13 research outputs found

    Instant restore after a media failure

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    Media failures usually leave database systems unavailable for several hours until recovery is complete, especially in applications with large devices and high transaction volume. Previous work introduced a technique called single-pass restore, which increases restore bandwidth and thus substantially decreases time to repair. Instant restore goes further as it permits read/write access to any data on a device undergoing restore--even data not yet restored--by restoring individual data segments on demand. Thus, the restore process is guided primarily by the needs of applications, and the observed mean time to repair is effectively reduced from several hours to a few seconds. This paper presents an implementation and evaluation of instant restore. The technique is incrementally implemented on a system starting with the traditional ARIES design for logging and recovery. Experiments show that the transaction latency perceived after a media failure can be cut down to less than a second and that the overhead imposed by the technique on normal processing is minimal. The net effect is that a few "nines" of availability are added to the system using simple and low-overhead software techniques

    Transactional support for adaptive indexing

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    Adaptive indexing initializes and optimizes indexes incrementally, as a side effect of query processing. The goal is to achieve the benefits of indexes while hiding or minimizing the costs of index creation. However, index-optimizing side effects seem to turn read-only queries into update transactions that might, for example, create lock contention. This paper studies concurrency contr

    Multiple Buffering for Parallel Approximate Sequence Matching using Disk-based Suffix Tree on Multi-core CPU

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    Suffix trees, which are trie structures that presentthe suffixes of sequences (e.g., strings), are widely used for sequencesearch in different application domains such as, text datamining, bioinformatics and computational biology. In particular,suffix trees are useful in bioinformatics applications, because theycan search similar sub-sequences and extract frequent sequencepatterns efficiently. In recent years, efficient construction of asuffix tree that allows faster sequence searches has becomeone of the most important challenges, because the numberand size of the data that are stored in sequence databaseshave been increasing exponentially. This paper proposes a novelparallelization model for approximate sequence matching thatuses disk-based suffix trees, which are built on hard disks not onmemory, on a multi-core CPU. In the proposed parallelizationmodel, we divide an entire sequence database into two or moresub-databases called partitions. For each partition, we builda disk-based suffix tree and define a task as an approximatesequence matching on one disk-based suffix tree. Moreover,the proposed parallelization model involves a multiple bufferingmanagement system to avoid conflicts among CPU-cores. Weevaluated the proposed parallelization model using an actualamino acid sequence database on a PC. The experimental resultsshow a substantial improvement in computation performance

    Transactional support for adaptive indexing

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    Adaptive indexing initializes and optimizes indexes incrementally, as a side effect of query processing. The goal is to achieve the benefits of indexes while hiding or minimizing the costs of index creation. However, index-optimizing side effects seem to turn read-only queries into update transactions that might, for example, create lock contention. This paper studies concurrency control and recovery in the context of adaptive indexing. We show that the design and implementation of adaptive indexing rigorously separates index structures from index contents; this relaxes constraints and requirements during adaptive indexing compared to those of traditional index updates. Our design adapts to the fact that an adaptive index is refined continuously and exploits any concurrency opportunities in a dynamic way. A detailed experimental analysis demonstrates that (a) adaptive indexing maintains its adaptive properties even when running concurrent queries, (b) adaptive indexing can exploit the opportunity for parallelism due to concurrent queries, (c) the number of concurrency conflicts and any concurrency administration overheads follow an adaptive behavior, decreasing as the workload evolves and adapting to the workload needs

    Scaling In-Memory databases on multicores

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    Current computer systems have evolved from featuring only a single processing unit and limited RAM, in the order of kilobytes or few megabytes, to include several multicore processors, o↔ering in the order of several tens of concurrent execution contexts, and have main memory in the order of several tens to hundreds of gigabytes. This allows to keep all data of many applications in the main memory, leading to the development of inmemory databases. Compared to disk-backed databases, in-memory databases (IMDBs) are expected to provide better performance by incurring in less I/O overhead. In this dissertation, we present a scalability study of two general purpose IMDBs on multicore systems. The results show that current general purpose IMDBs do not scale on multicores, due to contention among threads running concurrent transactions. In this work, we explore di↔erent direction to overcome the scalability issues of IMDBs in multicores, while enforcing strong isolation semantics. First, we present a solution that requires no modification to either database systems or to the applications, called MacroDB. MacroDB replicates the database among several engines, using a master-slave replication scheme, where update transactions execute on the master, while read-only transactions execute on slaves. This reduces contention, allowing MacroDB to o↔er scalable performance under read-only workloads, while updateintensive workloads su↔er from performance loss, when compared to the standalone engine. Second, we delve into the database engine and identify the concurrency control mechanism used by the storage sub-component as a scalability bottleneck. We then propose a new locking scheme that allows the removal of such mechanisms from the storage sub-component. This modification o↔ers performance improvement under all workloads, when compared to the standalone engine, while scalability is limited to read-only workloads. Next we addressed the scalability limitations for update-intensive workloads, and propose the reduction of locking granularity from the table level to the attribute level. This further improved performance for intensive and moderate update workloads, at a slight cost for read-only workloads. Scalability is limited to intensive-read and read-only workloads. Finally, we investigate the impact applications have on the performance of database systems, by studying how operation order inside transactions influences the database performance. We then propose a Read before Write (RbW) interaction pattern, under which transaction perform all read operations before executing write operations. The RbW pattern allowed TPC-C to achieve scalable performance on our modified engine for all workloads. Additionally, the RbW pattern allowed our modified engine to achieve scalable performance on multicores, almost up to the total number of cores, while enforcing strong isolation

    Toward Scalable Transaction Processing -- Evolution of Shore-MT

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    Designing scalable transaction processing systems on modern multicore hardware has been a challenge for almost a decade. The typical characteristics of transaction processing workloads lead to a high degree of unbounded communication on multicores for conventional system designs. In this tutorial, we initially present a systematic way of eliminating scalability bottlenecks of a transaction processing system, which is based on minimizing unbounded communication. Then, we show several techniques that apply the presented methodology to minimize logging, locking, latching etc. related bottlenecks of transaction processing systems. In parallel, we demonstrate the internals of the Shore-MT storage manager and how they have evolved over the years in terms of scalability on multicore hardware through such techniques. We also teach how to use Shore-MT with the various design options it offers through its sophisticated application layer Shore-Kits and simple Metadata Frontend

    From A to E: Analyzing TPC’s OLTP Benchmarks -- The obsolete, the ubiquitous, the unexplored

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    Introduced in 2007, TPC-E is the most recently standardized OLTP benchmark by TPC. Even though TPC-E has already been around for six years, it has not gained the popularity of its predecessor TPC-C: all the published results for TPC-E use a single database vendor’s product. TPC-E is significantly different than its predecessors. Some of its distinguishing characteristics are the non-uniform input creation, longer-running and more complicated transactions, more difficult partitioning etc. These factors slow down the adoption of TPC-E. In turn, there is little knowledge in the community about how TPC-E behaves micro-architecturally and within the database engine. To shed light on TPC-E, we implement it on top of a scalable open-source database engine, Shore-MT, and perform a workload characterization study, comparing it with the previous, much better known OLTP benchmarks of TPC: TPC-B and TPC-C. In parallel, we study the evolution of the OLTP benchmarks throughout the decades. Our results demonstrate that TPC-E exhibits similar micro-architectural behavior to TPC-B and TPC-C, even though it incurs less stall time and higher instructions per cycle. On the other hand, within the database engine it suffers more from logical lock contention. Therefore, we argue that, on the hardware side, TPC-E needs less aggressive processors. Whereas on the software side it can benefit from designs based on intra-transaction parallelism, logical partitioning, and optimistic concurrency control to minimize the effects of lock contention without introducing distributed transactions

    Architectural Principles for Database Systems on Storage-Class Memory

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    Database systems have long been optimized to hide the higher latency of storage media, yielding complex persistence mechanisms. With the advent of large DRAM capacities, it became possible to keep a full copy of the data in DRAM. Systems that leverage this possibility, such as main-memory databases, keep two copies of the data in two different formats: one in main memory and the other one in storage. The two copies are kept synchronized using snapshotting and logging. This main-memory-centric architecture yields nearly two orders of magnitude faster analytical processing than traditional, disk-centric ones. The rise of Big Data emphasized the importance of such systems with an ever-increasing need for more main memory. However, DRAM is hitting its scalability limits: It is intrinsically hard to further increase its density. Storage-Class Memory (SCM) is a group of novel memory technologies that promise to alleviate DRAM’s scalability limits. They combine the non-volatility, density, and economic characteristics of storage media with the byte-addressability and a latency close to that of DRAM. Therefore, SCM can serve as persistent main memory, thereby bridging the gap between main memory and storage. In this dissertation, we explore the impact of SCM as persistent main memory on database systems. Assuming a hybrid SCM-DRAM hardware architecture, we propose a novel software architecture for database systems that places primary data in SCM and directly operates on it, eliminating the need for explicit IO. This architecture yields many benefits: First, it obviates the need to reload data from storage to main memory during recovery, as data is discovered and accessed directly in SCM. Second, it allows replacing the traditional logging infrastructure by fine-grained, cheap micro-logging at data-structure level. Third, secondary data can be stored in DRAM and reconstructed during recovery. Fourth, system runtime information can be stored in SCM to improve recovery time. Finally, the system may retain and continue in-flight transactions in case of system failures. However, SCM is no panacea as it raises unprecedented programming challenges. Given its byte-addressability and low latency, processors can access, read, modify, and persist data in SCM using load/store instructions at a CPU cache line granularity. The path from CPU registers to SCM is long and mostly volatile, including store buffers and CPU caches, leaving the programmer with little control over when data is persisted. Therefore, there is a need to enforce the order and durability of SCM writes using persistence primitives, such as cache line flushing instructions. This in turn creates new failure scenarios, such as missing or misplaced persistence primitives. We devise several building blocks to overcome these challenges. First, we identify the programming challenges of SCM and present a sound programming model that solves them. Then, we tackle memory management, as the first required building block to build a database system, by designing a highly scalable SCM allocator, named PAllocator, that fulfills the versatile needs of database systems. Thereafter, we propose the FPTree, a highly scalable hybrid SCM-DRAM persistent B+-Tree that bridges the gap between the performance of transient and persistent B+-Trees. Using these building blocks, we realize our envisioned database architecture in SOFORT, a hybrid SCM-DRAM columnar transactional engine. We propose an SCM-optimized MVCC scheme that eliminates write-ahead logging from the critical path of transactions. Since SCM -resident data is near-instantly available upon recovery, the new recovery bottleneck is rebuilding DRAM-based data. To alleviate this bottleneck, we propose a novel recovery technique that achieves nearly instant responsiveness of the database by accepting queries right after recovering SCM -based data, while rebuilding DRAM -based data in the background. Additionally, SCM brings new failure scenarios that existing testing tools cannot detect. Hence, we propose an online testing framework that is able to automatically simulate power failures and detect missing or misplaced persistence primitives. Finally, our proposed building blocks can serve to build more complex systems, paving the way for future database systems on SCM