125 research outputs found

    Quantitative diffusion MRI with application to multiple sclerosis

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    Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a uniquely non-invasive probe of biological tissue properties, increasingly able to provide access to ever more intricate structural and microstructural tissue information. Imaging biomarkers that reveal pathological alterations can help advance our knowledge of complex neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis (MS), but depend on both high quality image data and robust post-processing pipelines. The overarching aim of this thesis was to develop methods to improve the characterisation of brain tissue structure and microstructure using dMRI. Two distinct avenues were explored. In the first approach, network science and graph theory were used to identify core human brain networks with improved sensitivity to subtle pathological damage. A novel consensus subnetwork was derived using graph partitioning techniques to select nodes based on independent measures of centrality, and was better able to explain cognitive impairment in relapsing-remitting MS patients than either full brain or default mode networks. The influence of edge weighting scheme on graph characteristics was explored in a separate study, which contributes to the connectomics field by demonstrating how study outcomes can be affected by an aspect of network design often overlooked. The second avenue investigated the influence of image artefacts and noise on the accuracy and precision of microstructural tissue parameters. Correction methods for the echo planar imaging (EPI) Nyquist ghost artefact were systematically evaluated for the first time in high b-value dMRI, and the outcomes were used to develop a new 2D phase-corrected reconstruction framework with simultaneous channel-wise noise reduction appropriate for dMRI. The technique was demonstrated to alleviate biases associated with Nyquist ghosting and image noise in dMRI biomarkers, but has broader applications in other imaging protocols that utilise the EPI readout. I truly hope the research in this thesis will influence and inspire future work in the wider MR community

    Design and Optimization of Graph Transform for Image and Video Compression

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    The main contribution of this thesis is the introduction of new methods for designing adaptive transforms for image and video compression. Exploiting graph signal processing techniques, we develop new graph construction methods targeted for image and video compression applications. In this way, we obtain a graph that is, at the same time, a good representation of the image and easy to transmit to the decoder. To do so, we investigate different research directions. First, we propose a new method for graph construction that employs innovative edge metrics, quantization and edge prediction techniques. Then, we propose to use a graph learning approach and we introduce a new graph learning algorithm targeted for image compression that defines the connectivities between pixels by taking into consideration the coding of the image signal and the graph topology in rate-distortion term. Moreover, we also present a new superpixel-driven graph transform that uses clusters of superpixel as coding blocks and then computes the graph transform inside each region. In the second part of this work, we exploit graphs to design directional transforms. In fact, an efficient representation of the image directional information is extremely important in order to obtain high performance image and video coding. In this thesis, we present a new directional transform, called Steerable Discrete Cosine Transform (SDCT). This new transform can be obtained by steering the 2D-DCT basis in any chosen direction. Moreover, we can also use more complex steering patterns than a single pure rotation. In order to show the advantages of the SDCT, we present a few image and video compression methods based on this new directional transform. The obtained results show that the SDCT can be efficiently applied to image and video compression and it outperforms the classical DCT and other directional transforms. Along the same lines, we present also a new generalization of the DFT, called Steerable DFT (SDFT). Differently from the SDCT, the SDFT can be defined in one or two dimensions. The 1D-SDFT represents a rotation in the complex plane, instead the 2D-SDFT performs a rotation in the 2D Euclidean space

    Coupling solid and fluid stresses with brain tumour growth and white matter tract deformations in a neuroimaging-informed model

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    Brain tumours are among the deadliest types of cancer, since they display a strong ability to invade the surrounding tissues and an extensive resistance to common therapeutic treatments. It is therefore important to reproduce the heterogeneity of brain microstructure through mathematical and computational models, that can provide powerful instruments to investigate cancer progression. However, only a few models include a proper mechanical and constitutive description of brain tissue, which instead may be relevant to predict the progression of the pathology and to analyse the reorganization of healthy tissues occurring during tumour growth and, possibly, after surgical resection. Motivated by the need to enrich the description of brain cancer growth through mechanics, in this paper we present a mathematical multiphase model that explicitly includes brain hyperelasticity. We find that our mechanical description allows to evaluate the impact of the growing tumour mass on the surrounding healthy tissue, quantifying the displacements, deformations, and stresses induced by its proliferation. At the same time, the knowledge of the mechanical variables may be used to model the stress-induced inhibition of growth, as well as to properly modify the preferential directions of white matter tracts as a consequence of deformations caused by the tumour. Finally, the simulations of our model are implemented in a personalized framework, which allows to incorporate the realistic brain geometry, the patient-specific diffusion and permeability tensors reconstructed from imaging data and to modify them as a consequence of the mechanical deformation due to cancer growth

    Wavelet Theory

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    The wavelet is a powerful mathematical tool that plays an important role in science and technology. This book looks at some of the most creative and popular applications of wavelets including biomedical signal processing, image processing, communication signal processing, Internet of Things (IoT), acoustical signal processing, financial market data analysis, energy and power management, and COVID-19 pandemic measurements and calculations. The editor’s personal interest is the application of wavelet transform to identify time domain changes on signals and corresponding frequency components and in improving power amplifier behavior

    Multiscale adaptive generalized estimating equations for longitudinal neuroimaging data

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    Many large-scale longitudinal imaging studies have been or are being widely conducted to better understand the progress of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders and normal brain development. The goal of this article is to develop a multiscale adaptive generalized estimation equation (MAGEE) method for spatial and adaptive analysis of neuroimaging data from longitudinal studies. MAGEE is applicable to making statistical inference on regression coefficients in both balanced and unbalanced longitudinal designs and even twin and familial studies, whereas standard software platforms have several major limitations in handling these complex studies. Specifically, conventional voxel-based analyses in these software platforms involve Gaussian smoothing imaging data and then independently fitting a statistical model at each voxel. However, the conventional smoothing methods suffer from the lack of spatial adaptivity to the shape and spatial extent of region of interest and the arbitrary choice of smoothing extent, while independently fitting statistical models across voxels does not account for the spatial properties of imaging observations and noise distribution. To address such drawbacks, we adapt a powerful propagation–separation (PS) procedure to sequentially incorporate the neighboring information of each voxel and develop a new novel strategy to solely update a set of parameters of interest, while fixing other nuisance parameters at their initial estimators. Simulation studies and real data analysis show that MAGEE significantly outperforms voxel-based analysis

    Spectral features of matrix-sequences, GLT, symbol, and application in preconditioning Krylov methods, image deblurring, and multigrid algorithms.

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    The final purpose of any scientific discipline can be regarded as the solution of real-world problems. With this aim, a mathematical modeling of the considered phenomenon is often compulsory. Closed-form solutions of the arising functional equations are usually not available and numerical discretization techniques are required. In this setting, the discretization of an infinite-dimensional linear equation via some linear approximation method, leads to a sequence of linear systems of increasing dimension whose coefficient matrices could inherit a structure from the continuous problem. For instance, the numerical approximation by local methods of constant or nonconstant coefficients systems of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) over multidimensional domains, gives rise to multilevel block Toeplitz or to Generalized Locally Toeplitz (GLT) sequences, respectively. In the context of structured matrices, the convergence properties of iterative methods, like multigrid or preconditioned Krylov techniques, are strictly related to the notion of symbol, a function whose role relies in describing the asymptotical distribution of the spectrum. This thesis can be seen as a byproduct of the combined use of powerful tools like symbol, spectral distribution, and GLT, when dealing with the numerical solution of structured linear systems. We approach such an issue both from a theoretical and practical viewpoint. On the one hand, we enlarge some known spectral distribution tools by proving the eigenvalue distribution of matrix-sequences obtained as combination of some algebraic operations on multilevel block Toeplitz matrices. On the other hand, we take advantage of the obtained results for designing efficient preconditioning techniques. Moreover, we focus on the numerical solution of structured linear systems coming from the following applications: image deblurring, fractional diffusion equations, and coupled PDEs. A spectral analysis of the arising structured sequences allows us either to study the convergence and predict the behavior of preconditioned Krylov and multigrid methods applied to the coefficient matrices, or to design effective preconditioners and multigrid solvers for the associated linear systems

    Deep Learning-Based Machinery Fault Diagnostics

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    This book offers a compilation for experts, scholars, and researchers to present the most recent advancements, from theoretical methods to the applications of sophisticated fault diagnosis techniques. The deep learning methods for analyzing and testing complex mechanical systems are of particular interest. Special attention is given to the representation and analysis of system information, operating condition monitoring, the establishment of technical standards, and scientific support of machinery fault diagnosis
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