4 research outputs found

    The pion pole in hard exclusive vector-meson leptoproduction

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    Exploiting a set of generalized parton distributions (GPDs) derived from analyses of hard exclusive leptoproduction of rho0, phi and pi+ mesons, we investigate the omega spin density matrix elements (SDMEs) recently measured by the HERMES collaboration. It turns out from our study that the pion pole is an important contribution to omega production. It will be treated as a one-particle exchange since its evaluation from the GPD E-tilde considerably underestimates its contribution. As an intermediate step of our analysis we extract the pi-omega transition form factor for photon virtualities less than 4 GeV^2. From our approach we achieve results for the omega SDMEs in good agreement with the HERMES data. The role of the pion pole in exclusive rho0 and phi leptoproduction is discussed too.Comment: 27 pages, 33 figure

    What can be learned from the Belle spectrum for the decay tau- -> nu_tau K_S pi-

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    A theoretical description of the differential decay spectrum for the decay tau- -> nu_tau K_S pi-, which is based on the contributing K pi vector and scalar form factors F_+^{K pi}(s) and F_0^{K pi}(s) being calculated in the framework of resonance chiral theory (Rχ\chiT), additionally imposing constraints from dispersion relations as well as short distance QCD, provides a good representation of a recent measurement of the spectrum by the Belle collaboration. Our fit allows to deduce the total branching fraction B[tau- -> nu_tau K_S pi-] = 0.427 +- 0.024 % by integrating the spectrum, as well as the K^* resonance parameters M_{K^*} = 895.3 +- 0.2 MeV and Gamma_{K^*} = 47.5 +- 0.4 MeV, where the last two errors are statistical only. From our fits, we confirm that the scalar form factor F_0^{K pi}(s) is required to provide a good description, but we were unable to further constrain this contribution. Finally, from our results for the vector form factor F_+^{K pi}(s), we update the corresponding slope and curvature parameters lambda'_+ = (25.2 +- 0.3)*10^{-3} and lambda''_+ = (12.9 +- 0.3)*10^{-4}, respectively.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Biomaterials Out of Thin Air: In Situ, On-Demand Printing of Advanced Biocomposites: A New Materials Design and Production Technique Using 3D-Printed Arrays of Bioengineered Cells

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    We have completed the proof of concept described in our Phase I proposal, a two-material array of nonstructural proteins. We created an implementation of each step in our technology concept and demonstrated its critical functionality. The biological chassis and printing hardware we created as part of this work can be re-used for future work by inserting a material coding region upstream of the fluorescent tag. Overall, we showed that our technology concept is sound. The mission benefit analyses, as described in our Phase I proposal, are complete and contained in this report. These calculations show that our technology can save hundreds of kilograms of upmass for a potential planetary human habit construction mission: the mass per habitat module can be reduced by approximately one third if the biomaterials are manufactured on Earth and included in the mission upmass, and the full 240 kg per module can be saved if the materials are derived entirely from in situ resources. Mass savings between these two extremes is expected for an actual mission, depending on the level of in situ resource extraction technology. We have shown that continued advancement of this technology concept for use in a space mission environment is justified. Our survey of future development pathways proved extremely informative in light of the lessons learned from our proof of concept work and mission scenario analyses. For example, we were able for the first time to distinguish between the levels of functionality provided by production of structural proteins, other polymers such as polysaccharides, and true organic-inorganic composites such as bone and mineralized shell. This new information represents a significant advance in formulating specific applications, and key enabling technologies, for our proposed concept. We surveyed potential collaborations with other projects and synergies with enabling technologies that are developing. We have received requests for collaboration from other institutions, including labs at Stanford University and Drexel University. We have also received visits from industry, including Organovo, a tissue engineering company, and Autodesk, a major 3D and materials design software company. Finally, we have been in touch with the team behind the 2013 NIAC Phase ll 'Super Ball Bot-Structures for Planetary Landing and Exploration' and are planning to develop our biomaterial printing technology with the goal of enabling tensegrity-based rovers such as theirs to use lighter, more robust materials. A smooth transition from TRL 2 to TRL 3 assumes that the implementations of the technology concept which demonstrate critical functionality are also pathways for future development; while this is the case for most hardware or software projects, the multidisciplinary nature of our project, particularly the biological aspect of it, means that this is not always true. For example, as part of this work we showed that although there are large number of known genetic parts that correspond to non-structural materials, this is not true for sequences for structural organic proteins, let alone biominerals. These realizations allowed us to further subdivide our concept into more detailed development areas, some of which are clearly established at TRL 3, others of which were newly identified sub-technologies moved from TRL 1 to TRL 2. Similarly, although a single feasibility /benefit analysis is sufficient for advancement from TRL 2 to TRL 3, not all potential benefits to a technology concept as broad in scope as ours are apparent at TRL 2. Both our future pathways survey and our proof of concept work highlighted that the true mass savings potential of our technology concept cannot be quantified without modification of existing materials modelling tools to take into account the possibility of positional materials properties customization. Therefore, we have simultaneously both advanced one potential set of applications of our technology concept from TRL 2 to TRL 3 and also identified a previously unknown set of applications and advanced it from TRL 1 to TRL 2. Overall, we have moved the original formulation of our concept forward from TRL 2 to TRL 3, and the expanded formulation of it presented in this document has been advanced from a combination of TRL 1 and early 1RL 2 to an overall late TRL 2. We have also identified the key areas necessary for both short-term and long-term advancement, and made recommendations for specific future work in the most promising directions. With future work on a 1-2 year timeframe to continue advancement to overall TRL 3, we will be well positioned to begin work on a specific space mission technology insertion path

    Exclusive Physics at HERMES and COMPASS

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