17 research outputs found

    Towards an Isomorphism Dichotomy for Hereditary Graph Classes

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    In this paper we resolve the complexity of the isomorphism problem on all but finitely many of the graph classes characterized by two forbidden induced subgraphs. To this end we develop new techniques applicable for the structural and algorithmic analysis of graphs. First, we develop a methodology to show isomorphism completeness of the isomorphism problem on graph classes by providing a general framework unifying various reduction techniques. Second, we generalize the concept of the modular decomposition to colored graphs, allowing for non-standard decompositions. We show that, given a suitable decomposition functor, the graph isomorphism problem reduces to checking isomorphism of colored prime graphs. Third, we extend the techniques of bounded color valence and hypergraph isomorphism on hypergraphs of bounded color size as follows. We say a colored graph has generalized color valence at most k if, after removing all vertices in color classes of size at most k, for each color class C every vertex has at most k neighbors in C or at most k non-neighbors in C. We show that isomorphism of graphs of bounded generalized color valence can be solved in polynomial time.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figure

    Contents EATCS Bulletin number 63, October 1997

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    Strong isomorphism reductions in complexity theory

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    We give the first systematic study of strong isomorphism reductions, a notion of reduction more appropriate than polynomial time reduction when, for example, comparing the computational complexity of the isomorphim problem for different classes of structures. We show that the partial ordering of its degrees is quite rich. We analyze its relationship to a further type of reduction between classes of structures based on purely comparing for every n the number of nonisomorphic structures of cardinality at most n in both classes. Furthermore, in a more general setting we address the question of the existence of a maximal element in the partial ordering of the degrees

    The Iteration Number of Colour Refinement

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    The Colour Refinement procedure and its generalisation to higher dimensions, the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm, are central subroutines in approaches to the graph isomorphism problem. In an iterative fashion, Colour Refinement computes a colouring of the vertices of its input graph. A trivial upper bound on the iteration number of Colour Refinement on graphs of order n is n-1. We show that this bound is tight. More precisely, we prove via explicit constructions that there are infinitely many graphs G on which Colour Refinement takes |G|-1 iterations to stabilise. Modifying the infinite families that we present, we show that for every natural number n ? 10, there are graphs on n vertices on which Colour Refinement requires at least n-2 iterations to reach stabilisation

    Logarithmic Weisfeiler-Leman Identifies All Planar Graphs

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    The Weisfeiler-Leman (WL) algorithm is a well-known combinatorial procedure for detecting symmetries in graphs and it is widely used in graph-isomorphism tests. It proceeds by iteratively refining a colouring of vertex tuples. The number of iterations needed to obtain the final output is crucial for the parallelisability of the algorithm. We show that there is a constant k such that every planar graph can be identified (that is, distinguished from every non-isomorphic graph) by the k-dimensional WL algorithm within a logarithmic number of iterations. This generalises a result due to Verbitsky (STACS 2007), who proved the same for 3-connected planar graphs. The number of iterations needed by the k-dimensional WL algorithm to identify a graph corresponds to the quantifier depth of a sentence that defines the graph in the (k+1)-variable fragment C^{k+1} of first-order logic with counting quantifiers. Thus, our result implies that every planar graph is definable with a C^{k+1}-sentence of logarithmic quantifier depth

    Witnessed Symmetric Choice and Interpretations in Fixed-Point Logic with Counting

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    At the core of the quest for a logic for Ptime is a mismatch between algorithms making arbitrary choices and isomorphism-invariant logics. One approach to tackle this problem is witnessed symmetric choice. It allows for choices from definable orbits certified by definable witnessing automorphisms. We consider the extension of fixed-point logic with counting (IFPC) with witnessed symmetric choice (IFPC+WSC) and a further extension with an interpretation operator (IFPC+WSC+I). The latter operator evaluates a subformula in the structure defined by an interpretation. When similarly extending pure fixed-point logic (IFP), IFP+WSC+I simulates counting which IFP+WSC fails to do. For IFPC+WSC, it is unknown whether the interpretation operator increases expressiveness and thus allows studying the relation between WSC and interpretations beyond counting. In this paper, we separate IFPC+WSC from IFPC+WSC+I by showing that IFPC+WSC is not closed under FO-interpretations. By the same argument, we answer an open question of Dawar and Richerby regarding non-witnessed symmetric choice in IFP. Additionally, we prove that nesting WSC-operators increases the expressiveness using the so-called CFI graphs. We show that if IFPC+WSC+I canonizes a particular class of base graphs, then it also canonizes the corresponding CFI graphs. This differs from various other logics, where CFI graphs provide difficult instances

    Witnessed Symmetric Choice and Interpretations in Fixed-Point Logic with Counting

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    At the core of the quest for a logic for PTime is a mismatch between algorithms making arbitrary choices and isomorphism-invariant logics. One approach to overcome this problem is witnessed symmetric choice. It allows for choices from definable orbits which are certified by definable witnessing automorphisms. We consider the extension of fixed-point logic with counting (IFPC) with witnessed symmetric choice (IFPC+WSC) and a further extension with an interpretation operator (IFPC+WSC+I). The latter operator evaluates a subformula in the structure defined by an interpretation. This structure possibly has other automorphisms exploitable by the WSC-operator. For similar extensions of pure fixed-point logic (IFP) it is known that IFP+WSCI simulates counting which IFP+WSC fails to do. For IFPC+WSC it is unknown whether the interpretation operator increases expressiveness and thus allows studying the relation between WSC and interpretations beyond counting. We separate IFPC+WSC from IFPC+WSCI by showing that IFPC+WSC is not closed under FO-interpretations. By the same argument, we answer an open question of Dawar and Richerby regarding non-witnessed symmetric choice in IFP. Additionally, we prove that nesting WSC-operators increases the expressiveness using the so-called CFI graphs. We show that if IFPC+WSC+I canonizes a particular class of base graphs, then it also canonizes the corresponding CFI graphs. This differs from various other logics, where CFI graphs provide difficult instances.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures, [v2] and [v3] Corrected minor mistakes and added figure

    Choiceless Polynomial Time with Witnessed Symmetric Choice

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    We extend Choiceless Polynomial Time (CPT), the currently only remaining promising candidate in the quest for a logic capturing PTime, so that this extended logic has the following property: for every class of structures for which isomorphism is definable, the logic automatically captures PTime. For the construction of this logic we extend CPT by a witnessed symmetric choice operator. This operator allows for choices from definable orbits. But, to ensure polynomial time evaluation, automorphisms have to be provided to certify that the choice set is indeed an orbit. We argue that, in this logic, definable isomorphism implies definable canonization. Thereby, our construction removes the non-trivial step of extending isomorphism definability results to canonization. This step was a part of proofs that show that CPT or other logics capture PTime on a particular class of structures. The step typically required substantial extra effort.Comment: 65 pages. Full version of a paper to appear at LICS 22. v2: corrected typos and small mistake