85,725 research outputs found

    Boosting Metrics for Cloud Services Evaluation -- The Last Mile of Using Benchmark Suites

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    Benchmark suites are significant for evaluating various aspects of Cloud services from a holistic view. However, there is still a gap between using benchmark suites and achieving holistic impression of the evaluated Cloud services. Most Cloud service evaluation work intended to report individual benchmarking results without delivering summary measures. As a result, it could be still hard for customers with such evaluation reports to understand an evaluated Cloud service from a global perspective. Inspired by the boosting approaches to machine learning, we proposed the concept Boosting Metrics to represent all the potential approaches that are able to integrate a suite of benchmarking results. This paper introduces two types of preliminary boosting metrics, and demonstrates how the boosting metrics can be used to supplement primary measures of individual Cloud service features. In particular, boosting metrics can play a summary Response role in applying experimental design to Cloud services evaluation. Although the concept Boosting Metrics was refined based on our work in the Cloud Computing domain, we believe it can be easily adapted to the evaluation work of other computing paradigms.Comment: Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2013), pp. 381-388, Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 201

    Personalized QoS Prediction of Cloud Services via Learning Neighborhood-based Model

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    The explosion of cloud services on the Internet brings new challenges in service discovery and selection. Particularly, the demand for efficient quality-of-service (QoS) evaluation is becoming urgently strong. To address this issue, this paper proposes neighborhood-based approach for QoS prediction of cloud services by taking advantages of collaborative intelligence. Different from heuristic collaborative filtering and matrix factorization, we define a formal neighborhood-based prediction framework which allows an efficient global optimization scheme, and then exploit different baseline estimate component to improve predictive performance. To validate the proposed methods, a large-scale QoS-specific dataset which consists of invocation records from 339 service users on 5,825 web services on a world-scale distributed network is used. Experimental results demonstrate that the learned neighborhood-based models can overcome existing difficulties of heuristic collaborative filtering methods and achieve superior performance than state-of-the-art prediction methods

    Guidelines for Experimental Algorithmics in Network Analysis

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    The field of network science is a highly interdisciplinary area; for the empirical analysis of network data, it draws algorithmic methodologies from several research fields. Hence, research procedures and descriptions of the technical results often differ, sometimes widely. In this paper we focus on methodologies for the experimental part of algorithm engineering for network analysis -- an important ingredient for a research area with empirical focus. More precisely, we unify and adapt existing recommendations from different fields and propose universal guidelines -- including statistical analyses -- for the systematic evaluation of network analysis algorithms. This way, the behavior of newly proposed algorithms can be properly assessed and comparisons to existing solutions become meaningful. Moreover, as the main technical contribution, we provide SimexPal, a highly automated tool to perform and analyze experiments following our guidelines. To illustrate the merits of SimexPal and our guidelines, we apply them in a case study: we design, perform, visualize and evaluate experiments of a recent algorithm for approximating betweenness centrality, an important problem in network analysis. In summary, both our guidelines and SimexPal shall modernize and complement previous efforts in experimental algorithmics; they are not only useful for network analysis, but also in related contexts

    Report of the HPC Correctness Summit, Jan 25--26, 2017, Washington, DC

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    Maintaining leadership in HPC requires the ability to support simulations at large scales and fidelity. In this study, we detail one of the most significant productivity challenges in achieving this goal, namely the increasing proclivity to bugs, especially in the face of growing hardware and software heterogeneity and sheer system scale. We identify key areas where timely new research must be proactively begun to address these challenges, and create new correctness tools that must ideally play a significant role even while ramping up toward exacale. We close with the proposal for a two-day workshop in which the problems identified in this report can be more broadly discussed, and specific plans to launch these new research thrusts identified.Comment: 57 page

    A Dual Reinforcement Learning Framework for Unsupervised Text Style Transfer

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    Unsupervised text style transfer aims to transfer the underlying style of text but keep its main content unchanged without parallel data. Most existing methods typically follow two steps: first separating the content from the original style, and then fusing the content with the desired style. However, the separation in the first step is challenging because the content and style interact in subtle ways in natural language. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a dual reinforcement learning framework to directly transfer the style of the text via a one-step mapping model, without any separation of content and style. Specifically, we consider the learning of the source-to-target and target-to-source mappings as a dual task, and two rewards are designed based on such a dual structure to reflect the style accuracy and content preservation, respectively. In this way, the two one-step mapping models can be trained via reinforcement learning, without any use of parallel data. Automatic evaluations show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art systems by a large margin, especially with more than 8 BLEU points improvement averaged on two benchmark datasets. Human evaluations also validate the effectiveness of our model in terms of style accuracy, content preservation and fluency. Our code and data, including outputs of all baselines and our model are available at https://github.com/luofuli/DualLanST.Comment: Accepted by IJCAI 201

    Adaptive Simulation-based Training of AI Decision-makers using Bayesian Optimization

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    This work studies how an AI-controlled dog-fighting agent with tunable decision-making parameters can learn to optimize performance against an intelligent adversary, as measured by a stochastic objective function evaluated on simulated combat engagements. Gaussian process Bayesian optimization (GPBO) techniques are developed to automatically learn global Gaussian Process (GP) surrogate models, which provide statistical performance predictions in both explored and unexplored areas of the parameter space. This allows a learning engine to sample full-combat simulations at parameter values that are most likely to optimize performance and also provide highly informative data points for improving future predictions. However, standard GPBO methods do not provide a reliable surrogate model for the highly volatile objective functions found in aerial combat, and thus do not reliably identify global maxima. These issues are addressed by novel Repeat Sampling (RS) and Hybrid Repeat/Multi-point Sampling (HRMS) techniques. Simulation studies show that HRMS improves the accuracy of GP surrogate models, allowing AI decision-makers to more accurately predict performance and efficiently tune parameters.Comment: submitted to JAIS for revie

    A Multilevel Approach for the Performance Analysis of Parallel Algorithms

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    We provide a multilevel approach for analysing performances of parallel algorithms. The main outcome of such approach is that the algorithm is described by using a set of operators which are related to each other according to the problem decomposition. Decomposition level determines the granularity of the algorithm. A set of block matrices (decomposition and execution) highlights fundamental characteristics of the algorithm, such as inherent parallelism and sources of overheads

    On Designing and Testing Distributed Virtual Environments

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    Distributed Real-Time (DRT) systems are among the most complex software systems to design, test, maintain and evolve. The existence of components distributed over a network often conflicts with real-time requirements, leading to design strategies that depend on domain- and even application-specific knowledge. Distributed Virtual Environment (DVE) systems are DRT systems that connect multiple users instantly with each other and with a shared virtual space over a network. DVE systems deviate from traditional DRT systems in the importance of the quality of the end user experience. We present an analysis of important, but challenging, issues in the design, testing and evaluation of DVE systems through the lens of experiments with a concrete DVE, OpenSimulator. We frame our observations within six dimensions of well-known design concerns: correctness, fault tolerance/prevention, scalability, time sensitivity, consistency, and overhead of distribution. Furthermore, we place our experimental work in a broader historical context, showing that these challenges are intrinsic to DVEs and suggesting lines of future research.Comment: Wiley Journal on Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, to appear (preprint

    Formality Style Transfer with Hybrid Textual Annotations

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    Formality style transformation is the task of modifying the formality of a given sentence without changing its content. Its challenge is the lack of large-scale sentence-aligned parallel data. In this paper, we propose an omnivorous model that takes parallel data and formality-classified data jointly to alleviate the data sparsity issue. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by achieving the state-of-art performance on a recently proposed benchmark dataset of formality transfer. Furthermore, our model can be readily adapted to other unsupervised text style transfer tasks like unsupervised sentiment transfer and achieve competitive results on three widely recognized benchmarks

    Towards Self-Tuning Parameter Servers

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    Recent years, many applications have been driven advances by the use of Machine Learning (ML). Nowadays, it is common to see industrial-strength machine learning jobs that involve millions of model parameters, terabytes of training data, and weeks of training. Good efficiency, i.e., fast completion time of running a specific ML job, therefore, is a key feature of a successful ML system. While the completion time of a long-running ML job is determined by the time required to reach model convergence, practically that is also largely influenced by the values of various system settings. In this paper, we contribute techniques towards building self-tuning parameter servers. Parameter Server (PS) is a popular system architecture for large-scale machine learning systems; and by self-tuning we mean while a long-running ML job is iteratively training the expert-suggested model, the system is also iteratively learning which system setting is more efficient for that job and applies it online. While our techniques are general enough to various PS-style ML systems, we have prototyped our techniques on top of TensorFlow. Experiments show that our techniques can reduce the completion times of a variety of long-running TensorFlow jobs from 1.4x to 18x.Comment: 13 page
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