17 research outputs found

    A Proof Theoretic Approach to Operational Semantics

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    AbstractProof theory can be applied to the problem of specifying and reasoning about the operational semantics of process calculi. We overview some recent research in which λ-tree syntax is used to encode expressions containing bindings and sequent calculus is used to reason about operational semantics. There are various benefits of this proof theoretic approach for the π-calculus: the treatment of bindings can be captured with no side conditions; bisimulation has a simple and natural specification in which the difference between bound input and bound output is characterized using difference quantifiers; various modal logics for mobility can be specified declaratively; and simple logic programming-like deduction involving subsets of second-order unification provides immediate implementations of symbolic bisimulation. These benefits should extend to other process calculi as well. As partial evidence of this, a simple λ-tree syntax extension to the tyft/tyxt rule format for name-binding and name-passing is possible that allows one to conclude that (open) bisimilarity is a congruence

    A Category Theoretic View of Contextual Types: from Simple Types to Dependent Types

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    We describe the categorical semantics for a simply typed variant and a simplified dependently typed variant of Cocon, a contextual modal type theory where the box modality mediates between the weak function space that is used to represent higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS) trees and the strong function space that describes (recursive) computations about them. What makes Cocon different from standard type theories is the presence of first-class contexts and contextual objects to describe syntax trees that are closed with respect to a given context of assumptions. Following M. Hofmann's work, we use a presheaf model to characterise HOAS trees. Surprisingly, this model already provides the necessary structure to also model Cocon. In particular, we can capture the contextual objects of Cocon using a comonad â™­\flat that restricts presheaves to their closed elements. This gives a simple semantic characterisation of the invariants of contextual types (e.g. substitution invariance) and identifies Cocon as a type-theoretic syntax of presheaf models. We further extend this characterisation to dependent types using categories with families and show that we can model a fragment of Cocon without recursor in the Fitch-style dependent modal type theory presented by Birkedal et. al.

    Proof Search Specifications of the pi-calculus

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    International audienceWe specify the operational semantics and bisimulation relations for the finite pi-calculus within a logic that contains the nabla quantifier for encoding generic judgments and definitions for encoding fixed points. Since we restrict to the finite case, the ability of the logic to unfold fixed points allows this logic to be complete for both the inductive nature of operational semantics and the coinductive nature of bisimulation. The nabla quantifier helps with the delicate issues surrounding the scope of variables within pi-calculus expressions and their executions (proofs). We illustrate several merits of the logical specifications permitted by this logic: they are natural and declarative; they contain no side-conditions concerning names of variables while maintaining a completely formal treatment of such variables; differences between late and open bisimulation relations arise from familar logic distinctions; the interplay between the three quantifiers (forall, exists, and nabla) and their scopes can explain the differences between early and late bisimulation and between various modal operators based on bound input and output actions; and proof search involving the application of inference rules, unification, and backtracking can provide complete proof systems for one-step transitions, bisimulation, and satisfaction in modal logic. We also illustrate how one can encode the pi-calculus with replications, in an extended logic with induction and co-induction

    A Lightweight Formalization of the Metatheory of Bisimulation-Up-To

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    International audienceBisimilarity of two processes is formally established by producing a bisimulation relation that contains those two processes and obeys certain closure properties. In many situations, particularly when the under-lying labeled transition system is unbounded, these bisimulation relations can be large and even infinite. The bisimulation-up-to technique has been developed to reduce the size of the relations being computed while retaining soundness, that is, the guarantee of the existence of a bisimulation. Such techniques are increasingly becoming a critical ingredient in the automated checking of bisimilarity. This paper is devoted to the formalization of the meta theory of several major bisimulation-up-to techniques for the process calculi CCS and the π-calculus (with replication). Our formalization is based on recent work on the proof theory of least and greatest fixpoints, particularly the use of relations defined (co-)inductively, and of co-inductive proofs about such relations, as implemented in the Abella theorem prover. An important feature of our formalization is that our definitions of the bisimulation-up-to relations are, in most cases, straightforward translations of published informal definitions, and our proofs clarify several technical details of the informal descriptions. Since the logic behind Abella also supports λ-tree syntax and generic reasoning using the ∇-quantifier, our treatment of the π-calculus is both direct and natural

    Abella: A System for Reasoning about Relational Specifications

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    International audienceThe Abella interactive theorem prover is based on an intuitionistic logic that allows for inductive and co-inductive reasoning over relations. Abella supports the λ-tree approach to treating syntax containing binders: it allows simply typed λ-terms to be used to represent such syntax and it provides higher-order (pattern) unification, the ∇ quantifier, and nominal constants for reasoning about these representations. As such, it is a suitable vehicle for formalizing the meta-theory of formal systems such as logics and programming languages. This tutorial exposes Abella incrementally, starting with its capabilities at a first-order logic level and gradually presenting more sophisticated features, ending with the support it offers to the two-level logic approach to meta-theoretic reasoning. Along the way, we show how Abella can be used prove theorems involving natural numbers, lists, and automata, as well as involving typed and untyped λ-calculi and the π-calculus

    A Characterisation of Open Bisimilarity using an Intuitionistic Modal Logic

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    Open bisimilarity is defined for open process terms in which free variables may appear. The insight is, in order to characterise open bisimilarity, we move to the setting of intuitionistic modal logics. The intuitionistic modal logic introduced, called OM\mathcal{OM}, is such that modalities are closed under substitutions, which induces a property known as intuitionistic hereditary. Intuitionistic hereditary reflects in logic the lazy instantiation of free variables performed when checking open bisimilarity. The soundness proof for open bisimilarity with respect to our intuitionistic modal logic is mechanised in Abella. The constructive content of the completeness proof provides an algorithm for generating distinguishing formulae, which we have implemented. We draw attention to the fact that there is a spectrum of bisimilarity congruences that can be characterised by intuitionistic modal logics