40 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional models as testing ground for principles and concepts of local quantum physics

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    In the past two-dimensional models of QFT have served as theoretical laboratories for testing new concepts under mathematically controllable condition. In more recent times low-dimensional models (e.g. chiral models, factorizing models) often have been treated by special recipes in a way which sometimes led to a loss of unity of QFT. In the present work I try to counteract this apartheid tendency by reviewing past results within the setting of the general principles of QFT. To this I add two new ideas: (1) a modular interpretation of the chiral model Diff(S)-covariance with a close connection to the recently formulated local covariance principle for QFT in curved spacetime and (2) a derivation of the chiral model temperature duality from a suitable operator formulation of the angular Wick rotation (in analogy to the Nelson-Symanzik duality in the Ostertwalder-Schrader setting) for rational chiral theories. The SL(2,Z) modular Verlinde relation is a special case of this thermal duality and (within the family of rational models) the matrix S appearing in the thermal duality relation becomes identified with the statistics character matrix S. The relevant angular Euclideanization'' is done in the setting of the Tomita-Takesaki modular formalism of operator algebras. I find it appropriate to dedicate this work to the memory of J. A. Swieca with whom I shared the interest in two-dimensional models as a testing ground for QFT for more than one decade. This is a significantly extended version of an ``Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics'' contribution hep-th/0502125.Comment: 55 pages, removal of some typos in section

    Pascual Jordan, his contributions to quantum mechanics and his legacy in contemporary local quantum physics

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    After recalling episodes from Pascual Jordan's biography including his pivotal role in the shaping of quantum field theory and his much criticized conduct during the NS regime, I draw attention to his presentation of the first phase of development of quantum field theory in a talk presented at the 1929 Kharkov conference. He starts by giving a comprehensive account of the beginnings of quantum theory, emphasising that particle-like properties arise as a consequence of treating wave-motions quantum-mechanically. He then goes on to his recent discovery of quantization of ``wave fields'' and problems of gauge invariance. The most surprising aspect of Jordan's presentation is however his strong belief that his field quantization is a transitory not yet optimal formulation of the principles underlying causal, local quantum physics. The expectation of a future more radical change coming from the main architect of field quantization already shortly after his discovery is certainly quite startling. I try to answer the question to what extent Jordan's 1929 expectations have been vindicated. The larger part of the present essay consists in arguing that Jordan's plea for a formulation without ``classical correspondence crutches'', i.e. for an intrinsic approach (which avoids classical fields altogether), is successfully addressed in past and recent publications on local quantum physics.Comment: More biographical detail, expansion of the part referring to Jordan's legacy in quantum field theory, 37 pages late


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    M.S.M.S. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 201


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    Algebraic Topology for Data Scientists

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    This book gives a thorough introduction to topological data analysis (TDA), the application of algebraic topology to data science. Algebraic topology is traditionally a very specialized field of math, and most mathematicians have never been exposed to it, let alone data scientists, computer scientists, and analysts. I have three goals in writing this book. The first is to bring people up to speed who are missing a lot of the necessary background. I will describe the topics in point-set topology, abstract algebra, and homology theory needed for a good understanding of TDA. The second is to explain TDA and some current applications and techniques. Finally, I would like to answer some questions about more advanced topics such as cohomology, homotopy, obstruction theory, and Steenrod squares, and what they can tell us about data. It is hoped that readers will acquire the tools to start to think about these topics and where they might fit in.Comment: 322 pages, 69 figures, 5 table

    Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World

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    This book provides the first systematic overview of German sociology today. Thirty-four chapters review current trends, relate them to international discussions and discuss perspectives for future research. The contributions span the whole range of sociological research topics, from social inequality to the sociology of body and space, addressing pressing questions in sociological theory and innovative research methods

    A walk in the noncommutative garden

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    This text is written for the volume of the school/conference "Noncommutative Geometry 2005" held at IPM Tehran. It gives a survey of methods and results in noncommutative geometry, based on a discussion of significant examples of noncommutative spaces in geometry, number theory, and physics. The paper also contains an outline (the ``Tehran program'') of ongoing joint work with Consani on the noncommutative geometry of the adeles class space and its relation to number theoretic questions.Comment: 106 pages, LaTeX, 23 figure

    Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World

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    This book provides the first systematic overview of German sociology today. Thirty-four chapters review current trends, relate them to international discussions and discuss perspectives for future research. The contributions span the whole range of sociological research topics, from social inequality to the sociology of body and space, addressing pressing questions in sociological theory and innovative research methods