1,766 research outputs found

    Using wavelets for time series forecasting: Does it pay off?

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    By means of wavelet transform a time series can be decomposed into a time dependent sum of frequency components. As a result we are able to capture seasonalities with time-varying period and intensity, which nourishes the belief that incorporating the wavelet transform in existing forecasting methods can improve their quality. The article aims to verify this by comparing the power of classical and wavelet based techniques on the basis of four time series, each of them having individual characteristics. We find that wavelets do improve the forecasting quality. Depending on the data's characteristics and on the forecasting horizon we either favour a denoising step plus an ARIMA forecast or an multiscale wavelet decomposition plus an ARIMA forecast for each of the frequency components. --Forecasting,Wavelets,ARIMA,Denoising,Multiscale Analysis

    Modelling risk for commodities in Brazil: An application for live cattle spot and futures prices

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    This study analyses a series of live cattle spot and futures prices from the Boi Gordo Index (BGI) in Brazil. The objective is to develop a model that best portrays this commodity’s behaviour to estimate futures prices more accurately. The database created contains 2010 daily entries in which trade in futures contracts occurs, as well as BGI spot sales in the market, from 1 December 2006 to 30 April 2015. One of the most important reasons why this type of risk needs to be measured is to set loss limits. To identify patterns in price behaviour in order to improve future transaction results, investors must analyse fluctuations in asset values for longer periods. Bibliographic research reveals that no other study has conducted a comprehensive analysis of this commodity using this approach. Cattle ranching is big business in Brazil given that in 2021, this sector moved BRL 913.14 billion (USD 169.29 billion). In that year, agribusiness contributed 26.6% of Brazil’s total gross domestic product. Using the proposed risk modelling technique, economic agents can make the best decision about which options within these investors’ reach produce more effective risk management. The methodology is based on Holt–Winters exponential smoothing algorithm, autoregressive integrated moving-average (ARIMA), ARIMA with exogenous inputs, generalised autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic and generalised autoregressive moving-average (GARMA) models. More specifically, five different methods are applied that allow a comparison of 12 different models as ways to portray and predict the BGI commodity behaviours. The results show that GARMA with order c(2,1) and without intercept is the best model. Investors equipped with such precise modelling insights stand at an advantageous position in the market, promoting informed investment decisions and optimising returns.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Artificial intelligence in wind speed forecasting: a review

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    Wind energy production has had accelerated growth in recent years, reaching an annual increase of 17% in 2021. Wind speed plays a crucial role in the stability required for power grid operation. However, wind intermittency makes accurate forecasting a complicated process. Implementing new technologies has allowed the development of hybrid models and techniques, improving wind speed forecasting accuracy. Additionally, statistical and artificial intelligence methods, especially artificial neural networks, have been applied to enhance the results. However, there is a concern about identifying the main factors influencing the forecasting process and providing a basis for estimation with artificial neural network models. This paper reviews and classifies the forecasting models used in recent years according to the input model type, the pre-processing and post-processing technique, the artificial neural network model, the prediction horizon, the steps ahead number, and the evaluation metric. The research results indicate that artificial neural network (ANN)-based models can provide accurate wind forecasting and essential information about the specific location of potential wind use for a power plant by understanding the future wind speed values

    Growth vs value investing: Persistence and time trend before and after COVID-19.

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    Value investing and growth investing allow economic experts to adopt different investment strategies depending on their chosen specialty; the two investment types have been conditioned by the pandemic, changing the trend of investments and their results. This research aims to analyze the behavior and trends of the different investment strategies before and after the health crisis. We use methodologies based on fractional integration and cointegration to analyze the persistence and trend of the series and their relationship in the long run. We find that the shock is long-lived and causes a change in trend; however, we find no evidence of mean reversion. In addition, we use multivariate wavelet analysis to analyze the correlation between both time series, concluding that a growth-based investment strategy is more successful than a value-based investment strategy. We use neural networks to corroborate our results.pre-print773 K

    Modeling wind speed with a long-term horizon and high-time interval with a hybrid fourier-neural network model

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    The limited availability of local climatological stations and the limitations to predict the wind speed (WS) accurately are significant barriers to the expansion of wind energy (WE) projects worldwide. A methodology to forecast accurately the WS at the local scale can be used to overcome these barriers. This study proposes a methodology to forecast the WS with high-resolution and long-term horizons, which combines a Fourier model and a nonlinear autoregressive network (NAR). Given the nonlinearities of the WS variations, a NAR model is used to forecast the WS based on the variability identified with the Fourier analysis. The NAR modelled successfully 1.7 years of windspeed with 3 hours of the time interval, what may be considered the longest forecasting horizon with high resolution at the moment

    Iberian Energy Market: Spot Price Forecast by Modelling Market Offers

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    Electricity is a very special commodity since it is economically non-storable, and thus requiring a constant balance between production and consumption. At the corporate level, electricity price forecasts have become a fundamental input to energy companies’ decision making mechanisms [22, 45]. Electric utilities are higly vulnerable to economical crisis, since they generally cannot pass their excess costs on the wholesale market to the retail consumers [77] and, since the price depends on variables like weather (temperature, wind speed, precipitation, etc.) and the intensity of business and everyday activities (on-peak vs. off-peak hours, weekdays vs. weekends, holidays and near-holidays, etc.) it shows specific dynamics not observed in any other market, exhibiting seasonality at the daily, weekly and annual levels, and abrupt, short-lived and generally unanticipated price spikes. These extreme price volatility make price forecasts from a few hours to a few months ahead to become of particular interest to power portfolio managers. An utility company or large industrial consumer who is able to accurately forecast the wholesale prices and it’s volatility, can adjust its bidding strategy and its own production/consumption schedule in order to reduce the risk or maximize the profits in day-ahead trading. In this work I discuss the dynamics of the Iberian electricity day-ahead market (OMIE), review the state-of-the-art forecasting techniques and introduce a new approach to Electricity Price Forecasting, by forecasting the underlying dynamics, the market demand/supply curves. With this method it is possible to predict not only the electricity prices for the next hours, but also the market curves, which can then be used for risk management and a more accurate schedule of generation units. I analyze the model results and benchmark them against other models in the industry.A eletricidade é uma commodity muito especial, uma vez que não é possível armazená-la, e por isso, requer um constante equilíbrio entre a produção e consumo. ao nível empresarial, a previsão de preços de eletricidade tornou-se um input fundamental para os mecanismos de tomada de decisão das companhias [22, 45]. As empresas de eletricidade são altamente vulneráveis a crises económicas, uma vez que, em geral, não conseguem passar os seus custos excessivos para o mercado retalhista [77] e, uma vez que o preço depende de variáveis como meteorologia (temperatura, velocidade do vento, precipitação, etc.) e da intensidade de negócio e das atividades do dia-a-dia (pico vs vazio, dias da semana vs fim-de-semana, feriados e pontes, etc.) apresenta uma dinâmica que não é observada em mais nenhum mercado, com sazonalidade diária, semanal e anual, e com picos de preço abruptos de pouca duração e, em termos gerais, impossíveis de antecipar. Esta volatilidade de preços torna a previsão de preços particularmente interessante para gestores de portfólio, seja a curto ou a longo prazo. Uma companhia de eletricidade ou grande consumidor industrial que seja capaz de prever corretamente os preços do mercado grossista e a sua volatilidade, pode ajustar a estratégia de oferta da sua produção/seu consumo de maneira a reduzir o risco ou maximizar os ganhos no mercado à vista. Neste trabalho abordo a dinâmica do mercado de eletricidade ibérico (Operador de Mercado Iberico - Polo Español (OMIE)), revendo o estado da arte dos métodos de previsão de preços de eletricidade, e introduzo uma nova técnica de previsão de preços de eletricidade, através da previsão da sua dinâmica subjacente, as curvas de mercado da procura e oferta. Com este método é possível prever, não só o preço de eletricidade para as próximas horas, mas também as próprias curvas de oferta, o que pode ser utilizado na gestão de risco ao melhor a capacidade de programar as suas unidades de geração.Os resultados do modelo são analisados e comparados com outros modelos já utilizados na industria