7 research outputs found

    Концептуальная модель оценки технологической готовности научно-технологического проекта и его потенциала на ранних стадиях разработки

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    The article proposes a conceptual model for assessing the technological readiness and the potential of a R&D project at the early stages of its development (TPRA – Technology Project Readiness Assessment). The proposed model will allow to assess the technological readiness of the scientific and technological projects, the commercial potential of their results, the possibility of participation of the results of projects in the transfer of technologies, the possibility of using the results obtained as a scientific and technical groundwork, as well as the risks of nonfulfillment of projects within the framework of a single tool. The results that can be obtained in the assessment process can be used to improve the efficiency of planning and implementation of R&D in the institutions for innovative development, as well as in corporations and organizations that invest in R&D processes.В статье предложена концептуальная модель оценки технологической готовности и потенциала научно-технологического проекта на ранних стадиях его разработки (TPRA). Предлагаемая модель позволит в рамках единого инструмента проводить оценку готовности разрабатываемой технологии, коммерческого потенциала результатов научно-технологических проектов, оценку возможности участия результатов проектов в трансфере технологий, возможности использовать полученные результаты в качестве научно-технического задела. Получаемые при оценке результаты могут быть использованы для повышения эффективности планирования и осуществления R&D-деятельности в органах управления институтов инновационного развития, а также в корпорациях и организациях, инвестирующих в R&D процессы

    Design for Cost aplicado no projeto de produtos mecatrônicos

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2017.O processo de desenvolvimento de produto é fundamental para a competitividade de toda empresa. Os fatores custo, tempo e qualidade devem ser controlados de forma ótima, durante toda a vida útil do produto. Os produtos mecatrônicos adicionam complexidade ao processo de desenvolvimento, dado os diferentes domínios de engenharia envolvidos. No contexto do processo de estimativa de custo e análise econômica de projetos de desenvolvimento de produtos mecatrônicos verificam-se lacunas quanto à análise conjunta do processo, que integre todos os domínios envolvidos. Dentro do contexto do custo no projeto de produto, o design for cost explora todas as fases de um projeto, desde a seleção conceitual do produto até a sua utilização. Esta técnica busca capturar as atividades de planejamento e projeto, desenvolvendo atividades ou resultados de acordo com as restrições financeiras, provendo as ferramentas, técnicas e dados para se atingir as metas de custo de forma satisfatória No presente trabalho foram estudados os principais métodos de estimativa de custo e análise econômico-financeira aplicados no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos. Com objetivo de superar a dificuldade na integração no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos mecatrônicos, essa pesquisa propõe uma sistematização para o processo de estimativa de custo e análise econômica para novos produtos mecatrônicos, com base nos modelos de desenvolvimento de produtos mecatrônicos. A pesquisa compreende três etapas: (1) Aquisição de conhecimentos, (2) Sistematização do processo de estimativa de custo e avaliação econômica, com base na revisão bibliográfica, (3) Validação por meio da aplicação das ferramentas em projetos de protótipos de produtos/sistemas mecatrônicos. A validação da proposta se deu por meio da aplicação em dois estudos de caso em projetos de concepção de protótipos mecatrônicos, um sistema de medição do nível de compactação do solo (penetrômetro); e um equipamento médico assistencial (EMA). Foram analisadas duas concepções para cada caso. A sistematização proposta foi então comparada com um modelo de custo para a engenharia de sistemas, e os resultados obtidos apresentaram uma estimativa de custo próxima ao modelo da engenharia de sistemas. Verificou-se que a metodologia aplicada atende às necessidades de integração do custo no projeto de produto, de forma a preencher as lacunas existentes.The product development project encompasses a series of stages and indicators needed to be controlled during all development process. One of the main criteria for decision making during this process is cost. Success in a new product launch is usually measured in terms of financial results. Related to all cost management models, the design for cost explores all project phases, from the conceptual selection to the product utilization. It aims to capture all the planning activities, executing the activities with the budget constraints, providing tools, techniques and data to reach the goals with satisfactory results. In the context of cost estimation process and economic analysis of mechatronic product development is verified a gap for an integrated analysis of cost. There is a need for an integrated cost analysis that involves all mechatronic product domains. In the context of cost in the product development, the design for cost integrates tools and methods from the conceptual phase until all the product life cycle. In the research the main cost estimation methods and financial analysis metrics were investigate with the aim to be applied in the product development process. To resolve the gap issue of an integrate analysis of cost, the present work proposes a systematization and analysis for the cost estimation and economic analysis for the mechatronic product development in the context of design for cost. The research has three main phases: (1) knowledge acquisition, (2) systematization and analysis of cost estimation process and economic analysis based on the bibliographic review, (3) application of the systematization proposed on mechatronic prototypes to obtain the costs and the financial metrics. The validation of the research occurred by the application of the method in two case studies conceptual product development, a soil measurement equipment and a medical assistance equipment. Then the method developed was compared with a cost model for systems engineering and estimates were very similar with this professional model. It was verifies that the methodology developed fits the integration necessity in the product development and fill the gaps verified in the research. Key words: mechatronic product project, design for cost, cost estimation, economic analysis, project product methodology

    Engenharia de sistemas baseada em modelos: um sistema para o tráfego & ambiente

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    Doutoramento em Gestão IndustrialThe contemporary world is crowded of large, interdisciplinary, complex systems made of other systems, personnel, hardware, software, information, processes, and facilities. The Systems Engineering (SE) field proposes an integrated holistic approach to tackle these socio-technical systems that is crucial to take proper account of their multifaceted nature and numerous interrelationships, providing the means to enable their successful realization. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is an emerging paradigm in the SE field and can be described as the formalized application of modelling principles, methods, languages, and tools to the entire lifecycle of those systems, enhancing communications and knowledge capture, shared understanding, improved design precision and integrity, better development traceability, and reduced development risks. This thesis is devoted to the application of the novel MBSE paradigm to the Urban Traffic & Environment domain. The proposed system, the GUILTE (Guiding Urban Intelligent Traffic & Environment), deals with a present-day real challenging problem “at the agenda” of world leaders, national governors, local authorities, research agencies, academia, and general public. The main purposes of the system are to provide an integrated development framework for the municipalities, and to support the (short-time and real-time) operations of the urban traffic through Intelligent Transportation Systems, highlighting two fundamental aspects: the evaluation of the related environmental impacts (in particular, the air pollution and the noise), and the dissemination of information to the citizens, endorsing their involvement and participation. These objectives are related with the high-level complex challenge of developing sustainable urban transportation networks. The development process of the GUILTE system is supported by a new methodology, the LITHE (Agile Systems Modelling Engineering), which aims to lightening the complexity and burdensome of the existing methodologies by emphasizing agile principles such as continuous communication, feedback, stakeholders involvement, short iterations and rapid response. These principles are accomplished through a universal and intuitive SE process, the SIMILAR process model (which was redefined at the light of the modern international standards), a lean MBSE method, and a coherent System Model developed through the benchmark graphical modeling languages SysML and OPDs/OPL. The main contributions of the work are, in their essence, models and can be settled as: a revised process model for the SE field, an agile methodology for MBSE development environments, a graphical tool to support the proposed methodology, and a System Model for the GUILTE system. The comprehensive literature reviews provided for the main scientific field of this research (SE/MBSE) and for the application domain (Traffic & Environment) can also be seen as a relevant contribution.O mundo contemporâneo é caracterizado por sistemas de grande dimensão e de natureza marcadamente complexa, sócio-técnica e interdisciplinar. A Engenharia de Sistemas (ES) propõe uma abordagem holística e integrada para desenvolver tais sistemas, tendo em consideração a sua natureza multifacetada e as numerosas inter-relações que advêm de uma quantidade significativa de diferentes pontos de vista, competências, responsabilidades e interesses. A Engenharia de Sistemas Baseada em Modelos (ESBM) é um paradigma emergente na área da ES e pode ser descrito como a aplicação formal de princípios, métodos, linguagens e ferramentas de modelação ao ciclo de vida dos sistemas descritos. Espera-se que, na próxima década, a ESBM desempenhe um papel fundamental na prática da moderna Engenharia de Sistemas. Esta tese é dedicada à aplicação da ESBM a um desafio real que constitui uma preocupação do mundo actual, estando “na agenda” dos líderes mundiais, governantes nacionais, autoridades locais, agências de investigação, universidades e público em geral. O domínio de aplicação, o Tráfego & Ambiente, caracteriza-se por uma considerável complexidade e interdisciplinaridade, sendo representativo das áreas de interesse para a ES. Propõe-se um sistema (GUILTE) que visa dotar os municípios de um quadro de desenvolvimento integrado para adopção de Sistemas de Transporte Inteligentes e apoiar as suas operações de tráfego urbano, destacando dois aspectos fundamentais: a avaliação dos impactos ambientais associados (em especial, a poluição atmosférica e o ruído) e a divulgação de informação aos cidadãos, motivando o seu envolvimento e participação. Estes objectivos relacionam-se com o desafio mais abrangente de desenvolver redes de transporte urbano sustentáveis. O processo de desenvolvimento do sistema apoia-se numa nova metodologia (LITHE), mais ágil, que enfatiza os princípios de comunicação contínua, feedback, participação e envolvimento dos stakeholders, iterações curtas e resposta rápida. Estes princípios são concretizados através de um processo de ES universal e intuitivo (redefinido à luz dos padrões internacionais), de um método simples e de linguagens gráficas de modelação de referência (SysML e OPDs/OPL). As principais contribuições deste trabalho são, na sua essência, modelos: um modelo revisto para o processo da ES, uma metodologia ágil para ambientes de desenvolvimento baseados em modelos, uma ferramenta gráfica para suportar a metodologia proposta e o modelo de um sistema para as operações de tráfego & ambiente num contexto urbano. Contribui-se ainda com uma cuidada revisão bibliográfica para a principal área de investigação (ES/ESBM) e para o domínio de aplicação (Tráfego & Ambiente)

    Complexity characteristics and measurement within engineering systems

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    Complexity is a significant factor in the development of new products and systems; generally speaking, the higher the complexity, the more difficult products and systems are going to be to design and develop. There are a number of different factors that influence complexity within systems, namely: interoperability; upgradability; adaptability; evolving requirements; system size; automation requirements; performance requirements; support requirements; sustainability; reliability; the need for increased product lifespan; and finally, the length of time systems take to develop. There is, at present, no common language to describe complexity within engineered systems; this language needs to be developed in order to help industry cope with increasing product complexity and thus meet customer demands. This thesis represents a start in the development of that language, and thus an understanding of systems complexity. The thesis offers a framework for complexity analysis within systems, one which identifies some of the key complexity characteristics that need to be taken into consideration, and which embraces complexity problems, definitions, concepts and classifications, origins and coping mechanisms. It has also has been developed in terms of a measurement approach, thereby allowing for a meaningful comparison between products, and an understanding of the complexities within them. This framework was developed using information collected from academic literature and from more specific case studies. Each complexity characteristic was investigated, and the interactions between characteristics were identified; these interactions allow us to understand complexity and help to develop a common language. The thesis develops a measurement technique that quantifies various complexity characteristics in terms of the framework laid down, thus enabling a quantified understanding of complexity within systems. This new measurement approach was tested on a set of recent case studies, and the complexity characteristics produced by the measurement technique were, in turn, tested against attributes of the system. The framework itself is always evolving - it incorporates new complexity characteristics. Nevertheless, such evolution can only further our understanding of complexity. Further work, to explore and integrate the approach demonstrated in this thesis into an automated tool, and test its robustness, along with a continual development of other elements of the framework, such as a classification of complexity, is recommended.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Fractal-cosysmo systems engineering cost estimation for complex projects

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    Cost estimation for engineering projects has advanced beyond the bottom-up counting of costs and the top-down use of analogies. Parametric cost estimation is now employed to estimate volatile software costs, as well as the cost of Systems Engineering (SE) effort in engineering projects. The Constructive Systems Engineering Cost Model (COSYSMO) estimates the number of Person-Months (PM) necessary to complete systems engineering projects by using project size and cost parameters. On re-examining the nature of systems engineering and the structures of complex projects that must be built in an orderly fashion on a variety of scales, it is apparent that a parametric formula that employs fractal dimensionality principles should be well suited for their cost estimation. This thesis therefore develops the connections between fractal dimensionality and cost estimation with COSYSMO. The result is Fractal-COSYSMO, a novel cost estimating formulation that can be used to determine the cost of developing systems that show complexity on a broad scale

    Proceedings of the International Workshop "Innovation Information Technologies: Theory and Practice": Dresden, Germany, September 06-10.2010

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    This International Workshop is a high quality seminar providing a forum for the exchange of scientific achievements between research communities of different universities and research institutes in the area of innovation information technologies. It is a continuation of the Russian-German Workshops that have been organized by the universities in Dresden, Karlsruhe and Ufa before. The workshop was arranged in 9 sessions covering the major topics: Modern Trends in Information Technology, Knowledge Based Systems and Semantic Modelling, Software Technology and High Performance Computing, Geo-Information Systems and Virtual Reality, System and Process Engineering, Process Control and Management and Corporate Information Systems