network information, the SRA scheme offline optimizes the allocation of sensing resources (i.e., choosing vehicles to provide perception data) and communication resources. With the resource reservation result for each group, the vehicle-level resource allocation module is then devised to distribute specific resources for each vehicle to satisfy the differential requirements in real time. Extensive simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed TARA framework in terms of the high successful reception ratio and low latency for message transmissions, and the high quality of collective environmental perception. Thirdly, we investigate forwarding resource sharing scheme to support interaction intensive services in HVNets, especially for the delay-sensitive packet transmission between vehicles and management controllers. A learning-based proactive resource sharing scheme is proposed for core communication networks, where the available forwarding resources at a switch are proactively allocated to the traffic flows in order to maximize the efficiency of resource utilization with delay satisfaction. The resource sharing scheme consists of two joint modules: estimation of resource demands and allocation of available resources. For service provisioning, resource demand of each traffic flow is estimated based on the predicted packet arrival rate. Considering the distinct features of each traffic flow, a linear regression scheme is developed for resource demand estimation, utilizing the mapping relation between traffic flow status and required resources, upon which a network switch makes decision on allocating available resources for delay satisfaction and efficient resource utilization. To learn the implicit relation between the allocated resources and delay, a multi-armed bandit learning-based resource sharing scheme is proposed, which enables fast resource sharing adjustment to traffic arrival dynamics. The proposed scheme is proved to be asymptotically approaching the optimal strategy, with polynomial time complexity. Extensive simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed resource sharing scheme in terms of delay satisfaction, traffic adaptiveness, and resource sharing gain. In summary, we have investigated the cooperative caching placement for content downloading services, joint communication and sensing resource allocation for safety message transmissions, and forwarding resource sharing scheme in core networks for interaction intensive services. The schemes developed in the thesis should provide practical and efficient solutions to manage the multi-dimensional resources in vehicular networks

    Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructures 2nd Volume

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    The second volume of the book contains the manuscripts that were accepted for publication in the MDPI Special Topic "Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure" after a rigorous peer-review process. Authors from academia, government and industry contributed their innovative solutions, consistent with the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity. The book contains 16 articles, including an editorial that explains the current challenges, innovative solutions and real-world experiences that include critical infrastructure and 15 original papers that present state-of-the-art innovative solutions to attacks on critical systems

    Bioinspired metaheuristic algorithms for global optimization

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    This paper presents concise comparison study of newly developed bioinspired algorithms for global optimization problems. Three different metaheuristic techniques, namely Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO), Firefly Algorithm (FA), and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) are investigated and implemented in Matlab environment. These methods are compared on four unimodal and multimodal nonlinear functions in order to find global optimum values. Computational results indicate that GWO outperforms other intelligent techniques, and that all aforementioned algorithms can be successfully used for optimization of continuous functions

    Experimental Evaluation of Growing and Pruning Hyper Basis Function Neural Networks Trained with Extended Information Filter

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    In this paper we test Extended Information Filter (EIF) for sequential training of Hyper Basis Function Neural Networks with growing and pruning ability (HBF-GP). The HBF neuron allows different scaling of input dimensions to provide better generalization property when dealing with complex nonlinear problems in engineering practice. The main intuition behind HBF is in generalization of Gaussian type of neuron that applies Mahalanobis-like distance as a distance metrics between input training sample and prototype vector. We exploit concept of neuron’s significance and allow growing and pruning of HBF neurons during sequential learning process. From engineer’s perspective, EIF is attractive for training of neural networks because it allows a designer to have scarce initial knowledge of the system/problem. Extensive experimental study shows that HBF neural network trained with EIF achieves same prediction error and compactness of network topology when compared to EKF, but without the need to know initial state uncertainty, which is its main advantage over EKF