33 research outputs found

    Serialized Asynchronous Links for NoC

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    This paper proposes an asynchronous serialized link for NoC that can achieve the same levels of performance in terms of flits per second as a synchronous link but with a reduced number of wires in the point to point switch links and reduced power consumption. This is achieved by employing serialization in the asynchronous domain as opposed to synchronous to facilitate the removal of global clocking on the serial links. Based on transistor level simulations using 0.12 ?m foundry models it has been shown that it is possible to achieve the same level of performance as synchronous but with 75% reduction in wires and 65% reduction in power for a 300 MFlit/s link with 8 buffers with a switch clock speed of 300 MHz. Furthermore the paper presents the design requirements arising from interfacing switches of synchronous NoC and asynchronous serial links

    Desynchronization: Synthesis of asynchronous circuits from synchronous specifications

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    Asynchronous implementation techniques, which measure logic delays at run time and activate registers accordingly, are inherently more robust than their synchronous counterparts, which estimate worst-case delays at design time, and constrain the clock cycle accordingly. De-synchronization is a new paradigm to automate the design of asynchronous circuits from synchronous specifications, thus permitting widespread adoption of asynchronicity, without requiring special design skills or tools. In this paper, we first of all study different protocols for de-synchronization and formally prove their correctness, using techniques originally developed for distributed deployment of synchronous language specifications. We also provide a taxonomy of existing protocols for asynchronous latch controllers, covering in particular the four-phase handshake protocols devised in the literature for micro-pipelines. We then propose a new controller which exhibits provably maximal concurrency, and analyze the performance of desynchronized circuits with respect to the original synchronous optimized implementation. We finally prove the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach, by showing its application to a set of real designs, including a complete implementation of the DLX microprocessor architectur

    تصميم معالج صغري متزامن العمل

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    In the last year virtually all computers design has been on a synchronous logic approach. Now there is renewed interest in asynchronous – or more accurately self-timed, logic based on increasing speed of operation of computer system. A self-timed circuit generates any clock signals may require locally within subsystem. There are many advantages of self-timed logic low power consumption, modularity-data, freedom from clock-skew. Robustnes & typical performance.   في السنوات الأخيرة معظم الكمبيوترات صممت بالمنطق المتزامن بسبب سهولة التصميم والاختبار. وفي الوقت الحالي, فإن استخدام المنطق الفوري الذاتي المتزامن بحيث إن الساعة يجب أن تصل إلى النظام ككل. في هذه الدارة تولد نبضة ساعة التي يمكن استخدامها داخل أي جزء من النظام. مع العلم أن أجزاء النظام مفصولة عن بعضها. الساعة تستخدم كواجهة (Interface) بين هذه الأجزاء. تمَّ هنا عمل جديد بحيث يستفاد من هذا النظام في توفير للطاقة بين بوابات النظام، حيث المفاتيح تعمل فقط عند إجراء عملية مفيدة. مع التحرر من نبضات الساعة إذا لم يكن هناك حاجة آنية. بالإضافة إلى إمكانية الاستخدام المتعدد والتطوير الدائم الذي طرأ على تنظيم هذه المجموعات داخل المعالج الصغري

    Family of 4-phase latch protocols

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    Journal ArticleA complete family of untimed asynchronous 4-phase pipeline protocols is derived and characterised. This family contains all untimed protocols where data becomes valid before the request signal rises. Starting with a specification of the most parallel such protocol, rules are provided for concurrency reduction to systematically generate the family of all 137 related protocols that can be pipelined. Graphical and textual nomenclatures are developed to represent protocol properties and behaviours. The protocols are categorised according to their behaviours when composed into linear and structured parallel pipelines. Six basic categories emerge, along with several properties such as a single state that determines whether a protocol is fully or half buffered. When equivalence classes are calculated for parallel pipeline behaviours they are dominated by 15 shapes (all of which are delay-insensitive) which are related by a simple lattice. Several published circuits are shown to map to 16 of our 137 family members. This work enhances the understanding of handshake protocols, their properties, and relationships between different implementations in terms of concurrency and behavioural properties

    Concurrency reduction of untimed latch protocols - theory and practice

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    Journal ArticleA systematic investigation into concurrency reduction of untimed asynchronous 4-phase latch controllers is reported. Starting with a state graph that exhibits maximal concurrency, rules are provided for systematically reducing its states and thereby curtailing its behaviors. The rules predict liveness and occupancy, as well as the regularity and behavior of their pipelines. The rules also reveal the precise extent of the design space and thus provide a secure platform on which to study the implications of concurrency reduction on power, performance and area by implementing and evaluating the complete set of abstracted controllers. This complete characterization enhances the understanding and usage of concurrency and its reduction in handshake protocols. Trade-offs have been observed and reported which will aid designers in trying to find the best protocols for a required specification. Finally, the best synthesized protocols in this class have been identified

    Bounded Model Checking for Parametric Timed Automata

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    Abstract. The paper shows how bounded model checking can be ap-plied to parameter synthesis for parametric timed automata with con-tinuous time. While it is known that the general problem is undecidable even for reachability, we show how to synthesize a part of the set of all the parameter valuations under which the given property holds in a model. The results form a complete theory which can be easily applied to parametric verification of a wide range of temporal formulae – we present such an implementation for the existential part of CTL −X. 1 Introduction and related work The growing abundance of complex systems in real world, and their presence in critical areas fuels the research in formal specification and analysis. One of the established methods in systems verification is model checking, where the system is abstracted into the algebraic model (e.g. various versions of Kripke structures

    Ultra-Low Power and Radiation Hardened Asynchronous Circuit Design

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    This dissertation proposes an ultra-low power design methodology called bit-wise MTNCL for bit-wise pipelined asynchronous circuits, which combines multi-threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) with bit-wise pipelined NULL Convention Logic (NCL) systems. It provides the leakage power advantages of an all high-Vt implementation with a reasonable speed penalty compared to the all low-Vt implementation, and has negligible area overhead. It was enhanced to handle indeterminate standby states. The original MTNCL concept was enhanced significantly by sleeping Registers and Completion Logic as well as Combinational circuits to reduce area, leakage power, and energy per operation. This dissertation also develops an architecture that allows NCL circuits to recover from a Single Event Upset (SEU) or Single Event Latchup (SEL) fault without any data loss. Finally, an accurate throughput derivation formula for pipelined NCL circuits was developed, which can be used for static timing analysis

    CAD Tools for Synthesis of Sleep Convention Logic

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    This dissertation proposes an automated flow for the Sleep Convention Logic (SCL) asynchronous design style. The proposed flow synthesizes synchronous RTL into an SCL netlist. The flow utilizes commercial design tools, while supplementing missing functionality using custom tools. A method for determining the performance bottleneck in an SCL design is proposed. A constraint-driven method to increase the performance of linear SCL pipelines is proposed. Several enhancements to SCL are proposed, including techniques to reduce the number of registers and total sleep capacitance in an SCL design

    Elastic circuits

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    Elasticity in circuits and systems provides tolerance to variations in computation and communication delays. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of elastic circuits for those designers who are mainly familiar with synchronous design. Elasticity can be implemented both synchronously and asynchronously, although it was traditionally more often associated with asynchronous circuits. This paper shows that synchronous and asynchronous elastic circuits can be designed, analyzed, and optimized using similar techniques. Thus, choices between synchronous and asynchronous implementations are localized and deferred until late in the design process.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version