2,732 research outputs found

    From measured physical parameters to the haptic feeling of fabric

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    Abstract real-time cloth simulation involves the solution of many computational challenges, particularly in the context of haptic applications, where high frame rates are necessary for obtaining a satisfactory tactile experience. In this paper, we present a real-time cloth simulation system that offers a compromise between a realistic physically-based simulation of fabrics and a haptic application with high requirements in terms of computation speed. We place emphasis on architecture and algorithmic choices for obtaining the best compromise in the context of haptic applications. A first implementation using a haptic device demonstrates the features of the proposed system and leads to the development of new approaches for haptic rendering using the proposed approac

    Evaluation or perfusion and thermal parameters of skiin tissue using cold provocation and thermographic measurements

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    Measurement of the perfusion coefficient and thermal parameters of skin tissue using dynamic thermography is presented in this paper. A novel approach based on cold provocation and thermal modelling of skin tissue is presented. The measurement was performed on a person’s forearm using a special cooling device equipped with the Peltier module. The proposed method first cools the skin, and then measures the changes of its temperature matching the measurement results with a heat transfer model to estimate the skin perfusion and other thermal parameters. In order to assess correctness of the proposed approach, the uncertainty analysis was performed

    Radically Relational: Using Textiles As A Platform To Develop Methods For Embodied Design Processes

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    This position paper builds on textiles as a metaphor to explore the experiential knowledge observed through embodied design processes. In order to build understanding, we have tailored our tools and methods to support our explorations so far. As literature shows articulating our sensory experiences with materials is a challenging task. In order to support our investigations, in this paper we present a reflection on our diverse approaches to introduce tools that support us in interrogating how designers relate with materials, particularly textiles, and use their sensorial body to experience them during the creative process. We build on our previous research that identified relevant embodied process to textile selection, and reflect on how we have explored how sensing technology can augment and empower each of these phases, to support the design process. We conclude by discussing the learning outcomes from introducing such tools, in order to reflect on the future of our research

    A fabric-based approach for wearable haptics

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    In recent years, wearable haptic systems (WHS) have gained increasing attention as a novel and exciting paradigm for human-robot interaction (HRI).These systems can be worn by users, carried around, and integrated in their everyday lives, thus enabling a more natural manner to deliver tactile cues.At the same time, the design of these types of devices presents new issues: the challenge is the correct identification of design guidelines, with the two-fold goal of minimizing system encumbrance and increasing the effectiveness and naturalness of stimulus delivery.Fabrics can represent a viable solution to tackle these issues.They are specifically thought “to be worn”, and could be the key ingredient to develop wearable haptic interfaces conceived for a more natural HRI.In this paper, the author will review some examples of fabric-based WHS that can be applied to different body locations, and elicit different haptic perceptions for different application fields.Perspective and future developments of this approach will be discussed

    Simulation and control of sensory-mode interaction

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    Haptics, the sensation of physical touch to the virtual objects, is the most recent enhancement to virtual environment. With haptic simulation, virtual objects with different properties could be created to touch using haptic device. In current medical practice, haptics technology is being used to aid surgeons to perform surgical procedures such as needle insertion. It is vital that the penetration of the needle does not cause injury to the patients. However, the available technology does not address issues such as tissue texture and the depth of penetration. This project is about the simulation of sensory mode interaction of virtual objects of different stiffness and friction using PHANToM Haptic device. The penetration depth and force exerted into the objects should be within limit to avoid any deformity to the objects. PID controller is incorporated into the system to eliminate steady state errors as well as to ensure better transient response. To conduct the specified work, MATLAB software was used. Experimental results on the sensory mode interaction have proven the ability of the system to touch the objects within specified object limits. Simulated results on the system response have also shown the capability of the controller to provide fast and accurate response of the haptic devic

    W-FYD: a Wearable Fabric-based Display for Haptic Multi-Cue Delivery and Tactile Augmented Reality

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    Despite the importance of softness, there is no evidence of wearable haptic systems able to deliver controllable softness cues. Here, we present the Wearable Fabric Yielding Display (W-FYD), a fabric-based display for multi-cue delivery that can be worn on user's finger and enables, for the first time, both active and passive softness exploration. It can also induce a sliding effect under the finger-pad. A given stiffness profile can be obtained by modulating the stretching state of the fabric through two motors. Furthermore, a lifting mechanism allows to put the fabric in contact with the user's finger-pad, to enable passive softness rendering. In this paper, we describe the architecture of W-FYD, and a thorough characterization of its stiffness workspace, frequency response and softness rendering capabilities. We also computed device Just Noticeable Difference in both active and passive exploratory conditions, for linear and non-linear stiffness rendering as well as for sliding direction perception. The effect of device weight was also considered. Furthermore, performance of participants and their subjective quantitative evaluation in detecting sliding direction and softness discrimination tasks are reported. Finally, applications of W-FYD in tactile augmented reality for open palpation are discussed, opening interesting perspectives in many fields of human-machine interaction

    Influences of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Hand-feel Touch Cues on Sensory Perception and Emotional Responses toward Beverage Products

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    Consumer perception of and preference toward products are influenced by intrinsic product-specific (e.g., product temperature) and extrinsic non-product-specific (e.g., packaging or container) characteristics. Besides communicating information between products and consumers to create expectations toward the content at the point of sale, packaging also influences sensory perception of the content during consumption. Previous cross-modal studies on packaging effects on the content had largely overlooked hand-feel touch cues. Touch closely relates to consumers’ emotional responses to and their quality evaluation of products. One way to manipulate hand-feel touch cues in a beverage consumption setting is to vary materials of cup sleeve, which are served concurrently with brewed coffee (BC) and green tea (GT). This thesis aimed to determine 1) influences of intrinsic cues (product temperature) on sensory perception of and emotional responses to BC and GT; 2) cross-modal association (CMA) of extrinsic hand-feel touch cues (12 sleeve materials) with evoked emotions, basic tastes, and coffee-related flavors; and 3) cross-modal influences of extrinsic hand-feel touch cues (4 sleeve materials) on emotional responses, sensory perception, arousal, and valence of BC. Results showed both intrinsic and extrinsic cues influenced emotional responses to and sensory perception of BC and GT. Beverages at higher temperature were characterized by positive emotions, while those at room and cold temperatures were characterized by low arousal-negative emotions and high arousal-negative emotions, respectively. CMA between hand-feel touch and taste cues were confirmed to exist: bitter taste and black coffee flavor with cardboard sleeves; sweet taste and creamy flavor with towel; sour taste with stainless steel; and salty taste with linen. Correlations between certain textural parameters and sensory CMA were also observed: thicker and rougher materials positively correlated with positive emotions and sweet taste, while thinner and smoother materials positively correlated with negative and high-arousal emotions and sour taste. Additionally, coffee presented with samples (towel, linen, or stainless steel) were perceived differently, in terms of both emotions and sensory attributes, compared to cardboard (control). As highlighted here, touch cues are important in product evaluation. Professionals in food and beverage industries should consider incorporating more hand-feel textural features on product packaging or container designs

    Modulating the Perceived Softness of Real Objects Through Wearable Feel-Through Haptics

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    In vision, Augmented Reality (AR) allows the superposition of digital content on real-world visual information, relying on the well-established See-through paradigm. In the haptic domain, a putative Feel-through wearable device should allow to modify the tactile sensation without masking the actual cutaneous perception of the physical objects. To the best of our knowledge, a similar technology is still far to be effectively implemented. In this work, we present an approach that allows, for the first time, to modulate the perceived softness of real objects using a Feel-through wearable that uses a thin fabric as interaction surface. During the interaction with real objects, the device can modulate the growth of the contact area over the fingerpad without affecting the force experienced by the user, thus modulating the perceived softness. To this aim, the lifting mechanism of our system warps the fabric around the fingerpad in a way proportional to the force exerted on the specimen under exploration. At the same time, the stretching state of the fabric is controlled to keep a loose contact with the fingerpad. We demonstrated that different softness perceptions for the same specimens can be elicited, by suitably controlling the lifting mechanism of the system