479 research outputs found

    Automatic Detection of Cone Photoreceptors In Split Detector Adaptive Optics Scanning Light Ophthalmoscope Images

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    Quantitative analysis of the cone photoreceptor mosaic in the living retina is potentially useful for early diagnosis and prognosis of many ocular diseases. Non-confocal split detector based adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) imaging reveals the cone photoreceptor inner segment mosaics often not visualized on confocal AOSLO imaging. Despite recent advances in automated cone segmentation algorithms for confocal AOSLO imagery, quantitative analysis of split detector AOSLO images is currently a time-consuming manual process. In this paper, we present the fully automatic adaptive filtering and local detection (AFLD) method for detecting cones in split detector AOSLO images. We validated our algorithm on 80 images from 10 subjects, showing an overall mean Dice’s coefficient of 0.95 (standard deviation 0.03), when comparing our AFLD algorithm to an expert grader. This is comparable to the inter-observer Dice’s coefficient of 0.94 (standard deviation 0.04). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first validated, fully-automated segmentation method which has been applied to split detector AOSLO images

    Open Source Software for Automatic Detection of Cone Photoreceptors in Adaptive Optics Ophthalmoscopy Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Imaging with an adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) enables direct visualization of the cone photoreceptor mosaic in the living human retina. Quantitative analysis of AOSLO images typically requires manual grading, which is time consuming, and subjective; thus, automated algorithms are highly desirable. Previously developed automated methods are often reliant on ad hoc rules that may not be transferable between different imaging modalities or retinal locations. In this work, we present a convolutional neural network (CNN) based method for cone detection that learns features of interest directly from training data. This cone-identifying algorithm was trained and validated on separate data sets of confocal and split detector AOSLO images with results showing performance that closely mimics the gold standard manual process. Further, without any need for algorithmic modifications for a specific AOSLO imaging system, our fully-automated multi-modality CNN-based cone detection method resulted in comparable results to previous automatic cone segmentation methods which utilized ad hoc rules for different applications. We have made free open-source software for the proposed method and the corresponding training and testing datasets available online

    Deep learning based detection of cone photoreceptors with multimodal adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope images of achromatopsia

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    Fast and reliable quantification of cone photoreceptors is a bottleneck in the clinical utilization of adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) systems for the study, diagnosis, and prognosis of retinal diseases. To-date, manual grading has been the sole reliable source of AOSLO quantification, as no automatic method has been reliably utilized for cone detection in real-world low-quality images of diseased retina. We present a novel deep learning based approach that combines information from both the confocal and non-confocal split detector AOSLO modalities to detect cones in subjects with achromatopsia. Our dual-mode deep learning based approach outperforms the state-of-the-art automated techniques and is on a par with human grading

    Emulated retinal image capture (ERICA) to test, train and validate processing of retinal images

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    High resolution retinal imaging systems, such as adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopes (AOSLO), are increasingly being used for clinical research and fundamental studies in neuroscience. These systems offer unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution of retinal structures in vivo. However, a major challenge is the development of robust and automated methods for processing and analysing these images. We present ERICA (Emulated Retinal Image CApture), a simulation tool that generates realistic synthetic images of the human cone mosaic, mimicking images that would be captured by an AOSLO, with specified image quality and with corresponding ground-truth data. The simulation includes a self-organising mosaic of photoreceptors, the eye movements an observer might make during image capture, and data capture through a real system incorporating diffraction, residual optical aberrations and noise. The retinal photoreceptor mosaics generated by ERICA have a similar packing geometry to human retina, as determined by expert labelling of AOSLO images of real eyes. In the current implementation ERICA outputs convincingly realistic en face images of the cone photoreceptor mosaic but extensions to other imaging modalities and structures are also discussed. These images and associated ground-truth data can be used to develop, test and validate image processing and analysis algorithms or to train and validate machine learning approaches. The use of synthetic images has the advantage that neither access to an imaging system, nor to human participants is necessary for development

    RAC-CNN: multimodal deep learning based automatic detection and classification of rod and cone photoreceptors in adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope images

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    Quantification of the human rod and cone photoreceptor mosaic in adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) images is useful for the study of various retinal pathologies. Subjective and time-consuming manual grading has remained the gold standard for evaluating these images, with no well validated automatic methods for detecting individual rods having been developed. We present a novel deep learning based automatic method, called the rod and cone CNN (RAC-CNN), for detecting and classifying rods and cones in multimodal AOSLO images. We test our method on images from healthy subjects as well as subjects with achromatopsia over a range of retinal eccentricities. We show that our method is on par with human grading for detecting rods and cones

    Noninvasive Assessment of Photoreceptor Structure and Function in the Human Retina

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    The human photoreceptor mosaic underlies the first steps of vision; thus, even subtle defects in the mosaic can result in severe vision loss. The retina can be examined directly using clinical tools; however these devices lack the resolution necessary to visualize the photoreceptor mosaic. The primary limiting factor of these devices is the optical aberrations of the human eye. These aberrations are surmountable with the incorporation of adaptive optics (AO) to ophthalmoscopes, enabling imaging of the photoreceptor mosaic with cellular resolution. Despite the potential of AO imaging, much work remains before this technology can be translated to the clinic. Metrics used in the analysis of AO images are not standardized and are rarely subjected to validation, limiting the ability to reliably track structural changes in the photoreceptor mosaic geometry. Preceding the extraction of measurements, photoreceptors must be identified within the retinal image itself. This introduces error from both incorrectly identified cells and image distortion. We developed a novel method to extract measures of cell spacing from AO images that does not require identification of individual cells. In addition, we examined the sensitivity of various metrics in detecting changes in the mosaic and assessed the absolute accuracy of measurements made in the presence of image distortion. We also developed novel metrics for describing the mosaic, which may offer advantages over more traditional metrics of density and spacing. These studies provide a valuable basis for monitoring the photoreceptor mosaic longitudinally. As part of this work, we developed software (Mosaic Analytics) that can be used to standardize analytical efforts across different research groups. In addition, one of the more salient features of the appearance of individual cone photoreceptors is that they vary considerably in their reflectance. It has been proposed that this reflectance signal could be used as a surrogate measure of cone health. As a first step to understanding the cellular origin of these changes, we examined the reflectance properties of the rod photoreceptor mosaic. The observed variation in rod reflectivity over time suggests a common governing physiological process between rods and cones

    Graph Theory and Dynamic Programming Framework for Automated Segmentation of Ophthalmic Imaging Biomarkers

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    <p>Accurate quantification of anatomical and pathological structures in the eye is crucial for the study and diagnosis of potentially blinding diseases. Earlier and faster detection of ophthalmic imaging biomarkers also leads to optimal treatment and improved vision recovery. While modern optical imaging technologies such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and adaptive optics (AO) have facilitated in vivo visualization of the eye at the cellular scale, the massive influx of data generated by these systems is often too large to be fully analyzed by ophthalmic experts without extensive time or resources. Furthermore, manual evaluation of images is inherently subjective and prone to human error.</p><p>This dissertation describes the development and validation of a framework called graph theory and dynamic programming (GTDP) to automatically detect and quantify ophthalmic imaging biomarkers. The GTDP framework was validated as an accurate technique for segmenting retinal layers on OCT images. The framework was then extended through the development of the quasi-polar transform to segment closed-contour structures including photoreceptors on AO scanning laser ophthalmoscopy images and retinal pigment epithelial cells on confocal microscopy images. </p><p>The GTDP framework was next applied in a clinical setting with pathologic images that are often lower in quality. Algorithms were developed to delineate morphological structures on OCT indicative of diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic macular edema (DME). The AMD algorithm was shown to be robust to poor image quality and was capable of segmenting both drusen and geographic atrophy. To account for the complex manifestations of DME, a novel kernel regression-based classification framework was developed to identify retinal layers and fluid-filled regions as a guide for GTDP segmentation.</p><p>The development of fast and accurate segmentation algorithms based on the GTDP framework has significantly reduced the time and resources necessary to conduct large-scale, multi-center clinical trials. This is one step closer towards the long-term goal of improving vision outcomes for ocular disease patients through personalized therapy.</p>Dissertatio


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    Human vision is our most important sensory system, allowing us to perceive our surroundings. It is an extremely complex process that starts with light entering the eye and ends inside of the brain, with most of its mechanisms still to be explained. When we observe a scene, the optics of the eye focus an image on the retina, where light signals are processed and sent all the way to the visual cortex of the brain, enabling our visual sensation. The progress of retinal research, especially on the topography of photoreceptors, is often tied to the progress of retinal imaging systems. The latest adaptive optics techniques have been essential for the study of the photoreceptors and their spatial characteristics, leading to discoveries that challenge the existing theories on color sensation. The organization of the retina is associated with various perceptive phenomena, some of them are straightforward and strictly related to visual performance like visual acuity or contrast sensitivity, but some of them are more difficult to analyze and test and can be related to the submosaics of the three classes of cone photoreceptors, like how the huge interpersonal differences between the ratio of different cone classes result in negligible differences in color sensation, suggesting the presence of compensation mechanisms in some stage of the visual system. In this dissertation will be discussed and addressed issues regarding the spatial organization of the photoreceptors in the human retina. A computational model has been developed, organized into a modular pipeline of extensible methods each simulating a different stage of visual processing. It does so by creating a model of spatial distribution of cones inside of a retina, then applying descriptive statistics for each photoreceptor to contribute to the creation of a graphical representation, based on a behavioral model that determines the absorption of photoreceptors. These apparent color stimuli are reconstructed in a representation of the observed scene. The model allows the testing of different parameters regulating the photoreceptor's topography, in order to formulate hypothesis on the perceptual differences arising from variations in spatial organization
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