5,346 research outputs found

    Context-aware multi-attribute decision multi - attribute decision making for radio access technology selection in ultra dense network

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    Ultra Dense Network (UDN) is the extreme densification of heterogeneous Radio Access Technology (RAT) that is deployed closely in coordinated or uncoordinated manner. The densification of RAT forms an overlapping zone of signal coverage leading to the frequent service handovers among the RAT, thus degrading overall system performance. The current RAT selection approach is biased towards network-centric criteria pertaining to signal strength. However, the paradigm shift from network-centric to user-centric approach necessitates a multi-criteria selection process, with methodology relating to both network and user preferences in the context of future generation networks. Hence, an effective selection approach is required to avoid unnecessary handovers in RAT. The main aim of this study is to propose the Context-aware Multiattribute decision making for RAT (CMRAT) selection for investigating the need to choose a new RAT and further determine the best amongst the available methods. The CMRAT consists of two mechanisms, namely the Context-aware Analytical Hierarchy Process (CAHP) and Context-aware Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (CTOPSIS). The CAHP mechanism measures the need to switch from the current RAT, while CTOPSIS aids in decision making to choose the best target RAT. A series of experimental studies were conducted to validate the effectiveness of CMRAT for achieving improved system performance. The investigation utilises shopping mall and urban dense network scenarios to evaluate the performance of RAT selection through simulation. The findings demonstrated that the CMRAT approach reduces delay and the number of handovers leading to an improvement of throughput and packet delivery ratio when compared to that of the commonly used A2A4-RSRQ approach. The CMRAT approach is effective in the RAT selection within UDN environment, thus supporting heterogeneous RAT deployment in future 5G networks. With context-aware selection, the user-centric feature is also emphasized

    Optical boundaries for LED-based indoor positioning system

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    Overlap of footprints of light emitting diodes (LEDs) increases the positioning accuracy of wearable LED indoor positioning systems (IPS) but such an approach assumes that the footprint boundaries are defined. In this work, we develop a mathematical model for defining the footprint boundaries of an LED in terms of a threshold angle instead of the conventional half or full angle. To show the effect of the threshold angle, we compare how overlaps and receiver tilts affect the performance of an LED-based IPS when the optical boundary is defined at the threshold angle and at the full angle. Using experimental measurements, simulations, and theoretical analysis, the effect of the defined threshold angle is estimated. The results show that the positional time when using the newly defined threshold angle is 12 times shorter than the time when the full angle is used. When the effect of tilt is considered, the threshold angle time is 22 times shorter than the full angle positioning time. Regarding accuracy, it is shown in this work that a positioning error as low as 230 mm can be obtained. Consequently, while the IPS gives a very low positioning error, a defined threshold angle reduces delays in an overlap-based LED IPS

    Pervasive Computing and Communication Technologies for U-learning

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    The development of digital information transfer, storage and communication methods influnces a significant effect on education. The assimilation of pervasive computing and communication technologies marks another great step forward, with Ubiquitous Learning (U-learning) emerging for next generation learners. In the evolutionary view the 5G (or beyond 4G) wireless mobile systems will be capable of supporting wwww allowing a highly flexible network and  will be able to solve the data traffic and wireless spectrum problems for  U- learning in the near future

    Remote Control and Monitoring of Smart Home Facilities via Smartphone with Wi-Fly

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    Due to the widespread ownership of smartphone devices, the application of mobile technologies to enhance the monitoring and control of smart home facilities has attracted much academic attention. This study indicates that tools already in the possession of the end user can be a significant part of the specific context-aware system in the smart home. The behaviour of the system in the context of existing systems will reflect the intention of the client. This model system offers a diverse architectural concept for Wireless Sensor Actuator Mobile Computing in a Smart Home (WiSAMCinSH) and consists of sensors and actuators in various communication channels, with different capacities, paradigms, costs and degree of communication reliability. This paper focuses on the utilization of end users’ smartphone applications to control home devices, and to enable monitoring of the context-aware environment in the smart home to fulfil the needs of the ageing population. It investigates the application of an iPhone to supervise smart home monitoring and control electrical devices, and through this approach, after initial setup of the mobile application, a user can control devices in the smart home from different locations and over various distances

    Sociology Paradigms for Dynamic Integration of Devices into a Context-Aware System

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    Ubiquitous and m obile context - aware computing is an essential component of the smart cities infrastructure. Widely available wireless networks, the maturity level of distributed computing and the increasing number of mobile devices have significantly influenced the human experience with computing. In the present paper, we discuss the need for a model that will be able to represent a formal structure of a context - aware system in a device . The core functionality of the model is expected to expose context - aware behaviour and support dynamic integration of mobile devices and context - aware behaviour. The major contribution of this work is to identify deficiencies of the existing model which is using the notions from sociology such as Role, Ownership and Responsibility.The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the European Commission through the GEO-C project (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014, Grant Agreement Number 642332, http://www.geo-c.eu/)

    Resource Management in a Peer to Peer Cloud Network for IoT

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    Software-Defined Internet of Things (SDIoT) is defined as merging heterogeneous objects in a form of interaction among physical and virtual entities. Large scale of data centers, heterogeneity issues and their interconnections have made the resource management a hard problem specially when there are different actors in cloud system with different needs. Resource management is a vital requirement to achieve robust networks specially with facing continuously increasing amount of heterogeneous resources and devices to the network. The goal of this paper is reviews to address IoT resource management issues in cloud computing services. We discuss the bottlenecks of cloud networks for IoT services such as mobility. We review Fog computing in IoT services to solve some of these issues. It provides a comprehensive literature review of around one hundred studies on resource management in Peer to Peer Cloud Networks and IoT. It is very important to find a robust design to efficiently manage and provision requests and available resources. We also reviewed different search methodologies to help clients find proper resources to answer their needs

    Implementation of ontology for intelligent hospital ward

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    We have developed and implemented an ontology for an intelligent hospital ward. Our aim is to address the pervasiveness of computing applications in healthcare environments, which require: sharing of data across the hospital, including data generated by sensors and embedded in such environments, and dealing with semantic heterogeneity that exists across the hospital's data repositories. Our conceptual ontological model that supports such an environment has been implemented using semantic web tools and tested through the application developed with the J2EE technology

    An adaptive trust based service quality monitoring mechanism for cloud computing

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    Cloud computing is the newest paradigm in distributed computing that delivers computing resources over the Internet as services. Due to the attractiveness of cloud computing, the market is currently flooded with many service providers. This has necessitated the customers to identify the right one meeting their requirements in terms of service quality. The existing monitoring of service quality has been limited only to quantification in cloud computing. On the other hand, the continuous improvement and distribution of service quality scores have been implemented in other distributed computing paradigms but not specifically for cloud computing. This research investigates the methods and proposes mechanisms for quantifying and ranking the service quality of service providers. The solution proposed in this thesis consists of three mechanisms, namely service quality modeling mechanism, adaptive trust computing mechanism and trust distribution mechanism for cloud computing. The Design Research Methodology (DRM) has been modified by adding phases, means and methods, and probable outcomes. This modified DRM is used throughout this study. The mechanisms were developed and tested gradually until the expected outcome has been achieved. A comprehensive set of experiments were carried out in a simulated environment to validate their effectiveness. The evaluation has been carried out by comparing their performance against the combined trust model and QoS trust model for cloud computing along with the adapted fuzzy theory based trust computing mechanism and super-agent based trust distribution mechanism, which were developed for other distributed systems. The results show that the mechanisms are faster and more stable than the existing solutions in terms of reaching the final trust scores on all three parameters tested. The results presented in this thesis are significant in terms of making cloud computing acceptable to users in verifying the performance of the service providers before making the selection

    User Perceptions of Smart Home IoT Privacy

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    Smart home Internet of Things (IoT) devices are rapidly increasing in popularity, with more households including Internet-connected devices that continuously monitor user activities. In this study, we conduct eleven semi-structured interviews with smart home owners, investigating their reasons for purchasing IoT devices, perceptions of smart home privacy risks, and actions taken to protect their privacy from those external to the home who create, manage, track, or regulate IoT devices and/or their data. We note several recurring themes. First, users' desires for convenience and connectedness dictate their privacy-related behaviors for dealing with external entities, such as device manufacturers, Internet Service Providers, governments, and advertisers. Second, user opinions about external entities collecting smart home data depend on perceived benefit from these entities. Third, users trust IoT device manufacturers to protect their privacy but do not verify that these protections are in place. Fourth, users are unaware of privacy risks from inference algorithms operating on data from non-audio/visual devices. These findings motivate several recommendations for device designers, researchers, and industry standards to better match device privacy features to the expectations and preferences of smart home owners.Comment: 20 pages, 1 tabl

    A Survey of Positioning Systems Using Visible LED Lights

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.As Global Positioning System (GPS) cannot provide satisfying performance in indoor environments, indoor positioning technology, which utilizes indoor wireless signals instead of GPS signals, has grown rapidly in recent years. Meanwhile, visible light communication (VLC) using light devices such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) has been deemed to be a promising candidate in the heterogeneous wireless networks that may collaborate with radio frequencies (RF) wireless networks. In particular, light-fidelity has a great potential for deployment in future indoor environments because of its high throughput and security advantages. This paper provides a comprehensive study of a novel positioning technology based on visible white LED lights, which has attracted much attention from both academia and industry. The essential characteristics and principles of this system are deeply discussed, and relevant positioning algorithms and designs are classified and elaborated. This paper undertakes a thorough investigation into current LED-based indoor positioning systems and compares their performance through many aspects, such as test environment, accuracy, and cost. It presents indoor hybrid positioning systems among VLC and other systems (e.g., inertial sensors and RF systems). We also review and classify outdoor VLC positioning applications for the first time. Finally, this paper surveys major advances as well as open issues, challenges, and future research directions in VLC positioning systems.Peer reviewe
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