450 research outputs found

    White matter hyperintensities segmentation: a new semi-automated method

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    White matter hyperintensities (WMH) are brain areas of increased signal on T2-weighted or fluid-attenuated inverse recovery magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. In this study we present a new semi-automated method to measure WMH load that is based on the segmentation of the intensity histogram of fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images. Thirty patients with mild cognitive impairment with variable WMH load were enrolled. The semi-automated WMH segmentation included removal of non-brain tissue, spatial normalization, removal of cerebellum and brain stem, spatial filtering, thresholding to segment probable WMH, manual editing for correction of false positives and negatives, generation of WMH map, and volumetric estimation of the WMH load. Accuracy was quantitatively evaluated by comparing semi-automated and manual WMH segmentations performed by two independent raters. Differences between the two procedures were assessed using Student’s t-tests and similarity was evaluated using linear regression model and Dice similarity coefficient (DSC). The volumes of the manual and semi-automated segmentations did not statistically differ (t-value = -1.79, DF = 29, p = 0.839 for rater 1; t-value = 1.113, DF = 29, p = 0.2749 for rater 2), were highly correlated [R(2) = 0.921, F((1,29)) = 155.54, p < 0.0001 for rater 1; R(2) = 0.935, F((1,29)) = 402.709, p < 0.0001 for rater 2] and showed a very strong spatial similarity (mean DSC = 0.78, for rater 1 and 0.77 for rater 2). In conclusion, our semi-automated method to measure the load of WMH is highly reliable and could represent a good tool that could be easily implemented in routinely neuroimaging analyses to map clinical consequences of WMH

    Validation of White Matter Hyperintensities automatic segmentation methods

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    Treballs finals del Màster de Fonaments de Ciència de Dades, Facultat de matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2020, Tutor: Eloi Puertas i Prats i Joaquim Raduà[en] This master’s thesis seeks to review and objectively evaluate the current white matter hyperintensities (WMH) automatic segmentation methods published journals. To this end, the methods have been systematically searched in scientific databases, and those meeting inclusion criteria have been evaluated. The evaluation has consisted in applying the method to detect WMH in our dataset of patients with bipolar disorder and healthy controls, in which an experienced neuroradiologist had manually coded all WMH. After the systematic search, we selected all available methods that were ready for use with standard MRI data by a standard user. Four methods met these criteria. We then applied these methods to detect WMH in our dataset, and compared the results with the neuroradiologist-based ground truth deriving several evaluation metrics. This master’s thesis also include a discussion section, in which we compare the results of our evaluations with the results of the WMH Segmentation Challenge held in 2017, which included substantially different datasets. The most relevant conclusion of this master’s thesis is that no method seems to be accurate enough for clinical implementation, although the low performance of the methods may be related to the differences between our data and the data that were used to train them. Besides, realizing the huge improvement made in the field during the last few years after the appearance of deep neural networks, we anticipate that a method with sufficient accuracy might be available soon. The codes used to obtain the results and graphs displayed in this project together with some guidelines to run them are available through PFM-WMH 1

    Automated White Matter Hyperintensity Segmentation Using Bayesian Model Selection: Assessment and Correlations with Cognitive Change.

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    Accurate, automated white matter hyperintensity (WMH) segmentations are needed for large-scale studies to understand contributions of WMH to neurological diseases. We evaluated Bayesian Model Selection (BaMoS), a hierarchical fully-unsupervised model selection framework for WMH segmentation. We compared BaMoS segmentations to semi-automated segmentations, and assessed whether they predicted longitudinal cognitive change in control, early Mild Cognitive Impairment (EMCI), late Mild Cognitive Impairment (LMCI), subjective/significant memory concern (SMC) and Alzheimer's (AD) participants. Data were downloaded from the Alzheimer's disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Magnetic resonance images from 30 control and 30 AD participants were selected to incorporate multiple scanners, and were semi-automatically segmented by 4 raters and BaMoS. Segmentations were assessed using volume correlation, Dice score, and other spatial metrics. Linear mixed-effect models were fitted to 180 control, 107 SMC, 320 EMCI, 171 LMCI and 151 AD participants separately in each group, with the outcomes being cognitive change (e.g. mini-mental state examination; MMSE), and BaMoS WMH, age, sex, race and education used as predictors. There was a high level of agreement between BaMoS' WMH segmentation volumes and a consensus of rater segmentations, with a median Dice score of 0.74 and correlation coefficient of 0.96. BaMoS WMH predicted cognitive change in: control, EMCI, and SMC groups using MMSE; LMCI using clinical dementia rating scale; and EMCI using Alzheimer's disease assessment scale-cognitive subscale (p < 0.05, all tests). BaMoS compares well to semi-automated segmentation, is robust to different WMH loads and scanners, and can generate volumes which predict decline. BaMoS can be applicable to further large-scale studies

    Automated white matter hyperintensity segmentation using Bayesian Model Selection: assessment and correlations with cognitive change

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    Accurate, automated white matter hyperintensity (WMH) segmentations are needed for large-scale studies to understand contributions of WMH to neurological diseases. We evaluated Bayesian Model Selection (BaMoS), a hierarchical fully-unsupervised model selection framework for WMH segmentation. We compared BaMoS segmentations to semi-automated segmentations, and assessed whether they predicted longitudinal cognitive change in control, early Mild Cognitive Impairment (EMCI), late Mild Cognitive Impairment (LMCI), subjective/significant memory concern (SMC) and Alzheimer’s (AD) participants. Data were downloaded from the Alzheimer’s disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Magnetic resonance images from 30 control and 30 AD participants were selected to incorporate multiple scanners, and were semi-automatically segmented by 4 raters and BaMoS. Segmentations were assessed using volume correlation, Dice score, and other spatial metrics. Linear mixed-effect models were fitted to 180 control, 107 SMC, 320 EMCI, 171 LMCI and 151 AD participants separately in each group, with the outcomes being cognitive change (e.g. mini-mental state examination; MMSE), and BaMoS WMH, age, sex, race and education used as predictors. There was a high level of agreement between BaMoS’ WMH segmentation volumes and a consensus of rater segmentations, with a median Dice score of 0.74 and correlation coefficient of 0.96. BaMoS WMH predicted cognitive change in: control, EMCI, and SMC groups using MMSE; LMCI using clinical dementia rating scale; and EMCI using Alzheimer’s disease assessment scale-cognitive subscale (p < 0.05, all tests). BaMoS compares well to semi-automated segmentation, is robust to different WMH loads and scanners, and can generate volumes which predict decline. BaMoS can be applicable to further large-scale studies

    Deteção automática de lesões de esclerose múltipla em imagens de ressonância magnética cerebral utilizando BIANCA

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    The aim of this work was to design and optimize a workflow to apply the Machine Learning classifier BIANCA (Brain Intensity AbNormalities Classification Algorithm) to detect lesions characterized by white matter T2 hyperintensity in clinical Magnetic Resonance Multiple Sclerosis datasets. The designed pipeline includes pre-processing, lesion identification and optimization of BIANCA options. The classifier has been trained and tuned on 15 cases making up the training dataset of the MICCAI 2016 (Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions) challenge and then tested on 30 cases from the Lesjak et al. public dataset. The results obtained are in good agreement with those reported by the 13 teams concluding the MICCAI 2016 challenge, thus confirming that this algorithm can be a reliable tool to detect and classify Multiple Sclerosis lesions in Magnetic Resonance studies.Este trabalho teve como objetivo a conceção e otimização de um procedimento para aplicação de um algoritmo de Machine Learning, o classificador BIANCA (Brain Intensity AbNormalities Classification Algorithm), para deteção de lesões caracterizadas por hiperintensidade em T2 da matéria branca em estudos clínicos de Esclerose Múltipla por Ressonância Magnética. O procedimento concebido inclui pré-processamento, identificação das lesões e otimização dos parâmetros do algoritmo BIANCA. O classificador foi treinado e afinado utilizando os 15 casos clínicos que constituíam o conjunto de treino do desafio MICCAI 2016 (Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions) e posteriormente testado em 30 casos clínicos de uma base de dados pública (Lesjak et al.). Os resultados obtidos são em concordância com os alcançados pelas 13 equipas que concluíram o desafio MICCAI 2016, confirmando que este algoritmo pode ser uma ferramenta válida para a deteção e classificação de lesões de Esclerose Múltipla em estudos de Ressonância Magnética.Mestrado em Tecnologias da Imagem Médic

    Automated detection of lupus white matter lesions in MRI

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    Brain magnetic resonance imaging provides detailed information which can be used to detect and segment white matter lesions (WML). In this work we propose an approach to automatically segment WML in Lupus patients by using T1w and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images. Lupus WML appear as small focal abnormal tissue observed as hyperintensities in the FLAIR images. The quantification of these WML is a key factor for the stratification of lupus patients and therefore both lesion detection and segmentation play an important role. In our approach, the T1w image is first used to classify the three main tissues of the brain, white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), while the FLAIR image is then used to detect focal WML as outliers of its GM intensity distribution. A set of post-processing steps based on lesion size, tissue neighborhood, and location are used to refine the lesion candidates. The proposal is evaluated on 20 patients, presenting qualitative, and quantitative results in terms of precision and sensitivity of lesion detection [True Positive Rate (62%) and Positive Prediction Value (80%), respectively] as well as segmentation accuracy [Dice Similarity Coefficient (72%)]. Obtained results illustrate the validity of the approach to automatically detect and segment lupus lesions. Besides, our approach is publicly available as a SPM8/12 toolbox extension with a simple parameter configuration

    Identifying and reverting the adverse effects of white matter hyperintensities on cortical surface analyses

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    ありふれた脳の白質病変がMRI画像解析を悪化させていた --従来手法に機械学習を組み入れた改善手法の開発--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-10-02.The Human Connectome Project (HCP)-style surface-based brain MRI analysis is a powerful technique that allows precise mapping of the cerebral cortex. However, the strength of its surface-based analysis has not yet been tested in the older population that often presents with white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) on T2-weighted (T2w) MRI (hypointensities on T1w MRI). We investigated T1-weighted (T1w) and T2w structural MRI in 43 healthy middle-aged to old participants. Juxtacortical WMHs were often misclassified by the default HCP pipeline as parts of the gray matter in T1w MRI, leading to incorrect estimation of the cortical surfaces and cortical metrics. To revert the adverse effects of juxtacortical WMHs, we incorporated the Brain Intensity AbNormality Classification Algorithm into the HCP pipeline (proposed pipeline). Blinded radiologists performed stereological quality control (QC) and found a decrease in the estimation errors in the proposed pipeline. The superior performance of the proposed pipeline was confirmed using an originally-developed automated surface QC based on a large database. Here we showed the detrimental effects of juxtacortical WMHs for estimating cortical surfaces and related metrics and proposed a possible solution for this problem. The present knowledge and methodology should help researchers identify adequate cortical surface biomarkers for aging and age-related neuropsychiatric disorders


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    Quantitative analysis of the MRI structural and functional images is a fundamental component in the assessment of brain anatomical abnormalities, in mapping functional activation onto human anatomy, in longitudinal evaluation of disease progression, and in computer-assisted neurosurgery or surgical planning. Image registration and segmentation is central in analyzing structural and functional MR brain images. However, due to increased variability in brain morphology and age-related atrophy, traditional methods for image registration and segmentation are not suitable for analyzing MR brain images from elderly individuals. The overall goal of this dissertation is to develop algorithms to improve the registration and segmentation accuracy in the geriatric population. The specific aims of this work includes 1) to implement a fully deformable registration pipeline to allow a higher degree of spatial deformation and produce more accurate deformation field, 2) to propose and validate an optimum template selection method for atlas-based segmentation, 3) to propose and validate a multi-template strategy for image normalization, which characterizes brain structural variations in the elderly, 4) to develop an automated segmentation and localization method to access white matter integrity (WMH) in the elderly population, and finally 5) to study the default-mode network (DMN) connectivity and white matter hyperintensity in late-life depression (LLD) with the developed registration and segmentation methods. Through a series of experiments, we have shown that the deformable registration pipeline and the template selection strategies lead to improved accuracy in the brain MR image registration and segmentation, and the automated WMH segmentation and localization method provides more specific and more accurate information about volume and spatial distribution of WMH than traditional visual grading methods. Using the developed methods, our clinical study provides evidence for altered DMN connectivity in LLD. The correlation between WMH volume and DMN connectivity emphasizes the role of vascular changes in LLD's etiopathogenesis