2,127 research outputs found

    Transition to Reconstructibility in Weakly Coupled Networks

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    Across scientific disciplines, thresholded pairwise measures of statistical dependence between time series are taken as proxies for the interactions between the dynamical units of a network. Yet such correlation measures often fail to reflect the underlying physical interactions accurately. Here we systematically study the problem of reconstructing direct physical interaction networks from thresholding correlations. We explicate how local common cause and relay structures, heterogeneous in-degrees and non-local structural properties of the network generally hinder reconstructibility. However, in the limit of weak coupling strengths we prove that stationary systems with dynamics close to a given operating point transition to universal reconstructiblity across all network topologies.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, supplementary material include

    TIGER: Toolbox for integrating genome-scale metabolic models, expression data, and transcriptional regulatory networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several methods have been developed for analyzing genome-scale models of metabolism and transcriptional regulation. Many of these methods, such as Flux Balance Analysis, use constrained optimization to predict relationships between metabolic flux and the genes that encode and regulate enzyme activity. Recently, mixed integer programming has been used to encode these gene-protein-reaction (GPR) relationships into a single optimization problem, but these techniques are often of limited generality and lack a tool for automating the conversion of rules to a coupled regulatory/metabolic model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present TIGER, a Toolbox for Integrating Genome-scale Metabolism, Expression, and Regulation. TIGER converts a series of generalized, Boolean or multilevel rules into a set of mixed integer inequalities. The package also includes implementations of existing algorithms to integrate high-throughput expression data with genome-scale models of metabolism and transcriptional regulation. We demonstrate how TIGER automates the coupling of a genome-scale metabolic model with GPR logic and models of transcriptional regulation, thereby serving as a platform for algorithm development and large-scale metabolic analysis. Additionally, we demonstrate how TIGER's algorithms can be used to identify inconsistencies and improve existing models of transcriptional regulation with examples from the reconstructed transcriptional regulatory network of <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The TIGER package provides a consistent platform for algorithm development and extending existing genome-scale metabolic models with regulatory networks and high-throughput data.</p

    A review of methods for the reconstruction and analysis of integrated genome-scale models of metabolism and regulation

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    The current survey aims to describe the main methodologies for extending the reconstruction and analysis of genome-scale metabolic models and phenotype simulation with Flux Balance Analysis mathematical frameworks, via the integration of Transcriptional Regulatory Networks and/or gene expression data. Although the surveyed methods are aimed at improving phenotype simulations obtained from these models, the perspective of reconstructing integrated genome-scale models of metabolism and gene expression for diverse prokaryotes is still an open challenge.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04 469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 -Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Fernando Cruz holds a doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BD/139198/2018) funded by the FCT. This study was supported by the European Commission through project SHIKIFACTORY100 -Modular cell factories for the production of 100 compounds from the shikimate pathway (Reference 814408). The submitted manuscript has been created by UChicago Argonne, LLC as Operator of Argonne National Laboratory (`Argonne') under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government retains for itself, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in said article to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government. The Department of Energy will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Environmental statistics and optimal regulation

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    Any organism is embedded in an environment that changes over time. The timescale for and statistics of environmental change, the precision with which the organism can detect its environment, and the costs and benefits of particular protein expression levels all will affect the suitability of different strategies-such as constitutive expression or graded response-for regulating protein levels in response to environmental inputs. We propose a general framework-here specifically applied to the enzymatic regulation of metabolism in response to changing concentrations of a basic nutrient-to predict the optimal regulatory strategy given the statistics of fluctuations in the environment and measurement apparatus, respectively, and the costs associated with enzyme production. We use this framework to address three fundamental questions: (i) when a cell should prefer thresholding to a graded response; (ii) when there is a fitness advantage to implementing a Bayesian decision rule; and (iii) when retaining memory of the past provides a selective advantage. We specifically find that: (i) relative convexity of enzyme expression cost and benefit influences the fitness of thresholding or graded responses; (ii) intermediate levels of measurement uncertainty call for a sophisticated Bayesian decision rule; and (iii) in dynamic contexts, intermediate levels of uncertainty call for retaining memory of the past. Statistical properties of the environment, such as variability and correlation times, set optimal biochemical parameters, such as thresholds and decay rates in signaling pathways. Our framework provides a theoretical basis for interpreting molecular signal processing algorithms and a classification scheme that organizes known regulatory strategies and may help conceptualize heretofore unknown ones.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    A pipeline for the reconstruction and evaluation of context-specific human metabolic models at a large-scale

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    Constraint-based (CB) metabolic models provide a mathematical framework and scaffold for in silico cell metabolism analysis and manipulation. In the past decade, significant efforts have been done to model human metabolism, enabled by the increased availability of multi-omics datasets and curated genome-scale reconstructions, as well as the development of several algorithms for context-specific model (CSM) reconstruction. Although CSM reconstruction has revealed insights on the deregulated metabolism of several pathologies, the process of reconstructing representative models of human tissues still lacks benchmarks and appropriate integrated software frameworks, since many tools required for this process are still disperse across various software platforms, some of which are proprietary. In this work, we address this challenge by assembling a scalable CSM reconstruction pipeline capable of integrating transcriptomics data in CB models. We combined omics preprocessing methods inspired by previous efforts with in-house implementations of existing CSM algorithms and new model refinement and validation routines, all implemented in the Troppo Python-based open-source framework. The pipeline was validated with multi-omics datasets from the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE), also including reference fluxomics measurements for the MCF7 cell line. We reconstructed over 6000 models based on the Human-GEM template model for 733 cell lines featured in the CCLE, using MCF7 models as reference to find the best parameter combinations. These reference models outperform earlier studies using the same template by comparing gene essentiality and fluxomics experiments. We also analysed the heterogeneity of breast cancer cell lines, identifying key changes in metabolism related to cancer aggressiveness. Despite the many challenges in CB modelling, we demonstrate using our pipeline that combining transcriptomics data in metabolic models can be used to investigate key metabolic shifts. Significant limitations were found on these models ability for reliable quantitative flux prediction, thus motivating further work in genome-wide phenotype prediction.The authors thank the PhD scholarships co-funded by national funds and the European Social Fund through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), with references: SFRH/BD/118657/2016 (V.V.), SFRH/BD/133248/ 2017 (J.F.). This study was also supported by the FCT under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and by LABBELS - Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechnaical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A pipeline for the reconstruction and evaluation of context-specific human metabolic models at a large-scale

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    Constraint-based (CB) metabolic models provide a mathematical framework and scaffold for in silico cell metabolism analysis and manipulation. In the past decade, significant efforts have been done to model human metabolism, enabled by the increased availability of multi-omics datasets and curated genome-scale reconstructions, as well as the development of several algorithms for context-specific model (CSM) reconstruction. Although CSM reconstruction has revealed insights on the deregulated metabolism of several pathologies, the process of reconstructing representative models of human tissues still lacks benchmarks and appropriate integrated software frameworks, since many tools required for this process are still disperse across various software platforms, some of which are proprietary.In this work, we address this challenge by assembling a scalable CSM reconstruction pipeline capable of integrating transcriptomics data in CB models. We combined omics preprocessing methods inspired by previous efforts with in-house implementations of existing CSM algorithms and new model refinement and validation routines, all implemented in the Troppo Python-based open-source framework. The pipeline was validated with multi-omics datasets from the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE), also including reference fluxomics measurements for the MCF7 cell line.We reconstructed over 6000 models based on the Human-GEM template model for 733 cell lines featured in the CCLE, using MCF7 models as reference to find the best parameter combinations. These reference models outperform earlier studies using the same template by comparing gene essentiality and fluxomics experiments. We also analysed the heterogeneity of breast cancer cell lines, identifying key changes in metabolism related to cancer aggressiveness. Despite the many challenges in CB modelling, we demonstrate using our pipeline that combining transcriptomics data in metabolic models can be used to investigate key metabolic shifts. Significant limitations were found on these models ability for reliable quantitative flux prediction, thus motivating further work in genome-wide phenotype prediction.Author summary Genome-scale models of human metabolism are promising tools capable of contextualising large omics datasets within a framework that enables analysis and manipulation of metabolic phenotypes. Despite various successes in applying these methods to provide mechanistic hypotheses for deregulated metabolism in disease, there is no standardized workflow to extract these models using existing methods and the tools required to do so are mostly implemented using proprietary software.We have assembled a generic pipeline to extract and validate context-specific metabolic models using multi-omics datasets and implemented it using the troppo framework. We first validate our pipeline using MCF7 cell line models and assess their ability to predict lethal gene knockouts as well as flux activity using multi-omics data. We also demonstrate how this approach can be generalized for large-scale transcriptomics datasets and used to generate insights on the metabolic heterogeneity of cancer and relevant features for other data mining approaches. The pipeline is available as part of an open-source framework that is generic for a variety of applications.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.The authors thank the PhD scholarships co-funded by national funds and the European Social Fund through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), with references: SFRH/BD/118657/2016 (V.V.), SFRH/BD/133248/2017 (J.F.). This study was also supported by the FCT under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrated metabolic flux and omics analysis of leishmania major metabolism

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    Leishmaniasis is a virulent parasitic infection that causes a significant threat to human health worldwide. The existing drugs are becoming less effective due to the ability of Leishmania spp. to alter its metabolism to adapt to harsh environments. Understanding how this parasite manipulates its metabolism inside the host (e.g. sandfly and human) might underpin new ways to prevent the disease and develop effective treatment strategies. Despite significant advances in omics technologies, biochemistry of parasites still lacks the understanding of molecular components that determine the metabolic behavior under varying conditions. Metabolic network modeling might be of interest to identify physiologically relevant nodes in a metabolic network. The present work proposes a metabolic model iSK570 (an extension of the iAC560 model) with additional reactions for the metabolism of lipids, long chain fatty acids and carbohydrates to study the metabolic behavior of this parasite. Gene Inactivity Moderated by Metabolism and Expression (GIMME) algorithm was used to verify the consistency between model flux predictions and gene expression data. Improved flux distributions were obtained, allowing a more accurate understanding of stage-specific metabolism in of promastigotes and amastigotes.This work was supported by the Initial Training Network, GlycoPar, funded by the FP7 Marie Curie Actions of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN-608295). The authors gratefully express appreciation to SilicoLife Lda for providing required infrastructural facilities related to this work. We also thank Bruno Pereira (systems biologist at SilicoLife) and Hugo Giesteira (programmer at SilicoLife) for scientific and technical assistance during various phases of the project.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Constraint-based modeling identifies new putative targets to fight colistin-resistant A. baumannii infections

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is a clinical threat to human health, causing major infection outbreaks worldwide. As new drugs against Gram-negative bacteria do not seem to be forthcoming, and due to the microbial capability of acquiring multi-resistance, there is an urgent need for novel therapeutic targets. Here we have derived a list of new potential targets by means of metabolic reconstruction and modelling of A. baumannii ATCC 19606. By integrating constraint-based modelling with gene expression data, we simulated microbial growth in normal and stressful conditions (i.e. following antibiotic exposure). This allowed us to describe the metabolic reprogramming that occurs in this bacterium when treated with colistin (the currently adopted last-line treatment) and identify a set of genes that are primary targets for developing new drugs against A. baumannii, including colistin-resistant strains. It can be anticipated that the metabolic model presented herein will represent a solid and reliable resource for the future treatment of A. baumannii infections