1,002 research outputs found

    Filling the Assurance Gap on Complex Electronics

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    Many of the methods used to develop software bare a close resemblance to Complex Electronics (CE) development. CE are now programmed to perform tasks that were previously handled by software, such as communication protocols. For example, the James Webb Space Telescope will use Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), which can have over a million logic gates, to send telemetry. System-on-chip (SoC) devices, another type of complex electronics, can combine a microprocessor, input and output channels, and sometimes an FPGA for programmability. With this increased intricacy, the possibility of software-like bugs such as incorrect design, logic, and unexpected interactions within the logic is great. Since CE devices are obscuring the hardware/software boundary, mature software methodologies have been proposed, with slight modifications, to develop these devices. By using standardized S/W Engineering methods such as checklists, missing requirements and bugs can be detected earlier in the development cycle, thus creating a development process for CE that can be easily maintained and configurable based on the device used

    Dual use intellectual property technology transfers under the scope of export controls

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    Mestrado em Gestão/MBAExistem diversas formas de transferir tecnologia e conhecimento, quer através de métodos tangíveis ou intangíveis. O conhecimento e a tecnologia a transferir poderá ser incorporado em bens, serviços, transmitido por pessoas e/ou através das organizações, sendo que poderá assim assumir diversas formas. A transferência poderá ser efectuada durante a formação, em qualquer fluxo de conhecimento tácito, através de transferências electrónicas, ou através de qualquer meio físico que armazene informação tangível ou intangível. Da mesma forma a própria transferência poderá ocurrer entre indivíduos e organizações, sendo que não está confinada às fronteiras de um país. O objectivo desta dissertação é de informar sobre os regimes de exportação existentes que se aplicam às transferências de tecnologia, informação e o conhecimento pelas entidades exportadoras e, ainda questionar, se as entidades que transferem tecnologia e informação relacionada, estão conscientes da necessidade de cumprir com as regras identificadas pelos vários regimes multilaterais de não proliferação.There are multiple ways of transferring technology and knowledge, either via tangible or intangible techniques. Knowledge and technology to be transferred can be embodied in goods, services, people, and organizations, and can assume several forms. It can also be passed on in training, any flow of tacit knowledge, any electronic transfer or any media that can store tangible or intangible information. The transfer itself can occur between individuals and organizations, and is not confined within the borders of any country. The aim of this dissertation is to raise questions about the knowledge by companies and other entities of the existing export regimes that apply to technology transfers and to inquire, at this point, if technology transferees are aware of the need to comply with the rules identified by the several non-proliferation multilateral regimes

    Zuverlässige und Energieeffiziente gemischt-kritische Echtzeit On-Chip Systeme

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    Multi- and many-core embedded systems are increasingly becoming the target for many applications that require high performance under varying conditions. A resulting challenge is the control, and reliable operation of such complex multiprocessing architectures under changes, e.g., high temperature and degradation. In mixed-criticality systems where many applications with varying criticalities are consolidated on the same execution platform, fundamental isolation requirements to guarantee non-interference of critical functions are crucially important. While Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are the prevalent solution to provide scalable and efficient interconnects for the multiprocessing architectures, their associated energy consumption has immensely increased. Specifically, hard real-time NoCs must manifest limited energy consumption as thermal runaway in such a core shared resource jeopardizes the whole system guarantees. Thus, dynamic energy management of NoCs, as opposed to the related work static solutions, is highly necessary to save energy and decrease temperature, while preserving essential temporal requirements. In this thesis, we introduce a centralized management to provide energy-aware NoCs for hard real-time systems. The design relies on an energy control network, developed on top of an existing switch arbitration network to allow isolation between energy optimization and data transmission. The energy control layer includes local units called Power-Aware NoC controllers that dynamically optimize NoC energy depending on the global state and applications’ temporal requirements. Furthermore, to adapt to abnormal situations that might occur in the system due to degradation, we extend the concept of NoC energy control to include the entire system scope. That is, online resource management employing hierarchical control layers to treat system degradation (imminent core failures) is supported. The mechanism applies system reconfiguration that involves workload migration. For mixed-criticality systems, it allows flexible boundaries between safety-critical and non-critical subsystems to safely apply the reconfiguration, preserving fundamental safety requirements and temporal predictability. Simulation and formal analysis-based experiments on various realistic usecases and benchmarks are conducted showing significant improvements in NoC energy-savings and in treatment of system degradation for mixed-criticality systems improving dependability over the status quo.Eingebettete Many- und Multi-core-Systeme werden zunehmend das Ziel für Anwendungen, die hohe Anfordungen unter unterschiedlichen Bedinungen haben. Für solche hochkomplexed Multi-Prozessor-Systeme ist es eine grosse Herausforderung zuverlässigen Betrieb sicherzustellen, insbesondere wenn sich die Umgebungseinflüsse verändern. In Systeme mit gemischter Kritikalität, in denen viele Anwendungen mit unterschiedlicher Kritikalität auf derselben Ausführungsplattform bedient werden müssen, sind grundlegende Isolationsanforderungen zur Gewährleistung der Nichteinmischung kritischer Funktionen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Während On-Chip Netzwerke (NoCs) häufig als skalierbare Verbindung für die Multiprozessor-Architekturen eingesetzt werden, ist der damit verbundene Energieverbrauch immens gestiegen. Daher sind dynamische Plattformverwaltungen, im Gegensatz zu den statischen, zwingend notwendig, um ein System an die oben genannten Veränderungen anzupassen und gleichzeitig Timing zu gewährleisten. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir energieeffiziente NoCs für harte Echtzeitsysteme. Das Design basiert auf einem Energiekontrollnetzwerk, das auf einem bestehenden Switch-Arbitration-Netzwerk entwickelt wurde, um eine Isolierung zwischen Energieoptimierung und Datenübertragung zu ermöglichen. Die Energiesteuerungsschicht umfasst lokale Einheiten, die als Power-Aware NoC-Controllers bezeichnet werden und die die NoC-Energie in Abhängigkeit vom globalen Zustand und den zeitlichen Anforderungen der Anwendungen optimieren. Darüber hinaus wird das Konzept der NoC-Energiekontrolle zur Anpassung an Anomalien, die aufgrund von Abnutzung auftreten können, auf den gesamten Systemumfang ausgedehnt. Online- Ressourcenverwaltungen, die hierarchische Kontrollschichten zur Behandlung Abnutzung (drohender Kernausfälle) einsetzen, werden bereitgestellt. Bei Systemen mit gemischter Kritikalität erlaubt es flexible Grenzen zwischen sicherheitskritischen und unkritischen Subsystemen, um die Rekonfiguration sicher anzuwenden, wobei grundlegende Sicherheitsanforderungen erhalten bleiben und Timing Vorhersehbarkeit. Experimente werden auf der Basis von Simulationen und formalen Analysen zu verschiedenen realistischen Anwendungsfallen und Benchmarks durchgeführt, die signifikanten Verbesserungen bei On-Chip Netzwerke-Energieeinsparungen und bei der Behandlung von Abnutzung für Systeme mit gemischter Kritikalität zur Verbesserung die Systemstabilität gegenüber dem bisherigen Status quo zeigen

    An optimized method towards formal verification of mixed signals using differential fed neural network over FFNN

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    Today, the semiconductor industries are rapidly usinganalog and mixed signals to achieve cost-effective solutions on a System on Chip (SoC) design.  The SoC device is a part of analog, digital and essential mixed-signal models/circuits merged on a semiconductor device, which provides the platform to build modern retail/consumer electronics appliances with smart technology. In order to evaluate the mixed signals, the conventional approaches are not effective with respect to its performance, time and manufacturing cost. Thus, the recent researches were much interested in formal verification technique as it provides the evidence of conscious algorithms in a system. The demand for formal verification in the SoC designs in the context of software and hardware platform is high because of its cost and accuracy. Thus, the paper introduces atechnique of formal verification for mixed signals by using training models of the Differential fed neural network (DFNN) over feedforward neural network (FFNN). The formal verification is performed through equivalence checking by using recently adopted designs as reference designs. The outcomes of the verification techniques suggests that DFNN based technique improves the training accuracy and optimizes the hardware resources like area, power than the FFNN based technique

    The formal verification of generic interpreters

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    The task assignment 3 of the design and validation of digital flight control systems suitable for fly-by-wire applications is studied. Task 3 is associated with formal verification of embedded systems. In particular, results are presented that provide a methodological approach to microprocessor verification. A hierarchical decomposition strategy for specifying microprocessors is also presented. A theory of generic interpreters is presented that can be used to model microprocessor behavior. The generic interpreter theory abstracts away the details of instruction functionality, leaving a general model of what an interpreter does

    Systems, methods and apparatus for modeling, specifying and deploying policies in autonomous and autonomic systems using agent-oriented software engineering

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    Systems, methods and apparatus are provided through which in some embodiments, an agent-oriented specification modeled with MaCMAS, is analyzed, flaws in the agent-oriented specification modeled with MaCMAS are corrected, and an implementation is derived from the corrected agent-oriented specification. Described herein are systems, method and apparatus that produce fully (mathematically) tractable development of agent-oriented specification(s) modeled with methodology fragment for analyzing complex multiagent systems (MaCMAS) and policies for autonomic systems from requirements through to code generation. The systems, method and apparatus described herein are illustrated through an example showing how user formulated policies can be translated into a formal mode which can then be converted to code. The requirements-based programming systems, method and apparatus described herein may provide faster, higher quality development and maintenance of autonomic systems based on user formulation of policies

    Systems, methods and apparatus for pattern matching in procedure development and verification

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    Systems, methods and apparatus are provided through which, in some embodiments, a formal specification is pattern-matched from scenarios, the formal specification is analyzed, and flaws in the formal specification are corrected. The systems, methods and apparatus may include pattern-matching an equivalent formal model from an informal specification. Such a model can be analyzed for contradictions, conflicts, use of resources before the resources are available, competition for resources, and so forth. From such a formal model, an implementation can be automatically generated in a variety of notations. The approach can improve the resulting implementation, which, in some embodiments, is provably equivalent to the procedures described at the outset, which in turn can improve confidence that the system reflects the requirements, and in turn reduces system development time and reduces the amount of testing required of a new system. Moreover, in some embodiments, two or more implementations can be "reversed" to appropriate formal models, the models can be combined, and the resulting combination checked for conflicts. Then, the combined, error-free model can be used to generate a new (single) implementation that combines the functionality of the original separate implementations, and may be more likely to be correct

    Scalable Analysis, Verification and Design of IC Power Delivery

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    Due to recent aggressive process scaling into the nanometer regime, power delivery network design faces many challenges that set more stringent and specific requirements to the EDA tools. For example, from the perspective of analysis, simulation efficiency for large grids must be improved and the entire network with off-chip models and nonlinear devices should be able to be analyzed. Gated power delivery networks have multiple on/off operating conditions that need to be fully verified against the design requirements. Good power delivery network designs not only have to save the wiring resources for signal routing, but also need to have the optimal parameters assigned to various system components such as decaps, voltage regulators and converters. This dissertation presents new methodologies to address these challenging problems. At first, a novel parallel partitioning-based approach which provides a flexible network partitioning scheme using locality is proposed for power grid static analysis. In addition, a fast CPU-GPU combined analysis engine that adopts a boundary-relaxation method to encompass several simulation strategies is developed to simulate power delivery networks with off-chip models and active circuits. These two proposed analysis approaches can achieve scalable simulation runtime. Then, for gated power delivery networks, the challenge brought by the large verification space is addressed by developing a strategy that efficiently identifies a number of candidates for the worst-case operating condition. The computation complexity is reduced from O(2^N) to O(N). At last, motivated by a proposed two-level hierarchical optimization, this dissertation presents a novel locality-driven partitioning scheme to facilitate divide-and-conquer-based scalable wire sizing for large power delivery networks. Simultaneous sizing of multiple partitions is allowed which leads to substantial runtime improvement. Moreover, the electric interactions between active regulators/converters and passive networks and their influences on key system design specifications are analyzed comprehensively. With the derived design insights, the system-level co-design of a complete power delivery network is facilitated by an automatic optimization flow. Results show significant performance enhancement brought by the co-design

    Towards the formal verification of the requirements and design of a processor interface unit

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    The formal verification of the design and partial requirements for a Processor Interface Unit (PIU) using the Higher Order Logic (HOL) theorem-proving system is described. The processor interface unit is a single-chip subsystem within a fault-tolerant embedded system under development within the Boeing Defense and Space Group. It provides the opportunity to investigate the specification and verification of a real-world subsystem within a commercially-developed fault-tolerant computer. An overview of the PIU verification effort is given. The actual HOL listing from the verification effort are documented in a companion NASA contractor report entitled 'Towards the Formal Verification of the Requirements and Design of a Processor Interface Unit - HOL Listings' including the general-purpose HOL theories and definitions that support the PIU verification as well as tactics used in the proofs

    Systems, methods and apparatus for generation and verification of policies in autonomic computing systems

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    Described herein is a method that produces fully (mathematically) tractable development of policies for autonomic systems from requirements through to code generation. This method is illustrated through an example showing how user formulated policies can be translated into a formal mode which can then be converted to code. The requirements-based programming method described provides faster, higher quality development and maintenance of autonomic systems based on user formulation of policies.Further, the systems, methods and apparatus described herein provide a way of analyzing policies for autonomic systems and facilities the generation of provably correct implementations automatically, which in turn provides reduced development time, reduced testing requirements, guarantees of correctness of the implementation with respect to the policies specified at the outset, and provides a higher degree of confidence that the policies are both complete and reasonable. The ability to specify the policy for the management of a system and then automatically generate an equivalent implementation greatly improves the quality of software, the survivability of future missions, in particular when the system will operate untended in very remote environments, and greatly reduces development lead times and costs