2,569 research outputs found

    An Overview of Classifier Fusion Methods

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    A number of classifier fusion methods have been recently developed opening an alternative approach leading to a potential improvement in the classification performance. As there is little theory of information fusion itself, currently we are faced with different methods designed for different problems and producing different results. This paper gives an overview of classifier fusion methods and attempts to identify new trends that may dominate this area of research in future. A taxonomy of fusion methods trying to bring some order into the existing “pudding of diversities” is also provided

    An Overview of Classifier Fusion Methods

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    A number of classifier fusion methods have been recently developed opening an alternative approach leading to a potential improvement in the classification performance. As there is little theory of information fusion itself, currently we are faced with different methods designed for different problems and producing different results. This paper gives an overview of classifier fusion methods and attempts to identify new trends that may dominate this area of research in future. A taxonomy of fusion methods trying to bring some order into the existing “pudding of diversities” is also provided

    Meta-heuristic algorithms in car engine design: a literature survey

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    Meta-heuristic algorithms are often inspired by natural phenomena, including the evolution of species in Darwinian natural selection theory, ant behaviors in biology, flock behaviors of some birds, and annealing in metallurgy. Due to their great potential in solving difficult optimization problems, meta-heuristic algorithms have found their way into automobile engine design. There are different optimization problems arising in different areas of car engine management including calibration, control system, fault diagnosis, and modeling. In this paper we review the state-of-the-art applications of different meta-heuristic algorithms in engine management systems. The review covers a wide range of research, including the application of meta-heuristic algorithms in engine calibration, optimizing engine control systems, engine fault diagnosis, and optimizing different parts of engines and modeling. The meta-heuristic algorithms reviewed in this paper include evolutionary algorithms, evolution strategy, evolutionary programming, genetic programming, differential evolution, estimation of distribution algorithm, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, memetic algorithms, and artificial immune system

    Life Cycle Based Sustainability Assessment And Decision Making For Industrial Systems

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    Increasing concern with the environmental impact resulted from human activities has led to a rising interest in sustainable development that will not only meet the needs of current development but also protect the natural environment without compromising the needs of future generations. This leads to the necessity of a systems approach to decision-making in which economic, environmental and social factors are integrated together to ensure the triple bottom lines of sustainability. Although current studies provide a variety of different methodologies to address sustainability assessment and decision-making, the increasing size and complexity of industrial systems results in the necessity to develop more comprehensive systems approaches to ensure the sustainable development over a long time period for industrial systems. What\u27s more, current research may conduct results based on one or only a few stages of the manufacturing process without considering all the stages of a product’s life. Therefore, the results could be bias and sometimes not feasible for the whole life-cycle. In the meanwhile, life cycle analysis (LCA) which has been widely adopted in a variety of industries does provide an effective approach to evaluate the environmental impact. The lack of life-cycle based economic and social sustainability assessment results in the difficult to conduct more comprehensive sustainability assessment. To address these challenges, three fundamental frameworks are developed in this dissertation, that is, life cycle based sustainability assessment (LCBSA) framework, life cycle based decision-making (LCBDM) framework, and fuzzy dynamic programming (FDP) based long-term multistage sustainable development framework. LCBSA can offer a profound insight of status quo of the sustainability performance over the whole life cycle. LCSA is then applied to assess the industrial system of automotive coating manufacturing process from raw material extraction, material manufacturing, product manufacturing to the recycle and disposal stage. The following LCBDM framework could then prioritize the sustainability improvement urgency and achieve comprehensive sustainable development by employing a two-phase decision-making methodology. In addition, FDP based long-term multistage sustainable development framework offers a comprehensive way to ascertain the achievement of long time sustainable development goal of complex and dynamic industrial systems by combining decision-making and sustainability assessment together

    A layered control architecture for mobile robot navigation

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    A Thesis submitted to the University Research Degree Committee in fulfillment ofthe requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in RoboticsThis thesis addresses the problem of how to control an autonomous mobile robot navigation in indoor environments, in the face of sensor noise, imprecise information, uncertainty and limited response time. The thesis argues that the effective control of autonomous mobile robots can be achieved by organising low level and higher level control activities into a layered architecture. The low level reactive control allows the robot to respond to contingencies quickly. The higher level control allows the robot to make longer term decisions and arranges appropriate sequences for a task execution. The thesis describes the design and implementation of a two layer control architecture, a task template based sequencing layer and a fuzzy behaviour based low level control layer. The sequencing layer works at the pace of the higher level of abstraction, interprets a task plan, mediates and monitors the controlling activities. While the low level performs fast computation in response to dynamic changes in the real world and carries out robust control under uncertainty. The organisation and fusion of fuzzy behaviours are described extensively for the construction of a low level control system. A learning methodology is also developed to systematically learn fuzzy behaviours and the behaviour selection network and therefore solve the difficulties in configuring the low level control layer. A two layer control system has been implemented and used to control a simulated mobile robot performing two tasks in simulated indoor environments. The effectiveness of the layered control and learning methodology is demonstrated through the traces of controlling activities at the two different levels. The results also show a general design methodology that the high level should be used to guide the robot's actions while the low level takes care of detailed control in the face of sensor noise and environment uncertainty in real time

    A survey of AI in operations management from 2005 to 2009

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    Purpose: the use of AI for operations management, with its ability to evolve solutions, handle uncertainty and perform optimisation continues to be a major field of research. The growing body of publications over the last two decades means that it can be difficult to keep track of what has been done previously, what has worked, and what really needs to be addressed. Hence this paper presents a survey of the use of AI in operations management aimed at presenting the key research themes, trends and directions of research. Design/methodology/approach: the paper builds upon our previous survey of this field which was carried out for the ten-year period 1995-2004. Like the previous survey, it uses Elsevier’s Science Direct database as a source. The framework and methodology adopted for the survey is kept as similar as possible to enable continuity and comparison of trends. Thus, the application categories adopted are: design; scheduling; process planning and control; and quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis. Research on utilising neural networks, case-based reasoning (CBR), fuzzy logic (FL), knowledge-Based systems (KBS), data mining, and hybrid AI in the four application areas are identified. Findings: the survey categorises over 1,400 papers, identifying the uses of AI in the four categories of operations management and concludes with an analysis of the trends, gaps and directions for future research. The findings include: the trends for design and scheduling show a dramatic increase in the use of genetic algorithms since 2003 that reflect recognition of their success in these areas; there is a significant decline in research on use of KBS, reflecting their transition into practice; there is an increasing trend in the use of FL in quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis; and there are surprising gaps in the use of CBR and hybrid methods in operations management that offer opportunities for future research. Design/methodology/approach: the paper builds upon our previous survey of this field which was carried out for the 10 year period 1995 to 2004 (Kobbacy et al. 2007). Like the previous survey, it uses the Elsevier’s ScienceDirect database as a source. The framework and methodology adopted for the survey is kept as similar as possible to enable continuity and comparison of trends. Thus the application categories adopted are: (a) design, (b) scheduling, (c) process planning and control and (d) quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis. Research on utilising neural networks, case based reasoning, fuzzy logic, knowledge based systems, data mining, and hybrid AI in the four application areas are identified. Findings: The survey categorises over 1400 papers, identifying the uses of AI in the four categories of operations management and concludes with an analysis of the trends, gaps and directions for future research. The findings include: (a) The trends for Design and Scheduling show a dramatic increase in the use of GAs since 2003-04 that reflect recognition of their success in these areas, (b) A significant decline in research on use of KBS, reflecting their transition into practice, (c) an increasing trend in the use of fuzzy logic in Quality, Maintenance and Fault Diagnosis, (d) surprising gaps in the use of CBR and hybrid methods in operations management that offer opportunities for future research. Originality/value: This is the largest and most comprehensive study to classify research on the use of AI in operations management to date. The survey and trends identified provide a useful reference point and directions for future research

    Anisotropic mean shift based fuzzy c-means segmentation of deroscopy images

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    Image segmentation is an important task in analysing dermoscopy images as the extraction of the borders of skin lesions provides important cues for accurate diagnosis. One family of segmentation algorithms is based on the idea of clustering pixels with similar characteristics. Fuzzy c-means has been shown to work well for clustering based segmentation, however due to its iterative nature this approach has excessive computational requirements. In this paper, we introduce a new mean shift based fuzzy c-means algorithm that requires less computational time than previous techniques while providing good segmentation results. The proposed segmentation method incorporates a mean field term within the standard fuzzy c-means objective function. Since mean shift can quickly and reliably find cluster centers, the entire strategy is capable of effectively detecting regions within an image. Experimental results on a large dataset of diverse dermoscopy images demonstrate that the presented method accurately and efficiently detects the borders of skin lesions

    Presenting a New Strategy to Extract Data Clustering Heartbeat Samples by Using Discrete Wavelet Transform

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    This paper presents the improvement of detection system that normal and arrhythmia electrocardiogram classification. This classification is done to aid the ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System). The data used in this paper obtained from MIT-BIH normal sinus ECG database signal and MIT-BIH arrhythmia database signal. The main goal of our approach is to create an interpretable classifier that provides an acceptable accuracy. In this model, the feature extraction using DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) is obtained. The last stage of this extraction is introduced as the input of ANFIS model. In this paper, the ANFIS model has been trained with Quantum Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO). In this study, for training of proposed model, four sample data have been used which result in acceleration of training data. On the test set, we achieved an outstanding sensitivity and accuracy 100%. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is very fast and accurate in improving classification. Using the proposed methodology and telemedicine technology can manage patient of heart disease
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