10 research outputs found

    Proof-carrying plans

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    It is becoming increasingly important to verify safety and security of AI applications. While declarative languages (of the kind found in automated planners and model checkers) are traditionally used for verifying AI systems, a big challenge is to design methods that generate verified executable programs. A good example of such a “verification to implementation” cycle is given by automated planning languages like PDDL, where plans are found via a model search in a declarative language, but then interpreted or compiled into executable code in an imperative language. In this paper, we show that this method can itself be verified. We present a formal framework and a prototype Agda implementation that represent PDDL plans as executable functions that inhabit types that are given by formulae describing planning problems. By exploiting the well-known Curry-Howard correspondence, type-checking then automatically ensures that the generated program corresponds precisely to the specification of the planning problem.Postprin


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    In service-oriented environments, services are put together in the form of a workflow with the aim of distributed problem solving. Capturing the execution details of the services' transformations is a significant advantage of using workflows. These execution details, referred to as provenance information, are usually traced automatically and stored in provenance stores. Provenance data contains the data recorded by a workflow engine during a workflow execution. It identifies what data is passed between services, which services are involved, and how results are eventually generated for particular sets of input values. Provenance information is of great importance and has found its way through areas in computer science such as: Bioinformatics, database, social, sensor networks, etc. Current exploitation and application of provenance data is very limited as provenance systems started being developed for specific applications. Thus, applying learning and knowledge discovery methods to provenance data can provide rich and useful information on workflows and services. Therefore, in this work, the challenges with workflows and services are studied to discover the possibilities and benefits of providing solutions by using provenance data. A multifunctional architecture is presented which addresses the workflow and service issues by exploiting provenance data. These challenges include workflow composition, abstract workflow selection, refinement, evaluation, and graph model extraction. The specific contribution of the proposed architecture is its novelty in providing a basis for taking advantage of the previous execution details of services and workflows along with artificial intelligence and knowledge management techniques to resolve the major challenges regarding workflows. The presented architecture is application-independent and could be deployed in any area. The requirements for such an architecture along with its building components are discussed. Furthermore, the responsibility of the components, related works and the implementation details of the architecture along with each component are presented

    An Argumentation-Based Approach to Normative Practical Reasoning

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    Flexible high performance agent based modelling on graphics card hardware

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    Agent Based Modelling is a technique for computational simulation of complex interacting systems, through the specification of the behaviour of a number of autonomous individuals acting simultaneously. This is a bottom up approach, in contrast with the top down one of modelling the behaviour of the whole system through dynamic mathematical equations. The focus on individuals is considerably more computationally demanding, but provides a natural and flexible environment for studying systems demonstrating emergent behaviour. Despite the obvious parallelism, traditionally frameworks for Agent Based Modelling fail to exploit this and are often based on highly serialised mobile discrete agents. Such an approach has serious implications, placing stringent limitations on both the scale of models and the speed at which they may be simulated. Serial simulation frameworks are also unable to exploit multiple processor architectures which have become essential in improving overall processing speed. This thesis demonstrates that it is possible to use the parallelism of graphics card hardware as a mechanism for high performance Agent Based Modelling. Such an approach is in contrast with alternative high performance architectures, such as distributed grids and specialist computing clusters, and is considerably more cost effective. The use of consumer hardware makes the techniques described available to a wide range of users, and the use of automatically generated simulation code abstracts the process of mapping algorithms to the specialist hardware. This approach avoids the steep learning curve associated with the graphics card hardware's data parallel architecture, which has previously limited the uptake of this emerging technology. The performance and flexibility of this approach are considered through the use of benchmarking and case studies. The resulting speedup and locality of agent data within the graphics processor also allow real time visualisation of computationally and demanding high population models

    Investigating the universality of a semantic web-upper ontology in the context of the African languages

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    Ontologies are foundational to, and upper ontologies provide semantic integration across, the Semantic Web. Multilingualism has been shown to be a key challenge to the development of the Semantic Web, and is a particular challenge to the universality requirement of upper ontologies. Universality implies a qualitative mapping from lexical ontologies, like WordNet, to an upper ontology, such as SUMO. Are a given natural language family's core concepts currently included in an existing, accepted upper ontology? Does SUMO preserve an ontological non-bias with respect to the multilingual challenge, particularly in the context of the African languages? The approach to developing WordNets mapped to shared core concepts in the non-Indo-European language families has highlighted these challenges and this is examined in a unique new context: the Southern African languages. This is achieved through a new mapping from African language core concepts to SUMO. It is shown that SUMO has no signi ficant natural language ontology bias.ComputingM. Sc. (Computer Science

    Earth Observations and the Role of UAVs: A Capabilities Assessment

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    This three-volume document, based on the draft document located on the website given on page 6, presents the findings of a NASA-led capabilities assessment of Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for civil (defined as non-DoD) use in Earth observations. Volume 1 is the report that presents the overall assessment and summarizes the data. The second volume contains the appendices and references to address the technologies and capabilities required for viable UAV missions. The third volume is the living portion of this effort and contains the outputs from each of the Technology Working Groups (TWGs) along with the reviews conducted by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA). The focus of this report, intended to complement the Office of the Secretary of Defense UAV Roadmap, is four-fold: 1) To determine and document desired future Earth observation missions for all UAVs based on user-defined needs; 2) To determine and document the technologies necessary to support those missions; 3) To discuss the present state of the art platform capabilities and required technologies, including identifying those in progress, those planned, and those for which no current plans exist; 4) Provide the foundations for development of a comprehensive civil UAV roadmap. It is expected that the content of this report will be updated periodically and used to assess the feasibility of future missions. In addition, this report will provide the foundation to help influence funding decisions to develop those technologies that are considered enabling or necessary but are not contained within approved funding plans. This document is written such that each section will be supported by an Appendix that will give the reader a more detailed discussion of that section's topical materials

    Earth Observations and the Role of UAVs: A Capabilities Assessment

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    This document provides an assessment of the civil UAV missions and technologies and is intended to parallel the Office of the Secretary of Defense UAV Roadmap. The intent of this document is four-fold: 1. Determine and document desired future missions of Earth observation UAVs based on user-defined needs 2. Determine and document the technologies necessary to support those missions 3. Discuss the present state of the platform capabilities and required technologies, identifying those in progress, those planned, and those for which no current plans exist 4. Provide the foundations for development of a comprehensive civil UAV roadmap to complement the Department of Defense (DoD) effort (http://www.acq.osd.mil/uas/). Two aspects of the President's Management Agenda (refer to the document located at: www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2002/mgmt.pdf ) are supported by this undertaking. First, it is one that will engage multiple Agencies in the effort as stakeholders and benefactors of the systems. In that sense, the market will be driven by the user requirements and applications. The second aspect is one of supporting economic development in the commercial sector. Market forecasts for the civil use of UAVs have indicated an infant market stage at present with a sustained forecasted growth. There is some difficulty in quantifying the value of the market since the typical estimate excludes system components other than the aerial platforms. Section 2.4 addresses the civil UAV market forecast and lists several independent forecasts. One conclusion that can be drawn from these forecasts is that all show a sustained growth for the duration of each long-term forecast