65 research outputs found

    An Assessment of Land Use/Cover Suitable for Peri-urban Green Space Development: an Example of an Integration of GIS with the Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) Approach

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    Land allocation priorities to urban green cover are usually neglected particularly in the countries of developing economies such as Turkey. Lack of urban green space can cause many social and physical problems among the residents. Therefore, urban planning and policy should incorporate suitable green land in the urban planning of cities to optimise the benefits obtained from urban green spaces. Land suitability analysis is a commonly used methodology which provides a framework for developing strategies in the planning of green land development. Two different approaches will be utilised for the assessment of suitability of land uses for urban agriculture, forest and natural vegetation in the Pendik district of Istanbul. Standardisation of values in criteria maps was done using the deterministic approach in the first case whereas fuzzy membership was utilised as an alternative in the second case. Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) was used for the weighting of sub-criteria and map layers were overlaid using the weighted linear combination using the GIS software. Geophysical factors, transport and services accessibility, land cover/use, blue and green amenities, soil properties, geology and erosion susceptibility are the main criteria selected for the assessment of urban green land suitability. The provision of suitable land for urban agriculture, forest and natural vegetation uses will provide a framework to the land use planning and decision support aimed at contributing to urban sustainable development


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    Significant work is being done to protect the world and ecosystem. Innovative approaches are being explored to reduce the harm of the methods used to sustain life. Mobility is an essential issue that affects people and society in today's life. Automobiles are the most commonly used vehicle for mobility in private life and public service activities such as transportation. One of the important subjects that should be applied to environmentally sensitive methods is transportation. One of the major problems encountered today is the harmful effects of internal combustion motor vehicles. Electric vehicles are preferred because they work efficiently and with the least damaging effect on the environment. The location of electric vehicles is a complicated problem because it depends on many different factors. In this study, fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (Fuzzy AHP) as multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods and geographic information systems (GIS) to manage data which can be used for the location selection of electric vehicles charging stations are researched. The study area was determined by three neighboring districts boundaries city of Istanbul in Turkey

    Sustainability of wheat production in Southwest Iran : A fuzzy-GIS based evaluation by ANFIS

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    Funding Information: The financial support provided by Jahrom University, Iran, is gratefully acknowledged. Acknowledgements Publisher Copyright: © 2017 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.Peer reviewedPublisher PD


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    Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah harus memiliki kualifikasi yang baik secara administrasi maupun kemampuan. Pemerintah menetapkan kriteria berdasarkan minat, bakat, dan kemampuan untuk bekerja pada negara tujuan. Proses seleksi di BP3TKI adalah dengan melengkapi kelengkapan dokumen dan lulus uji kompetensi sehingga pada proses tersebut belum dapat memperoleh TKI yang paling berpotensi dikarenakan ada beberapa kriteria yang belum dipertimbangkan. Penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan Sistem yang mampu mengurutkan peringkat terbaik sehingga dapat direkomendasikan pihak pengambil keputsan untuk membantu menentukan TKI yang layak ke negara tujuan. Peneliti menggunakan metode AHP dan Fuzzy TOPSIS untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan seleksi TKI, dari kedua metode tersebut memiliki bagian penyelesaian yang berbeda, metode AHP digunakan untuk menentukan bobot dan Fuzzy TOPSIS digunakan untuk menentukan peringkat terbaik, tool yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan sistem pendukung keputusan adalah PHP dan MySQL. AHP memerlukan nilai inputan berupa perbandingan tingkat kepentingan antar kriteria dari assesor, output dari AHP adalah bobot kriteria. Hasil uji konsistensi assesor menunjukkan bahwa tingkat inkosistensi assesor adalah 0,8 kurang dari atau sama dengan 0,10, artinya dapat diterima dan melanjutkan ke metode Fuzzy TOPSIS. Hasil output bobot AHP adalah C3>C4>C6>C2>C1>C5, peringkat alternatif yang terbaik adalah Alternatif 22 sedangkan yang terendah adalah Alternatif 28, hasil kesesuaian sistem yang dikembangkan dengan data asli adalah 96%. Kata Kunci : TKI, BP3TKI, AHP, dan Fuzzy TOPSIS Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) in accordance with government regulations must have good qualifications in administration and abilities. The Government set criteria based on their interests, talents, and ability to work in destination country. Selection process in BP3TKI is to complete the required documents, and pass the competency test so that the process are not able to obtain the most potential migrant workers because there are some criteria that have not been considered. Research conducted generating system is able to rank the best that can be recommended by decision maker to help determine proper labor migrants into the destination country. Researcher using AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS to resolve the problems of selection migrant workers, both methods have a section is a different solution, the AHP method is used to determine the weight and Fuzzy TOPSIS is used to rank the best, the tools used to develop a decision support system is PHP and MySQL, AHP requires input value in the form of a comparison between the interest rate criterion of assessors, the output of the AHP is the weight criteria. assesor consistency test showed that the level of inconsistencies assesor is 0.8 less than or equal to 0.10, meaning that it can be accepted and continue to Fuzzy TOPSIS. The results showed output weighting criteria AHP was C3> C4> C6> C2> C1> C5, ranking the best alternative is Alternative 22 and the lowest is Alternative 28. The results of the suitability of a system developed by the original data is 96%. Keyword : TKI, BP3TKI, AHP, and FUZZY TOPSI

    Land suitability assessment for wheat production using analytical hierarchy process in a semi-arid region of Central Anatolia

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    Rational planning of soil resources based on their capabilities are needed for the sustainable use of agricultural lands. Land suitability classification is an important evaluation tool for the management of soil resources. This study aimed to evaluate the land suitability for wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivation using an approach that integrates multi-criteria decision making (MCDA) analysis and geographic information systems (GIS). The study area cover 21146 ha land and is located within the land consolidation area in the Çumra Plain, located in Central Anatolia of Turkey, The physical, chemical and fertility properties of the soil samples collected from 342 points in the study area were used as parameters in the wheat suitability assessment. The relative weight values of the soil parameters were determined by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Literature and expert opinion were used in the creation of the AHP matrices and the determination of the sub-criteria. The criteria with the highest weight values or which have the highest impact on wheat growth were soil texture (0.30) and pH (0.16), while the lowest weight values were given for micro elements (0.02). Land Suitability Assessment was applied to the maps of soil variables using weighted overlay analysis in the GIS environment by using the relative weights. Thus, the suitability of the study area for wheat cultivation was mapped. The results revealed that 74% of the study area was highly suitable (S1) and 24% was moderately suitable (S2) for wheat cultivation. The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.81, which indicated a successful prediction of the GIS-MCDA hybrid approach for wheat suitability assessment. Integration of land suitability analyzes specific to plant variety in land consolidation projects can provide a more detailed perspective on the land in the design of planning studies. © 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Reevaluation of Land Fitness For Soybean Plant in Kabamatan Stabat, Langkat District

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    A decrease in the area of soybean farming has an effect on reducing soybean production from year to year so that it has not been able to meet the needs of national soybean consumption. Land suitability assessment is an effort to be able to optimize land use. In the process of assessing land suitability manually, it is considered inaccurate. The purpose of this study was to determine the land suitability class for soybean plants. The land suitability classification system used is the FAO land suitability classification classified at the sub-class level. Land suitability evaluation uses a matching system, as well as comparing the characteristics of land with plant growing community formulated in the technical evaluation of land guidelines for agricultural commodities. In the matching process Leibig's minimum law is used to determine the limiting factors that will affect the suitability of the class and sub-class of the land. Requirements for growing plants become kiteria in conformity evaluation. The results showed that the limiting factors of land suitability for soybean plants that had to be improved were temperature, rainfall, soil texture, C-Organic, N-Total and P-Available soil. The limiting factor of temperature and soil texture cannot be improved so that the marginal fit class (S3) on actual land suitability remains marginal fit (S3) in terms of potential land suitability

    Evaluating Land Suitability for Wheat Cultivation Criteria Analysis Fuzzy-AHP and Geospatial Techniques in Northern Basrah Governorate.

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    Land suitability assessment is essential for planned land management strategies aimed at preserving soil and increasing productivity while ensuring sustainable agricultural production. Land degradation resulting from poor land management and fallowing practices typically leads to low land productivity in Iraq. To maintain agricultural productivity in the targeted area, agricultural requirements must align with available resources through land suitability analysis. In the northern region of Basrah Governorate in Iraq, the study focused on integrating GIS-based land suitability analysis with the fuzzy-analytical hierarchy process (F-AHP) approach. The analysis revealed varying suitability categories throughout the study area, with the largest proportion of unsuitable areas found in category N2, covering 31,202.36 hectares (37.76%), and category N1, currently unsuitable, covering an area of 19,956.24 hectares (24.15%). On the other hand, the moderately suitable category (S3) covered 8,297.26 hectares (10.04%), while the moderately suitable category (S2) covered 23,177.79 hectares (28.05%) of the total study area. No highly suitable lands were identified. The key determining factors for the suitability of lands for wheat cultivation were high values of electrical conductivity, carbonate minerals, bulk density, and low organic carbon content. Most agricultural lands are being used in a manner that contradicts their suitable potentials in the study area. Therefore, the pattern of agricultural land use needs to be adjusted based on their current potentials to reduce soil degradation

    Assessing the Ecological Potential of Firouzabad County for the Continuation and Development of Agricultural and Rangeland Management Asctivities

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    Intensive agriculture and overgrazing have reduced the fertility of agricultural lands, reduced the quality of pastures and degraded the environment. The occurrence of frequent droughts, declining groundwater levels, reduced soil fertility, and degraded rangeland quality have increased the vulnerability of the agricultural and livestock production sectors in this county. Therefore, this study was aimed at investigating the ecological potential of the region for the continuation and development of agricultural and rangeland management activities. Using the variables of altitude, geographical direction, slope, vegetation, climate, soil texture, soil drainage, soil fertility, soil erodibility, and water level, suitable areas for agricultural and livestock rearing activities were identified. Finally, weighted linear combination (WLC) and ordered weighted averaging (OWA) models were applied to identify the ecological potential of Firouzabad county for agricultural and rangeland management activities. Findings revealed that only a limited part of the lands were suitable for agriculture and livestock rearing. According to the WLC and OWA models, 28.7% and 12.6% of the areas had a moderate capacity for agriculture, horticulture, and rangeland management, respectively. However, 71.1 and 84.6% of the Firouzabad lands had poor or no capacity for agricultural and livestock rearing activities. Based on the findings, development of intensive agriculture should be avoided. Also, in areas with moderate ecological potential, intermittent cultivation of agricultural products, expansion of gardens and rational development of rangeland activities should be considered. Also, irrigated agriculture should be avoided in areas with weak ecological potential, and rangeland management should be practiced

    Aptitud de la tierra y análisis de sensitividad en la planificación del cultivo del manzano en el valle Mala, Perú

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    This study determined the suitable zones for planning apple growing in Mala’s valley, Peru, using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in a geographic information system (GIS) environment. The suitability evaluation involved the analysis of nine criteria organized into four groups (soil, topography, hydro-climate and socioeconomic). Based on key informants assessments relative weights were assigned to each nine criteria using the AHP. A digital GIS database was developed with all the thematic maps. The criteria were reclassified before combination, according to a four-class system for suitability. Then, a summarized process was done by applying the weights to each criterion, followed by a summation of the results to yield a suitability map using GIS. Layer and weight sensitivity methods combined with Kappa analysis were carried out in order to prove the robustness of the suitability model. The results revealed that about 12.57 % (9953 ha) of agricultural area are suitable for apple cultivation and out of which 3.98 % and 3.37 % are highly and moderately suitable, respectively. If farmers in the valley considered growing apple crops in the 3149 ha (highly suitable), the gross profit would have substantial increase. Therefore, the final map can become a useful tool of territorial governance and policy in order to assist in the agricultural expansion process of Mala’s valley.Se determinaron las zonas aptas para la planificación del cultivo del manzano en el valle Mala, en Perú, mediante el uso del proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP) en un sistema de información geográfica (SIG). La evaluación de la aptitud implicó el análisis de nueve variables organizadas en cuatro grupos (suelo, topografía, hidro-clima y socioeconómico). El método AHP se aplicó para asignar los pesos relativos a las nueve variables tomando como base las valoraciones de los informantes clave. Antes de combinarlas, las variables, fueron reclasificadas en cuatro clases de aptitud. Seguidamente, se aplicaron los pesos relativos a cada variable y, utilizando un SIG, se sumaron todos los mapas arrojando un mapa integrado de aptitud. La robustez del modelo de aptitud se probó con dos métodos de sensibilidad, uno para las variables y otro para los pesos relativos combinados ambos con el análisis estadístico Kappa. Los resultados expusieron que el 12,57 % (9953 ha) del área de estudio es apta para el cultivo de manzano y dentro de ésta el 3,98 % y el 3,37 % son de clase alta y moderada, respectivamente. Si los agricultores cultivaran las áreas con alta aptitud (3149 ha), el beneficio bruto aumentaría sustancialmente. Así, el mapa final puede convertirse en una herramienta útil para la gobernanza y la política territorial que ayude en la expansión agrícola del cultivo de manzano en el valle de Mala