78 research outputs found

    Group-oriented ring signature

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    In this paper, we present an improved Rivest\u27s ring signature scheme. In our scheme, the size of the signature is only related to the ring members, and the signer needs no to publish amount of random numbers. On this basis, we propose a group-oriented ring signature. In this scheme, only the person who belongs to the designated group can verify the validity of the ring signature. The security of these two schemes can be proved by using Forking Lemmas

    Squirrel: Efficient Synchronized Multi-Signatures from Lattices

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    The focus of this work are multi-signatures schemes in the synchronized setting. A multi-signature scheme allows multiple signatures for the same message but from independent signers to be compressed into one short aggregated signature, which allows verifying all of the signatures simultaneously. In the synchronized setting, the signing algorithm takes the current time step as an additional input. It is assumed that no signer signs more than one message per time step and we aim to aggregate signatures for the same message and same time step. This setting is particularly useful in the context of blockchains, where validators are naturally synchronized by the blocks they sign. We present Squirrel, a concretely efficient lattice-based multi-signature scheme in the synchronized setting that works for a bounded number of 2τ2^{\tau} time steps and allows for aggregating up to ρ\rho signatures at each step, where both τ\tau and ρ\rho are public parameters upon which the efficiency of our scheme depends. Squirrel allows for non-interactive aggregation of independent signatures and is proven secure in the random oracle model in the presence of rogue-key attacks assuming the hardness of the short integer solution problem in a polynomial ring. We provide a careful analysis of all parameters and show that Squirrel can be instantiated with good concrete efficiency. For τ=24\tau = 24 and ρ=4096\rho = 4096, a signer could sign a new message every 10 seconds for 5 years non-stop. Assuming the signer has a cache of 112 MB, signing takes 68 ms and verification of an aggregated signature takes 36 ms. The size of the public key is 1 KB, the size of an individual signature is 52 KB, and the size of an aggregated signature is 771 KB

    MuSig-L: Lattice-Based Multi-Signature With Single-Round Online Phase

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    Multi-signatures are protocols that allow a group of signers to jointly produce a single signature on the same message. In recent years, a number of practical multi-signature schemes have been proposed in the discrete-log setting, such as MuSigT (CRYPTO\u2721) and DWMS (CRYPTO\u2721). The main technical challenge in constructing a multi-signature scheme is to achieve a set of several desirable properties, such as (1) security in the plain public-key (PPK) model, (2) concurrent security, (3) low online round complexity, and (4) key aggregation. However, previous lattice-based, post-quantum counterparts to Schnorr multi-signatures fail to satisfy these properties. In this paper, we introduce MuSigL, a lattice-based multi-signature scheme simultaneously achieving these design goals for the first time. Unlike the recent, round-efficient proposal of Damgård et al. (PKC\u2721), which had to rely on lattice-based trapdoor commitments, we do not require any additional primitive in the protocol, while being able to prove security from the standard module-SIS and LWE assumptions. The resulting output signature of our scheme therefore looks closer to the usual Fiat--Shamir-with-abort signatures

    Subtractive Sets over Cyclotomic Rings:Limits of Schnorr-like Arguments over Lattices

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    We study when (dual) Vandermonde systems of the form VT()z=sw{V}_T^{{(\intercal)}} \cdot \vec{z} = s\cdot \vec{w} admit a solution z\vec{z} over a ring R\mathcal{R}, where VT{V}_T is the Vandermonde matrix defined by a set TT and where the slack ss is a measure of the quality of solutions. To this end, we propose the notion of (s,t)(s,t)-subtractive sets over a ring R\mathcal{R}, with the property that if SS is (s,t)(s,t)-subtractive then the above (dual) Vandermonde systems defined by any tt-subset TST \subseteq S are solvable over R\mathcal{R}. The challenge is then to find large sets SS while minimising (the norm of) ss when given a ring R\mathcal{R}. By constructing families of (s,t)(s,t)-subtractive sets SS of size n=n = poly over cyclotomic rings R=Z[ζp]\mathcal{R} = \mathbb{Z}[\zeta_{p^\ell}] for prime pp, we construct Schnorr-like lattice-based proofs of knowledge for the SIS relation Ax=symodq{A} \cdot \vec{x} = s \cdot \vec{y} \bmod q with O(1/n)O(1/n) knowledge error, and s=1s = 1 in case p=p = poly. Our technique slots naturally into the lattice Bulletproof framework from Crypto\u2720, producing lattice-based succinct arguments for NP with better parameters. We then give matching impossibility results constraining nn relative to ss, which suggest that our Bulletproof-compatible protocols are optimal unless fundamentally new techniques are discovered. Noting that the knowledge error of lattice Bulletproofs is Ω(logk/n)\Omega(\log k/n) for witnesses in Rk\mathcal{R}^k and subtractive set size nn, our result represents a barrier to practically efficient lattice-based succinct arguments in the Bulletproof framework. Beyond these main results, the concept of (s,t)(s,t)-subtractive sets bridges group-based threshold cryptography to lattice settings, which we demonstrate by relating it to distributed pseudorandom functions


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    Message validation is one of the most effective ways to thwart unauthorized and corrupted messages from being forwarded in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). For this reason, many message validation schemes have been developed, based on either symmetric-key cryptosystems or public-key cryptosystems. Most of them, however, have the limitations of high computational and communication overhead in addition to lack of scalability and resilience to node compromise attacks. To address these issues, a polynomial-based scheme was recently introduced. However, this scheme and its extensions all have the weakness of a built-in threshold determined by the degree of the polynomial: when the number of messages transmitted is larger than this threshold, the adversary can fully recover the polynomial

    Leakage-Resilient Lattice-Based Partially Blind Signatures

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    Blind signature schemes (BSS) play a pivotal role in privacy-oriented cryptography. However, with blind signature schemes, the signed message remains unintelligible to the signer, giving them no guarantee that the blinded message he signed actually contained valid information. Partially-blind signature schemes (PBSS) were introduced to address precisely this problem. In this paper we present the first leakage-resilient, lattice-based partially-blind signature scheme in the literature. Our construction is provably secure in the random oracle model (ROM) and offers quasilinear complexity w.r.t. key/signature sizes and signing speed. In addition, it offers statistical partial blindness and its unforgeability is based on the computational hardness of worst-case ideal lattice problems for approximation factors in ˜O(n4)˜ O(n^4) in dimension nn. Our scheme benefits from the subexponential hardness of ideal lattice problems and remains secure even if a (1-o(1)) fraction of the signer’s secret key leaks to an adversary via arbitrary side-channels. Several extensions of the security model, such as honest-user unforgeability and selective failure blindness, are also considered and concrete parameters for instantiation are proposed

    An efficient and secure ID-based multi-proxy multi-signature scheme based on lattice

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    Multi-proxy multi-signature schemes are useful in distributed networks, where a group of users cooperatively could delegate their administrative rights to the users of another group, who are authorized to generate the proxy signatures cooperatively on behalf of the original signers. In this paper, we aim to propose an ID-based lattice-based multi-proxy multi-signature (ILMPMS) scheme, which enjoys security against quantum computers and efficiency due to ID-based framework, linear operations and possibility of parallel computations based on lattices. For this purpose, we first propose an ID-based lattice-based multi-signature scheme, used as the underlying signature in our ILMPMS scheme. We prove existential unforgeability of both schemes against adaptive chosen-message attack in the random oracle model based on the hardness of the learning with errors problem over standard lattices

    Special Signature Schemes and Key Agreement Protocols

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    This thesis is divided into two distinct parts. The first part of the thesis explores various deniable signature schemes and their applications. Such schemes do not bind a unique public key to a message, but rather specify a set of entities that could have created the signature, so each entity involved in the signature can deny having generated it. The main deniable signature schemes we examine are ring signature schemes. Ring signatures can be used to construct designated verifier signature schemes, which are closely related to designated verifier proof systems. We provide previously lacking formal definitions and security models for designated verifier proofs and signatures and examine their relationship to undeniable signature schemes. Ring signature schemes also have applications in the context of fair exchange of signatures. We introduce the notion of concurrent signatures, which can be constructed using ring signatures, and which provide a "near solution" to the problem of fair exchange. Concurrent signatures are more efficient than traditional solutions for fair exchange at the cost of some of the security guaranteed by traditional solutions. The second part of the thesis is concerned with the security of two-party key agreement protocols. It has traditionally been difficult to prove that a key agreement protocol satisfies a formal definition of security. A modular approach to constructing provably secure key agreement protocols was proposed, but the approach generally results in less efficient protocols. We examine the relationships between various well-known models of security and introduce a modular approach to the construction of proofs of security for key agreement protocols in such security models. Our approach simplifies the proof process, enabling us to provide proofs of security for several efficient key agreement protocols in the literature that were previously unproven

    Blockchain Governance via Sharp Anonymous Multisignatures

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    Electronic voting has occupied a large part of the cryptographic protocols literature. The recent reality of blockchains---in particular their need for online governance mechanisms---has put new parameters and requirements to the problem. We identify the key requirements of a blockchain governance mechanism, namely correctness (including eliminative double votes), voter anonymity, and traceability, and investigate mechanisms that can achieve them with minimal interaction and under assumptions that fit the blockchain setting. First, we define a signature-like primitive, which we term sharp anonymous multisignatures (in short, #AMS) that tightly meets the needs of blockchain governance. In a nutshell, #AMSs allow any set of parties to generate a signature, e.g., on a proposal to be voted-upon, which if posted on the blockchain hides the identities of the signers/voters, but reveals their number. This can be seen as a (strict) generalization of threshold ring signatures (TRS). We next turn to constructing such #AMSs and using them in various governance scenarios---e.g., single vs. multiple vote per voter. To this direction, we observe that although the definition of TRS does not imply #AMS, one can compile some of the existing TRS constructions into #AMS. This raises the question: What is the TRS structure that allows such a compilation? To answer the above, we devise templates for TRSs. Our templates encapsulate and abstract the structure that allows for the above compilation---most of the TRS schemes that can be compiled into #AMS are, in fact, instantiations of our template. This abstraction makes our template generic for instantiating TRSs and #AMSs from different cryptographic assumptions (e.g., DDH, LWE, etc). One of our templates is based on chameleon hashing and we explore a framework of lossy chameleon hashes to fully understand its nature. Finally, we turn to how #AMS schemes can be used in our applications. We provide fast (in some cases non-interactive) #AMS-based blockchain governance mechanisms for a wide spectrum of assumptions on the honesty (semi-honest vs malicious) and availability of voters and proposers

    Code-based Identification and Signature Schemes

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    In an age of explosive growth of digital communications and electronic data storage, cryptography plays an integral role in our society. Some examples of daily use of cryptography are software updates, e-banking, electronic commerce, ATM cards, etc. The security of most currently used cryptosystems relies on the hardness of the factorization and discrete logarithm problems. However, in 1994 Peter Shor discovered polynomial-time algorithms for prime factorization and discrete logarithms on a quantum computer. Therefore, it is of extreme importance to develop cryptosystems that remain secure even when the adversary has access to a quantum computer; such systems are called post-quantum cryptosystems. One promising candidate is based on codes; in this thesis we focus more specifically on code-based identification and signature schemes. Public key identification schemes are typically applied in cryptography to reach the goal of entity authentication. Their applications include authentication and access control services such as remote login, credit card purchases and many others. One of the most well-known systems of this kind is the zero-knowledge identification scheme introduced in Crypto 1993 by Stern. It is very fast compared to schemes based on number-theoretic problems since it involves only simple and efficiently executable operations. However, its main drawbacks are the high communication complexity and the large public key size, that makes it impractical for many applications. Our first contribution addresses these drawbacks by taking a step towards reducing communication complexity and public key size simultaneously. To this end, we propose a novel zero-knowledge five-pass identification scheme which improves on Stern's scheme. It reduces the communication complexity by a factor of 25 % compared to Stern's one. Moreover, we obtain a public key of size of 4 KB, whereas Stern's scheme requires 15 KB for the same level of security. To the best of our knowledge, there is no code-based identification scheme with better performance than our proposal using random codes. Our second contribution consists of extending one of the most important paradigms in cryptography, namely the one by Fiat and Shamir. In doing so, we enlarge the class of identification schemes to which the Fiat-Shamir transform can be applied. Additionally, we put forward a generic methodology for proving the security of signature schemes derived from this class of identification schemes. We exemplify our extended paradigm and derive a provably secure signature scheme based on our proposed five-pass identification scheme. In order to contribute to the development of post-quantum schemes with additional features, we present an improved code-based threshold ring signature scheme using our two previous results. Our proposal has a shorter signature length and a smaller public-key size compared to Aguilar et al.'s scheme, which is the reference in this area