1,289 research outputs found

    Large scale semi-automatic detection of forest roads from low density LiDAR data on steep terrain in Northern Spain

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    [EN] While forest roads are important to forest managers in terms of facilitating the exploitation of wood and timber, their role is far more multifunctional. They permit access to emergency services in the case of forest fires as well as acting as fire breaks, enhance biodiversity, and provide access to the public to enjoy recreational activities. Detailed maps of forest roads are an essential tool for better and more timely forest management and automatic/semi-auto-matic tools allow not only the creation of forest road databases, but also enable these to be updated. In Spain, LiDAR data for the entire national territory is freely available, and the capture of higher density data is planned in the next few years. As such, the development of a forest road detection methodology based on LiDAR data would allow maps of all forest roads to be developed and regularly updated. The general objective of this work was to establish a low density LiDAR data-based methodology for the semi-automatic detection of the centerline of forest roads on steep terrain with various types of canopy cover. Intensity and slope images were generated using the currently available LiDAR data of the study area (0.5 points m-2). Two image classification approaches were evaluated: pixel-based and object-oriented classification (OBIA). The LiDAR-derived centerlines obtained with the two approaches were compared with the real centerlines which had previously been digitized in the field. The road width, type of surface and type of vegetation cover were also recorded. The effectiveness of the two approaches was evaluated through three quality indicators: correctness, completeness and quality. In addition, the accuracy of the LiDAR-derived centerlines was also evaluated by combining GIS analysis and statistical methods. The pixel-based approach obtained higher values than OBIA for two of the three quality measures (correctness: 93% compared to 90%; and quality: 60% compared to 56%) as well as in terms of positional accuracy (± 5.5 m vs. ± 6.8 for OBIA). The results obtained in this study demonstrate that producing road maps is among the most valuable and easily attainable products of LiDAR data analysis.SIThis study was funded by the SCALyFOR project (R&D Projects “Research Challenges”, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes

    Correction, update, and enhancement of vectorial forestry road maps using ALS data, a pathfinder, and seven metrics

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    Accurate information about forestry roads is a key aspect of forest management in terms of economy (e.g. accessibility, cost, optimal path) and ecology (e.g. wildfire and wildlife protection). In Canada, and in fact, globally, most provincial, state or territory governments maintain vectorial information on the forestry roads under their jurisdiction. However, official maps are not always accurate, may lack road attributes of interest and are not always up-to-date. Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) has become an established technology to accurately characterize and map broad territories by providing high density 3D point-clouds with, at least, 3 or 4 measurements per square meter. This paper addresses the problem of the automatic updating, fixing, and enhancement of vectorial forestry road maps over large landscapes (¿10000 km2). For this purpose, we developed a production ready, documented and open-source software. From metrics derived from the point-cloud the method produces a raster of road probability. It then uses an existing, inaccurate, map of the road network to define approximate start and end points for each road. Then, a pathfinder retrieves the accurate road shape by computing the least cost path between the two points on the probability raster. Using the accurate road position given by the algorithm, road width and road state are then estimated based the on characteristics of the point-cloud. We demonstrate that our algorithm retrieves the centrelines of roads in a natively vectorial form with an error below 3 m in 95% of the roads using a fully automatic method. The accuracy of the road location allows us to derive other accurate measurements, including the state of the roads

    Risk information services for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in the Caribbean : operational documentation

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    The primary objective of this ESA project is to raise awareness within the World Bank (WB) of the capabilities of Earth Observation (EO) data and specialist service providers to supply information customised to the specific needs of individual projects. This project was set up within the ESA/WB eoworld initiative to contribute to the WB Caribbean Risk Information Program that is operating under a grant from the ACP-EU Natural Risk Reduction Program. The Caribbean is heavily affected by natural (and geo-) hazards with over 5 billion USinlossesinthelast20years(source:CREDdatabase).Figure1illustratesthedivisionofnaturaldisasterbyoccurrenceintheregionoverthelast30years,providinganinsightintotheimpactintheregionoverasignificanttimeperiod.Aspecificexampleoftheenvironmental,social,economicandpoliticalissuesthattheprojectisaddressingishighlightedbytheeffectsofHurricaneTomasonStLuciainOctober2010.Thehurricaneresultedinsevendeathswith5952peopleseverelyaffected,whilethecostofthedamagewasestimatedatUS in losses in the last 20 years (source: CRED database). Figure 1 illustrates the division of natural disaster by occurrence in the region over the last 30 years, providing an insight into the impact in the region over a significant time period. A specific example of the environmental, social, economic and political issues that the project is addressing is highlighted by the effects of Hurricane Tomas on St Lucia in October 2010. The hurricane resulted in seven deaths with 5952 people severely affected, while the cost of the damage was estimated at US336.2 million, representing 43.4% of GDP (ECLAC, 2011). Understanding and mitigating these “geo-environmental disasters” (as they are termed in ECLAC, 2011) is a primary concern in the region

    Use of multiple LIDAR-derived digital terrain indices and machine learning for high-resolution national-scale soil moisture mapping of the Swedish forest landscape

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    Spatially extensive high-resolution soil moisture mapping is valuable in practical forestry and land management, but challenging. Here we present a novel technique involving use of LIDAR-derived terrain indices and machine learning (ML) algorithms capable of accurately modeling soil moisture at 2 m spatial resolution across the entire Swedish forest landscape. We used field data from about 20,000 sites across Sweden to train and evaluate multiple ML models. The predictor features (variables) included a suite of terrain indices generated from a national LIDAR digital elevation model and ancillary environmental features, including surficial geology, climate and land use, enabling adjustment of soil moisture class maps to regional or local conditions. Extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) provided better performance for a 2-class model, manifested by Cohen's Kappa and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) values of 0.69 and 0.68, respectively, than the other tested ML methods: Artificial Neural Network, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and Naive Bayes classification. The depth to water index, topographic wetness index, and `wetland' categorization derived from Swedish property maps were the most important predictors for all models. The presented technique enabled generation of a 3-class model with Cohen's Kappa and MCC values of 0.58. In addition to the classified moisture maps, we investigated the technique's potential for producing continuous soil moisture maps. We argue that the probability of a pixel being classified as wet from a 2-class model can be used as a 0-100% index (dry to wet) of soil moisture, and the resulting maps could provide more valuable information for practical forest management than classified maps

    Foraging Ecology of Mountain Lions in the Sierra National Forest, California

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    Studies of predator-prey and predator-predator interactions are needed to provide information for decision-making processes in land management agencies. Mountain lions (Puma concolor) are opportunistic carnivores that prey on a wide variety of species. In the Sierra National Forest, CA, they have not been studied since 1987 and their current interactions with their prey and other predators are unknown. Forest managers in this region are concerned with declines of fishers (Pekania pennanti) and studies have shown intraguild predation to be a leading cause of fisher mortality in this area. Managers are interested in learning more about mountain lion predation patterns with regard to prey preference, but also how lions traverse and use the landscape and how anthropogenic activities may be increasing lion predation risk on fishers. Using GPS radio-collar technology, we examined mountain lion kill rates and prey composition at 250 kill sites. We found mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) to be their main source of prey (81%) with gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) comprising 13.2% of prey composition. We did not detect any fisher predation during our 2-year study; however, during our study, the Kings River Fisher Project experienced extremely low juvenile fisher survival. To gain a better understanding of seasonal resource selection by mountain lions, we developed resource selection functions (RSF) while they were moving through the landscape and when killing prey. We developed RSF models for all data across the study area, as well as, for a subset of data encompassing an area where LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data had been collected. Within the LiDAR study area, we digitized unmapped roads and skid trails using a Bare Earth data set. We found mountain lion ‘moving’ locations showed selection for close proximity to streams during summer months and selection for ruggedness and steeper slopes during both summer and winter. With 3 of the 4 RSF models at kill sites showing high risk of predation within close proximity to either digitized roads/skid trails or mapped roads, we recommend managers map all anthropogenically created linear landscape features and consider restoring these linear features to pre-treatment landscape conditions following timber harvest

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWith increasing wildfire activity throughout the western United States comes an increased need for wildland firefighters to protect civilians, structures, and public resources. In order to mitigate threats to their safety, firefighters employ the use of safety zones (SZ: areas where firefighters are free from harm) and escape routes (ER: pathways for accessing SZ). Currently, SZ and ER are designated by firefighters based on ground-level information, the interpretation of which can be error-prone. This research aims to provide robust methods to assist in the ER and SZ evaluation processes, using remote sensing and geospatial modeling. In particular, I investigate the degree to which lidar can be used to characterize the landscape conditions that directly affect SZ and ER quality. I present a new metric and lidar-based algorithm for evaluating SZ based on zone geometry, surrounding vegetation height, and number of firefighters present. The resulting map contains a depiction of potential SZ throughout Tahoe National Forest, each of which has a value that indicates its wind- and slope-dependent suitability. I then inquire into the effects of three landscape conditions on travel rates for the purpose of developing a geospatial ER optimization model. I compare experimentally-derived travel rates to lidar-derived estimates of slope, vegetation density, and ground surface roughness, finding that vegetation density had the strongest negative effect. Relative travel impedances are then mapped throughout Levan Wildlife Management Area and combined with a route-finding algorithm, enabling the identification of maximally-efficient escape routes between any two known locations. Lastly, I explore a number of variables that can affect the accurate characterization of understory vegetation density, finding lidar pulse density, overstory vegetation density, and canopy height all had significant effects. In addition, I compare two widely-used metrics for understory density estimation, overall relative point density and normalized relative point density, finding that the latter possessed far superior predictive power. This research provides novel insight into the potential use of lidar in wildland firefighter safety planning. There are a number of constraints to widespread implementation, some of which are temporary, such as the current lack of nationwide lidar data, and some of which require continued study, such as refining our ability to characterize understory vegetation conditions. However, this research is an important step forward in a direction that has potential to greatly improve the safety of those who put themselves at risk to ensure the safety of life and property

    Remote Sensing for Monitoring the Mountaintop Mining Landscape: Applications for Land Cover Mapping at the Individual Mine Complex Scale

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    The aim of this dissertation was to investigate the potential for mapping land cover associated with mountaintop mining in Southern West Virginia using high spatial resolution aerial- and satellite-based multispectral imagery, as well as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) elevation data and terrain derivatives. The following research themes were explored: comparing aerial- and satellite-based imagery, combining data sets of multiple dates and types, incorporating measures of texture, using nonparametric, machine learning classification algorithms, and employing a geographical object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) framework. This research is presented as four interrelated manuscripts.;In a comparison of aerial National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) orthophotography and satellite-based RapidEye data, the aerial imagery was found to provide statistically less accurate classifications of land cover. These lower accuracies are most likely due to inconsistent viewing geometry and radiometric normalization associated with the aerial imagery. Nevertheless, NAIP orthophotography has many characteristics that make it useful for surface mine mapping and monitoring, including its availability for multiple years, a general lack of cloud cover, contiguous coverage of large areas, ease of availability, and low cost. The lower accuracies of the NAIP classifications were somewhat remediated by decreasing the spatial resolution and reducing the number of classes mapped.;Combining LiDAR with multispectral imagery statistically improved the classification of mining and mine reclamation land cover in comparison to only using multispectral data for both pixel-based and GEOBIA classification. This suggests that the reduced spectral resolution of high spatial resolution data can be combated by incorporating data from another sensor.;Generally, the support vector machines (SVM) algorithm provided higher classification accuracies in comparison to random forests (RF) and boosted classification and regression trees (CART) for both pixel-based and GEOBIA classification. It also outperformed k-nearest neighbor, the algorithm commonly used for GEOBIA classification. However, optimizing user-defined parameters for the SVM algorithm tends to be more complex in comparison to the other algorithms. In particular, RF has fewer parameters, and the program seems robust regarding the parameter settings. RF also offers measures to assess model performance, such as estimates of variable importance and overall accuracy.;Textural measures were found to be of marginal value for pixel-based classification. For GEOBIA, neither measures of texture nor object-specific geometry improved the classification accuracy. Notably, the incorporation of additional information from LiDAR provided a greater improvement in classification accuracy then deriving complex textural and geometric measures.;Pre- and post-mining terrain data classified using GEOBIA and machine learning algorithms resulted in significantly more accurate differentiation of mine-reclaimed and non-mining grasslands than was possible with spectral data. The combination of pre- and post-mining terrain data or just pre-mining data generally outperformed post-mining data. Elevation change data were shown to be of particular value, as were terrain shape parameters. GEOBIA was a valuable tool for combining data collected using different sensors and gridded at variable cell sizes, and machine learning algorithms were particularly useful for incorporating the ancillary data derived from the digital elevation models (DEMs), since these most likely would not have met the basic assumptions of multivariate normality required for parametric classifiers.;Collectively, this research suggests that high spatial resolution remotely sensed data are valuable for mapping and monitoring surface mining and mine reclamation, especially when elevation and spectral data are combined. Machine learning algorithms and GEOBIA are useful for integrating such diverse data