225 research outputs found

    Multiple classifiers fusion and CNN feature extraction for handwritten digits recognition

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    Handwritten digits recognition has been treated as a multi-class classification problem in the machine learning context, where each of the ten digits (0-9) is viewed as a class and the machine learning task is essentially to train a classifier that can effectively discriminate the ten classes. In practice, it is very usual that the performance of a single classifier trained by using a standard learning algorithm is varied on different data sets, which indicates that the same learning algorithm may train strong classifiers on some data sets but weak classifiers may be trained on other data sets. It is also possible that the same classifier shows different performance on different test sets, especially when considering the case that image instances can be highly diverse due to the different handwriting styles of different people on the same digits. In order to address the above issue, development of ensemble learning approaches have been very necessary to improve the overall performance and make the performance more stable on different data sets. In this paper, we propose a framework that involves CNN based feature extraction from the MINST data set and algebraic fusion of multiple classifiers trained on different feature sets, which are prepared through feature selection applied to the original feature set extracted using CNN. The experimental results show that the classifiers fusion can achieve the classification accuracy of ≥ 98%

    Agricultural Commodity Price Forecasting using PSO-RBF Neural Network for Farmers Exchange Rate Improvement in Indonesia

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    Agricultural commodity price forecasting becomes important for farmers since the knowledge of agriculture commodity price fluctuation can help the farmers to identify the right selling time. Recently, the absence of such the forecasting system makes the farmers decide to sell their commodities to middlemen which in turn, reduces their exchange rate as the length of distribution flow is complicated. The length of distribution flow is started from farmers, middlemen, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. To address this problem, a forecasting system based on radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) is proposed. To optimize the network’s learning process, particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based learning technique is applied. The RBFNN is chosen because of its ability to generally track irregular signal changing, good speed in learning process and robustness. Meanwhile, the implementation of PSO aims to improve weight values towards global optimum in RBFNN model

    Uncertainty and Interpretability Studies in Soft Computing with an Application to Complex Manufacturing Systems

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    In systems modelling and control theory, the benefits of applying neural networks have been extensively studied. Particularly in manufacturing processes, such as the prediction of mechanical properties of heat treated steels. However, modern industrial processes usually involve large amounts of data and a range of non-linear effects and interactions that might hinder their model interpretation. For example, in steel manufacturing the understanding of complex mechanisms that lead to the mechanical properties which are generated by the heat treatment process is vital. This knowledge is not available via numerical models, therefore an experienced metallurgist estimates the model parameters to obtain the required properties. This human knowledge and perception sometimes can be imprecise leading to a kind of cognitive uncertainty such as vagueness and ambiguity when making decisions. In system classification, this may be translated into a system deficiency - for example, small input changes in system attributes may result in a sudden and inappropriate change for class assignation. In order to address this issue, practitioners and researches have developed systems that are functional equivalent to fuzzy systems and neural networks. Such systems provide a morphology that mimics the human ability of reasoning via the qualitative aspects of fuzzy information rather by its quantitative analysis. Furthermore, these models are able to learn from data sets and to describe the associated interactions and non-linearities in the data. However, in a like-manner to neural networks, a neural fuzzy system may suffer from a lost of interpretability and transparency when making decisions. This is mainly due to the application of adaptive approaches for its parameter identification. Since the RBF-NN can be treated as a fuzzy inference engine, this thesis presents several methodologies that quantify different types of uncertainty and its influence on the model interpretability and transparency of the RBF-NN during its parameter identification. Particularly, three kind of uncertainty sources in relation to the RBF-NN are studied, namely: entropy, fuzziness and ambiguity. First, a methodology based on Granular Computing (GrC), neutrosophic sets and the RBF-NN is presented. The objective of this methodology is to quantify the hesitation produced during the granular compression at the low level of interpretability of the RBF-NN via the use of neutrosophic sets. This study also aims to enhance the disitnguishability and hence the transparency of the initial fuzzy partition. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is tested against a real case study for the prediction of the properties of heat-treated steels. Secondly, a new Interval Type-2 Radial Basis Function Neural Network (IT2-RBF-NN) is introduced as a new modelling framework. The IT2-RBF-NN takes advantage of the functional equivalence between FLSs of type-1 and the RBF-NN so as to construct an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System (IT2-FLS) that is able to deal with linguistic uncertainty and perceptions in the RBF-NN rule base. This gave raise to different combinations when optimising the IT2-RBF-NN parameters. Finally, a twofold study for uncertainty assessment at the high-level of interpretability of the RBF-NN is provided. On the one hand, the first study proposes a new methodology to quantify the a) fuzziness and the b) ambiguity at each RU, and during the formation of the rule base via the use of neutrosophic sets theory. The aim of this methodology is to calculate the associated fuzziness of each rule and then the ambiguity related to each normalised consequence of the fuzzy rules that result from the overlapping and to the choice with one-to-many decisions respectively. On the other hand, a second study proposes a new methodology to quantify the entropy and the fuzziness that come out from the redundancy phenomenon during the parameter identification. To conclude this work, the experimental results obtained through the application of the proposed methodologies for modelling two well-known benchmark data sets and for the prediction of mechanical properties of heat-treated steels conducted to publication of three articles in two peer-reviewed journals and one international conference

    A multi-objective optimization approach for the synthesis of granular computing-based classification systems in the graph domain

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    The synthesis of a pattern recognition system usually aims at the optimization of a given performance index. However, in many real-world scenarios, there exist other desired facets to take into account. In this regard, multi-objective optimization acts as the main tool for the optimization of different (and possibly conflicting) objective functions in order to seek for potential trade-offs among them. In this paper, we propose a three-objective optimization problem for the synthesis of a granular computing-based pattern recognition system in the graph domain. The core pattern recognition engine searches for suitable information granules (i.e., recurrent and/or meaningful subgraphs from the training data) on the top of which the graph embedding procedure towards the Euclidean space is performed. In the latter, any classification system can be employed. The optimization problem aims at jointly optimizing the performance of the classifier, the number of information granules and the structural complexity of the classification model. Furthermore, we address the problem of selecting a suitable number of solutions from the resulting Pareto Fronts in order to compose an ensemble of classifiers to be tested on previously unseen data. To perform such selection, we employed a multi-criteria decision making routine by analyzing different case studies that differ on how much each objective function weights in the ranking process. Results on five open-access datasets of fully labeled graphs show that exploiting the ensemble is effective (especially when the structural complexity of the model plays a minor role in the decision making process) if compared against the baseline solution that solely aims at maximizing the performances

    Construction of fuzzy radial basis function neural network model for diagnosing prostate cancer

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    In this paper, we propose a construction of fuzzy radial basis function neural network model for diagnosing prostate cancer. A fuzzy radial basis function neural network (fuzzy RBFNN) is a hybrid model of logical fuzzy and neural network. The fuzzy membership function of the fuzzy RBFNN model input is developed using the triangle function. The fuzzy C-means method is applied to estimate the center and the width parameters of the radial basis function. The weight estimation is performed by various ways to gain the most accurate model. A singular value decomposition (SVD) is exploited to address this process. As a comparison, we perform other ways including back propagation and global ridge regression. The study also promotes image preprocessing using high frequency emphasis filter (HFEF) and histogram equalization (HE) to enhance the quality of the prostate radiograph. The features of the textural image are extracted using the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and gray level run length matrix (GLRLM). The experiment results of fuzzy RBFNN are compared to those of RBFNN model. Generally, the performances of fuzzy RBFNN surpass the RBFNN in all accuracy calculation. In addition, the fuzzy RBFNN-SVD demonstrates the most accurate model for prostate cancer diagnosis

    Detecting and predicting the topic change of Knowledge-based Systems: A topic-based bibliometric analysis from 1991 to 2016

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    © 2017 The journal Knowledge-based Systems (KnoSys) has been published for over 25 years, during which time its main foci have been extended to a broad range of studies in computer science and artificial intelligence. Answering the questions: “What is the KnoSys community interested in?” and “How does such interest change over time?” are important to both the editorial board and audience of KnoSys. This paper conducts a topic-based bibliometric study to detect and predict the topic changes of KnoSys from 1991 to 2016. A Latent Dirichlet Allocation model is used to profile the hotspots of KnoSys and predict possible future trends from a probabilistic perspective. A model of scientific evolutionary pathways applies a learning-based process to detect the topic changes of KnoSys in sequential time slices. Six main research areas of KnoSys are identified, i.e., expert systems, machine learning, data mining, decision making, optimization, and fuzzy, and the results also indicate that the interest of KnoSys communities in the area of computational intelligence is raised, and the ability to construct practical systems through knowledge use and accurate prediction models is highly emphasized. Such empirical insights can be used as a guide for KnoSys submissions

    Data mining in soft computing framework: a survey

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    The present article provides a survey of the available literature on data mining using soft computing. A categorization has been provided based on the different soft computing tools and their hybridizations used, the data mining function implemented, and the preference criterion selected by the model. The utility of the different soft computing methodologies is highlighted. Generally fuzzy sets are suitable for handling the issues related to understandability of patterns, incomplete/noisy data, mixed media information and human interaction, and can provide approximate solutions faster. Neural networks are nonparametric, robust, and exhibit good learning and generalization capabilities in data-rich environments. Genetic algorithms provide efficient search algorithms to select a model, from mixed media data, based on some preference criterion/objective function. Rough sets are suitable for handling different types of uncertainty in data. Some challenges to data mining and the application of soft computing methodologies are indicated. An extensive bibliography is also included

    IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Big Data Technology and Applications in Intelligent Transportation

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    During the last few years, information technology and transportation industries, along with automotive manufacturers and academia, are focusing on leveraging intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to improve services related to driver experience, connected cars, Internet data plans for vehicles, traffic infrastructure, urban transportation systems, traffic collaborative management, road traffic accidents analysis, road traffic flow prediction, public transportation service plan, personal travel route plans, and the development of an effective ecosystem for vehicles, drivers, traffic controllers, city planners, and transportation applications. Moreover, the emerging technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing have provided unprecedented opportunities for the development and realization of innovative intelligent transportation systems where sensors and mobile devices can gather information and cloud computing, allowing knowledge discovery, information sharing, and supported decision making. However, the development of such data-driven ITS requires the integration, processing, and analysis of plentiful information obtained from millions of vehicles, traffic infrastructures, smartphones, and other collaborative systems like weather stations and road safety and early warning systems. The huge amount of data generated by ITS devices is only of value if utilized in data analytics for decision-making such as accident prevention and detection, controlling road risks, reducing traffic carbon emissions, and other applications which bring big data analytics into the picture
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