47 research outputs found

    Refined Interfaces for Compositional Verification

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    The compositional verification approach of Graf & Steffen aims at avoiding state space explosion for individual processes of a concurrent system. It relies on interfaces that express the behavioural constraints imposed on each process by synchronization with the other processes, thus preventing the exploration of states and transitions that would not be reachable in the global state space. Krimm & Mounier, and Cheung & Kramer proposed two techniques to generate such interfaces automatically. In this report, we propose a refined interface generation technique that derives the interface of a process automatically from the examination of (a subset of) concurrent processes. This technique is applicable to formalisms where concurrent processes are composed either using synchronization vectors or process algebra parallel composition operators (including those of CCS, CSP, muCRL, LOTOS, and E-LOTOS). We implemented this approach in the EXP.OPEN 2.0 tool of the CADP toolbox. Several experiments indicate state space reductions by more than two orders of magnitude for the largest processes

    Interim research assessment 2003-2005 - Computer Science

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    This report primarily serves as a source of information for the 2007 Interim Research Assessment Committee for Computer Science at the three technical universities in the Netherlands. The report also provides information for others interested in our research activities

    Contributions aux systÚmes répartis en environnements ubiquitaires : adaptation, sensibilité au contexte et tolérance aux fautes

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    D'annĂ©es en annĂ©es, nous observons l'arrivĂ©e sur le marche d'ordinateurs personnels de plus en plus petits pour des utilisateurs de plus en plus nombreux, ainsi des assistants personnels numĂ©riques et des objets dits connectĂ©s, en passant par les tĂ©lĂ©phones mobiles. Tous ces dispositifs tendent Ă  ĂȘtre interchangeables du point de vue des ressources en mĂ©moire, en calcul et en connectivitĂ© : par exemple, les tĂ©lĂ©phones mobiles sont devenus des Ă©quipements informatiques de moins en moins spĂ©cialisĂ©s ou de plus en plus universels et font dorĂ©navant office en la matiĂšre de portails d'accĂšs aux capteurs prĂ©sents dans l'environnement immĂ©diat de l'utilisateur. L'enjeu abordĂ© dans nos travaux est la construction de systĂšmes rĂ©partis incluant ces nouveaux dispositifs matĂ©riels. L'objectif de mes recherches est la conception des paradigmes d'intermĂ©diation gĂ©nĂ©riques sous-jacents aux applications rĂ©parties de plus en plus ubiquitaires. Plus particuliĂšrement, la problĂ©matique gĂ©nĂ©rale de mes travaux est la dĂ©finition du rĂŽle des intergiciels dans l'intĂ©gration des dispositifs mobiles et des objets connectĂ©s dans les architectures logicielles rĂ©parties. Ces architectures logicielles reposaient trĂšs majoritairement sur des infrastructures logicielles fixes au dĂ©but des travaux prĂ©sentĂ©s dans ce manuscrit. Dans ce manuscrit, je dĂ©cris mes travaux sur trois sujets : 1) l'adaptation des applications rĂ©parties pour la continuitĂ© de service pendant les dĂ©connexions, 2) la gestion des informations du contexte d'exĂ©cution des applications rĂ©parties pour leur sensibilitĂ© au contexte, et 3) les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©tection des entraves dans les environnements fortement dynamiques tels que ceux construits avec des rĂ©seaux mobiles spontanĂ©s. Sur le premier sujet, nous fournissons une couche intergicielle gĂ©nĂ©rique pour la gestion des aspects rĂ©partis de la gestion des dĂ©connexions en utilisant une stratĂ©gie d'adaptation collaborative dans les architectures Ă  base d'objets et de composants. Sur le deuxiĂšme sujet, nous Ă©tudions les paradigmes architecturaux pour la construction d'un service de gestion de contexte gĂ©nĂ©rique, afin d'adresser la diversitĂ© des traitements (fusion et agrĂ©gation, corrĂ©lation, dĂ©tection de situation par apprentissage, etc.), puis nous adressons le problĂšme de la distribution des informations de contexte aux diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles de l'Internet des objets. Enfin, sur le troisiĂšme sujet, nous commençons par la dĂ©tection des modes de fonctionnement pour l'adaptation aux dĂ©connexions afin de faire la diffĂ©rence, lorsque cela est possible, entre une dĂ©connexion et une dĂ©faillance, et ensuite nous spĂ©cifions et construisons un service de gestion de groupe partitionnable. Ce service est assez fort pour interdire la construction de partitions ne correspondant pas Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© de l'environnement Ă  un instant donnĂ© et est assez faible pour ĂȘtre mis en oeuvre algorithmiquemen

    Sensoria Patterns: Augmenting Service Engineering with Formal Analysis, Transformation and Dynamicity

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    The IST-FET Integrated Project Sensoria is developing a novel comprehensive approach to the engineering of service-oriented software systems where foundational theories, techniques and methods are fully integrated into pragmatic software engineering processes. The techniques and tools of Sensoria encompass the whole software development cycle, from business and architectural design, to quantitative and qualitative analysis of system properties, and to transformation and code generation. The Sensoria approach takes also into account reconfiguration of service-oriented architectures (SOAs) and re-engineering of legacy systems. In this paper we give first a short overview of Sensoria and then present a pattern language for augmenting service engineering with formal analysis, transformation and dynamicity. The patterns are designed to help software developers choose appropriate tools and techniques to develop service-oriented systems with support from formal methods. They support the whole development process, from the modelling stage to deployment activities and give an overview of many of the research areas pursued in the Sensoria project

    On the connection of probabilistic model checking, planning, and learning for system verification

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    This thesis presents approaches using techniques from the model checking, planning, and learning community to make systems more reliable and perspicuous. First, two heuristic search and dynamic programming algorithms are adapted to be able to check extremal reachability probabilities, expected accumulated rewards, and their bounded versions, on general Markov decision processes (MDPs). Thereby, the problem space originally solvable by these algorithms is enlarged considerably. Correctness and optimality proofs for the adapted algorithms are given, and in a comprehensive case study on established benchmarks it is shown that the implementation, called Modysh, is competitive with state-of-the-art model checkers and even outperforms them on very large state spaces. Second, Deep Statistical Model Checking (DSMC) is introduced, usable for quality assessment and learning pipeline analysis of systems incorporating trained decision-making agents, like neural networks (NNs). The idea of DSMC is to use statistical model checking to assess NNs resolving nondeterminism in systems modeled as MDPs. The versatility of DSMC is exemplified in a number of case studies on Racetrack, an MDP benchmark designed for this purpose, flexibly modeling the autonomous driving challenge. In a comprehensive scalability study it is demonstrated that DSMC is a lightweight technique tackling the complexity of NN analysis in combination with the state space explosion problem.Diese Arbeit prĂ€sentiert AnsĂ€tze, die Techniken aus dem Model Checking, Planning und Learning Bereich verwenden, um Systeme verlĂ€sslicher und klarer verstĂ€ndlich zu machen. Zuerst werden zwei Algorithmen fĂŒr heuristische Suche und dynamisches Programmieren angepasst, um Extremwerte fĂŒr Erreichbarkeitswahrscheinlichkeiten, Erwartungswerte fĂŒr Kosten und beschrĂ€nkte Varianten davon, auf generellen Markov Entscheidungsprozessen (MDPs) zu untersuchen. Damit wird der Problemraum, der ursprĂŒnglich mit diesen Algorithmen gelöst wurde, deutlich erweitert. Korrektheits- und OptimalitĂ€tsbeweise fĂŒr die angepassten Algorithmen werden gegeben und in einer umfassenden Fallstudie wird gezeigt, dass die Implementierung, namens Modysh, konkurrenzfĂ€hig mit den modernsten Model Checkern ist und deren Leistung auf sehr großen ZustandsrĂ€umen sogar ĂŒbertrifft. Als Zweites wird Deep Statistical Model Checking (DSMC) fĂŒr die QualitĂ€tsbewertung und Lernanalyse von Systemen mit integrierten trainierten Entscheidungsgenten, wie z.B. neuronalen Netzen (NN), eingefĂŒhrt. Die Idee von DSMC ist es, statistisches Model Checking zur Bewertung von NNs zu nutzen, die Nichtdeterminismus in Systemen, die als MDPs modelliert sind, auflösen. Die Vielseitigkeit des Ansatzes wird in mehreren Fallbeispielen auf Racetrack gezeigt, einer MDP Benchmark, die zu diesem Zweck entwickelt wurde und die Herausforderung des autonomen Fahrens flexibel modelliert. In einer umfassenden Skalierbarkeitsstudie wird demonstriert, dass DSMC eine leichtgewichtige Technik ist, die die KomplexitĂ€t der NN-Analyse in Kombination mit dem State Space Explosion Problem bewĂ€ltigt

    A type language for message passing component-based systems

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    Component-based development is challenging in a distributed setting, for starters considering programming a task may involve the assembly of loosely-coupled remote components. In order for the task to be fulfilled, the supporting interaction among components should follow a well-defined protocol. In this paper we address a model for message passing component-based systems where components are assembled together with the protocol itself. Components can therefore be independent from the protocol, and reactive to messages in a flexible way. Our contribution is at the level of the type language that allows to capture component behaviour so as to check its compatibility with a protocol. We show the correspondence of component and type behaviours, which entails a progress property for components.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2020, arXiv:2009.0762

    Verification of consensus algorithms using satisfiability solving

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    Consensus is at the heart of fault-tolerant distributed computing systems. Much research has been devoted to developing algorithms for this particular problem. This paper presents a semi-automatic verification approach for asynchronous consensus algorithms, aiming at facilitating their development. Our approach uses model checking, a widely practiced verification method based on state traversal. The challenge here is that the state space of these algorithms is huge, often infinite, thus making model checking infeasible. The proposed approach addresses this difficulty by reducing the verification problem to small model checking problems that involve only single phases of algorithm execution. Because a phase consists of a small, finite number of rounds, bounded model checking, a technique using satisfiability solving, can be effectively used to solve these problems. The proposed approach allows us to model check several consensus algorithms up to around 10 processes