926 research outputs found

    Analysis of Wireless Body-Centric Medical Sensors for Remote Healthcare

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    Aquesta tesi aborda el problema de trobar solucions confortables, de baixa potència i sense fils per aplicacions mèdiques. La tesi tracta els avantatges i les limitacions de tres tecnologies de comunicació diferents per la mesura de paràmetres del cos i mètodes per redissenyar sensors per avaluacions òptimes centrades en el cos. La tecnologia RFID es considera una de les solucions més influents per superar el problema del consum d'energia limitat, a causa de la presència de molts sensors connectats. També s'ha estudiat la tecnologia Bluetooth de baixa energia per resoldre els problemes de seguretat i la distància de lectura que, en general, representen el coll d'ampolla de RFID pels sensors de cos. Els dispositius analògics poden reduir dràsticament les necessitats d'energia a causa dels sensors i les comunicacions, considerant pocs elements i un mètode de transmissió simple. S'estudia un mètode de comunicació completament passiu, basat en FSS, que permet una distància de lectura raonable amb capacitats de detecció precises i confiables, que s'ha discutit en aquesta tesi. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és investigar múltiples tecnologies sense fils per dispositius portàtils per identificar solucions adequades per aplicacions particulars en el camp mèdic. El primer objectiu és demostrar la facilitat d'ús de les tecnologies econòmiques sense bateria com un indicador útil de paràmetres fisiopatològics mitjançant la investigació de les propietats de les etiquetes RFID. A més a més, s'ha abordat un aspecte més complex respecte a l'ús de petits components passius com sensors sense fils per trastorns del son. Per últim, un altre objectiu de la tesi és el desenvolupament d'un sistema completament autònom que utilitzi tecnologia BLE per obtenir propietats avançades mantenint baix tant el consum com el preuEsta tesis aborda el problema de encontrar soluciones confortables, inalámbricas y de baja potencia para aplicaciones médicas. La tesis discute las ventajas y limitaciones de tres tecnologías de comunicación diferentes para la medición en el cuerpo y los métodos para elegir y remodelar los sensores para evaluaciones óptimas centradas en el cuerpo. La tecnología RFID se considera una de las soluciones más influyentes para superar el consumo de energía limitado debido a la presencia de muchos sensores conectados. Además, la baja energía de Bluetooth se ha estudiado se ha estudiado la tecnologia Bluetooth de baja energia para resolver los problemas de seguridad y la distancia de lectura que, en general, representan el cuello de botella de la RFID para los sensores de cuerpo. Los dispositivos analógicos pueden reducir drásticamente las necesidades de energía debido a los sensores y las comunicaciones, considerando pocos elementos y un método de transmisión simple. Se estudia un método de comunicación completamente pasivo, basado en FSS, que permite una distancia de lectura razonable con capacidades de detección precisas y confiables, que se ha discutido en esta tesis. El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar múltiples tecnologías inalámbricas para dispositivos portátiles para identificar soluciones adecuadas para aplicaciones particulares en campos médicos. El primer objetivo es demostrar la facilidad de uso de las tecnologías económicas sin batería como un indicador útil de dichos parámetros fisiopatológicos mediante la investigación de las propiedades de las etiquetas RFID. Además, se ha abordado un aspecto más complejo con respecto al uso de pequeños componentes pasivos como sensores inalámbricos para enfermedades del sueño. Por último, un resultado de la tesis es desarrollar un sistema completamente autónomo que utilice la tecnología BLE para obtener propiedades avanzadas que mantengan la baja potencia y un precio bajo.This thesis addresses the problem of comfortable, low powered and, wireless solutions for specific body-worn sensing. The thesis discusses advantages and limitations of three different communication technologies for on body measurement and investigate methods to reshape sensors for optimum body-centric assessments. The RFID technology is considered one of the most influential solutions to overcome the limitated power consumption due to the presence of many sensors connected. Further, the Bluetooth low energy has been studied to solve security problems and reading distance that overall represent the bottleneck of the RFID for the body-worn sensors. Analog devices can drastically reduce the energy needs due to the sensors and the communications, considering few elements and a simple transmitting method. An entirely passive communication method, based on FSS is studied, enabling a reasonable reading distance with precise and reliable sensing capabilities, which has been discussed in this thesis. The objective of this thesis is to investigate multiple wireless technologies for wearable devices to identify suitable solutions for particular applications in medical fields. The first objective is to demonstrate the usability of the inexpensive battery-less technologies as a useful indicator of such a physio-pathological parameters by investigating the properties of the RFID tags. Furthermore, a more complex aspect regards the use of small passive components as wireless sensors for sleep diseases has been addressed. Lastly, an outcome of the thesis is to develop an entirely autonomous system using the BLE technology to obtain advanced properties keeping low power and a low price

    Textile UHF-RFID antenna sensors based on material features, interfaces and application scenarios

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacions, amb una secció retallada per drets de l'editor. In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink.Radio frequency identification over measurable ultra-high frequency textile substrates (UHF-RFID) is a promising technology to develop new applications in the field of health and the Internet of Things (IOT), due to the massive use of fabrics and the technological maturity of embroidery techniques. This thesis is the result of a compendium of publications on this topic. First, as a result of the analysis of the state of art, a systematic review entitled 'Wearable textile UHF-RFID sensors: A systematic review' has been published. The thesis aims to improve research on UHF-RFID textile-based sensor technology. Thanks to the analysis of the state of art, three novel research objectives have been set that are worth exploring. The first is to study novel detection functions for textile UHF-RFID based sensor technology; the second is to find a connection/interface solution between textile antennas and integrated circuit (IC) chips and the third is to reduce the costs of such technology to promote future commercial applications. To contextualize the thesis, it includes the necessary theoretical fundamentals and the manufacturing and characterization methods used during it. As a result of the work derived from the first objective, a scientific article entitled “Textile UHF-RFID Antenna Sensor for Measurements of Sucrose Solutions in Different Levels of Concentration” has been published. In this work, a textile UHF-RFID tag with two detection positions is proposed for sucrose solution measurements. The two detection positions with the different detection functions show good performance and can offer two options for future full applications. In addition, another scientific article entitled “ Textile UHF-RFID Antenna Embroidered on Surgical Masks for Future Textile Sensing Applications” has been published to support the first objective. The inspiration for this work came from the current pandemic situation. This work develops three progressive designs of textile UHF-RFID antennas over surgical masks due to the current global epidemic situation. Reliability testing demonstrated that the proposed designs can be used for human healthcare focused applications. As a result of the second objective, a research article entitled 'Experimental Comparison of Three Electro-textile Interfaces for Textile UHF-RFID Tags on Clothes' has been published. This work proposes three electro-textile interfaces integrated with the corresponding textile UHF-RFID antennas and provides the chip-textile connection solutions (through sewing, push buttons and insertion). As a result of this objective, an electro-textile interconnect system has been proposed together with its electrical model, which allows the correct adaptation of impedances between the RFID antennas and the integrated circuit. It is worth noting that the mixed-use feasibility of the proposed electro-textile interfaces and the designed textile UHF-RFID antennas has been verified, reducing the cost in the design procedure in applications where the read range requirements of the order of 1 meter. The third objective has been achieved and exposed by a scientific article entitled 'Electro-textile UHF-RFID Compression Sensor for Health-caring Applications'. It proposes a single UHF-RFID based compression textile sensor that can be used simultaneously in two different healthcare application scenarios, which directly impacts on cost reduction.La identificación por radiofrecuencia sobre substratos textiles de ultra alta frecuencia (UHF-RFID) con capacidad de medida es una tecnología prometedora para desarrollar nuevas aplicaciones en el campo de la salud y el Internet de las cosas (IOT), debido a la masiva utilización de los tejidos y a la madurez tecnológica de las técnicas de bordado. Esta tesis es el resultado de un compendio de publicaciones sobre dicha temática. En primer lugar, como resultado del análisis del estado del arte se ha publicado una revisión sistemática titulada 'Wearable textile UHF-RFID sensors: A systematic review'. La tesis tiene como objetivo mejorar la investigación sobre la tecnología de sensores basada en textiles UHF-RFID. Gracias al análisis del estado del arte se han fijado tres objetivos de investigación novedosos que vale la pena explorar. El primero es estudiar funciones de detección novedosas para la tecnología de sensores basada en UHF-RFID textiles; el segundo es encontrar una solución de conexión/interfaz entre antenas textiles y chips de circuito integrado (IC) y el tercero es la reducción de costes de dicha tecnología para promover futuras aplicaciones comerciales. Para contextualizar la tesis, ésta incluye los fundamentos teóricos necesarios y los métodos de fabricación y caracterización utilizados durante la misma. Como resultado del trabajo derivado del primer objetivo, se ha publicado un artículo científico titulado “Textile UHF-RFID Antenna Sensor for Measurements of Sucrose Solutions in Different Levels of Concentration”. En este trabajo, se propone una etiqueta UHF-RFID textil con dos posiciones de detección para mediciones de solución de sacarosa. Las dos posiciones de detección con las diferentes funciones de detección muestran un buen rendimiento y pueden ofrecer dos opciones para futuras aplicaciones completas. Además, se ha publicado otro artículo científico titulado "Textile UHF-RFID Antenna Embroidered on Surgical Masks for Future Textile Sensing Applications" para respaldar el primer objetivo. La inspiración para este trabajo vino de la actual situación de pandemia. En este trabajo se desarrollan tres diseños progresivos de antenas UHF-RFID textiles sobre mascarillas quirúrgicas debido a la situación epidémica mundial actual. Las pruebas de fiabilidad demostraron que los diseños propuestos se pueden usar para aplicaciones centradas en el cuidado de las personas. Como resultado del segundo objetivo, se ha publicado un artículo de investigación titulado 'Experimental Comparison of Three Electro-textile Interfaces for Textile UHF-RFID Tags on Clothes'. En este trabajo se proponen tres interfaces electro-textiles integradas con las correspondientes antenas UHF-RFID textiles y se aportan las soluciones de conexión chip-textil (mediante costura, botones a presión e inserción). Como resultado de este objetivo, se ha propuesto un sistema de interconexión electro-textil junto con su modelo eléctrico, lo que permite la correcta adaptación de impedancias entre las antenas RFID y el circuito integrado. Vale la pena señalar que se ha verificado la viabilidad de uso mixto de las interfaces electro-textiles propuestas y las antenas UHF-RFID textiles diseñadas, lo que reduce el coste en el procedimiento de diseño en aplicaciones donde los requerimientos de rango de lectura del orden de 1 metro. El tercer objetivo se ha alcanzado y expuesto mediante un artículo científico titulado 'Electro-textile UHF-RFID Compression Sensor for Health-caring Applications'. En él, se propone un único sensor textil de compresión basado en UHF-RFID que puede ser utilizado a la vez en dosPostprint (published version

    Design and development of novel radio frequency identification (RFID) tag structures

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    The objective of the proposed research is to design and develop a series of radio frequency identification (RFID) tag structures that exhibit good performance characteristics with cost optimization and can be realized on flexible substrates such as liquid crystal polymer (LCP), paper-based substrate and magnetic composite material for conformal applications. The demand for flexible RFID tags has recently increased tremendously due to the requirements of automatic identification in various areas. Several major challenges existing in today's RFID technologies need to be addressed before RFID can eventually march into everyone's daily life, such as how to design high performance tag antennas with effective impedance matching for passive RFID IC chips to optimize the power performance, how to fabricate ultra-low-cost RFID tags in order to facilitate mass production, how to integrate sensors with passive RFID tags for pervasive sensing applications, and how to realize battery-free active RFID tags in which changing battery is not longer needed. In this research, different RFID tag designs are realized on flexible substrates. The design techniques presented set the framework for answering these technical challenges for which, the focus will be on RFID tag structure design, characterization and optimization from the perspectives of both costs involved and technical constraints.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Tentzeris, Manos; Committee Member: DeJean, Gerald; Committee Member: Ingram, Mary; Committee Member: Kavadias, Stylianos; Committee Member: Laskar, Jo

    Dense and long-term monitoring of Earth surface processes with passive RFID -- a review

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    Billions of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) passive tags are produced yearly to identify goods remotely. New research and business applications are continuously arising, including recently localization and sensing to monitor earth surface processes. Indeed, passive tags can cost 10 to 100 times less than wireless sensors networks and require little maintenance, facilitating years-long monitoring with ten's to thousands of tags. This study reviews the existing and potential applications of RFID in geosciences. The most mature application today is the study of coarse sediment transport in rivers or coastal environments, using tags placed into pebbles. More recently, tag localization was used to monitor landslide displacement, with a centimetric accuracy. Sensing tags were used to detect a displacement threshold on unstable rocks, to monitor the soil moisture or temperature, and to monitor the snowpack temperature and snow water equivalent. RFID sensors, available today, could monitor other parameters, such as the vibration of structures, the tilt of unstable boulders, the strain of a material, or the salinity of water. Key challenges for using RFID monitoring more broadly in geosciences include the use of ground and aerial vehicles to collect data or localize tags, the increase in reading range and duration, the ability to use tags placed under ground, snow, water or vegetation, and the optimization of economical and environmental cost. As a pattern, passive RFID could fill a gap between wireless sensor networks and manual measurements, to collect data efficiently over large areas, during several years, at high spatial density and moderate cost.Comment: Invited paper for Earth Science Reviews. 50 pages without references. 31 figures. 8 table

    The effect of bending on laser-cut electro-textile inductors and capacitors attached on denim as wearable structures

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    In this paper we present the design, fabrication and characterization of electro-textile inductor and capacitor patterns on denim fabric as a basis for the development of wearable e-textiles. Planar coil inductors have been harnessed as antenna structures for the development of Near Field Communication (NFC) tags with temperature sensing capability, while interdigitated electrode (IDE) capacitors have been used as humidity sensors for wearable applications. The effect of bending in the electrical performance of such structures was evaluated, showing variations below 5% in both inductance and capacitance values for bending angles in the range of interest, i.e. those fitting to human limbs. In the case of the fabricated NFC tags, a shift in the resonance frequency below 1.7% was found, meaning that the e-textile tag would still be readable by an NFC- enabled smartphone. In respect of the capacitive humidity sensor, we obtained a minimum capacitance variation of 40% for a relative humidity range from 10% to 90%. Measured thermal shift was below 5% in the range from 10 to 40oC. When compared to the 4% variation due to bending, it can be concluded that this capacitive structure can be harnessed as humidity sensor even under bending strain conditions and moderate temperature variations. The development and characterization of such structures on denim fabrics, which is one of the most popular fabrics for everyday clothing, combined with the additional advantage of affordable and easy fabrication methodologies, means a further step towards the next generation of smart e-textile products

    Architecture of Micro Energy Harvesting Using Hybrid Input of RF, Thermal and Vibration for Semi-Active RFID Tag

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    This research work presents a novel architecture of Hybrid Input Energy Harvester (HIEH) system for semi-active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. The proposed architecture consists of three input sources of energy which are radio frequency signal, thermal and vibration. The main purpose is to solve the semi-active RFID tags limited lifespan issues due to the need for batteries to power their circuitries. The focus will be on the rectifiers and DC-DC converter circuits with an ultra-low power design to ensure low power consumption in the system. The design architecture will be modelled and simulated using PSpice software, Verilog coding using Mentor Graphics and real-time verification using field-programmable gate array board before being implemented in a 0.13 µm CMOS technology. Our expectations of the results from this architecture are it can deliver 3.3 V of output voltage, 6.5 mW of output power and 90% of efficiency when all input sources are simultaneously harvested. The contribution of this work is it able to extend the lifetime of semi-active tag by supplying electrical energy continuously to the device. Thus, this will indirectly  reduce the energy limitation problem, eliminate the dependency on batteries and make it possible to achieve a batteryless device.This research work presents a novel architecture of Hybrid Input Energy Harvester (HIEH) system for semi-active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. The proposed architecture consists of three input sources of energy which are radio frequency signal, thermal and vibration. The main purpose is to solve the semi-active RFID tags limited lifespan issues due to the need for batteries to power their circuitries. The focus will be on the rectifiers and DC-DC converter circuits with an ultra-low power design to ensure low power consumption in the system. The design architecture will be modelled and simulated using PSpice software, Verilog coding using Mentor Graphics and real-time verification using field-programmable gate array board before being implemented in a 0.13 µm CMOS technology. Our expectations of the results from this architecture are it can deliver 3.3 V of output voltage, 6.5 mW of output power and 90% of efficiency when all input sources are simultaneously harvested. The contribution of this work is it able to extend the lifetime of semi-active tag by supplying electrical energy continuously to the device. Thus, this will indirectly  reduce the energy limitation problem, eliminate the dependency on batteries and make it possible to achieve a batteryless device

    Design and Development of Smart Brain-Machine-Brain Interface (SBMIBI) for Deep Brain Stimulation and Other Biomedical Applications

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    Machine collaboration with the biological body/brain by sending electrical information back and forth is one of the leading research areas in neuro-engineering during the twenty-first century. Hence, Brain-Machine-Brain Interface (BMBI) is a powerful tool for achieving such machine-brain/body collaboration. BMBI generally is a smart device (usually invasive) that can record, store, and analyze neural activities, and generate corresponding responses in the form of electrical pulses to stimulate specific brain regions. The Smart Brain-Machine-Brain-Interface (SBMBI) is a step forward with compared to the traditional BMBI by including smart functions, such as in-electrode local computing capabilities, and availability of cloud connectivity in the system to take the advantage of powerful cloud computation in decision making. In this dissertation work, we designed and developed an innovative form of Smart Brain-Machine-Brain Interface (SBMBI) and studied its feasibility in different biomedical applications. With respect to power management, the SBMBI is a semi-passive platform. The communication module is fully passive—powered by RF harvested energy; whereas, the signal processing core is battery-assisted. The efficiency of the implemented RF energy harvester was measured to be 0.005%. One of potential applications of SBMBI is to configure a Smart Deep-Brain-Stimulator (SDBS) based on the general SBMBI platform. The SDBS consists of brain-implantable smart electrodes and a wireless-connected external controller. The SDBS electrodes operate as completely autonomous electronic implants that are capable of sensing and recording neural activities in real time, performing local processing, and generating arbitrary waveforms for neuro-stimulation. A bidirectional, secure, fully-passive wireless communication backbone was designed and integrated into this smart electrode to maintain contact between the smart electrodes and the controller. The standard EPC-Global protocol has been modified and adopted as the communication protocol in this design. The proposed SDBS, by using a SBMBI platform, was demonstrated and tested through a hardware prototype. Additionally the SBMBI was employed to develop a low-power wireless ECG data acquisition device. This device captures cardiac pulses through a non-invasive magnetic resonance electrode, processes the signal and sends it to the backend computer through the SBMBI interface. Analysis was performed to verify the integrity of received ECG data