4 research outputs found

    Data driven analysis of faces from images

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    This thesis proposes three new data-driven approaches to detect, analyze, or modify faces in images. All presented contributions are inspired by the use of prior knowledge and they derive information about facial appearances from pre-collected databases of images or 3D face models. First, we contribute an approach that extends a widely-used monocular face detector by an additional classifier that evaluates disparity maps of a passive stereo camera. The algorithm runs in real-time and significantly reduces the number of false positives compared to the monocular approach. Next, with a many-core implementation of the detector, we train view-dependent face detectors based on tailored views which guarantee that the statistical variability is fully covered. These detectors are superior to the state of the art on a challenging dataset and can be trained in an automated procedure. Finally, we contribute a model describing the relation of facial appearance and makeup. The approach extracts makeup from before/after images of faces and allows to modify faces in images. Applications such as machine-suggested makeup can improve perceived attractiveness as shown in a perceptual study. In summary, the presented methods help improve the outcome of face detection algorithms, ease and automate their training procedures and the modification of faces in images. Moreover, their data-driven nature enables new and powerful applications arising from the use of prior knowledge and statistical analyses.In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden drei neue, datengetriebene Methoden vorgestellt, die Gesichter in Abbildungen detektieren, analysieren oder modifizieren. Alle Algorithmen extrahieren dabei Vorwissen über Gesichter und deren Erscheinungsformen aus zuvor erstellten Gesichts- Datenbanken, in 2-D oder 3-D. Zunächst wird ein weit verbreiteter monokularer Gesichtsdetektions- Algorithmus um einen zweiten Klassifikator erweitert. In Echtzeit wertet dieser stereoskopische Tiefenkarten aus und führt so zu nachweislich weniger falsch detektierten Gesichtern. Anschließend wird der Basis-Algorithmus durch Parallelisierung verbessert und mit synthetisch generierten Bilddaten trainiert. Diese garantieren die volle Nutzung des verfügbaren Varianzspektrums. So erzeugte Detektoren übertreffen bisher präsentierte Detektoren auf einem schwierigen Datensatz und können automatisch erzeugt werden. Abschließend wird ein Datenmodell für Gesichts-Make-up vorgestellt. Dieses extrahiert Make-up aus Vorher/Nachher-Fotos und kann Gesichter in Abbildungen modifizieren. In einer Studie wird gezeigt, dass vom Computer empfohlenes Make-up die wahrgenommene Attraktivität von Gesichtern steigert. Zusammengefasst verbessern die gezeigten Methoden die Ergebnisse von Gesichtsdetektoren, erleichtern und automatisieren ihre Trainingsprozedur sowie die automatische Veränderung von Gesichtern in Abbildungen. Durch Extraktion von Vorwissen und statistische Datenanalyse entstehen zudem neuartige Anwendungsfelder

    Biometric Liveness Detection Using Gaze Information

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    This thesis is concerned with liveness detection for biometric systems and in particular for face recognition systems. Biometric systems are well studied and have the potential to provide satisfactory solutions for a variety of applications. However, presentation attacks (spoofng), where an attempt is made at subverting them system by making a deliberate presentation at the sensor is a serious challenge to their use in unattended applications. Liveness detection techniques can help with protecting biometric systems from attacks made through the presentation of artefacts and recordings at the sensor. In this work novel techniques for liveness detection are presented using gaze information. The notion of natural gaze stability is introduced and used to develop a number of novel features that rely on directing the gaze of the user and establishing its behaviour. These features are then used to develop systems for detecting spoofng attempts. The attack scenarios considered in this work include the use of hand held photos and photo masks as well as video reply to subvert the system. The proposed features and systems based on them were evaluated extensively using data captured from genuine and fake attempts. The results of the evaluations indicate that gaze-based features can be used to discriminate between genuine and imposter. Combining features through feature selection and score fusion substantially improved the performance of the proposed features

    Fusion of Appearance Image and Passive Stereo Depth Map for Face Recognition Based on the Bilateral 2DLDA

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    This paper presents a novel approach for face recognition based on the fusion of the appearance and depth information at the match score level. We apply passive stereoscopy instead of active range scanning as popularly used by others. We show that present-day passive stereoscopy, though less robust and accurate, does make positive contribution to face recognition. By combining the appearance and disparity in a linear fashion, we verified experimentally that the combined results are noticeably better than those for each individual modality. We also propose an original learning method, the bilateral two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis (B2DLDA), to extract facial features of the appearance and disparity images. We compare B2DLDA with some existing 2DLDA methods on both XM2VTS database and our database. The results show that the B2DLDA can achieve better results than others