569 research outputs found


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    Rigid body simulation is an integral part of Virtual Environments (VE) for autonomous planning, training, and design tasks. The underlying physics-based simulation of VE must be accurate and computationally fast enough for the intended application, which unfortunately are conflicting requirements. Two ways to perform fast and high fidelity physics-based simulation are: (1) model simplification, and (2) parallel computation. Model simplification can be used to allow simulation at an interactive rate while introducing an acceptable level of error. Currently, manual model simplification is the most common way of performing simulation speedup but it is time consuming. Hence, in order to reduce the development time of VEs, automated model simplification is needed. The dissertation presents an automated model simplification approach based on geometric reasoning, spatial decomposition, and temporal coherence. Geometric reasoning is used to develop an accessibility based algorithm for removing portions of geometric models that do not play any role in rigid body to rigid body interaction simulation. Removing such inaccessible portions of the interacting rigid body models has no influence on the simulation accuracy but reduces computation time significantly. Spatial decomposition is used to develop a clustering algorithm that reduces the number of fluid pressure computations resulting in significant speedup of rigid body and fluid interaction simulation. Temporal coherence algorithm reuses the computed force values from rigid body to fluid interaction based on the coherence of fluid surrounding the rigid body. The simulations are further sped up by performing computing on graphics processing unit (GPU). The dissertation also presents the issues pertaining to the development of parallel algorithms for rigid body simulations both on multi-core processors and GPU. The developed algorithms have enabled real-time, high fidelity, six degrees of freedom, and time domain simulation of unmanned sea surface vehicles (USSV) and can be used for autonomous motion planning, tele-operation, and learning from demonstration applications

    Feature Papers of Drones - Volume I

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    [EN] The present book is divided into two volumes (Volume I: articles 1–23, and Volume II: articles 24–54) which compile the articles and communications submitted to the Topical Collection ”Feature Papers of Drones” during the years 2020 to 2022 describing novel or new cutting-edge designs, developments, and/or applications of unmanned vehicles (drones). Articles 1–8 are devoted to the developments of drone design, where new concepts and modeling strategies as well as effective designs that improve drone stability and autonomy are introduced. Articles 9–16 focus on the communication aspects of drones as effective strategies for smooth deployment and efficient functioning are required. Therefore, several developments that aim to optimize performance and security are presented. In this regard, one of the most directly related topics is drone swarms, not only in terms of communication but also human-swarm interaction and their applications for science missions, surveillance, and disaster rescue operations. To conclude with the volume I related to drone improvements, articles 17–23 discusses the advancements associated with autonomous navigation, obstacle avoidance, and enhanced flight plannin

    Model-predictive target defense by team of unmanned surface vehicles operating in uncertain environments

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    Trajectory planning for unmanned surface vehicles operating under wave-induced motion uncertainty in dynamic environments:

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    We present a deliberative trajectory planning method to avoid collisions with traffic vessels. It also plans traversal across wavefields generated by these vessels and minimizes the risk of failure. Our method searches over a state-space consisting of pose and time. And, it produces collision-free and minimum-risk trajectory. It uses a lookup table to account for motion uncertainty and failure risk. We also present speed-up techniques to increase performance. Our wave-aware planner produces plans that (1) have shorter execution times and safer when compared to previously developed reactive planning schemes and (2) comply with user-defined wave-traversal constraints and Collision Regulations (COLREGs

    A Locking Sweeping Method Based Path Planning for Unmanned Surface Vehicles in Dynamic Maritime Environments

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    Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) are new marine intelligent platforms that can autonomously operate in various ocean environments with intelligent decision-making capability. As one of key technologies enabling such a capability, path planning algorithms underpin the navigation and motion control of USVs by providing optimized navigational trajectories. To accommodate complex maritime environments that include various static/moving obstacles, it is important to develop a computational efficient path planning algorithm for USVs so that real-time operation can be effectively carried out. This paper therefore proposes a new algorithm based on the fast sweeping method, named the locking sweeping method (LSM). Compared with other conventional path planning algorithms, the proposed LSM has an improved computational efficiency and can be well applied in dynamic environments that have multiple moving obstacles. When generating an optimal collision-free path, moving obstacles are modelled with ship domains that are calculated based upon ships’ velocities. To evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithm, particularly the capacity in dealing with practical environments, three different sets of simulations were undertaken in environments built using electronic nautical charts (ENCs). Results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively cope with complex maritime traffic scenarios by generating smooth and safe trajectories

    Motion Planning in Artificial and Natural Vector Fields

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    This dissertation advances the field of autonomous vehicle motion planning in various challenging environments, ranging from flows and planetary atmospheres to cluttered real-world scenarios. By addressing the challenge of navigating environmental flows, this work introduces the Flow-Aware Fast Marching Tree algorithm (FlowFMT*). This algorithm optimizes motion planning for unmanned vehicles, such as UAVs and AUVs, navigating in tridimensional static flows. By considering reachability constraints caused by vehicle and flow dynamics, flow-aware neighborhood sets are found and used to reduce the number of calls to the cost function. The method computes feasible and optimal trajectories from start to goal in challenging environments that may contain obstacles or prohibited regions (e.g., no-fly zones). The method is extended to generate a vector field-based policy that optimally guides the vehicle to a given goal. Numerical comparisons with state-of-the-art control solvers demonstrate the method\u27s simplicity and accuracy. In this dissertation, the proposed sampling-based approach is used to compute trajectories for an autonomous semi-buoyant solar-powered airship in the challenging Venusian atmosphere, which is characterized by super-rotation winds. A cost function that incorporates the energetic balance of the airship is proposed to find energy-efficient trajectories. This cost function combines the main forces acting on the vehicle: weight, buoyancy, aerodynamic lift and drag, and thrust. The FlowFMT* method is also extended to consider the possibility of battery depletion due to thrust or battery charging due to solar energy and tested in this Venus atmosphere scenario. Simulations showcase how the airship selects high-altitude paths to minimize energy consumption and maximize battery recharge. They also show the airship sinking down and drifting with the wind at the altitudes where it is fully buoyant. For terrestrial applications, this dissertation finally introduces the Sensor-Space Lattice (SSLAT) motion planner, a real-time obstacle avoidance algorithm for autonomous vehicles and mobile robots equipped with planar range finders. This planner uses a lattice to tessellate the area covered by the sensor and to rapidly compute collision-free paths in the robot surroundings by optimizing a cost function. The cost function guides the vehicle to follow an artificial vector field that encodes the desired vehicle path. This planner is evaluated in challenging, cluttered static environments, such as warehouses and forests, and in the presence of moving obstacles, both in simulations and real experiments. Our results show that our algorithm performs collision checking and path planning faster than baseline methods. Since the method can have sequential or parallel implementations, we also compare the two versions of SSLAT and show that the run-time for its parallel implementation, which is independent of the number and shape of the obstacles found in the environment, provides a significant speedup due to the independent collision checks

    2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy

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    This document is an update (new photos used) of the PDF version of the 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy that will be available to download on the OCT Public Website. The updated 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy, or "technology dictionary", uses a technology discipline based approach that realigns like-technologies independent of their application within the NASA mission portfolio. This tool is meant to serve as a common technology discipline-based communication tool across the agency and with its partners in other government agencies, academia, industry, and across the world

    Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning in Robotics

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorNowadays, machine learning is widely used in robotics for a variety of tasks such as perception, control, planning, and decision making. Machine learning involves learning, reasoning, and acting based on the data. This is achieved by constructing computer programs that process the data, extract useful information or features, make predictions to infer unknown properties, and suggest actions to take or decisions to make. This computer program corresponds to a mathematical model of the data that describes the relationship between the variables that represent the observed data and properties of interest. The aforementioned model is learned based on the available training data, which is accomplished using a learning algorithm capable of automatically adjusting the parameters of the model to agree with the data. Therefore, the architecture of the model needs to be selected accordingly, which is not a trivial task and usually depends on the machine-learning engineer’s insights and past experience. The number of parameters to be tuned varies significantly with the selected machine learning model, ranging from two or three parameters for Gaussian processes (GP) to hundreds of thousands for artificial neural networks. However, as more complex and novel robotic applications emerge, data complexity increases and prior experience may be insufficient to define adequate mathematical models. In addition, traditional machine learning methods are prone to problems such as overfitting, which can lead to inaccurate predictions and catastrophic failures in critical applications. These methods provide probabilistic distributions as model outputs, allowing for estimating the uncertainty associated with predictions and making more informed decisions. That is, they provide a mean and variance for the model responses. This thesis focuses on the application of machine learning solutions based on Gaussian processes to various problems in robotics, with the aim of improving current methods and providing a new perspective. Key areas such as trajectory planning for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), motion planning for robotic manipulators and model identification of nonlinear systems are addressed. In the field of path planning for UAVs, algorithms based on Gaussian processes that allow for more efficient planning and energy savings in exploration missions have been developed. These algorithms are compared with traditional analytical approaches, demonstrating their superiority in terms of efficiency when using machine learning. Area coverage and linear coverage algorithms with UAV formations are presented, as well as a sea surface search algorithm. Finally, these algorithms are compared with a new method that uses Gaussian processes to perform probabilistic predictions and optimise trajectory planning, resulting in improved performance and reduced energy consumption. Regarding motion planning for robotic manipulators, an approach based on Gaussian process models that provides a significant reduction in computational times is proposed. A Gaussian process model is used to approximate the configuration space of a robot, which provides valuable information to avoid collisions and improve safety in dynamic environments. This approach is compared to conventional collision checking methods and its effectiveness in terms of computational time and accuracy is demonstrated. In this application, the variance provides information about dangerous zones for the manipulator. In terms of creating models of non-linear systems, Gaussian processes also offer significant advantages. This approach is applied to a soft robotic arm system and UAV energy consumption models, where experimental data is used to train Gaussian process models that capture the relationships between system inputs and outputs. The results show accurate identification of system parameters and the ability to make reliable future predictions. In summary, this thesis presents a variety of applications of Gaussian processes in robotics, from trajectory and motion planning to model identification. These machine learning-based solutions provide probabilistic predictions and improve the ability of robots to perform tasks safely and efficiently. Gaussian processes are positioned as a powerful tool to address current challenges in robotics and open up new possibilities in the field.El aprendizaje automático ha revolucionado el campo de la robótica al ofrecer una amplia gama de aplicaciones en áreas como la percepción, el control, la planificación y la toma de decisiones. Este enfoque implica desarrollar programas informáticos que pueden procesar datos, extraer información valiosa, realizar predicciones y ofrecer recomendaciones o sugerencias de acciones. Estos programas se basan en modelos matemáticos que capturan las relaciones entre las variables que representan los datos observados y las propiedades que se desean analizar. Los modelos se entrenan utilizando algoritmos de optimización que ajustan automáticamente los parámetros para lograr un rendimiento óptimo. Sin embargo, a medida que surgen aplicaciones robóticas más complejas y novedosas, la complejidad de los datos aumenta y la experiencia previa puede resultar insuficiente para definir modelos matemáticos adecuados. Además, los métodos de aprendizaje automático tradicionales son propensos a problemas como el sobreajuste, lo que puede llevar a predicciones inexactas y fallos catastróficos en aplicaciones críticas. Para superar estos desafíos, los métodos probabilísticos de aprendizaje automático, como los procesos gaussianos, han ganado popularidad. Estos métodos ofrecen distribuciones probabilísticas como salidas del modelo, lo que permite estimar la incertidumbre asociada a las predicciones y tomar decisiones más informadas. Esto es, proporcionan una media y una varianza para las respuestas del modelo. Esta tesis se centra en la aplicación de soluciones de aprendizaje automático basadas en procesos gaussianos a diversos problemas en robótica, con el objetivo de mejorar los métodos actuales y proporcionar una nueva perspectiva. Se abordan áreas clave como la planificación de trayectorias para vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs), la planificación de movimientos para manipuladores robóticos y la identificación de modelos de sistemas no lineales. En el campo de la planificación de trayectorias para UAVs, se han desarrollado algoritmos basados en procesos gaussianos que permiten una planificación más eficiente y un ahorro de energía en misiones de exploración. Estos algoritmos se comparan con los enfoques analíticos tradicionales, demostrando su superioridad en términos de eficiencia al utilizar el aprendizaje automático. Se presentan algoritmos de recubrimiento de áreas y recubrimiento lineal con formaciones de UAVs, así como un algoritmo de búsqueda en superficies marinas. Finalmente, estos algoritmos se comparan con un nuevo método que utiliza procesos gaussianos para realizar predicciones probabilísticas y optimizar la planificación de trayectorias, lo que resulta en un rendimiento mejorado y una reducción del consumo de energía. En cuanto a la planificación de movimientos para manipuladores robóticos, se propone un enfoque basado en modelos gaussianos que permite una reducción significativa en los tiempos de cálculo. Se utiliza un modelo de procesos gaussianos para aproximar el espacio de configuraciones de un robot, lo que proporciona información valiosa para evitar colisiones y mejorar la seguridad en entornos dinámicos. Este enfoque se compara con los métodos convencionales de planificación de movimientos y se demuestra su eficacia en términos de tiempo de cálculo y precisión de los movimientos. En esta aplicación, la varianza proporciona información sobre zonas peligrosas para el manipulador. En cuanto a la identificación de modelos de sistemas no lineales, los procesos gaussianos también ofrecen ventajas significativas. Este enfoque se aplica a un sistema de brazo robótico blando y a modelos de consumo energético de UAVs, donde se utilizan datos experimentales para entrenar un modelo de proceso gaussiano que captura las relaciones entre las entradas y las salidas del sistema. Los resultados muestran una identificación precisa de los parámetros del sistema y la capacidad de realizar predicciones futuras confiables. En resumen, esta tesis presenta una variedad de aplicaciones de procesos gaussianos en robótica, desde la planificación de trayectorias y movimientos hasta la identificación de modelos. Estas soluciones basadas en aprendizaje automático ofrecen predicciones probabilísticas y mejoran la capacidad de los robots para realizar tareas de manera segura y eficiente. Los procesos gaussianos se posicionan como una herramienta poderosa para abordar los desafíos actuales en robótica y abrir nuevas posibilidades en el campo.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Juan Jesús Romero Cardalda.- Secretaria: María Dolores Blanco Rojas.- Vocal: Giuseppe Carbon