63,792 research outputs found


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    In the last decades the spectacular results of each developmental stages of computer-aided design, were considered as great magic of computer use. Professionals were shocked by the impressive building of engineer works and their more and more realistic appearance. It was hard to believe and for many people it still is that this technology becomes indispensable in everyday engineering work. By now, in front-rank product development, it is impossible to do a competitive designer work without applying the most up-to- date design technology. This all leads to the fact that an engineer student of our days, in his design practice, is definitely going to work with the momentarily most up-to-date technology, which will be out-of-date in a couple of years. | A szĂĄmĂ­tĂłgĂ©pek alkalmazĂĄsĂĄnak nagy varĂĄzslatai közĂ© szĂĄmĂ­tott az elmĂșlt Ă©vtizedekben a szĂĄmĂ­tĂłgĂ©pen vĂ©gzett tervezĂ©s egy-egy fejlıdĂ©si szakaszĂĄnak lĂĄtvĂĄnyos eredmĂ©nye. Szakembereket is meghökkentett a mĂ©rnöki alkotĂĄsok lĂĄtvĂĄnyos Ă©pĂ­tĂ©se Ă©s mind valĂłsĂĄghƑbb megjelenĂ­tĂ©se. Nehezen hittĂ©k, sıt sokan ma is nehezen hiszik azt, hogy a mĂ©rnöki munka mindennapjaiban is nĂ©lkĂŒlözhetetlennĂ© vĂĄlik ez a technika. MĂĄra az Ă©lvonalbeli termĂ©kfejlesztĂ©sben a mindenkori legjobb tervezĂ©si technika igĂ©nybevĂ©tele nĂ©lkĂŒl kĂ©ptelensĂ©g versenykĂ©pes tervezımunkĂĄt vĂ©gezni. Ennek következtĂ©ben napjaink mĂ©rnökhallgatĂłja tervezıi gyakorlatĂĄban minden bizonnyal a ma legkorszerƑbbnek szĂĄmĂ­tĂł, de nĂ©hĂĄny Ă©v alatt elavulĂł mĂłdszert levĂĄltĂł technikĂĄval fog dolgozni. Keywords/kulcsszavak: computer aided design, CAD1/CAM2, CNC3 ~ szĂĄmĂ­tĂłgĂ©pes tervezĂ©s, CAD/CAM, CN

    Networks and Knowledge at the Interface Governing the Coast of East Kalimantan

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    The thesis explores the actual processes of interaction between global and local actors regarding marine conservation and aquaculture development. The objective of the thesis is to analyse the collaboration, friction, and the cultural-historical, social, political, and economic contestations of the value and meaning of conservation from the perspectives of the district governmental agencies, the district head, local entrepreneurs and industry, and the International NGO. Concentrating on the dynamics of this global-local interface this thesis adds to existing literature because it helps us to understand why global environmental networks often face contention and even fail to be effective in their attempts to implement regulations or standards for a more sustainable production of coastal resources. The data were gathered during long-term anthropological fieldwork combining a political-ecology approach with environmental anthropology

    The orienting mouse: An input device with attitude

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    This paper presents a modified computer mouse, the Orienting Mouse, which delivers orientation as an additional dimension of input; when the mouse is moved on a flat surface it reports, in addition to the conventional x, y translation, angular rotation of the device in the x, y plane. The orienting mouse preserves important properties of the standard mouse; all measurements are relative and movement is tracked only while the mouse is on its flat surface. If the user lets go of the mouse, leaving it on the surface, its position and orientation do not change until it is touched again. Picking the mouse up and putting it down in a different orientation leaves the angle and position unchanged. While the concept of sensing mouse rotation is not new, our work focuses on movement and navigation in 3D, rather than on precision positioning tasks. We describe a number of sample applications developed to test its effectiveness in this context. Specific features exploited and described include (i) an algorithm for calculating the mouse angle which cancels drift between the two sensors, and (ii) the use of angular gearing which avoids unnatural and uncomfortable hand positions when moving through large angles; informal user testing validates this idea

    Affordances and Feedback in Nuance-Oriented Interfaces

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    Virtual Environments (VEs) and perceptive user interfaces must deal with complex users and their modes of interaction. One way to approach this problem is to recognize users’ nuances (subtle conscious or unconscious actions). In exploring nuance-oriented interfaces, we attempted to let users work as they preferred without being biased by feedback or affordances in the system. The hope was that we would discover the users’ innate models of interaction. The results of two user studies were that users are guided not by any innate model but by affordances and feedback in the interface. So, without this guidance, even the most obvious and useful components of an interface will be ignored

    The Interplay between attention, experience and skills in online language teaching

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    The demand for online teaching is growing as is the recognition that online teachers require highly sophisticated skills to manage classrooms and create an environment conducive to learning. However, there is little rigorous empirical research investigating teachers’ thoughts and actions during online tutorials. Taking a sociocultural perspective, this study explores the interplay between the attention focus of language teachers during synchronous online tutorials and their reflections on their own teaching practices. Eyetracking data show that patterns of attention focus on different areas of the screen (representing technical facilities, social interaction and content) are related to practitioners’ experience in online teaching including familiarity with a particular platform. In particular, those with less online teaching experience display greater attention to technical areas than their more experienced colleagues. These findings are confirmed in the teachers’ reflective interviews, stimulated by watching gazeplot videos of their online tutorials. Their reflections also yield deeper insight into reasons for particular actions. Thematic analysis was used to relate the reflections on teaching strategies to the levels of online teaching skills (Hampel & Stickler 2005, New skills for new classrooms: Training tutors to teach languages online. Computer Assisted Language Learning 18(4). 311–326). Our research has extended Bax’s normalisation (2003, CALL – past, present and future. System 31(1). 13–28. doi: 10.1016/s0346-251x(02)00071-4) of the use of technology in face-to-face classroom learning into online learning environments. Mirroring the ontogenetic development of increasing digitalisation, teachers in online environments appropriate the skills necessary to free cognitive resources for attending to social and pedagogic aspects of their teaching

    Pulse-like and crack-like ruptures in experiments mimicking crustal earthquakes

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    Theoretical studies have shown that the issue of rupture modes has important implications for fault constitutive laws, stress conditions on faults, energy partition and heat generation during earthquakes, scaling laws, and spatiotemporal complexity of fault slip. Early theoretical models treated earthquakes as crack-like ruptures, but seismic inversions indicate that earthquake ruptures may propagate in a self-healing pulse-like mode. A number of explanations for the existence of slip pulses have been proposed and continue to be vigorously debated. This study presents experimental observations of spontaneous pulse-like ruptures in a homogeneous linear-elastic setting that mimics crustal earthquakes; reveals how different rupture modes are selected based on the level of fault prestress; demonstrates that both rupture modes can transition to supershear speeds; and advocates, based on comparison with theoretical studies, the importance of velocity-weakening friction for earthquake dynamics
