11,345 research outputs found

    CAMILA: formal software engineering supported by functional programming

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    This paper describes two experiences in teaching a formal approach to software engineering at undergraduate level supported by Camila a functional programming based tool Carried on in diferent institutions each of them addresses a particular topic in the area requirement analysis and generic systems design in the first case specification and implementation development in the second Camila the common framework to both experiences animates a set based language extended with a mild use of category theory which can be reasoned upon for program calculation and classification purpose. The project afiliates itself to but is not restricted to the research in exploring Functional Programming as a rapid prototyping environment for formal software model. Its kernel is fully connectable to external applications and equipped with a component repository and distribution facilities. The paper explains how Camila is being used in the educational practice as a tool to think with providing a kind of cross fertilization between students under standing of diferent parts of the curriculum. Furthermore it helps in developinga number of engineering skills namely the ability to analyze and classify information problems and models and to resort to the combined use of diferent programming frameworks in approaching them

    A process for prototyping onboard payload displays for Space Station Freedom

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    Significant advances have been made in the area of Human-Computer Interface design. However, there is no well-defined process for going from user interface requirements to user interface design. Developing and designing a clear and consistent user interface for medium to large scale systems is a very challenging and complex task. The task becomes increasingly difficult when there is very little guidance and procedures on how the development process should flow from one stage to the next. Without a specific sequence of development steps each design becomes difficult to repeat, to evaluate, to improve, and to articulate to others. This research contributes a process which identifies the phases of development and products produced as a result of each phase for a rapid prototyping process to be used to develop requirements for the onboard payload displays for Space Station Freedom. The functional components of a dynamic prototyping environment in which this process can be carried out is also discussed. Some of the central questions which are answered here include: How does one go from specifications to an actual prototype? How is a prototype evaluated? How is usability defined and thus measured? How do we use the information from evaluation in redesign of an interface? and Are there techniques which allow for convergence on a design

    Declarative Support for Prototyping Interactive Systems

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    The development of complex, multi-user, interactive systems is a difficult process that requires both a rapid iterative approach, and the ability to reason carefully about system designs. This thesis argues that a combination of declarative prototyping and formal specification provides a suitable way of satisfying these requirements. The focus of this thesis is on the development of software tools for prototyping interactive systems. In particular, it uses a declarative approach, based on the functional programming paradigm. This thesis makes two contributions. The most significant contribution is the presentation of FranTk, a new Graphical User Interface language, embedded in the functional language Haskell. It is suitable for prototyping complex, concurrent, multi-user systems. It allows systems to be built in a high level, structured manner. In particular, it provides good support for specifying real-time properties of such systems. The second contribution is a mechanism that allows a formal specification to be derived from a high level FranTk prototype. The approach allows this to be done automatically. This specification can then be checked, with tool support, to verify some safety properties about a system. To avoid the state space explosion problem that would be faced when verifying an entire system, we focus on partial verification. This concentrates on key areas of a design: in particular this means that we only derive a specification from parts of a prototype. To demonstrate the scalability of both the prototyping and verification approaches, this thesis uses a series of case studies including a multi-user design rationale editor and a prototype data-link Air Traffic Control system

    A Formal Methodology for Deriving Purely Functional Programs From Z Specifications via the Intermediate Specification Language FunZ.

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    In recent years, both formal methods and software reuse have been increasingly advocated as a means of alleviating the ills of the software crisis. During this same time period, purely functional programming languages, which have a long history in the realm of rapid prototyping, have emerged as a viable medium for real-world applications. Since these trends are likely to continue, this work describes a methodology that facilitates the derivation of purely functional programs from existing Z specifications. A unique aspect of the methodology is its incorporation of an intermediate specification language (FunZ) during the design phase of software development. Most of the previous techniques for translating Z specifications to functional programs were designed primarily to expedite rapid prototyping. In contrast, the FunZ methodology, which is an adapted form of the IBM Hursley method, is a comprehensive approach, spanning the software life cycle from specification through design to final implementation. Due to its greater scope, the FunZ methodology offers several advantages over existing approaches. First, the specification language integrates features from Z with those of the functional programming paradigm to provide a bridge between Z specifications and functional implementations. Since FunZ is expressly designed to target functional languages, the implementor\u27s job is simplified. In fact, a FunZ document looks like extended Haskell code, so an obvious effect in applying FunZ is that the distance from design to code is reduced. Second, the methodology provides a framework for recording design decisions, which is useful for future maintenance. Within this framework, users may select a development path ranging from an intuitive style to a fully formal approach that includes the proofs of functional refinement. Furthermore, FunZ allows software developers to prove properties about a system design within the realm of Z or Haskell. This means that proofs can be performed throughout software development and the designer is free to select the most appropriate notation. In summary, the intermediate specification language FunZ and its related methodology provide software developers with a complete, formal approach for translating Z specifications to Haskell implementations. Previously, such extensive methods were only available for traditional, imperative languages

    On the engineering of crucial software

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    The various aspects of the conventional software development cycle are examined. This cycle was the basis of the augmented approach contained in the original grant proposal. This cycle was found inadequate for crucial software development, and the justification for this opinion is presented. Several possible enhancements to the conventional software cycle are discussed. Software fault tolerance, a possible enhancement of major importance, is discussed separately. Formal verification using mathematical proof is considered. Automatic programming is a radical alternative to the conventional cycle and is discussed. Recommendations for a comprehensive approach are presented, and various experiments which could be conducted in AIRLAB are described

    An overview of very high level software design methods

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    Very High Level design methods emphasize automatic transfer of requirements to formal design specifications, and/or may concentrate on automatic transformation of formal design specifications that include some semantic information of the system into machine executable form. Very high level design methods range from general domain independent methods to approaches implementable for specific applications or domains. Applying AI techniques, abstract programming methods, domain heuristics, software engineering tools, library-based programming and other methods different approaches for higher level software design are being developed. Though one finds that a given approach does not always fall exactly in any specific class, this paper provides a classification for very high level design methods including examples for each class. These methods are analyzed and compared based on their basic approaches, strengths and feasibility for future expansion toward automatic development of software systems

    Can space station software be specified through Ada?

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    Programming of the space station is to be done in the Ada programming language. A breadboard of selected parts of the work package for Marshall Space Flight Center is to be built, and programming this small part will be a good testing ground for Ada. One coding of the upper levels of the design brings out several problems with top-down design when it is to be carried out strictly within the language. Ada is evaluated on the basis of this experience, and the points raised are compared with other experience as related in the literature. Rapid prototyping is another approach to the initial programming; several different types of prototypes are discussed, and compared with the art of specification. Some solutions are proposed and a number of recommendations presented

    A conceptual model for megaprogramming

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    Megaprogramming is component-based software engineering and life-cycle management. Magaprogramming and its relationship to other research initiatives (common prototyping system/common prototyping language, domain specific software architectures, and software understanding) are analyzed. The desirable attributes of megaprogramming software components are identified and a software development model and resulting prototype megaprogramming system (library interconnection language extended by annotated Ada) are described