703 research outputs found

    Context-aware Intelligent Model Selection System

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    After more than 40 years of research in computational decision support, model selection and management is still one of the most crucial problems. With organisations facing turbulences in an environment that include constant changes in social, political, technical and economic challenges, the selection of appropriate models for decision support has become even more difficult. Most research efforts do not consider model selection itself as a major aspect of research nor do they reflect on context awareness. The paper explores the early use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to improve model selection and reviews modern Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS). Since model selection is a central problem for decision makers we specifically analyse research on model selection and identify important characteristics. Based on this analysis we suggest a framework and architecture for a Context-aware Intelligent Model Selection System (CIMSS). The paper concludes with further suggestions for future research

    Working Notes from the 1992 AAAI Workshop on Automating Software Design. Theme: Domain Specific Software Design

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    The goal of this workshop is to identify different architectural approaches to building domain-specific software design systems and to explore issues unique to domain-specific (vs. general-purpose) software design. Some general issues that cut across the particular software design domain include: (1) knowledge representation, acquisition, and maintenance; (2) specialized software design techniques; and (3) user interaction and user interface

    Using graphical style and visibility constraints for a meaningful layout in visual programming interfaces

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    In the expanding field of visual applications, layout design and graphical editing tasks are crucial points. In this paper, we address the incorporation of AI aspects in the visual software design process and the automatic layout and beautification of informational graphics such as visual programs and chart diagrams. Since layout in dynamic settings frequently requires a direct manipulation responsiveness, an incremental redesign of the generated visual material is necessary. Following our previous work on constraint-based multimodal design, we show how powerful constraint processing techniques, such as constraint hierarchies and dynamic constraint satisfaction, can be applied to visual programming environments in order to maintain graphical style and consistency for a meaningful layout. We describe InLay, a system for constraint-based presenting and editing visual programs. Finally, we will have a short look at some extensions with regard to advanced interaction and visualization techniques

    An Egocentric Spatial Data Model for Intelligent Mobile Geographic Information Systems

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    Individuals in unknown locations, such as utility workers in the field, soldiers on a mission, or sightseeing tourists, share the need for an answer to two basic questions: Where am I? and What is in front of me?Because such information is not readily available in foreign locations, aids in the form of paper maps or mobile GISs, which give individuals an all-inclusive view of the environment, are often used. This panoptic view may hinder the positioning and orienteering process, since people perceive their surroundings perspectively from their current position. In this thesis, I describe a novel framework that resolves this problem by applying sensors that gather the individual\u27s spatial frame of reference. This spatial frame of reference, in combination with an egocentric spatial data model enables an injective mapping between the real world and the data frame of reference, hence, alleviating the individual\u27s cognitive workload. Furthermore, our egocentric spatial data model allows intelligent mobile Geographic Information Systems to capture the notions of here and there, and, consequently, provides insight into the individual\u27s surroundings. Finally, our framework, in conjunction with the context given by the task to be performed, enables intelligent mobile Geographic Information Systems to implicitly answer questions with respect to where, what, and how

    Geospatial Semantics: Why, of What, and How?

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    Abstract. Why are notions like semantics and ontologies suddenly getting so much attention, within and outside geospatial information communities? The main reason lies in the componentization of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into services, which are supposed to interoperate within and across these communities. Consequently, I look at geospatial semantics in the context of semantic interoperability. The paper clarifies the relevant notion of semantics and shows what parts of geospatial information need to receive semantic speci-fications in order to achieve interoperability. No attempt at a survey of ap-proaches to provide semantics is made, but a framework for solving interopera-bility problems is proposed in the form of semantic reference systems. Particular emphasis is put on the need and possible ways to ground geospatial semantics in physical processes and measurements. 1. Introduction: Wh