9 research outputs found

    The TIGER Corpus Navigator

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    Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Editors: Markus Dickinson, Kaili Müürisep and Marco Passarotti. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 9 (2010), 91-102. © 2010 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/15891

    Izrada OWL ontologije za prikaz, povezivanje i pretraživanje SemAF diskursnih oznaka

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    Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD) are technologies that provide a powerful instrument for representing and interpreting language phenomena on a web-scale. The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate how LLOD technologies can be applied to represent and annotate a corpus composed of multiword discourse markers, and what the effects of this are. In particular, it is our aim to apply semantic web standards such as RDF and OWL for publishing and integrating data. We present a novel scheme for discourse annotation that combines ISO standards describing discourse relations and dialogue acts – ISO DR-Core (ISO 24617-8) and ISO-Dialogue Acts (ISO 24617-2) in 9 languages (cf. Silvano and Damova 2022; Silvano, et al. 2022). We develop an OWL ontology to formalize that scheme, provide a newly annotated dataset and link its RDF edition with the ontology. Consequently, we describe the conjoint querying of the ontology and the annotations by means of SPARQL, the standard query language for the web of data. The ultimate result is that we are able to perform queries over multiple, interlinked datasets with complex internal structure. This is a first, but essential step, in developing novel, powerful, and groundbreaking means for the corpus-based study of multilingual discourse, communication analysis, or attitudes discovery.Diskursni markeri jezični su znakovi koji pokazuju kako se iskaz odnosi na kontekst diskursa i koju ulogu ima u razgovoru. Lingvistički povezani otvoreni podatci (LLOD) tehnologije su u nastajanju koje omogućuju snažan instrument za prikaz i tumačenje jezičnih fenomena na razini weba. Glavni je cilj ovoga rada pokazati kako se tehnologije lingvistički povezanih otvorenih podataka (LLOD) mogu primijeniti za prikaz i označavanje korpusa višerječnih diskursnih markera te koji su učinci toga. Konkretno, naš je cilj primijeniti standarde semantičkoga weba kao što su RDF i Web Ontology Language (OWL) za objavljivanje i integraciju podataka. Autori predstavljaju novu shemu za označavanje diskursa koja kombinira ISO standarde za opis diskursnih odnosa i dijaloških činova – ISO DR-Core (ISO 24617-8) i ISO-Dialogue Acts (ISO 24617-2) na devet jezika (usp. Silvano, Purificação et al. 2022a; Silvano, Purificação et al. 2022b). Razvijamo OWL ontologiju kako bismo formalizirali tu shemu, pružili nov označeni skup podataka i povezali njegovu RDF inačicu s ontologijom. U skladu s tim opisujemo zajedničko postavljanje upita ontologiji i oznakama s pomoću SPARQL-a, standardnoga jezika upita za web podataka. Konačni je rezultat taj da možemo izvršiti upite nad višestrukim, međusobno povezanim skupovima podataka sa složenom unutarnjom strukturom bez potrebe za ikakvim specijaliziranim softverom. Umjesto toga upotrebljavaju se gotove tehnologije utemeljene na web standardima koje se bez napora mogu prenijeti na različite operativne sustave, baze podataka i programske jezike. Ovo je prvi, ali prijeloman korak u razvoju novih, snažnih i (u određenom trenutku) pristupačnih sredstava za korpusno utemeljena istraživanja višejezičnoga diskursa te za analizu komunikacije i otkrivanje stavova

    Analyzing Middle High German syntax with RDF and SPARQL

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    The paper presents technological foundations for an empirical study of Middle High German (MHG) syntax. We aim to analyze the diachronic changes of MHG syntax on the example of direct and indirect object alterations in the middle field. In the absence of syntactically annotated corpora, we provide a rule-based shallow parser and an enrichment pipeline with the purpose of quantitative evaluation of a qualitative hypothesis. We provide a publicaly available enrichment and annotation pipeline grounded. A technologically innovative aspect is the application of CoNLL-RDF and SPARQL Update for parsing

    Formalising Multi-layer Corpora in OWL DL – Lexicon Modelling, Querying and Consistency Control

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    We present a general approach to formally modelling corpora with multi-layered annotation, thereby inducing a lexicon model in a typed logical representation language, OWL DL. This model can be interpreted as a graph structure that offers flexible querying functionality beyond current XML-based query languages and powerful methods for consistency control. We illustrate our approach by applying it to the syntactically and semantically annotated SALSA/TIGER corpus.

    Development of linguistic linked open data resources for collaborative data-intensive research in the language sciences

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    Making diverse data in linguistics and the language sciences open, distributed, and accessible: perspectives from language/language acquistiion researchers and technical LOD (linked open data) researchers. This volume examines the challenges inherent in making diverse data in linguistics and the language sciences open, distributed, integrated, and accessible, thus fostering wide data sharing and collaboration. It is unique in integrating the perspectives of language researchers and technical LOD (linked open data) researchers. Reporting on both active research needs in the field of language acquisition and technical advances in the development of data interoperability, the book demonstrates the advantages of an international infrastructure for scholarship in the field of language sciences. With contributions by researchers who produce complex data content and scholars involved in both the technology and the conceptual foundations of LLOD (linguistics linked open data), the book focuses on the area of language acquisition because it involves complex and diverse data sets, cross-linguistic analyses, and urgent collaborative research. The contributors discuss a variety of research methods, resources, and infrastructures. Contributors Isabelle Barrière, Nan Bernstein Ratner, Steven Bird, Maria Blume, Ted Caldwell, Christian Chiarcos, Cristina Dye, Suzanne Flynn, Claire Foley, Nancy Ide, Carissa Kang, D. Terence Langendoen, Barbara Lust, Brian MacWhinney, Jonathan Masci, Steven Moran, Antonio Pareja-Lora, Jim Reidy, Oya Y. Rieger, Gary F. Simons, Thorsten Trippel, Kara Warburton, Sue Ellen Wright, Claus Zin

    Development of Linguistic Linked Open Data Resources for Collaborative Data-Intensive Research in the Language Sciences

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    This book is the product of an international workshop dedicated to addressing data accessibility in the linguistics field. It is therefore vital to the book’s mission that its content be open access. Linguistics as a field remains behind many others as far as data management and accessibility strategies. The problem is particularly acute in the subfield of language acquisition, where international linguistic sound files are needed for reference. Linguists' concerns are very much tied to amount of information accumulated by individual researchers over the years that remains fragmented and inaccessible to the larger community. These concerns are shared by other fields, but linguistics to date has seen few efforts at addressing them. This collection, undertaken by a range of leading experts in the field, represents a big step forward. Its international scope and interdisciplinary combination of scholars/librarians/data consultants will provide an important contribution to the field