18 research outputs found

    Performance of CP-FREE ST-BC MIMO-OFDM System Under IQ-Imbalance in Multipath Channel

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    [[abstract]]The CP-free MIMO-OFDM system is considered to be an alternative to improve the spectral efficiency of the CP-MIMO-OFDM system. In this paper, we investigate the performance of the CP-free ST-BC MIMO-OFDM system under the effects of non-linear distortion due to HPA in the transmitter, and IQ-imbalance in the receiver. We first show that with the ST-BC encoder the constraint of the CP-free MIMO-OFDM system can be removed and back to the basic requirement of MIMO system. After compensation of the IQ-imbalance in the receiver, an equalizer under the framework of generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) is derived for interferences suppression, and the partially adaptive (PA) array scheme is applied for complexity reduction. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can perform very close to that with the idea CP-based ST-BC MIMO-OFDM system, and outperforms the one without compensation.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencelocation]]Chengdu, Chin


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    The demand for higher and higher capacity in wireless networks, such as cellular, mobile and local area network etc, is driving the development of new signaling techniques with improved spectral and power efficiencies. At all stages of a transceiver, from the bandwidth efficiency of the modulation schemes through highly nonlinear power amplifier of the transmitters to the channel sharing between different users, the problems relating to power usage and spectrum are aplenty. In the coming future, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technology promises to be a ready solution to achieving the high data capacity and better spectral efficiency in wireless communication systems by virtue of its well-known and desirable characteristics. Towards these ends, this dissertation investigates a novel OFDM system based on dual-tree complex wavelet transform (D

    OFDM con prefisso ciclico parziale

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    Nelle trasmissioni digitali multiportanti di tipo OFDM, al fine di limitare effetti di interferenza tra blocchi e tra diversi sottocanali, viene inserito un prefisso ciclico in ogni sottoblocco. Tale CP riduce però l'efficienza del sistema. Sono stati proposti alcuni algoritmi di equalizzazione per limitare l'inefficienza dovuta al C

    Physical-Layer Cooperation in Coded OFDM Relaying Systems

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    Mobile communication systems nowadays require ever-increasing data rate and coverage of wide areas. One promising approach to achieve this goal is the application of cooperative communications enabled by introducing intermediate nodes known as relays to support the transmission between terminals. By processing and forwarding the receive message at the relays, the path-loss effect between the source and the destination is mitigated. One major limit factor for relay assisted communications is that a relay cannot transmit and receive using the same physical resources. Therefore, a half-duplex constraint is commonly assumed resulting in halved spectral efficiency. To combat this drawback, two-way relaying is introduced, where two sources exchange information with each. On the other hand, due to the physical limitation of the relays, e.g., wireless sensor nodes, it's not possible to implement multiple antennas at one relay, which prohibits the application of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques. However, when treating multiple relays as a cluster, a virtual antenna array is formed to perform MIMO techniques in a distributed manner. %This thesis aims at designing efficient one-way and two-way relaying schemes. Specifically, existing schemes from the literature are improved and new schemes are developed with the emphasis on coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmissions. Of special interest is the application of physical-layer network coding (PLNC) for two-phase two-way relaying. In this case, a network coded message is estimated from the superimposed receive signal at the relay using PLNC schemes. The schemes are investigated based on a mutual information analysis and their performance are improved by a newly proposed phase control strategy. Furthermore, performance degradation due to system asynchrony is mitigated depending on different PLNC schemes. When multiple relays are available, novel cooperation schemes allowing information exchange within the relay cluster are proposed that facilitate distributed MIMO reception and transmission. Additionally, smart signaling approaches are presented to enable the cooperation at different levels with the cooperation overhead taken into account adequately in system performance evaluation

    Study and implementation of a low complexity receiver using TCH codes

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    The use of coding in telecommunications systems reveals to be a technique with an essential contribution to the improvement of the recovery of transmitted signals. Depending on the circumstances to which a signal is subjected at transmission, by recurring to coding, it is possible to attenuate the unfavorable effects that result from this process, obtaining a signal with superior quality in comparison with a scenario where the presence of coding is absent. This study aims to test the feasibility of a high-rate wireless communications system using TCH codes being applied to an OFDM signal, subjected to noise components introduced by a wireless AWGN channel, considering a free path propagation model. Due to their correlation properties, the use of TCH codes reveals to be adequate since they allow the same codewords to be used to realize both error correction and channel estimation, mitigating the channels effects, leading to the realization of a receiver with lower complexity. With the intent of performing a qualitative analysis to this system, a simple simulation is executed in MATLAB where an OFDM signal is generated, being therefore applied various TCH codes and, through channel estimation, obtain the BER for their respective code lengths and, consequently, coding gains. The results were obtained for the modulation indexes of 16, 64 and 256-QAM. These demonstrate that the implementation of TCH codes is a viable option to reduce the rate of recovered errors, enabling the reception of a signal with better reliability, especially for higher code lengths and modulation indexes.O uso de codificação em sistemas de telecomunicações revela-se uma técnica com um contributo essencial na melhoria da recuperação de sinais transmitidos. Dependendo das circunstâncias às quais um sinal é submetido aquando a sua transmissão, com recurso à codificação, é possível atenuar os efeitos adversos resultantes deste processo, obtendo uma qualidade no sinal recebido superior face a um cenário com ausência da mesma. Este estudo tem como objetivo testar a exequibilidade de um sistema de comunicações sem fios para alto débito usando códigos TCH e aplicando-os a um sinal OFDM, sujeito a componentes de ruído introduzidos por um canal sem fios AWGN, considerando um modelo de propagação em espaço livre. Devido às propriedades de correlação destes códigos, a sua utilização revela-se adequada pois permite que as mesmas palavras de código sejam utilizadas para efetuar correção de erros, minimizando os efeitos do canal, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de um recetor com menor complexidade. Visando efetuar uma análise qualitativa do sistema, é realizada uma simulação simples em MATLAB onde é gerado um sinal OFDM ao qual são aplicados diversos códigos TCH, realizando estimação de canal com a finalidade de obter o BER para os diferentes comprimentos dos códigos e, consequentemente, ganhos de codificação relativos aos mesmos. Os resultados obtidos foram realizados para os índices de modulação 16, 64 e 256-QAM. Estes demonstram que o uso destes códigos é uma opção viável para reduzir os erros detetados, permitindo recuperar o sinal com maior fiabilidade, especialmente para comprimentos de código e índices de modulação elevados

    Design and Analysis of OFDM System for Powerline Based Communication

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    Research on digital communication systems has been greatly developed in the past few years and offers a high quality of transmission in both wired and wireless communication environments. Coupled with advances in new modulation techniques, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a well-known digital multicarrier communication technique and one of the best methods of digital data transmission over a limited bandwidth. The main aim of this research is to design an OFDM modem for powerline-based communication in order to propose and examine a novel approach in comparing the different modulation order, different modulation type, application of Forward Error Correction (FEC) scheme and also application of different noise types and applying them to the two modelled channels, Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and Powerline modelled channel. This is an attempt to understand and recognise the most suitable technique for the transmission of message or image within a communication system. In doing so, MATLAB and embedded Digital Signal Processing (DSP) systems are used to simulate the operation of virtual transmitter and receiver. The simulation results presented in this project suggest that lower order modulation formats (Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) and 4-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)), are the most preferred modulation techniques (in both type and order) for their considerable performance. The results also indicated that, Convolutional Channel Encoding (CCE)-Soft and Block Channel Encoding (BCE)-Soft are by far the best encoding techniques (in FEC type) for their best performance in error detection and correction. Indeed, applying these techniques to the two modelled channels has proven very successful and will be accounted as a novel approach for the transmission of message or image within a powerline based communication system

    Channel and frequency offset estimation schemes for multicarrier systems

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaO presente trabalho aborda o problema da estimação de canal e da estimação de desvio de frequência em sistemas OFDM com múltiplas configurações de antenas no transmissor e no receptor. Nesta tese é apresentado o estudo teórico sobre o impacto da densidade de pilotos no desempenho da estimação de canal em sistemas OFDM e são propostos diversos algoritmos para estimação de canal e estimação de desvio de frequência em sistemas OFDM com antenas únicas no transmissor e receptor, com diversidade de transmissão e MIMO. O estudo teórico culmina com a formulação analítica do erro quadrático médio de um estimador de canal genérico num sistema OFDM que utilize pilotos dedicados, distribuidos no quadro transmitido em padrões bi-dimensionais. A formulação genérica é concretizada para o estimador bi-dimensional LS-DFT, permitindo aferir da exactidão da formulação analítica quando comparada com os valores obtidos por simulação do sistema abordado. Os algoritmos de estimação investigados tiram partido da presença de pilotos dedicados presentes nos quadros transmitidos para estimar com precisão os parâmetros pretendidos. Pela sua baixa complexidade, estes algoritmos revelam-se especialmente adequados para implementação em terminais móveis com capacidade computacional e consumo limitados. O desempenho dos algoritmos propostos foi avaliado por meio de simulação do sistema utilizado, recorrendo a modelos aceites de caracterização do canal móvel multipercurso. A comparação do seu desempenho com algoritmos de referência permitir aferir da sua validade. ABSTRACT: The present work focus on the problem of channel estimation and frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems, with different antenna configurations at both the transmitter and the receiver. This thesis presents the theoretical study of the impact of the pilot density in the performance of the channel estimation in OFDM systems and proposes several channel and frequency offset algorithms for OFDM systems with single antenna at both transmitter and receiver, with transmitter diversity and MIMO. The theoretical study results in the analytical formulation of the mean square error of a generic channel estimator for an OFDM system using dedicated pilots, distributed in the transmitted frame in two-dimensional patterns. The generic formulation is implemented for the two-dimensional LS-DFT estimator to verify the accuracy of the analytical formulation when compared with the values obtained by simulation of the discussed system. The investigated estimation algorithms take advantage of the presence of dedicated pilots present in the transmitted frames to accurately estimate the required parameters. Due to its low complexity, these algorithms are especially suited for implementation in mobile terminals with limited processing power and consumption. The performance of the proposed algorithms was evaluated by simulation of the used system, using accepted multipath mobile channel models. The comparison of its performance with the one of reference algorithms measures its validity

    Performance of LDPC decoder with accurate llr metric in LDPC-coded pilot-assisted OFDM system

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    Integrated Filters and Couplers for Next Generation Wireless Tranceivers

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    The main focus of this thesis is to investigate the critical nonlinear distortion issues affecting RF/Microwave components such as power amplifiers (PA) and develop new and improved solutions that will improve efficiency and linearity of next generation RF/Microwave mobile wireless communication systems. This research involves evaluating the nonlinear distortions in PA for different analog and digital signals which have been a major concern. The second harmonic injection technique is explored and used to effectively suppress nonlinear distortions. This method consists of simultaneously feeding back the second harmonics at the output of the power amplifier (PA) into the input of the PA. Simulated and measured results show improved linearity results. However, for increasing frequency bandwidth, the suppression abilities reduced which is a limitation for 4G LTE and 5G networks that require larger bandwidth (above 5 MHz). This thesis explores creative ways to deal with this major drawback. The injection technique was modified with the aid of a well-designed band-stop filter. The compact narrowband notch filter designed was able to suppress nonlinear distortions very effectively when used before the PA. The notch filter is also integrated in the injection technique for LTE carrier aggregation (CA) with multiple carriers and significant improvement in nonlinear distortion performance was observed. This thesis also considers maximizing efficiency alongside with improved linearity performance. To improve on the efficiency performance of the PA, the balanced PA configuration was investigated. However, another major challenge was that the couplers used in this configuration are very large in size at the desired operating frequency. In this thesis, this problem was solved by designing a compact branch line coupler. The novel coupler was simulated, fabricated and measured with performance comparable to its conventional equivalent and the coupler achieved substantial size reduction over others. The coupler is implemented in the balanced PA configuration giving improved input and output matching abilities. The proposed balanced PA is also implemented in 4G LTE and 5G wireless transmitters. This thesis provides simulation and measured results for all balanced PA cases with substantial efficiency and linearity improvements observed even for higher bandwidths (above 5 MHz). Additionally, the coupler is successfully integrated with rectifiers for improved energy harvesting performance and gave improved RF-dc conversion efficienc