1,035 research outputs found

    ROBUSfT: Robust Real-Time Shape-from-Template, a C++ Library

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    Tracking the 3D shape of a deforming object using only monocular 2D vision is a challenging problem. This is because one should (i) infer the 3D shape from a 2D image, which is a severely underconstrained problem, and (ii) implement the whole solution pipeline in real-time. The pipeline typically requires feature detection and matching, mismatch filtering, 3D shape inference and feature tracking algorithms. We propose ROBUSfT, a conventional pipeline based on a template containing the object's rest shape, texturemap and deformation law. ROBUSfT is ready-to-use, wide-baseline, capable of handling large deformations, fast up to 30 fps, free of training, and robust against partial occlusions and discontinuity in video frames. It outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in challenging datasets. ROBUSfT is implemented as a publicly available C++ library and we provide a tutorial on how to use it in https://github.com/mrshetab/ROBUSfTComment: This is the arXiv version of an article published in Image and Vision Computing. Please cite the accepted version: M. Shetab-Bushehri, M. Aranda, E. Ozgur, Y. Mezouar and Adrien Bartoli "ROBUSfT: Robust Real-Time Shape-from-Template, a C++ Library," in Image and Vision Computing, doi: 10.1016/j.imavis.2023.10486

    Derivation of Mean Value Coordinates Using Interior Distance and Their Application on Mesh Deformation

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    The deformation methods based on cage controls became a subject of considerable interest due its simplicity and intuitive results. In this technique, the model is enclosed within a simpler mesh (the cage) and its points are expressed as function of the cage elements. Then, by manipulating the cage, the respective deformation is obtained on the model in its interior.In this direction, in the last years, extensions of barycentric coordinates, such as Mean Value coordinates, Positive Mean Value Coordinates, Harmonic coordinates and Green's coordinates, have been proposed to write the points of the model as a function of the cage elements.The Mean Value coordinates, proposed by Floater in two dimensions and extended later to three dimensions by Ju et al. and also by Floater, stands out from the other coordinates because of their simple derivation. However the existence of negative coordinates in regions bounded by non-convex cage control results in a unexpected behavior of the deformation in some regions of the model.In this work, we propose a modification in the derivation of Mean Value Coordinates proposed by Floater. Our derivation maintains the simplicity of the construction of the coordinates and eliminates the undesired behavior in the deformation by diminishing the negative influence of a control vertex on regions ofthe model not related to it. We also compare the deformation generated with our coordinates and the deformations obtained with the original Mean Value coordinates and Harmonic coordinates

    Planning for steerable needles in neurosurgery

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    The increasing adoption of robotic-assisted surgery has opened up the possibility to control innovative dexterous tools to improve patient outcomes in a minimally invasive way. Steerable needles belong to this category, and their potential has been recognised in various surgical fields, including neurosurgery. However, planning for steerable catheters' insertions might appear counterintuitive even for expert clinicians. Strategies and tools to aid the surgeon in selecting a feasible trajectory to follow and methods to assist them intra-operatively during the insertion process are currently of great interest as they could accelerate steerable needles' translation from research to practical use. However, existing computer-assisted planning (CAP) algorithms are often limited in their ability to meet both operational and kinematic constraints in the context of precise neurosurgery, due to its demanding surgical conditions and highly complex environment. The research contributions in this thesis relate to understanding the existing gap in planning curved insertions for steerable needles and implementing intelligent CAP techniques to use in the context of neurosurgery. Among this thesis contributions showcase (i) the development of a pre-operative CAP for precise neurosurgery applications able to generate optimised paths at a safe distance from brain sensitive structures while meeting steerable needles kinematic constraints; (ii) the development of an intra-operative CAP able to adjust the current insertion path with high stability while compensating for online tissue deformation; (iii) the integration of both methods into a commercial user front-end interface (NeuroInspire, Renishaw plc.) tested during a series of user-controlled needle steering animal trials, demonstrating successful targeting performances. (iv) investigating the use of steerable needles in the context of laser interstitial thermal therapy (LiTT) for maesial temporal lobe epilepsy patients and proposing the first LiTT CAP for steerable needles within this context. The thesis concludes with a discussion of these contributions and suggestions for future work.Open Acces

    Regularized Surface and Point Landmarks Based Efficient Non-Rigid Medical Image Registration

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    Medical image registration is one of the fundamental tasks in medical image processing. It has various applications in field of image guided surgery (IGS) and computer assisted diagnosis (CAD). A set of non-linear methods have been already developed for inter-subject and intra-subject 3D medical image registration. However, efficient registration in terms of accuracy and speed is one of the most demanded of today surgical navigation (SN) systems. This paper is a result of a series of experiments which utilizes Fast Radial Basis Function (RBF) technique to register one or more medical images non-rigidly. Initially, a set of curves are extracted using a combined watershed and active contours algorithm and then tiled and converted to a regular surface using a global parameterization algorithm. It is shown that the registration accuracy improves when higher number of salient features (i.e. anatomical point landmarks and surfaces) are used and it also has no impact on the speed of the algorithm. The results show that the target registration error is less than 2 mm and has sub-second performance on intra-subject registration of MR image real datasets. It is observed that the Fast RBF algorithm is relatively insensitive to the increasing number of point landmarks used as compared with the competing feature based algorithms

    Patient-specific simulation environment for surgical planning and preoperative rehearsal

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    Surgical simulation is common practice in the fields of surgical education and training. Numerous surgical simulators are available from commercial and academic organisations for the generic modelling of surgical tasks. However, a simulation platform is still yet to be found that fulfils the key requirements expected for patient-specific surgical simulation of soft tissue, with an effective translation into clinical practice. Patient-specific modelling is possible, but to date has been time-consuming, and consequently costly, because data preparation can be technically demanding. This motivated the research developed herein, which addresses the main challenges of biomechanical modelling for patient-specific surgical simulation. A novel implementation of soft tissue deformation and estimation of the patient-specific intraoperative environment is achieved using a position-based dynamics approach. This modelling approach overcomes the limitations derived from traditional physically-based approaches, by providing a simulation for patient-specific models with visual and physical accuracy, stability and real-time interaction. As a geometrically- based method, a calibration of the simulation parameters is performed and the simulation framework is successfully validated through experimental studies. The capabilities of the simulation platform are demonstrated by the integration of different surgical planning applications that are found relevant in the context of kidney cancer surgery. The simulation of pneumoperitoneum facilitates trocar placement planning and intraoperative surgical navigation. The implementation of deformable ultrasound simulation can assist surgeons in improving their scanning technique and definition of an optimal procedural strategy. Furthermore, the simulation framework has the potential to support the development and assessment of hypotheses that cannot be tested in vivo. Specifically, the evaluation of feedback modalities, as a response to user-model interaction, demonstrates improved performance and justifies the need to integrate a feedback framework in the robot-assisted surgical setting.Open Acces

    A Revisit of Shape Editing Techniques: from the Geometric to the Neural Viewpoint

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    3D shape editing is widely used in a range of applications such as movie production, computer games and computer aided design. It is also a popular research topic in computer graphics and computer vision. In past decades, researchers have developed a series of editing methods to make the editing process faster, more robust, and more reliable. Traditionally, the deformed shape is determined by the optimal transformation and weights for an energy term. With increasing availability of 3D shapes on the Internet, data-driven methods were proposed to improve the editing results. More recently as the deep neural networks became popular, many deep learning based editing methods have been developed in this field, which is naturally data-driven. We mainly survey recent research works from the geometric viewpoint to those emerging neural deformation techniques and categorize them into organic shape editing methods and man-made model editing methods. Both traditional methods and recent neural network based methods are reviewed

    Real-time measurement corrected prediction of soft tissue response for medical simulations

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    Medical simulators, such as in palpation and disease diagnosis, require an efficient model of the biological soft tissue deformation. Hence, a computationally fast and accurate algorithm is required to support and enhance user interactions in near real-time simulations. The visual accuracy of such simulators is dependent on the user¿s reaction time. Static visual images that update at a rate of 25 Hz are perceived as real-time moving images. Hence, visualizing software requires fast algorithms to compute the deformation of soft tissue to facilitate a meaningful simulation. Furthermore, soft tissue behaviour should be modelled accurately while compatible with real-time computation. This work proposes a fast solver for the linearized finite element method (FEM) and validates the proposed algorithm with experimental results. The novelty of the method lies in the utilization of real-time force/displacement measurements that are embedded in the solution via the Kalman filter. A novel computational algorithm that utilizes the strength of the FEM in terms of accuracy and employs direct measurements from the manipulated tissue to overcome the slow computational process of the FEM is proposed in the first part of the thesis. As the behaviour of the mechanically loaded tissue can be regarded as linearly responding at each time step, a constant acceleration temporal discretization method, i.e., the Newmark-ß is employed. In real-time applications, the accuracy of the target variable highly depends on the accuracy of the inputs while differentiating noise from the signal is hardly ever possible. To address this problem, a Kalman filter-based method is developed. The proposed algorithm not only filters the noise from the measurements but also adapts the filter gain to the estimates of the target variable, i.e., the resulting tissue deformation. For a simulated tension test of a cubic model, the proposed algorithm achieves the update frequency of 63.3 Hz. This rate is a significant improvement in computational speed compared to the 5.8 Hz update rate by the classic FEM. Besides, this novel combination of the KF and the FEM makes it possible to expand the displacement estimates in the spatial domain when the measurements are only partially available at certain points. The performance of the above method is validated experimentally through a comparison with indentation tests on artificial human tissue-like material and with the FEM result under identical simulation conditions. The test is repeated on several samples, and the displacement variation from the FEM outcome is considered as the model error. Simulation results show that the proposed method achieves the deformation update frequency of 145.7 Hz compared to the 2.7 Hz from the reference FEM. The proposed method shows the same predictive ability, only 0.47% difference from FEM on average. Experimental validation of the proposed KF-FEM confirms that by consideration of both the measurement noise and the model error, the proposed method is capable of achieving high-frequency response without sacrificing the accuracy. Further to this, the experiments confirmed the linearized model response is reliable within the applied displacement range and therefore proving that KF can be employed. The developed KF-FEM was modified in the next study to address the problem resulting from inaccurate external loads measurements by the force sensors. In the modified version, both the external force, i.e., driving variable, and the displacement, i.e., driven variable, are taken as system states. It is considered that the uncertainty of the model input influences the accuracy of the system estimates. The modified model is calibrated to differentiate the system noise from the input noise. Numerical simulations were conducted on a liver shape geometrical model, and the simulation results demonstrate that more than 90% of the measurement noise is removed. The computational speed is also increased, delivering up to 89 Hz update rate. While the uncertainty of the external load is replicated in the displacements in an FEM solution, the developed algorithm can differentiate the measurement noise, including the displacement and external forces, from the system error, i.e., the FE model error. In the last study, the proposed model was developed to reflect the nonlinear behaviour of the manipulated tissue. The Central Difference time discretization method was used to model large deformations. A novel feature is that the Equation of motion is formulated within the element level rather than in the global spatial domain. This approach helped to improve the computational speed. Indentation with strains of slightly over 10% was simulated to assess the performance of the proposed model. The developed algorithm achieved the 33.85 Hz update frequency on a standard-issue PC and confirmed its suitability for real-time applications. Also, the proposed model achieved estimates with a maximum 5.75% mean absolute error (MAE) concerning the measurements while the classic FEM showed 6.20% MAE under identical simulation condition. Results confirm that deformation estimates for noisy boundary loads of the FEM can be improved with the help of direct measurements and yet be realistic in terms of real-time visual update. This study proposed a novel computational algorithm that achieved update frequencies of higher than 25 Hz to be perceived as real-time in human eyes. The developed KF-FEM model has also shown the potential of improving the FEM accuracy with the help of direct measurements. The proposed algorithm used partially available measurements and expanded its estimates in the spatial domain. The method was experimentally validated, and the model input uncertainty, as well as the nonlinear behaviour of the soft tissue, were assessed and verified

    Scan4Façade: Automated As-Is Façade Modeling of Historic High-Rise Buildings Using Drones and AI

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    This paper presents an automated as-is façade modeling method for existing and historic high-rise buildings, named Scan4Façade. To begin with, a camera drone with a spiral path is employed to capture building exterior images, and photogrammetry is used to conduct three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and create mesh models for the scanned building façades. High-resolution façade orthoimages are then generated from mesh models and pixelwise segmented by an artificial intelligence (AI) model named U-net. A combined data augmentation strategy, including random flipping, rotation, resizing, perspective transformation, and color adjustment, is proposed for model training with a limited number of labels. As a result, the U-net achieves an average pixel accuracy of 0.9696 and a mean intersection over union of 0.9063 in testing. Then, the developed twoStagesClustering algorithm, with a two-round shape clustering and a two-round coordinates clustering, is used to precisely extract façade elements’ dimensions and coordinates from façade orthoimages and pixelwise label. In testing with the Michigan Central Station (office tower), a historic high-rise building, the developed algorithm achieves an accuracy of 99.77% in window extraction. In addition, the extracted façade geometric information and element types are transformed into AutoCAD command and script files to create CAD drawings without manual interaction. Experimental results also show that the proposed Scan4Façade method can provide clear and accurate information to assist BIM feature creation in Revit. Future research recommendations are also stated in this paper