33,765 research outputs found

    Catalog of selected heavy duty transport energy management models

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    A catalog of energy management models for heavy duty transport systems powered by diesel engines is presented. The catalog results from a literature survey, supplemented by telephone interviews and mailed questionnaires to discover the major computer models currently used in the transportation industry in the following categories: heavy duty transport systems, which consist of highway (vehicle simulation), marine (ship simulation), rail (locomotive simulation), and pipeline (pumping station simulation); and heavy duty diesel engines, which involve models that match the intake/exhaust system to the engine, fuel efficiency, emissions, combustion chamber shape, fuel injection system, heat transfer, intake/exhaust system, operating performance, and waste heat utilization devices, i.e., turbocharger, bottoming cycle

    The Use of Transferable Permits in the Transport Sector

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    This report focuses on the potential use of domestic transferable permit (TPs) systems in the transport sector, in order to address the issue of mobility needs management and especially the reductions of airborne pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Firstly the context of the transport sector is briefly reviewed, the main arguments for or against the use of TPs in the sector are analysed and relevant areas are identified. Secondly four case studies of past, present or possible future permits systems are presented and evaluated. The main conclusions are: TPs applied to mobile sources are technically feasible at acceptable financial costs for protecting sensitive geographic areas. TPs schemes applied to automakers for unit vehicle emissions are also viable. Clarity, simplicity in target and pragmatism in scheme design help for their success. Regarding the broader GHG issue end-user TPs would currently involve significant administrative costs when compared with fuel tax system. Given the social resistance encountered by increase in fuel taxes in several countries, end-user TPs with free allocation may intrinsically have potential greater effectiveness and acceptance and should be thoroughly evaluated case-by-case as an alternative.Domestic transferable permits ; Emissions reduction ; Mobile sources ; Transport Sector

    Hypersonic cruise aircraft propulsion integration study, volume 1

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    A hypersonic cruise transport conceptual design is described. The integration of the subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic propulsion systems with the aerodynamic design of the airframe is emphasized. An evaluation of various configurations of aircraft and propulsion integration concepts, and selection and refinement of a final design are given. This configuration was used as a baseline to compare two propulsion concepts - one using a fixed geometry dual combustion mode scramjet and the other a variable geometry ramjet engine. Both concepts used turbojet engines for takeoff, landing and acceleration to supersonic speed


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    The model in this paper integrates the possibility of misinformation into consumer utility theory. If the utility realized from a good differs from the utility anticipated at time of purchase, shifts in demand would occur, and thus changes in consumer surplus. These changes provide a measure of the cost of misinformation or value of improved information. The empirical analysis yields estimates of the private and social cost of inaccuracies in automobile buyers; pre-purchase mileage estimates. If automobile purchases are based on imperfect gasoline mileage information, a discrepancy results between expected and actual fuel-efficiency. The data source is a survey of 1980 model car buyers conducted by the authors.Consumer/Household Economics,

    LESY-ECO: Learning system for eco-driving based on the imitation

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    Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE,IEEE), took place 2014, November, 03-07, in Viena (Austria).In this paper, we propose a learning method for eco-driving based on imitation. The system uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in order to calculate the driving efficiency from the point of view of the fuel consumption. The input and output parameters have been selected taking into account the Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics Model. This technique allows us to notify the user about who is the most efficient driver close to him or her and to suggest the imitation of the behavior of such driver. The proposed method promotes learning by observation and imitation of efficient drivers in a practical rather than theoretical way such as attending eco-driving lessons. The DEA algorithm does not depend on the definition of a preconceived form of the data in order to calculate the efficiency. The DEA algorithm estimates the inefficiency of a particular DMU by comparing it to similar DMUs considered as efficient. This is very important due to the dynamic nature of the traffic. A validation experiment has been conducted with 10 participants who made 500 driving tests in Spain. The results show that combining eco-driving lessons with the proposed learning system, drivers achieve a very significant improvement on fuel saving (15.82%)The research leading to these results has received funding from the “HERMES-SMART DRIVER” project TIN2013-46801-C4-2-R within the Spanish "Plan Nacional de I+D+I" under the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad funded projects (co-financed by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)) IRENE (PT-2012-1036-370000), COMINN (IPT-2012-0883-430000) and REMEDISS (IPT-2012-0882-430000) within the INNPACTO program.Publicad

    Analyzing rebound effects

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    Are efficiency improvements in the use of natural resources the key for sustainable development, are they the solution to environmental problems, or will second round effects - so-called rebound effects - compensate or even overcompensate potential savings, will they fire back? The answer to this question will have fundamental policy implications but the research on rebound effects does not provide clear results. This paper aims to clarify the theoretical basis of various analytical approaches which lead to widely different estimates of rebound effects. -- Sind Verbesserungen in der Effizienz im Umgang mit den natürlichen Ressourcen der Schlüssel für eine Nachhaltige Entwicklung, können sie eine Lösung für die Umweltprobleme sein? Oder werden die potenziellen Einsparungen durch so genannte Rebound-Effekte wieder aufgefressen, also kompensiert oder gar überkompensiert? Die Antwort hierauf hat weitreichende politische Implikationen, doch die Forschung zu Rebound-Effekten liefert keine klaren Ergebnisse. Dieses Papier soll dazu beitragen, die theoretische Basis verschiedener analytischer Zugänge, die zu weit voneinander abweichenden Abschätzungen der Rebound-Effekte kommen, zu klären.

    Gasoline Taxes in Georgia

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    This report describes and compares Georgia's fuel tax with other states and evaluates it as a long-term dedicated revenue source for highway funding in the state. FRC Report 12
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