30,422 research outputs found


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    A different kind of faith -- Frisbee frenzy -- Fifteen years of Banff adventure films in Junea

    Algorithms for the selection of the active sensors in distributed tracking: Comparison between Frisbee and GNS methods

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    This paper compares two different approaches for sensor selection for distributed tracking: 1) The Frisbee method, and 2) Global Node Selection (GNS). The Frisbee method is based on the proximity of the nodes to the predicted location of the target; GNS is based on minimizing the unbiased Cramer Rao lower bound (CRLB). Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that the Frisbee method is as effective as GNS. Furthermore, the Frisbee method is attractive due to its very light computational load

    The personality profile of ultimate frisbee players based on gender

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    The aim of the study was to try to determine the personality of the ultimate frisbee players. The following hypothesis was accepted for verification: the personality profile of the ultimate frisbee players is similar to the profile of players practicing the same sport. The subjects of the cognitive experiment were people training ultimate frisbee (N = 60), including thirty men (n = 30) and thirty women (n = 30). The research was conducted using the NEO-FFI questionnaire. It has been shown that the personality profile of ultimate frisbee players differs in the scale of neuroticism. Women had a higher level of neuroticism than men. And the sten interpretation of the results showed that people training ultimate frisbee regardless of gender are characterized by average personality indicators

    Innovative electric propulsion thruster modeling

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    The objective of this program is to model and evaluate advanced nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) system concepts as an aid to the performance of NEP mission benefits studies. The two primary goals are as follows: (1) provide scaling relationships for mass, power, and efficiency, as functions of Isp, propellant type, and other important quantities. The discussion is presented in vugraph form

    Frisbee on College Park

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    While enjoying the beautiful February weather yesterday, senior friends Claire Elenteny, Elise Zielinski, and Allen Armstrong played frisbee outside Albert Emanuel Hall. Pictured here is international business management major Elise Zielinski throwing the frisbee

    Advanced propulsion concepts

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    A variety of Advanced Propulsion Concepts (APC) is discussed. The focus is on those concepts that are sufficiently near-term that they could be developed for the Space Exploration Initiative. High-power (multi-megawatt) electric propulsion, solar sails, tethers, and extraterrestrial resource utilization concepts are discussed. A summary of these concepts and some general conclusions on their technology development needs are presented

    Performance of athletic cleated shoes in the sport of ultimate frisbee.

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    Athletic cleated shoe failures are commonplace to competitive-level ultimate frisbee players. Currently, there are no athletic cleated shoes designed for the sport of ultimate frisbee; players generally choose between football or soccer cleated shoes in the hopes of finding a match between footwear designs for a different sport and the needs of their own sport. A focus group and subsequent survey were conducted and administered, respectively, to better understand the types of failures that occur, as well as the causes of these failures. Approximately 78% of failures experienced in ultimate frisbee are caused by the player executing a cut, or quick change of direction. This motion leads to failures along both the outside and the inside of the toe box, which account for roughly 88% of reported failures. With these failures in mind, further observation of the sport as well as a detailed biomechanic laboratory experiment have been proposed to determine the need for an athletic cleated shoe specifically designed for the sport of ultimate frisbee

    The Whalesong

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    Tuition jumps up -- All is well, coffee stand opens its doors -- Center vital to student success -- Ultimate frisbee guru Cody Bennett shares about club -- Leadership works for student-friendly accessibility -- Unique publication for unique campus -- It's PFD time: Can the free money last much longer? -- Album inspired by punk ropera -- Open mic features music, adult jokes auf Deutsch and Hawaiian Bill -- 'Napolean' shines on screen -- Guertin on a mission -- Fill up with gas! -- Real life experience greets UAS student interns -- Update on the student recreation joint use facilit

    Frisbee Happy

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    spring 2014"Mizzou club relishes ultimate Frisbee experience."Story by Marcus Wilkins ; Photos by Jordan Liekwe

    Stress-testing the Norwegian economy: The effects of the 1.5°C scenario on global energy markets and the Norwegian economy developing a baseline scenario by soft-linking three models

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    I dette prosjektet myklinker vi tre modeller; GRACE, FRISBEE og KVARTS for å studere effektene på norsk økonomi av å nå 1,5°C-målet om global oppvarming. Vi utvikler en strategi for hvordan vi kan konstruere et konsistent basisscenario frem til 2050 for alle tre modellene. GRACE er en generell likevektsmodell av verdensøkonomien, FRISBEE er en delvis likevektsmodell av de globale energimarkedene, mens KVARTS er en modell av norsk økonomi. For FRISBEE og GRACE vil vi innrette oss etter den regionale energiutviklingen av grunnscenarioet i IEAs World Energy Outlook fra 2019, men streber ikke etter et perfekt treff. Hvis den simulerte etterspørselen til de ulike energivarene i de ulike regionene er langt unna målene i henhold til IEA, vil vi justere relevante parameterverdier. Videre, på grunn av mangel på data, utfører vi ulike estimater angående BNP-vekstrater og CO 2-priser i ulike regioner. Denne rapporten viser en strategi for å studere effektene på økonomien i Norge i et referansescenario. De viktigste variablene som skal implementeres fra FRISBEE og GRACE i KVARTS-modellen er olje- og gasspriser, samt investerings- og produksjonsprofiler for olje og gass. Selv om referansebanen er i fokus i denne rapporten, beskriver vi også flyten av variabler mellom modellene i policyscenarioene