27 research outputs found

    Vulnerability-Tolerant Transport Layer Security

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    SSL/TLS communication channels play a very important role in Internet security, including cloud computing and server infrastructures. There are often concerns about the strength of the encryption mechanisms used in TLS channels. Vulnerabilities can lead to some of the cipher suites once thought to be secure to become insecure and no longer recommended for use or in urgent need of a software update. However, the deprecation/update process is very slow and weeks or months can go by before most web servers and clients are protected, and some servers and clients may never be updated. In the meantime, the communications are at risk of being intercepted and tampered by attackers. In this paper we propose an alternative to TLS to mitigate the problem of secure commu- nication channels being susceptible to attacks due to unexpected vulnerabilities in its mechan- isms. Our solution, called Vulnerability-Tolerant Transport Layer Security (vtTLS), is based on diversity and redundancy of cryptographic mechanisms and certificates to ensure a secure communication even when one or more mechanisms are vulnerable. Our solution relies on a combination of k cipher suites which ensure that even if k ? 1 cipher suites are insecure or vul- nerable, the remaining cipher suite keeps the communication channel secure. The performance and cost of vtTLS were evaluated and compared with OpenSSL, one of the most widely used implementations of TLS

    Comparison of hash function algorithms against attacks: a review

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    Hash functions are considered key components of nearly all cryptographic protocols, as well as of many security applications such as message authentication codes, data integrity, password storage, and random number generation. Many hash function algorithms have been proposed in order to ensure authentication and integrity of the data, including MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3 and RIPEMD. This paper involves an overview of these standard algorithms, and also provides a focus on their limitations against common attacks. These study shows that these standard hash function algorithms suffer collision attacks and time inefficiency. Other types of hash functions are also highlighted in comparison with the standard hash function algorithm in performing the resistance against common attacks. It shows that these algorithms are still weak to resist against collision attacks

    Modified SHA1: A Hashing Solution to Secure Web Applications through Login Authentication

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    The modified SHA1 algorithm has been developed by expanding its hash value up to 1280 bits from the original size of 160 bit. This was done by allocating 32 buffer registers for variables A, B, C and D at 5 bytes each. The expansion was done by generating 4 buffer registers in every round inside the compression function for 8 times. Findings revealed that the hash value of the modified algorithm was not cracked or hacked during the experiment and testing using powerful online cracking tool, bruteforce and rainbow table such as CrackingStation and Rainbow Crack and bruteforcer which are available online thus improved its security level compared to the original SHA1

    The Impact of MD5 File Hash Collisions On Digital Forensic Imaging

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    The Message Digest 5 (MD5) hash is commonly used as for integrity verification in the forensic imaging process. The ability to force MD5 hash collisions has been a reality for more than a decade, although there is a general consensus that hash collisions are of minimal impact to the practice of computer forensics. This paper describes an experiment to determine the results of imaging two disks that are identical except for one file, the two versions of which have different content but otherwise occupy the same byte positions on the disk, are the same size, and have the same hash value

    On The Cost of ASIC Hardware Crackers: A SHA-1 Case Study

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    International audienceIn February 2017, the SHA-1 hashing algorithm was practically broken using an identical-prefix collision attack implemented on a GPU cluster, and in January 2020 a chosen-prefix collision was first computed with practical implications on various security protocols. These advances opened the door for several research questions, such as the minimal cost to perform these attacks in practice. In particular, one may wonder what is the best technology for software/hardware cryptanalysis of such primitives. In this paper, we address some of these questions by studying the challenges and costs of building an ASIC cluster for performing attacks against a hash function. Our study takes into account different scenarios and includes two cryptanalytic strategies that can be used to find such collisions: a classical generic birthday search, and a state-of-the-art differential attack using neutral bits for SHA-1. We show that for generic attacks, GPU and ASIC poses a serious practical threat to primitives with security level ∼ 64 bits, with rented GPU a good solution for a one-off attack, and ASICs more efficient if the attack has to be run a few times. ASICs also pose a non-negligible security risk for primitives with 80-bit security. For differential attacks, GPUs (purchased or rented) are often a very cost-effective choice, but ASIC provides an alternative for organizations that can afford the initial cost and look for a compact, energy-efficient, reusable solution. In the case of SHA-1, we show that an ASIC cluster costing a few millions would be able to generate chosen-prefix collisions in a day or even in a minute. This extends the attack surface to TLS and SSH, for which the chosen-prefix collision would need to be generated very quickly

    Short Paper: TLS Ecosystems in Networked Devices vs. Web Servers

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    Recently, high-speed IPv4 scanners, such as ZMap, have enabled rapid and timely collection of TLS certificates and other security-sensitive parameters. Such large datasets led to the development of the Censys search interface, facilitating comprehensive analysis of TLS deployments in the wild. Several recent studies analyzed TLS certificates as deployed in web servers. Beyond public web servers, TLS is deployed in many other Internet-connected devices, at home and enterprise environments, and at network backbones. In this paper, we report the results of a preliminary analysis using Censys on TLS deployments in such devices (e.g., routers, modems, NAS, printers, SCADA, and IoT devices in general). We compare certificates and TLS connection parameters from a security perspective, as found in common devices with Alexa 1M sites. Our results highlight significant weaknesses, and may serve as a catalyst to improve TLS security for these devices

    SHA-1 is a Shambles: First Chosen-Prefix Collision on SHA-1 and Application to the PGP Web of Trust

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    International audienceThe SHA-1 hash function was designed in 1995 and has been widely used during two decades. A theoretical collision attack was first proposed in 2004 [29], but due to its high complexity it was only implemented in practice in 2017, using a large GPU cluster [23]. More recently, an almost practical chosen-prefix collision attack against SHA-1 has been proposed [12]. This more powerful attack allows to build colliding messages with two arbitrary prefixes, which is much more threatening for real protocols. In this paper, we report the first practical implementation of this attack, and its impact on real-world security with a PGP/GnuPG impersonation attack. We managed to significantly reduce the complexity of collision attacks against SHA-1: on an Nvidia GTX 970, identical-prefix collisions can now be computed with a complexity (expressed in terms of SHA-1 equivalents on this GPU) of 2 61.2 rather than 2 64.7 , and chosen-prefix collisions with a complexity of 2 63.4 rather than 2 67.1. When renting cheap GPUs, this translates to a cost of US11kforacollision,andUS 11k for a collision, and US 45k for a chosen-prefix collision, within the means of academic researchers. Our actual attack required two months of computations using 900 Nvidia GTX 1060 GPUs (we paid US$ 75k because GPU prices were higher, and we wasted some time preparing the attack). Therefore, the same attacks that have been practical on MD5 since 2009 are now practical on SHA-1. In particular, chosen-prefix collisions can break signature schemes and handshake security in secure channel protocols (TLS, SSH), if generated extremely quickly. We strongly advise to remove SHA-1 from those type of applications as soon as possible. We exemplify our cryptanalysis by creating a pair of PGP/GnuPG keys with different identities, but colliding SHA-1 certificates. A SHA-1 certification of the first key can therefore be transferred to the second key, leading to an impersonation attack. This proves that SHA-1 signatures now offer virtually no security in practice. The legacy branch of GnuPG still uses SHA-1 by default for identity certifications, but after notifying the authors, the modern branch now rejects SHA-1 signatures (the issue is tracked as CVE-2019-14855)