17 research outputs found

    Open innovation and social media use towards informatics reporting: a systematic literature review

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    In the realm of technology development, open innovation paradigm and social media have both acquired massive attention in extensive researches since past several years. Social media, as the key medium has abundant to offer to support open innovation, thus successful innovation is the key to business rapid growth. This research provides a systematic literature review to identify, classify and summarize the factors of open innovation and social media use towards informatics reporting. Informatics reporting through this dynamic channel have been realized by many organizations nowadays, nonetheless greater number still confine with the traditional reports and are not ready to have linkage with social media platforms. Social media has been absolutely recognized as a powerful communication resource to engage stakeholders in virtual community. Hence, the result from the review suggests that there were six factors impacted open innovation and social media use towards informatics reporting, with transparency being the dominant factor. Eventually, these findings may ease the process of developing a model for open innovation paradigm implementing online platforms in organizations informatics reporting. All in all, this research shall assist organizations to plan and strategize the implementation of open innovation in social media platform for the advantage of their succeeding triumph

    Service design PhD education as springboard for social innovations: facilitators and challenges

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    Service design PhD education can act as a springboard for social innovations. This paper proposes five educational emphases that facilitate this goal and discusses their challenges. The PhD education journey starts with a vision focused on social sustainability. The relational dimension in design is explored as critical knowledge that informs the PhD research. Collaborations with communities or organizations need to be incorporated in the research methods. Ideally, research outcomes can involve proposing a service system or service improvements supported by hybrid touchpoints, and the potential for social impact should be part of the PhD research's contributions. This paper contributes to the discussion of design education and social innovation by explaining social driving forces for this educational approach, the five educational emphases, their relationship to elements of PhD research, their challenges, and current PhD research topics

    Social Media Marketing Adoption Strategies: An Exploratory Multiple Case Study of Landscape Industry Small Businesses

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    Despite research contending that marketing is a pivotal factor in small business success, many small business owners continue to underutilize low-cost marketing options available to them. Of these options, social media marketing is a useful tool to maintain competitiveness in the larger marketplace. However, the adoption of social media best practices in small business remains deficient. The landscape industry is a large and growing field with small businesses making up a large and growing share of the industry. Yet some landscape industry small business owners lack strategies to adopt innovative social media marketing strategies to help ensure business viability. This study incorporated a qualitative, exploratory multiple-case study design to explore how landscape industry small business owners use social media marketing strategies to help ensure business viability. Results indicated that successful marketing strategies tended to incorporate Facebook as the primary social media tool and included content such as service, education, and holiday posts. Benefits of social media marketing primarily centered on low-cost marketing options for improved visibility, while challenges included a trial-and-error learning curve. Results of this study might help small businesses improve their long-term viability through social media marketing strategies

    Using Interest Graphs to Predict Rich-Media Diffusion in Content-Based Online Social Networks

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    Rich-media, pictures, and videos, are becoming an increasingly important aspect of online social networks. Unlike social networks, where users are connected primarily because of being friends, peers, or co-workers, content-based networks build connections between individuals founded on a shared interest in rich-media content. In this study, “interest-graphs” comprised of these content-based connections were examined. As shown, interest graph analysis provides important advantages over traditional social network analysis to identify valuable network members and predicting rich-media diffusion

    Детермінанти застосування маркетингу в соціальних мережах на малих, середніх та мікропідприємствах під час пандемії Covid-19

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    Purpose: This study aims at assessing the determinants of Social Media Marketing adoption in small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) during the Covid-19 pandemic. Design / Method / Approach: The study seeks to understand the viewpoints and motives for employing social media campaigns. Thus, a structured quantitative questionnaire was provided to 150 respondents to assess social media marketing in their firms, using convenience sampling. A descriptive analysis of data was undertaken using the SPSS. Findings: The study's findings showed that most respondents agreed with items related to Social Media Marketing’s facilitating conditions, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and cost implications. Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to the extant literature on Social Media Marketing during the Covid-19 pandemic in the developing world, wherein poor infrastructure, bureaucracy and culture play an important role in business performance. Practical Implications: SMME owners and managers should encourage their employees and customers to use social media regularly in order to drive traffic towards the business. Originality / Value: The study is unique as it analyses Social Media Marketing during a turbulent time in which the Covid-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on economies globally. Research Limitations / Future Research: Researchers should consider analysing the effect of Covid-19's lockdown restrictions on specific sectors in an attempt to facilitate tailor-made solutions to the problem. Paper type: EmpiricalPurpose: This study aims at assessing the determinants of Social Media Marketing adoption in small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) during the Covid-19 pandemic. Design / Method / Approach: The study seeks to understand the viewpoints and motives for employing social media campaigns. Thus, a structured quantitative questionnaire was provided to 150 respondents to assess social media marketing in their firms, using convenience sampling. A descriptive analysis of data was undertaken using the SPSS. Findings: The study's findings showed that most respondents agreed with items related to Social Media Marketing’s facilitating conditions, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and cost implications. Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to the extant literature on Social Media Marketing during the Covid-19 pandemic in the developing world, wherein poor infrastructure, bureaucracy and culture play an important role in business performance. Practical Implications: SMME owners and managers should encourage their employees and customers to use social media regularly in order to drive traffic towards the business. Originality / Value: The study is unique as it analyses Social Media Marketing during a turbulent time in which the Covid-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on economies globally. Research Limitations / Future Research: Researchers should consider analysing the effect of Covid-19's lockdown restrictions on specific sectors in an attempt to facilitate tailor-made solutions to the problem. Paper type: EmpiricalМета роботи: ДДане дослідження спрямоване на оцінку визначальних факторів прийняття маркетингу в соціальних мережах малими, середніми та мікропідприємствами (SMMEs) під час пандемії Covid-19. Дизайн / Метод / Підхід дослідження: Дослідження спрямоване на розуміння точок зору та мотивів використання кампаній у соціальних мережах. Таким чином, 150 респондентам було надано структуроване кількісне запитання для оцінки маркетингу соціальних медіа в їх фірмах, використовуючи зручну вибірку. Описовий аналіз даних було проведено з допомогою SPSS. Результати дослідження: Результати дослідження показали, що більшість респондентів погодилися з пунктами, пов’язаними з умовами полегшення маркетингу в соціальних мережах, сприйнятою простотою використання, сприйнятою корисністю та витратами. Теоретична цінність дослідження: Дослідження робить внесок у існуючу літературу з маркетингу в соціальних мережах під час пандемії Covid-19 у країнах, що розвиваються, де нерозвинена інфраструктура, бюрократія та культура відіграють важливу роль в ефективності бізнесу. Практична цінність дослідження: Власники та менеджери SMME повинні заохочувати своїх співробітників та клієнтів регулярно користуватися соціальними мережами, щоб залучити трафік до бізнесу. Оригінальність / Цінність дослідження: Дослідження є унікальним, оскільки воно аналізує маркетинг у соціальних мережах у неспокійний час, коли пандемія Covid-19 завдає шкоди економіці у всьому світі. Обмеження дослідження / Майбутні дослідження: Дослідникам слід розглянути можливість аналізу впливу обмежень блокування Covid-19 на конкретні галузі, намагаючись знайти індивідуальні рішення проблеми. Тип статті: Емпірични

    Barriers along the Digital Social Innovation Process: A Structured Literature Review

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    Digital social innovation (DSI) is an emerging phenomenon drawing knowledge from digital innovation (DI) and social innovation (SI), offering opportunities to contribute to societal change by leveraging the potential of digital technologies. Although DSI has evoked increasing interest, research and practice are far from realising its full potential as many barriers arise along the DSI process. Thus, holistic insights into DSI process and its barriers are essential. Therefore, we identify barriers along the DSI process through a structured literature review considering DI, SI, and DSI literature. As a result, we identified 28 barriers and classified them into the DSI barrier framework. The DSI barrier framework builds on the DI framework of Kohli and Melville (2019) and extends it by including the societal environment. We thus shed light on the DSI process and provide holistic insights into the barriers along the DSI process

    Analysis of the use of Twitter as a tool for the management and communication of the CSR of leading European firms

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    The management of corporate social responsibility (CSR) requires dialogue between the organisation and its stakeholders. Considering that, today, interaction among any members of society is becoming increasingly faster and easier due to the use of Web 2.0, this latter can be considered a suitable tool for CSR management. The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the use of online social networks by enterprises as a communication strategy tool in the field of CSR management. To this end, all the messages from the verified Twitter accounts of 50 leading European blue-chip companies (EuroStock 50) from the year they were activated until June 2016 (127,811) were analysed using automated and manual content analysis. The conclusions drawn by this study show that this social network is only used for informative purposes, no two-way collaborative communication strategy being found. This leads to the need to proactively make companies aware of the advantages of social networks as CSR management tools and drivers of a collaborative interaction with stakeholders that would allow a more sustainable and more inclusive performance of CSR principles in their activities

    Proposição de um modelo teórico de Inovação Social para Inclusão de Imigrantes Senegaleses no Mercado de Trabalho Proposition of a theoretical model of social innovation for inclusion of Senegalese immigrants in the labor market

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    Este estudo trata-se de um ensaio teórico que visa desenvolver um framework para compreender o processo de inovação social a partir da articulação de diferentes atores para inclusão do imigrante senegalês no mercado de trabalho. Os senegaleses buscam oportunidades de trabalho e melhores condições de vida, este movimento ocorre devido à falta de condições básicas, já que no Senegal aproximadamente 50% da população vive na linha da extrema pobreza. Contudo, o Brasil está inserido em um contexto complexo, ocupando a 9ª posição no ranking de desigualdade social, com uma taxa de desemprego de aproximadamente 12,4%. Associado a isso, os senegaleses enfrentam condições de moradias inadequadas, dificuldades com a linguagem e resistência da população que os vê como uma ameaça ao seu trabalho. Para lidar com essa crise, vários atores são mobilizados para encontrar maneiras de apoiar e integrar os imigrantes no mercado de trabalho. Destaca-se a riqueza dessa interação como uma oportunidade de inovação social. Este artigo conceitual contribui para a literatura sobre como a inovação social emerge através da articulação de diferentes atores para incluir o imigrante senegalês no mercado de trabalho

    Social Media Marketing Strategies in Landscape Industry Small Businesses

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    Almost 50% of small businesses close within 5 years in part because of inadequate marketing strategies. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore how landscape industry small business owners have successfully used social media marketing to help ensure business viability. The population for this study was landscape industry small business owners in central Alabama, who have been successful in using social media marketing. The conceptual framework for the study included adoption theory to understand the successful implementation of social media as a marketing tool, and social exchange theory to explain how social behavior results from the exchange process within social media. Data collection included semistructured interviews with 4 small business owner from the landscape industry and content analysis of the social media for 4 landscape industry small businesses. Data were alphanumerically and thematically coded. Analysis revealed 4 themes: (a) marketing strategy adoption; (b) primary social media types used; (c) social media content including aspects such as service, education, and holiday posts; and (d) benefits and challenges such as social media as a low-cost marketing option for improved visibility, but with a trial-and-error learning curve. Results may be used by small businesses to improve their long-term viability through social media marketing strategies, and to improve citizens\u27 quality of life and the local economy through increased tax revenues leading to more resources for schools, public safety organizations, and other institutions in the community

    Social Marketing Strategies Used by Small Businesses Leaders in the Fashion Retail Industry

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    Several small business leaders in the retail industry lack social media marketing (SMM) strategies to increase revenue. Retail apparel owners who lack social media marketing strategies can experience minimal returns on investment. Grounded in the technology acceptance model, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore SMM strategies of five small business owners in the women’s retail apparel industry used to generate growth in sales. Data sources were semistructured interviews, business plans, and physical artifacts such as merchandise inventory. Three primary themes identified through thematic analysis included the use of social media platforms, evolving social media marketing, and customer relationship management. A key recommendation for small business owners is to use multiple social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram to reach potential customers and develop a rapport with current and past customers. The implications for positive social change include the potential for retail business owners to increase sales, provide employment opportunities, assist local economies, keep the money close to home, and support neighborhoods and communities