40 research outputs found


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    Produsen roti tawar dituntut untuk menghasilkan prouk yang berkualitas dan di sukai oleh konsumen. Peningkatan kualitas roti tawar tentunya akan berdampak pada penjualan yang akan dihasilkan. Salah satu upaya dalam peningkatan mut uroti tawar yaitu dengan cara melakukan uji Hedonik dan uji Mutu Hedonik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem yang mampu memberikan penilaian terhadap produk baru yang akan dilepas di pasaran. Mutu hedonik digunakan sebagai variabel untuk menilai produk roti dengan 4 buah varibel, yang meliputi aroma, rasa, penampakan, dan teksture. Sedangkan uji hedonik menggunakan enam buah class yaitu amat sangat suka, sangat suka, suka, agak  suka, dan tidak suka, selanjutnya hasil ini akan digunakan sebagai kelas dari Knowledge Based (KB). Penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN), menghasilkan tingkat akurasi 98,8% dengan teknik pengujian 10 fold. Tujuan akhir dari pengembangan sistem ini akan tercipta suatu sistem yang mampu memberikan penilaian terhadap suatu produk roti apakah akan di terima oleh pasar atau tidak, sehingga akan bermanfaat bagi industri roti untuk melakukan pengujian produk terhadap selera pasar

    Persebaran Multi Npc Menggunakan Algoritma Bee Colony Untuk Game 3d Space Shooter

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    NPC dalam sebuah game, merupakan sebuah objek yang banyak digunakan dalam penelitian baru-baru ini. Hal ini disebabkan karena NPC dalam game menyediakan peluang penelitian yang sangat luas. Sebagai salah satu contohnya yaitu pada bidang AI. Bidang AI sendiri dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa bidang seperti path finding, decision making, learning logic, dll. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan sebuah metode yang dapat mendukung fitur AI pada NPC dengan cara menambahkan perilaku hewan pada pergerakan NPC tersebut. Bee Colony dipilih sebagai metode utama dalam penelitian ini karena algoritma tersebut telah diteliti pada beberapa penelitian sebelumnya dan terbukti efektif. Tetapi metode tersebut hanya di uji cobakan pada target yang statis. Selain hanya di uji cobakan pada target yang statis, tidak diketahui juga apa yang terjadi jika metode tersebut diaplikasikan pada NPC yang memiliki banyak target dan target tersebut bergerak bebas. Dalam penelitian ini akan diteliti bagaimana algoritma bee colony tersebut dapat mengorganisasi gerombolan NPC dalam permainan untuk bergerak menuju target yang tersebar dalam ruang lingkup game dan pergerakan NPC mengaplikasikan sistem kerja koloni lebah =========================================================================================NPC’s in a game, is an object that to be trending topic in a recent study. This is because NPC’s in the game provides a lot of research opportunities. For an example is research in NPC’s Artificial Intelligent (AI). AI itself can be divided into several areas such as path finding, decision making, learning logic, etc. This research was conducted to develop a method that can support the AI feature by adding animal behavior at the NPC movement. Bee Colony has been selected as the main method in this study because the bee colony has been researched in several previous studies and has proven its effectiveness. But that method was only tested on a stationary target. However, the method only tested on a stationary target. Not yet known what would happen if such methods if applied in the NPC that has a wide range of targets and the target can move freely. In this study, will be researched how the bee colony method can organize a collection of NPC in a game to move to the targets that spread in the space of game and the NPC movement should be random like colony of be


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    pada kegiatan ini mangadakan seminar nasional inovasi teknologi dan ilmu komputer snitik 2018

    Handbook of Vascular Biometrics

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    Handbook of Vascular Biometrics

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    This open access handbook provides the first comprehensive overview of biometrics exploiting the shape of human blood vessels for biometric recognition, i.e. vascular biometrics, including finger vein recognition, hand/palm vein recognition, retina recognition, and sclera recognition. After an introductory chapter summarizing the state of the art in and availability of commercial systems and open datasets/open source software, individual chapters focus on specific aspects of one of the biometric modalities, including questions of usability, security, and privacy. The book features contributions from both academia and major industrial manufacturers

    Advancing the technology of sclera recognition

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    PhD ThesisEmerging biometric traits have been suggested recently to overcome some challenges and issues related to utilising traditional human biometric traits such as the face, iris, and fingerprint. In particu- lar, iris recognition has achieved high accuracy rates under Near- InfraRed (NIR) spectrum and it is employed in many applications for security and identification purposes. However, as modern imaging devices operate in the visible spectrum capturing colour images, iris recognition has faced challenges when applied to coloured images especially with eye images which have a dark pigmentation. Other issues with iris recognition under NIR spectrum are the constraints on the capturing process resulting in failure-to-enrol, and degradation in system accuracy and performance. As a result, the research commu- nity investigated using other traits to support the iris biometric in the visible spectrum such as the sclera. The sclera which is commonly known as the white part of the eye includes a complex network of blood vessels and veins surrounding the eye. The vascular pattern within the sclera has different formations and layers providing powerful features for human identification. In addition, these blood vessels can be acquired in the visible spectrum and thus can be applied using ubiquitous camera-based devices. As a consequence, recent research has focused on developing sclera recog- nition. However, sclera recognition as any biometric system has issues and challenges which need to be addressed. These issues are mainly related to sclera segmentation, blood vessel enhancement, feature ex- traction, template registration, matching and decision methods. In addition, employing the sclera biometric in the wild where relaxed imaging constraints are utilised has introduced more challenges such as illumination variation, specular reflections, non-cooperative user capturing, sclera blocked region due to glasses and eyelashes, variation in capturing distance, multiple gaze directions, and eye rotation. The aim of this thesis is to address such sclera biometric challenges and highlight the potential of this trait. This also might inspire further research on tackling sclera recognition system issues. To overcome the vii above-mentioned issues and challenges, three major contributions are made which can be summarised as 1) designing an efficient sclera recognition system under constrained imaging conditions which in- clude new sclera segmentation, blood vessel enhancement, vascular binary network mapping and feature extraction, and template registra- tion techniques; 2) introducing a novel sclera recognition system under relaxed imaging constraints which exploits novel sclera segmentation, sclera template rotation alignment and distance scaling methods, and complex sclera features; 3) presenting solutions to tackle issues related to applying sclera recognition in a real-time application such as eye localisation, eye corner and gaze detection, together with a novel image quality metric. The evaluation of the proposed contributions is achieved using five databases having different properties representing various challenges and issues. These databases are the UBIRIS.v1, UBIRIS.v2, UTIRIS, MICHE, and an in-house database. The results in terms of segmen- tation accuracy, Equal Error Rate (EER), and processing time show significant improvement in the proposed systems compared to state- of-the-art methods.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq and the Iraqi Cultural Attach´e in Londo

    E-prosiding Sistek (seminar nasional teknologi): "Inovasi riset engineering berkelanjutan menuju kemandirian pembangunan bangsa" (

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    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi 2020 Fakultas Teknik Universitas Merdeka Malang dengan tema: "Inovasi riset engineering berkelanjutan menuju kemandirian pembangunan bangsa" sukses terselenggara di Malang pada hari Selasa, 10 November 2020. pengambilan tema tersebut berkaitan dengan semakin pesatnya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di abad 21 yang turut melahirkan perubahan ataupun pembaharuan di berbagai bidang kehidupan, tidak terkecuali bidang teknologi. Di Prosiding ini terdapat 35 pemakalah dari berbagai institusi pendidikan tinggi yang berasal dari Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, DI Yogyakarta serta Jawa Timur yang terbagi dalam 5 bidang keilmuan yaitu bidang teknik sipil (tema: Rekayasa Infrastruktur berbasis manajemen resiko bencana), teknik mesin (tema: Rekayasa desain energi baru terbarukan berbasis teknologi material dan manufaktur di era revolusi industri 4.0), arsitektur (tema: Konsep arsitektur hijau dalam konteks Urban dan Rural), teknik industri (tema: Teknologi dan rekayasa sistem industri, ergonomi serta distribusi di era disrupsi revolusi industri), dan teknik elektro (Teknologi internet of thing (IOT) dan robotika pada era industri 4.0


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    ABSTRAK Kebiasaan belanja konsumen dalam pembelian produk dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para peneliti dalam mengembangkan strategi pemasaran. Penentuan strategi pemasaran produk yang tepat dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis kebiasaan belanja konsumen di dalam suatu usaha ritel. Market basket analysis adalah salah satu analisis keranjang belanja dalam penentuan strategi pemasaran dengan cara mengetahui produk yang dibeli secara bersamaan. MBA ini juga dapat digunakan dalam memahami kebiasaan konsumen dalam membeli produk-produk yang dijual melalui transaksi belanja dengan analisis association rule mining. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pola aturan asosiasi (rule) produk dan untuk melihat strategi pemasaran produk yang tepat berdasarkan hasil aturan asosiasi yang terbentuk. Penelitian ini menggunakan Algoritma Apriori dalam mendapatkan hasil aturan asosiasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan berupa observasi dan wawancara. Sumber data yang ada didalam penelitian ini berasal dari sumber data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari narasumber yaitu owner dan supervisor PB Swalayan Korpri Bandar Lampung. Sedangkan untuk data sekunder diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan buku dan jurnal penelitian terdahulu yang relevan dengan judul dan juga teori yang digunakan. Peneliti ini berhasil mendapatkan hasil aturan asosiasi sebanyak 15 rule dari jumlah total transaksi sebanyak 901 transaksi belanja pada PB Swalayan yang menjelaskan kebiasaan belanja konsumen. Aturan asosiasi tertinggi mencapai nilai support dan confidence sebesar 99,6% dan 100%. Selanjutnya dua strategi digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu tata letak produk dan katalog promosi. Dengan menggunakan aturan asosiasi yang menjelaskan kebiasaan belanja konsumen, strategi ini dapat meningkatkan kepuasaan pelangggan serta profit dari swalayan. Kata Kunci: Data Mining, Apriori, Market Basket Analysis, Strategi Penjualan Produk. iv ABSTRACT Consumer spending habits in purchasing products can be utilized by researchers in developing marketing strategies. Determination of the right product marketing strategy can be done by analyzing consumer spending habits in a retail business. Market basket analysis is one of the shopping basket analysis in determining marketing strategies by knowing which products are purchased simultaneously. This MBA can also be used in understanding consumer habits in buying products sold through shopping transactions with association rule mining analysis. The purpose of this research is to find out the pattern of product association rules and to see the right product marketing strategy based on the results of the association rules that are formed. This study uses the Apriori Algorithm to obtain the results of association rules. This study uses qualitative methods, data collection techniques carried out in the form of observations and interviews. The source of the data in this study comes from primary data sources obtained directly from the resource persons, namely the owner and supervisor of PB Supermarket Korpri Bandar Lampung. As for the secondary data obtained from literature studies of previous research books and journals that are relevant to the title and also the theory used. This researcher managed to get the results of association rules as many as 15 rules from the total number of transactions as many as 901 shopping transactions at PB Swalayan which explained consumer spending habits. The highest association rules reach support and confidence values of 99.6% and 100%. Furthermore, two strategies are used in this study, namely product layout and promotional catalogs. By using association rules that explain consumer spending habits, this strategy can increase customer satisfaction and profit from supermarkets. Keywords: Data Mining, Apriori, Market Basket Analysis, Product Sales Strateg