58 research outputs found

    From Gene Trees to Species Trees: Algorithms for Parsimonious Reconciliation

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    One of the criteria for inferring a species tree from a collection of gene trees, when gene tree incongruence is assumed to be due to incomplete lineage sorting (ILS), is minimize deep coalescence , or MDC. Exact algorithms for inferring the species tree from rooted, binary trees under MDC were recently introduced. Nevertheless, in phylogenetic analyses of biological data sets, estimated gene trees may differ from true gene trees, be incompletely resolved, and not necessarily rooted. Further, the MDC criterion considers only the topologies of the gene trees. So the contributions of my work are three-fold: 1. We propose new MDC formulations for the cases in which the gene trees are unrooted/binary, rooted/non-binary, and unrooted/non-binary, prove structural theorems that allow me to extend the algorithms for the rooted/binary gene tree case to these cases in a straightforward manner. 2. We propose an algorithm for inferring a species tree from a collection of gene trees with coalescence times that takes into account not only the topology of the gene trees but also the coalescence times. 3. We devise MDC-based algorithms for cases in which multiple alleles per species may be sampled. We have implemented all of the algorithms in the PhyloNet software package and studied their performance in coalescent-based simulation studies in comparison with other methods including democratic vote, greedy consensus, STEM, and GLASS

    Gene Tree Parsimony for Incomplete Gene Trees

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    Species tree estimation from gene trees can be complicated by gene duplication and loss, and "gene tree parsimony" (GTP) is one approach for estimating species trees from multiple gene trees. In its standard formulation, the objective is to find a species tree that minimizes the total number of gene duplications and losses with respect to the input set of gene trees. Although much is known about GTP, little is known about how to treat inputs containing some incomplete gene trees (i.e., gene trees lacking one or more of the species). We present new theory for GTP considering whether the incompleteness is due to gene birth and death (i.e., true biological loss) or taxon sampling, and present dynamic programming algorithms that can be used for an exact but exponential time solution for small numbers of taxa, or as a heuristic for larger numbers of taxa. We also prove that the "standard" calculations for duplications and losses exactly solve GTP when incompleteness results from taxon sampling, although they can be incorrect when incompleteness results from true biological loss. The software for the DP algorithm is freely available as open source code at https://github.com/shamsbayzid/DynaDup

    Structural properties of the reconciliation space and their applications in enumerating nearly-optimal reconciliations between a gene tree and a species tree

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    Introduction: A gene tree for a gene family is often discordant with the containing species tree because of its complex evolutionary course during which gene duplication, gene loss and incomplete lineage sorting events might occur. Hence, it is of great challenge to infer the containing species tree from a set of gene trees. One common approach to this inference problem is through gene tree and species tree reconciliation. Results: In this paper, we generalize the traditional least common ancestor (LCA) reconciliation to define a reconciliation between a gene tree and species tree under the tree homomorphism framework. We then study the structural properties of the space of all reconciliations between a gene tree and a species tree in terms of the gene duplication, gene loss or deep coalescence costs. As application, we show that the LCA reconciliation is the unique one that has the minimum deep coalescence cost, provide a novel characterization of the reconciliations with the optimal duplication cost, and present efficient algorithms for enumerating (nearly-)optimal reconciliations with respect to each cost. Conclusions: This work provides a new graph-theoretic framework for studying gene tree and species tree reconciliations

    iGTP: A software package for large-scale gene tree parsimony analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ever-increasing wealth of genomic sequence information provides an unprecedented opportunity for large-scale phylogenetic analysis. However, species phylogeny inference is obfuscated by incongruence among gene trees due to evolutionary events such as gene duplication and loss, incomplete lineage sorting (deep coalescence), and horizontal gene transfer. Gene tree parsimony (GTP) addresses this issue by seeking a species tree that requires the minimum number of evolutionary events to reconcile a given set of incongruent gene trees. Despite its promise, the use of gene tree parsimony has been limited by the fact that existing software is either not fast enough to tackle large data sets or is restricted in the range of evolutionary events it can handle.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We introduce iGTP, a platform-independent software program that implements state-of-the-art algorithms that greatly speed up species tree inference under the duplication, duplication-loss, and deep coalescence reconciliation costs. iGTP significantly extends and improves the functionality and performance of existing gene tree parsimony software and offers advanced features such as building effective initial trees using stepwise leaf addition and the ability to have unrooted gene trees in the input. Moreover, iGTP provides a user-friendly graphical interface with integrated tree visualization software to facilitate analysis of the results.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>iGTP enables, for the first time, gene tree parsimony analyses of thousands of genes from hundreds of taxa using the duplication, duplication-loss, and deep coalescence reconciliation costs, all from within a convenient graphical user interface.</p

    The multiple gene duplication problem revisited

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    Motivation: Deciphering the location of gene duplications and multiple gene duplication episodes on the Tree of Life is fundamental to understanding the way gene families and genomes evolve. The multiple gene duplication problem provides a framework for placing gene duplication events onto nodes of a given species tree, and detecting episodes of multiple gene duplication. One version of the multiple gene duplication problem was defined by Guigó et al. in 1996. Several heuristic solutions have since been proposed for this problem, but no exact algorithms were known

    Phylogeny reconciliation under gene tree parsimony

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    The growing genomic and phylogenetic data sets represent a unique opportunity to analytically and computationally study the relationship among diversifying species. Unfortunately, such data often result in contradictory gene phylogenies due to common yet unobserved evolutionary events, e.g., gene duplication or deep coalescence. Gene tree parsimony (GTP) methods address such issue by reconciling gene phylogenies into one consistent species evolutionary history as well as identifying the underlying events. In this study, we solve not only the GTP problem but also propose a new method to select gene trees in order to assist biologists in gaining insight from phylogenetic analysis. First, we introduce exact solutions for the intrinsically complex GTP problem. Exact solutions for NP-hard problems, like GTP, have a long and extensive history of improvements for classic problems such as traveling salesman and knapsack. Our solutions presented here are designed via integer linear programming (ILP) and dynamic programming (DP), which are techniques widely used in solving problems of similar complexity. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our solutions through simulation analysis and empirical datasets. To ensure input data coherence for GTP analysis, as a method to strengthen species represented in a gene tree, we introduce the quasi-biclique (QBC) approach to analyze and condense input datasets. In order to take advantage of emerging techniques that further describe the sequence-host and gene-taxon relations, quasi-bicliques are optimized via weighted edge connectivities and distribution of missing information. Our study showed these QBC mining problems are NP-hard. We describe an ILP formulation that is capable of finding optimal QBCs in an effort to support GTP analysis. We also investigate the applicability of QBC to other applications such as mining genetic interaction networks to encouraging results

    On the Computational Complexity of the Reticulate Cophylogeny Reconstruction Problem

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    The cophylogeny reconstruction problem is that of finding minimal cost explanations of differences between evolutionary histories of ecologically linked groups of biological organisms. We present a proof that shows that the general problem of reconciling evolutionary histories is NP-complete and provide a sharp boundary where this intractability begins. We also show that a related problem, that of finding Pareto optimal solutions, is NP-hard. As a byproduct of our results, we give a framework by which meta-heuristics can be applied to find good solutions to this problem