968 research outputs found

    An algebraic semantics for QVT-relations check-only transformations

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    Fundamenta Informaticae, 114 1, Juan de Lara, Esther Guerra, An algebraic semantics for QVT-relations check-only transformations, 73-101, Copyright 2012, with permission from IOS PressQVT is the standard for model transformation defined by the OMG in the context of the Model-Driven Architecture. It is made of several transformation languages. Among them, QVT-Relations is the one with the highest level of abstraction, as it permits developing bidirectional transformations in a declarative, relational style. Unfortunately, the standard only provides a semiformal description of its semantics, which hinders analysis and has given rise to ambiguities in existing tool implementations. In order to improve this situation, we propose a formal, algebraic semantics for QVT-Relations check-only transformations, defining a notion of satisfaction of QVT-Relations specifications by models.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with projects METEORIC (TIN2008-02081) and Go Lite (TIN2011-24139), and by the R&D program of the Community of Madrid with project “e-Madrid” (S2009/TIC-1650)

    On an Intuitionistic Logic for Pragmatics

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    We reconsider the pragmatic interpretation of intuitionistic logic [21] regarded as a logic of assertions and their justications and its relations with classical logic. We recall an extension of this approach to a logic dealing with assertions and obligations, related by a notion of causal implication [14, 45]. We focus on the extension to co-intuitionistic logic, seen as a logic of hypotheses [8, 9, 13] and on polarized bi-intuitionistic logic as a logic of assertions and conjectures: looking at the S4 modal translation, we give a denition of a system AHL of bi-intuitionistic logic that correctly represents the duality between intuitionistic and co-intuitionistic logic, correcting a mistake in previous work [7, 10]. A computational interpretation of cointuitionism as a distributed calculus of coroutines is then used to give an operational interpretation of subtraction.Work on linear co-intuitionism is then recalled, a linear calculus of co-intuitionistic coroutines is dened and a probabilistic interpretation of linear co-intuitionism is given as in [9]. Also we remark that by extending the language of intuitionistic logic we can express the notion of expectation, an assertion that in all situations the truth of p is possible and that in a logic of expectations the law of double negation holds. Similarly, extending co-intuitionistic logic, we can express the notion of conjecture that p, dened as a hypothesis that in some situation the truth of p is epistemically necessary


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    Formal Development of Rough Inclusion Functions

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    Rough sets, developed by Pawlak [15], are important tool to describe situation of incomplete or partially unknown information. In this article, continuing the formalization of rough sets [12], we give the formal characterization of three rough inclusion functions (RIFs). We start with the standard one, ÎșÂŁ, connected with Ɓukasiewicz [14], and extend this research for two additional RIFs: Îș 1, and Îș 2, following a paper by GomoliƄska [4], [3]. We also define q-RIFs and weak q-RIFs [2]. The paper establishes a formal counterpart of [7] and makes a preliminary step towards rough mereology [16], [17] in Mizar [13].Institute of Informatics, University of BiaƂystok, PolandAnna Gomolinska. A comparative study of some generalized rough approximations. Fundamenta Informaticae, 51:103–119, 2002.Anna Gomolinska. Rough approximation based on weak q-RIFs. In James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Marcin Wolski, Mihir K. Chakraborty, and Wei-Zhi Wu, editors, Transactions on Rough Sets X, volume 5656 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 117–135, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009. Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-03281-3. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-03281-3_4.Anna Gomolinska. On three closely related rough inclusion functions. In Marzena Kryszkiewicz, James F. Peters, Henryk Rybinski, and Andrzej Skowron, editors, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems Paradigms, volume 4585 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 142–151, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-73451-2_16.Anna Gomolinska. On certain rough inclusion functions. In James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, and Henryk Rybinski, editors, Transactions on Rough Sets IX, volume 5390 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 35–55. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-89876-4_3.Adam Grabowski. On the computer-assisted reasoning about rough sets. In B. Dunin-Kęplicz, A. Jankowski, A. Skowron, and M. Szczuka, editors, International Workshop on Monitoring, Security, and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems Location, volume 28 of Advances in Soft Computing, pages 215–226, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005. Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/3-540-32370-8_15.Adam Grabowski. Efficient rough set theory merging. Fundamenta Informaticae, 135(4): 371–385, 2014. doi:10.3233/FI-2014-1129.Adam Grabowski. Building a framework of rough inclusion functions by means of computerized proof assistant. In TamĂĄs MihĂĄlydeĂĄk, Fan Min, Guoyin Wang, Mohua Banerjee, Ivo DĂŒntsch, Zbigniew Suraj, and Davide Ciucci, editors, Rough Sets, volume 11499 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 225–238, Cham, 2019. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-030-22815-6. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-22815-6_18.Adam Grabowski. Lattice theory for rough sets – a case study with Mizar. Fundamenta Informaticae, 147(2–3):223–240, 2016. doi:10.3233/FI-2016-1406.Adam Grabowski. Relational formal characterization of rough sets. Formalized Mathematics, 21(1):55–64, 2013. doi:10.2478/forma-2013-0006.Adam Grabowski. Binary relations-based rough sets – an automated approach. Formalized Mathematics, 24(2):143–155, 2016. doi:10.1515/forma-2016-0011.Adam Grabowski and Christoph Schwarzweller. On duplication in mathematical repositories. In Serge Autexier, Jacques Calmet, David Delahaye, Patrick D. F. Ion, Laurence Rideau, Renaud Rioboo, and Alan P. Sexton, editors, Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 10th International Conference, AISC 2010, 17th Symposium, Calculemus 2010, and 9th International Conference, MKM 2010, Paris, France, July 5–10, 2010. Proceedings, volume 6167 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 300–314. Springer, 2010. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14128-7_26.Adam Grabowski and MichaƂ Sielwiesiuk. Formalizing two generalized approximation operators. Formalized Mathematics, 26(2):183–191, 2018. doi:10.2478/forma-2018-0016.Adam Grabowski, Artur KorniƂowicz, and Adam Naumowicz. Four decades of Mizar. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 55(3):191–198, 2015. doi:10.1007/s10817-015-9345-1.Jan Ɓukasiewicz. Die logischen Grundlagen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung. In L. Borkowski, editor, Jan Ɓukasiewicz – Selected Works, pages 16–63. North Holland, Polish Scientific Publ., Amsterdam London Warsaw, 1970. First published in KrakĂłw, 1913.ZdzisƂaw Pawlak. Rough sets. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 11:341–356, 1982. doi:10.1007/BF01001956.Lech Polkowski. Rough mereology. In Approximate Reasoning by Parts, volume 20 of Intelligent Systems Reference Library, pages 229–257, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011. Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-22279-5. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-22279-5_6.Lech Polkowski and Andrzej Skowron. Rough mereology: A new paradigm for approximate reasoning. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 15(4):333–365, 1996. doi:10.1016/S0888-613X(96)00072-2.Andrzej Skowron and JarosƂaw Stepaniuk. Tolerance approximation spaces. Fundamenta Informaticae, 27(2/3):245–253, 1996. doi:10.3233/FI-1996-272311.William Zhu. Generalized rough sets based on relations. Information Sciences, 177: 4997–5011, 2007.27433734

    Truth Degrees Theory and Approximate Reasoning in 3-Valued Propositional Pre-Rough Logic

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    By means of the function induced by a logical formula A, the concept of truth degree of the logical formula A is introduced in the 3-valued pre-rough logic in this paper. Moreover, similarity degrees among formulas are proposed and a pseudometric is defined on the set of formulas, and hence a possible framework suitable for developing approximate reasoning theory in 3-value logic pre-rough logic is established

    A Coverage Criterion for Spaced Seeds and its Applications to Support Vector Machine String Kernels and k-Mer Distances

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    Spaced seeds have been recently shown to not only detect more alignments, but also to give a more accurate measure of phylogenetic distances (Boden et al., 2013, Horwege et al., 2014, Leimeister et al., 2014), and to provide a lower misclassification rate when used with Support Vector Machines (SVMs) (On-odera and Shibuya, 2013), We confirm by independent experiments these two results, and propose in this article to use a coverage criterion (Benson and Mak, 2008, Martin, 2013, Martin and No{\'e}, 2014), to measure the seed efficiency in both cases in order to design better seed patterns. We show first how this coverage criterion can be directly measured by a full automaton-based approach. We then illustrate how this criterion performs when compared with two other criteria frequently used, namely the single-hit and multiple-hit criteria, through correlation coefficients with the correct classification/the true distance. At the end, for alignment-free distances, we propose an extension by adopting the coverage criterion, show how it performs, and indicate how it can be efficiently computed.Comment: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/cmb.2014.017
