17 research outputs found

    Introduction to Iltis: An Interactive, Web-Based System for Teaching Logic

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    Logic is a foundation for many modern areas of computer science. In artificial intelligence, as a basis of database query languages, as well as in formal software and hardware verification --- modelling scenarios using logical formalisms and inferring new knowledge are important skills for going-to-be computer scientists. The Iltis project aims at providing a web-based, interactive system that supports teaching logical methods. In particular the system shall (a) support to learn to model knowledge and to infer new knowledge using propositional logic, modal logic and first-order logic, and (b) provide immediate feedback and support to students. This article presents a prototypical system that currently supports the above tasks for propositional logic. First impressions on its use in a second year logic course for computer science students are reported

    Team Based Learning in Computer Science Students

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    Trestný čin křivé výpovědi a nepravdivého znaleckého posudku dle § 346 tr. zák. Abstrakt V současné době je věnována značná pozornost médií případům znalců, kteří čelí obžalobě pro trestný čin křivé výpovědi a nepravdivého znaleckého posudku podle § 346 zákona č. 40/2009 Sb., trestní zákoník (dále jen jako "TZ"). Tyto kauzy snižují důvěryhodnost znalců v očích veřejnosti a vnášejí pochybnosti o výkonu znalecké činnosti jako celku. Jsou to i tyto argumenty, které zaznívají v debatě na podporu přijetí nového zákona o znalcích. S ohledem na výše uvedené skutečnosti je aktuální blíže se zabývat trestným činem křivé výpovědi a nepravdivého znaleckého posudku podle § 346 TZ, jak činí právě tato práce. Text diplomové práce se skládá z úvodu, pěti kapitol a závěru. V první kapitole je proveden historický exkurz související s trestným činem křivé výpovědi a nepravdivého znaleckého posudku, po němž následuje vymezení § 346 TZ, včetně jeho jednotlivých znaků, a konečně rozbor některých sporných situací, v nichž mohou vyvstávat pochybnosti o možnosti dovození trestněprávní odpovědnosti podle § 346 TZ (např. konzultant znalce, zpracovatel odborného vyjádření, svědek ve formálním a materiálním smyslu). V následující kapitole je diskutována zaprvé současná a dřívější úprava zákona o znalcích a tlumočnících v souvislosti s...The Crime of Perjury and False Expert Report according to Section No. 346 of the Criminal Code Abstract A great deal of media attention has been dedicated recently to cases of experts facing the charge of perjury and false expert report pursuant to Section No. 346 of Act No. 40/2009 Coll. of the Criminal Code (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code). These cases reduce the experts' credibility in the eyes of the public, cast doubts on their practice as a whole and are therefore commonly used as an argument for adopting a new Law on the experts' conduit. In accordance with the aforementioned facts, the goal of this thesis is to provide a further insight into the crime of perjury and false expert report under Section No. 346 of the Criminal Code. The thesis consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter gives a historical overview concerning perjury and false expert report followed by the definition of Section No. 346 of the Criminal Code, including its specific elements, and finally an analysis of several disputed cases that call into question the conclusion of criminal liability under Section No. 346 of the Criminal Code, such as the expert's consultant, the processor of the expertise or the formal and the material witnesses. The following chapter is divided into two...Katedra trestního právaDepartment of Criminal LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Demonstrating data carving concepts using jigsaw puzzles: a preliminary study

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    Teste de Usabilidade de Jogos para Ensino-Aprendizado de Lógica Matemática

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    According to the Brazilian Computer Society, the number of newstudents in the computer area courses increases in the last years.On the order hand, the Brazilian numbers and other countries pointto high dropout rates in these courses. The goal of managers andteachers is to know the student’s reasons for dropout and to reduceretention rates. The teachers could use different teaching strategiesto motivate students and learning assistance, such as games. Thegoal of this work is to evaluate the usability of Andor: Learn Logicand Trybit Logic applications for teaching Mathematical Logic. Thetest was applied with different users and questions about the usingapplications were responded to. The results show that the TrybitLogic application presents better quality and easy to use. The usersconsider it to be an easy to use, and intuitive game that, which canbe useful in teaching and learning Mathematical Logic because uselogical operators in a fun way

    Virtual Laboratories for Training in Industrial Robotics

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    An article written in part by Jorge-Alberto Ortega-Moody and published in the February 2016 issue of IEEE Latin America Transactions, pages 665-672

    Construction of a Generic Program Representation for Automated Metric Computation

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    Software code metrics provide a quantitative and qualitative measurement of a software component\u27s ability to perform under a specific set of objectives. Different metrics have been developed for analyzing various aspects of the source code to gain insight into the overall quality of the code under study. There are a variety of open source tools available for computing metrics for applications coded in most of the popular programming languages. However, there is no single tool that computes software metrics for the popular programming languages in use today. To address this problem, we describe an approach to software metric computation that can be applied to the popular programming languages currently in use, including both compiled and interpreted languages. The approach entails leveraging existing parser tools to produce a generalized abstract syntax tree that captures the important syntactic categories required for metric computation. To demonstrate the utility of our approach, we exploit front-end parser tools for the Python and C++ programming languages to produce a generalized abstract syntax tree and then compute software metrics as a form of tree traversal. We describe our results for applying two commonly used metrics to three open source software projects and various code samples written in both Python and C++. The context of this process is then extended to computer programming education, with the specific goal of helping students and programmers improve the quality of their code