24 research outputs found


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    Metode Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP) dapat dijadikan sebagai alat bantu dalam menentukan kandidat calon kepala desa dengan adanya data kuantitatif serta adanya tingkat validitas konsistensi network, sehingga dapat menentukan kandidat yang akan diikutkan dalam pemilihan kepala desa nantinya. Sehingga pendaftaran kandidat tidak perlu dibatasi karena nantinya akan ada sistem seleksi 5 peserta kandidat dengan nilai tertinggi. Hasil pembobotan antar kriteria dapat dijadikan sebagai rekomendasi alternatif, dalam hal ini nilai pembobotan kriteria yang tertinggi adalah uji Tes Kompetensi, yaitu (43%)  dan yang lainnya Karir Organisasi (28%), Forum Group Diskusi (17%) dan Tingkat Pendidikan (11%). Sehingga uji Tes Kompetensi faktor penentu dalam penilaian tertinggi bagi peserta kandidat calon kepala desa. Didalam merancang Aplikasi system Menentukan kandidat calon kepala Desa berbasis web dapat bekerja dengan baik sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan dalam mekanisme proses pendaftaran atau penerimaan kandidat calon kepala desa yang dilaksanakan. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan pada informasi yang telah dihasilkan adalah hasil yang sebenar-benarnya agar penerima informasi memiliki rasa nilai kepercayaan akan halnya transparan data yang telah dibuka secara luas oleh masyarakat desa

    Multi Objective Criteria for Selection of Manufacturing Method using NLP Parser

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    Installing a manufacturing method might be very expensive and time consuming project. Organization should examine and decide on how best to make this decision of selecting appropriate process meeting their requirements. In order to improve the manufacturing cycle more than 110 manufacturing processes have been proposed. The objectives aimed at and the functions focused on by these processes vary. The process should be flexible enough to accommodate reasonable changes in design. This poses a great challenge to a manager in selection of effective and economical manufacturing process. Different organizations have different objectives and based on their specific requirement they deploy suitable process conforming to their objective. Today’s business scenario is highly competitive, complex and dynamic in nature which demands strategic planning meeting the challenges of changing time. In this paper we have made an attempt to enable the end user a quick selection of appropriate manufacturing method based on multiple objectives. The information pertaining to the method selection is stored in a persistent Relational DataBase Management System (RDBMS) which can be manipulated by the end user as the organizational objectives and the market needs change. The end user instead of querying the database directly will use the natural language, termed as Manufacturing Query Language (MQL) designed by us, which is interfaced with RDBMS using prolog. To implement MQL, we have defined a finite set of symbols, words and language rules, MQL grammar. The parse tree is constructed based on the grammar specified. The NLP query is parsed using NLP parser designed by us and the queries which are successfully parsed are evaluated by mapping them to the corresponding prolog query using Java interface to Prolog (JPL). Prolog rules are stored in three different prolog knowledge bases, mqlgrammar.pl, rules.pl, and methodrules.pl. NLP offers most flexible way to implement grammar which can be readily extended with least efforts and as such offers an efficient way of implementing rules in dynamically changing scenarios. Our current work focuses on a multiple objectives. In real situations multi objective and multi function criteria is required for the proper selection of the manufacturing method. Our future work involves modification of the tool and parser to take account of multiple objectives and function

    Análisis de decisiones en la selección de proveedores de tecnologías de la información: una revisión sistemática

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    En este artículo se aplica un protocolo de revisión sistemática de Ingeniería de Software para la decisión en la selección de proveedores de Tecnologías de la Información (TI). El objetivo es la búsqueda de documentos relacionados con la toma de decisión en la selección de proveedores de TI. Además, la revisión sistemática se centra en identificar las iniciativas y los informes de la toma de decisión en la selección de proveedores de TI. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que existe una necesidad de más estudios y definen 16 criterios de evaluación para utilizarse en la selección de proveedores de TI

    Applying the Fuzzy Analytic Network Process to Establish the Relative Importance of Knowledge Sharing Barriers

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    Knowledge sharing (KS) is the key to creativity and innovation in any organizations. Overcoming the KS barriers has created new challenges for designing in dynamic and complex environment. There may be interrelations and interdependences among the barriers. The purpose of this paper is to present a review of literature of KS barriers and impute the relative importance of them through the fuzzy analytic network process that is a generalization of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). It helps to prioritize the barriers to find ways to remove them to facilitate KS. The study begins with a brief description of KS barriers and the most critical ones. The FANP and its role in identifying the relative importance of KS barriers are explained. The paper, then, proposes the model for research and expected outcomes. The study suggests that the use of the FANP is appropriate to impute the relative importance of KS barriers which are intertwined and interdependent. Implications and future research are also propose

    Simulation-based evaluation of defuzzification-based approaches to fuzzy multi-attribute decision making

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    This paper presents a simulation-based study to evaluate the performance of 12 defuzzification-based approaches for solving the general fuzzy multiattribute decision-making (MADM) problem requiring cardinal ranking of decision alternatives. These approaches are generated based on six defuzzification methods in conjunction with the simple additive weighting (SAW) method and the technique for order preference by similarity to the ideal solution method. The consistency and effectiveness of these approaches are examined in terms of four new objective performance measures, which are based on five evaluation indexes. The Simulation result shows that the approaches, which are capable of using all the available information on fuzzy numbers, effectively in the defuzzification process, produce more consistent ranking outcomes. In particular, the SAW method with the degree of dominance defuzzification is proved to be the overall best performed approach, which is, followed by the SAW method with the area center defuzzification. These findings are of practical significance in real-world settings where the selection of the defuzzification-based approaches is required in solving the general fuzzy MADM problems under specific decision contexts

    Automated Defect Detection Tool For Sewer Pipelines

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    In sewer networks, the economic effects and costs that result from a pipeline break are rising sharply. In Qatar, majority of the sewer network pipelines were installed in the last 20 years and are currently in poor condition and constantly deteriorating. As a result, there is huge demand for inspection and rehabilitation of sewer pipelines. In addition to being inaccurate, current Practices of sewer pipelines inspection are time consuming and may not keep up with the deterioration rate of the pipelines. Consequently, this research aims to develop an automated tool to detect different defects such as cracks, deformation, settled deposits and joint displacement in sewer pipelines. The automated approach is dependent upon using image-processing techniques and several mathematical formulas to analyze output data from CCTV camera photos. Given that one inspection session can result in hundreds of CCTV Camera footage, introducing an automated tool would help yield faster results. Additionally, given the subjective nature of most defects, it will result in more systematic results since the current method rely heavily on the operator's experience. The automated tool was able to successfully detect cracks, displaced joints, ovality and settled deposits in pipelines using CCTV Camera inspection output footage. Using two different data sets, the constructed Matlab code could successfully differentiate between cracks and displaced joints with an overall crack detection success rate of 84% and an overall displaced joint detection rate of 94%. The code was also able to efficiently detect settled deposits in the pipelines with a detection rate of 90%. In addition, the automated ovality detection resulted in 100% compatibility with the manual circularity detection

    The Applicability of Multiple MCDM Techniques for Implementation in the Priority of Road Maintenance

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    Priority of road maintenance can be viewed as a process influenced by decision-makers with varying decision-making power. Each decision-maker may have their view and judgment depending on their function and responsibilities. Therefore, determining the priority of road maintenance can be thought of as a process of MCDM. Regarding the priority of road maintenance, this is a difficult MCDM problem involving uncertainty, qualitative criteria, and possible causal relationships between choice criteria. This paper aims to examine the applicability of multiple MCDM techniques, which are used for assessing the priority of road maintenance, by adapting them to this sector. Priority of road maintenance problems subject to internal uncertainty caused by imprecise human judgments will be reviewed and investigated, as well as the most popular theories and methods in group MCDM for presenting uncertain information, creating weights for decision criteria, examining causal relationships, and ranking alternatives. The study concluded that through the strengths and weaknesses reached, fuzzy set theory is the most appropriate and best used in modeling uncertain information. In addition, the methods that are employed the most common in the literature that has been done to explore the correlations between decision criteria have been examined, and it is concluded that the fuzzy best-worst method may be utilized in this research. The Fuzzy VIKOR approach is most likely the best method for ranking the decision alternatives.

    A review of two decades of research on the application of multicriteria decision making techniques to evaluate e-learning’s effectiveness

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    Multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques have been widely adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning. However, the literature review has not kept pace with the rapid accumulation of knowledge in this field. This study systematically reviews the MCDM techniques applied in e-learning issues. In total, we reviewed 77 published studies selected from the Web of Science and Scopus databases. We classified the selected studies by the publication year, the authors’ nationality, and the type of MCDM techniques examined. We further discovered that the majority of previous studies adopted Information System Success Model (D&M model) which was proposed by Delone and McLean in 1992. Due to limited features that were provided by the e-learning system back in the mid-2000, the original D&M model might not consider some significant factors such as students’ characteristics, instructors’ characteristics, user interface and learning community. The goals of this systematic literature review are to understand if the original D&M model is addressed in modern e-learning and to determine if new factors have emerged to evaluate e-learning’s effectiveness but not captured by the original D&M model. This review contributes three new theoretical perspectives. First, reclassification of the D&M model is conducted to include learners’ characteristics, instructors’ characteristics, user interface, and learning community. Second, this study discovers that there is a need to perform reclassification of overlapping subfactors. Third, this review also identifies that the dependencies among the factors in the D&M model are inadequately examined in previous studies. Researchers can utilize the findings of this study as a foundation to formulate their research frameworks, and practitioners can integrate the significant factors identified in this study into their decision-making processes when developing e-learning at their institutions

    Modelo multicritério de apoio à decisão construtivista no processo de avaliação da aderência dos requisitos de um software

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2014.Os atuais desafios das companhias de desenvolvimento de software deERP envolvem o constante aperfeiçoamento de seus produtos eprocessos. O desenvolvimento de um software que seja aderente àsnecessidades de seu cliente melhora o processo produtivo do cliente,fidelizando o mesmo. Neste contexto o presente trabalho realiza aavaliação da aderência dos requisitos de um software, gerado pelainteração entre o desenvolvedor e o cliente final, de forma adisponibilizar um instrumento de negociação entre os valores epreferências dos usuários e os requisitos funcionais propostos pelodesenvolvedor. No entanto, em um ambiente complexo, conflituoso eincerto enfrentado pelos gerentes de desenvolvimento, surge anecessidade da utilização de um modelo para visualizar as necessidadesdo cliente de software e potencializar o atendimento desses requisitos.Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral avaliar a aderênciados requisitos de um software de BI (Business Inteligence) à um cliente,e com isso viabilizar o aumento da competitividade do software. Paraisso, usa-se a Metodologia Multicritério de Apoio à DecisãoConstrutivista (MCDA-C). A aplicação dessa metodologia permitiuconstruir conhecimento sobre os requisitos importantes em um software,possibilitando melhorias em suas funcionalidades.Abstract : The current challenges of the ERP software development companies,involve the constant improvement of its products and processes. Thedevelopment of software that is adherent to the customer?s needsimproves the production process of the client and your loyalty. In thiscontext, this article performs the assessment of compliance of softwarerequirements, generated by the interaction between the developer andthe end customer in order to provide a negotiating tool between thevalues and preferences of users and functional requirements proposed bythe developer. However , in a complex , conflicted and uncertainenvironment faced by development?s managers, the need to use a modelto view the software client?s needs and enhance compliance to theserequirements arises. Thus, the present work has as main objective toevaluate the adherence to the requirements of a software BI (BusinessIntelligence) to a client, and thereby increased the software?scompetitiveness. For this, is use the methodology Multicriteria DecisionSupport Constructivist (MCDA-C). The application of this methodologyallowed building knowledge about the important requirements onsoftware, enabling improvements in their functionality