3 research outputs found

    Fuzzy closure systems: Motivation, definition and properties

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    The aim of this paper is to extend closure systems from being crisp sets with certain fuzzy properties to proper fuzzy sets. The presentation of the paper shows a thorough discussion on the different alternatives that could be taken to define the desired fuzzy closure systems. These plausible alternatives are discarded if they are proven impossible to be in a bijective correspondence with closure operators. Finally, a definition of fuzzy closure system is established and a one-to-one relation with closure operators is proved.The aim of this paper is to extend closure systems from being crisp sets with certain fuzzy properties to proper fuzzy sets. The presentation of the paper shows a thorough discussion on the different alternatives that could be taken to define the desired fuzzy closure systems. These plausible alternatives are discarded if they are proven impossible to be in a bijective correspondence with closure operators. Finally, a definition of fuzzy closure system is established and a one-to-one relation with closure operators is proved. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Fuzzy closure structures as formal concepts

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    Galois connections seem to be ubiquitous in mathematics. They have been used to model solutions for both pure and application-oriented problems. Throughout the paper, the general framework is a complete fuzzy lattice over a complete residuated lattice. The existence of three fuzzy Galois connections (two antitone and one isotone) between three specific ordered sets is proved in this paper. The most interesting part is that fuzzy closure systems, fuzzy closure operators and strong fuzzy closure relations are formal concepts of these fuzzy Galois connections.This research is partially supported by the State Agency of Research (AEI), the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), the European Social Fund (FEDER), the Junta de Andalucía (JA), and the Universidad de Málaga (UMA) through the FPU19/01467 (MCIU) internship and the research projects with reference PGC2018-095869-B-I00, TIN2017-89023-P, PID2021-127870OB-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and UMA18-FEDERJA-001 (JA/ UMA/ FEDER, UE). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Lattice-valued Identities and an Classes of Lattice-valued Subalgebras

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    Neka je A neprazan skup i L = (L;·) proizvoljna mreža sa nulom i jedinicom. Svako preslikavanje A¯ : A ¡! L zovemo rasplinuti podskup od A. Uobičajeno je da se rasplinute podgrupe definišu na grupi. U radu su fazi podgrupe definisane na polugrupi kao i na rasplinutoj podpolugrupi. Jedan od glavnih rezultata je teorema o particiji rasplinutih kompletno regularnih polugrupa. Takođe su definisane rasplinute kongruencije i rasplinute jednakosti na rasplinutim podalgebrama neke algebre i ispitane njihove osobine. Uvedeni su pojmovi: podalgebre rasplinute podalgebre, rasplinutog homomorfizma rasplinute podalgebre na rasplinutu podalgebru i direktnog proizvoda rasplinutih podalgebri. Jedan od važnijih rezultata je teorema koja je uopštenje teoreme Birkhoff-a na rasplinutim strukturama.Let A be nonemptu set, and let L = (L; 6) be a lattice with 0 and 1. The mapping A¯ : A ! L is called fuzzy subset of A. It is usual to define fuzzy subgroup on the group. In this work fuzzy semigroups are defined on the semigroup and on the fuzzy subsemigroup, too. As a main result is theorem about partition fuzzy completlu regular semigroup. Also, fuzzy congruences are defined, and fuzzy equolites on fuzzy subalgebras of an algebra and their propertes are investigated. We introduced some new notions: subalgebras of fuzzy subalgebras, fuzzy homomorphism of fuzzy subalgebra, and direct product of fuzzy subalgebras. One of the most important result is extension of Birkhoff’s theorem on fuzzy structures