16 research outputs found

    Forwarding Techniques for IP Fragmented Packets in a Real 6LoWPAN Network

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are attracting more and more interest since they offer a low-cost solution to the problem of providing a means to deploy large sensor networks in a number of application domains. We believe that a crucial aspect to facilitate WSN diffusion is to make them interoperable with external IP networks. This can be achieved by using the 6LoWPAN protocol stack. 6LoWPAN enables the transmission of IPv6 packets over WSNs based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. IPv6 packet size is considerably larger than that of IEEE 802.15.4 data frame. To overcome this problem, 6LoWPAN introduces an adaptation layer between the network and data link layers, allowing IPv6 packets to be adapted to the lower layer constraints. This adaptation layer provides fragmentation and header compression of IP packets. Furthermore, it also can be involved in routing decisions. Depending on which layer is responsible for routing decisions, 6LoWPAN divides routing in two categories: mesh under if the layer concerned is the adaptation layer and route over if it is the network layer. In this paper we analyze different routing solutions (route over, mesh under and enhanced route over) focusing on how they forward fragments. We evaluate their performance in terms of latency and energy consumption when transmitting IP fragmented packets. All the tests have been performed in a real 6LoWPAN implementation. After consideration of the main problems in forwarding of mesh frames in WSN, we propose and analyze a new alternative scheme based on mesh under, which we call controlled mesh under

    6LoWPAN Stack Model Configuration for IoT Streaming Data Transmission over CoAP

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    Abstract: Different protocols have been developed for the Internet of things (IoT), such as the constrained application protocol (CoAP) for the application layer of the IPv6 over low-power wireless personal area networks (6LoWPAN) stack model. Data transmitted over 6LoWPAN are limited by the throughput and the frame size defined by IEEE 805.14.5 standards. Choosing the best configuration for data transmission involves a trade off between the application requirements, the constrained network configuration, the constrained device specifications and IoT application protocols. This paper provides an analysis of message size and structure recommendations for the 6LoWPAN stack model for different network topologies using CoAP. CoAP is a promising application protocol for the 6LoWPAN stack model because it can effectively manage the transmission required functionality in small header UDP packets compared to TCP packets. However, a data model is also required to realize an effective IoT model. While fragmentation and reassembly are supported by CoAP, they should be avoided for this type of model. As for any conceptual model, a high configuration between layers is mandatory. Additionally, the proposed message format is useful for semantic web of things application development and for WSN design and management

    Ubiquitous model for wireless sensor networks monitoring

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) belongs to a new technology trend where tiny and resource constrained devices are wirelessly interconnected and are able to interact with the surrounding environment by collecting data, such as temperature and humidity. Recently, due to the huge growth of mobile devices usage with Internet connection, smartphones are becoming the center of future ubiquitous wireless networks allowing users to access data network services, anytime and anywhere. According to the Internet of Things vision, interconnecting WSNs with smartphones and the Internet is a big challenge. Then, due to the heterogeneity of these devices new architectures are required. This dissertation focuses on the design and construction of a ubiquitous architecture for WSNs monitoring based on Web services, a relational database, and an Android mobile application. This architecture allows mobile users accessing real-time or historical data in a ubiquitous environment using smartphones. Besides that, a push notification system to alert mobile users when a sensor parameter overcomes a given threshold was created. The entire solution was evaluated and demonstrated using a laboratory WSN testbed, and is ready for use.As redes de sensores sem fios fazem parte de uma nova tendência tecnológica na qual pequenos dispositivos com recursos limitados comunicam entre si, sem fios, e interagem com o ambiente envolvente recolhendo uma grande diversidade de dados, tais como a temperatura e a humidade. Recentemente, devido ao enorme crescimento no uso de dispositivos móveis com ligação à Internet, os smartphones estão a tornar-se o centro das futuras redes sem fios ubíquas permitindo aos utilizadores aceder a dados, a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar. De acordo com a visão da Internet of Things, interligar redes de sensores sem fios e smartphones usando a Internet é um grande desafio e novas arquitecturas são necessárias devido à heterogeneidade destes dispositivos. Esta dissertação centra-se na proposta e construção de uma arquitectura ubíqua para a monitorização de redes de sensores sem fios, baseada em serviços Web, apoiada numa base de dados relacional e uma aplicação móvel para o sistema operative Android. Esta arquitectura permite que os utilizadores móveis acedam a dados em tempo real e também a dados históricos, num ambiente móvel, usando smartphones. Além disso, foi desenvolvido um sistema de notificações push que alerta o utilizador quando um dado parâmetro de um sensor ultrapassa um limiar pré-definido. A solução construída foi testada e demonstrada utilizando uma testbed laboratorial e está pronta para utilização

    Las redes de sensores inalámbricos y el internet de las cosas

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    El Internet de las cosas (IoT) percibe un mundo donde los dispositivos que lo conforman pueden ser identificados en el Internet y está creciendo a un ritmo acelerado con nuevos dispositivos que se van conectando. En este sentido, las redes de sensores inalámbricos juegan un papel importante para incrementar la ubicuidad de las redes con dispositivos inteligentes de bajo costo y fácil implementación, con estándares como IEEE 802.15.4 en la capa física, 6LoWPAN en la capa de red, y RPL como protocolo de enrutamiento, que se integran en el concepto de IoT para traer nuevas experiencias en las actividades de la vida diaria, como por ejemplo en aplicaciones para hogares y oficinas confortables, salud, vigilancia del medio ambiente y ciudades inteligentes. En el presente artículo se relacionará a la red de sensores inalámbricos con el Internet de las cosas a través de estándares y protocolos

    Wireless sensor networks and the Internet of Things

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    El Internet de las cosas (IoT) percibe un mundo donde los dispositivos que lo conforman pueden ser identificados en el Internet y está creciendo a un ritmo acelerado con nuevos dispositivos que se van conectando. En este sentido, las redes de sensores inalámbricos juegan un papel importante para incrementar la ubicuidad de las redes con dispositivos inteligentes de bajo costo y fácil implementación, con estándares como IEEE 802.15.4 en la capa física, 6LoWPAN en la capa de red, y RPL como protocolo de enrutamiento, que se integran en el concepto de IoT para traer nuevas experiencias en las actividades de la vida diaria, como por ejemplo en aplicaciones para hogares y oficinas confortables, salud, vigilancia del medio ambiente y ciudades inteligentes. En el presente artículo se relacionará a la red de sensores inalámbricos con el Internet de las cosas a través de estándares y protocolos.The Internet of Things (IoT) perceives a world where the devices that make it up can be identified on the Internet and is growing at an accelerated pace with new devices that are connecting. In this sense, wireless sensor networks play an important role in increasing the ubiquity of networks with smart devices low cost and easy implementation, with standards such as IEEE 802.15.4 in the physical layer, 6LoWPAN in the network layer, and RPL as a routing protocol, which are integrated into the IoT concept to bring new experiences in the activities of the daily life, such as in applications for comfortable homes and offices, health, environmental monitoring and smart cities. In this article, the wireless sensor network will be related to the Internet of things through standards and protocols

    IPv6 Addressing Proxy: Mapping Native Addressing from Legacy Technologies and Devices to the Internet of Things (IPv6)

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    Sensors utilize a large number of heterogeneous technologies for a varied set of application environments. The sheer number of devices involved requires that this Internet be the Future Internet, with a core network based on IPv6 and a higher scalability in order to be able to address all the devices, sensors and things located around us. This capability to connect through IPv6 devices, sensors and things is what is defining the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). IPv6 provides addressing space to reach this ubiquitous set of sensors, but legacy technologies, such as X10, European Installation Bus (EIB), Controller Area Network (CAN) and radio frequency ID (RFID) from the industrial, home automation and logistic application areas, do not support the IPv6 protocol. For that reason, a technique must be devised to map the sensor and identification technologies to IPv6, thus allowing homogeneous access via IPv6 features in the context of the IoT. This paper proposes a mapping between the native addressing of each technology and an IPv6 address following a set of rules that are discussed and proposed in this work. Specifically, the paper presents a technology-dependent IPv6 addressing proxy, which maps each device to the different subnetworks built under the IPv6 prefix addresses provided by the internet service provider for each home, building or user. The IPv6 addressing proxy offers a common addressing environment based on IPv6 for all the devices, regardless of the device technology. Thereby, this offers a scalable and homogeneous solution to interact with devices that do not support IPv6 addressing. The IPv6 addressing proxy has been implemented in a multi-protocol Sensors 2013, 13 6688 card and evaluated successfully its performance, scalability and interoperability through a protocol built over IPv6

    Information integration platform for patient-centric healthcare services: design, prototype and dependability aspects

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    Published version of an article in the journal: Future Internet. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/fi6010126 Open AccessTechnology innovations have pushed today’s healthcare sector to an unprecedented new level. Various portable and wearable medical and fitness devices are being sold in the consumer market to provide the self-empowerment of a healthier lifestyle to society. Many vendors provide additional cloud-based services for devices they manufacture, enabling the users to visualize, store and share the gathered information through the Internet. However, most of these services are integrated with the devices in a closed “silo” manner, where the devices can only be used with the provided services. To tackle this issue, an information integration platform (IIP) has been developed to support communications between devices and Internet-based services in an event-driven fashion by adopting service-oriented architecture (SOA) principles and a publish/subscribe messaging pattern. It follows the “Internet of Things” (IoT) idea of connecting everyday objects to various networks and to enable the dissemination of the gathered information to the global information space through the Internet. A patient-centric healthcare service environment is chosen as the target scenario for the deployment of the platform, as this is a domain where IoT can have a direct positive impact on quality of life enhancement. This paper describes the developed platform, with emphasis on dependability aspects, including availability, scalability and security