136 research outputs found

    Scene-based imperceptible-visible watermarking for HDR video content

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    This paper presents the High Dynamic Range - Imperceptible Visible Watermarking for HDR video content (HDR-IVW-V) based on scene detection for robust copyright protection of HDR videos using a visually imperceptible watermarking methodology. HDR-IVW-V employs scene detection to reduce both computational complexity and undesired visual attention to watermarked regions. Visual imperceptibility is achieved by finding the region of a frame with the highest hiding capacities on which the Human Visual System (HVS) cannot recognize the embedded watermark. The embedded watermark remains visually imperceptible as long as the normal color calibration parameters are held. HDR-IVW-V is evaluated on PQ-encoded HDR video content successfully attaining visual imperceptibility, robustness to tone mapping operations and image quality preservation

    Content Authentication for Neural Imaging Pipelines: End-to-end Optimization of Photo Provenance in Complex Distribution Channels

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    Forensic analysis of digital photo provenance relies on intrinsic traces left in the photograph at the time of its acquisition. Such analysis becomes unreliable after heavy post-processing, such as down-sampling and re-compression applied upon distribution in the Web. This paper explores end-to-end optimization of the entire image acquisition and distribution workflow to facilitate reliable forensic analysis at the end of the distribution channel. We demonstrate that neural imaging pipelines can be trained to replace the internals of digital cameras, and jointly optimized for high-fidelity photo development and reliable provenance analysis. In our experiments, the proposed approach increased image manipulation detection accuracy from 45% to over 90%. The findings encourage further research towards building more reliable imaging pipelines with explicit provenance-guaranteeing properties.Comment: Camera ready + supplement, CVPR'1

    High dynamic range imaging for face matching

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    Human facial recognition in the context of surveillance, forensics and photo-ID verification is a task for which accuracy is critical. In most cases, this involves unfamiliar face recognition whereby the observer has had very short or no exposure at all to the faces being identified. In such cases, recognition performance is very poor: changes in appearance, limitations in the overall quality of images - illumination in particular - reduces individuals’ ability in taking decisions regarding a person’s identity. High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging permits handling of real-world lighting with higher accuracy than the traditional low (or standard) dynamic range (LDR) imaging. The intrinsic benefits provided by HDR make it the ideal candidate to verify whether this technology can improve individuals’ performance in face matching, especially in challenging lighting conditions. This thesis compares HDR imaging against LDR imaging in an unfamiliar face matching task. A radiometrically calibrated HDR face dataset with five different lighting conditions is created. Subsequently, this dataset is used in controlled experiments to measure performance (i.e. reaction times and accuracy) of human participants when identifying faces in HDR. Experiment 1: HDRvsLDR (N = 39) compared participants’ performance when using HDR vs LDR stimuli created using the two full pipelines. The findings from this experiment suggest that HDR (µ =90.08%) can significantly (p< 0.01) improve face matching accuracy over LDR (µ =83.38%) and significantly (p<0.05) reduce reaction times (HDR 3.06s and LDR 3.31s). Experiment 2: Backwards-Compatibility HDR (N = 39) compared par ticipants’ performance when the LDR pipeline is upgraded by adding HDR imaging in the capture or in the display stage. The results show that adopt xi ing HDR imaging in the capture stage, even if the stimuli are subsequently tone-mapped and displayed on an LDR screen, allows higher accuracy (capture stage: µ =85.11% and display stage: µ =80.70%), (p<0.01) and faster reaction times (capture stage: µ =3.06s and display stage: µ =3.25s), (p< 0.05) than when native LDR images are retargeted to be displayed on an HDR display. In Experiment 3: the data collected from previous experiments was used to perform further analysis (N = 78) on all stages of the HDR pipeline simultaneously. The results show that the adoption of the full-HDR pipeline as opposed to a backwards-compatible one is advisable if the best values of accuracy are to be achieved (5.84% increase compared to the second best outcome, p<0.01). This work demonstrates scope for improvement in the accuracy of face matching tasks by realistic image reproduction and delivery through the adoption of HDR imaging techniques

    High-fidelity imaging : the computational models of the human visual system in high dynamic range video compression, visible difference prediction and image processing

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    As new displays and cameras offer enhanced color capabilities, there is a need to extend the precision of digital content. High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging encodes images and video with higher than normal bit-depth precision, enabling representation of the complete color gamut and the full visible range of luminance. This thesis addresses three problems of HDR imaging: the measurement of visible distortions in HDR images, lossy compression for HDR video, and artifact-free image processing. To measure distortions in HDR images, we develop a visual difference predictor for HDR images that is based on a computational model of the human visual system. To address the problem of HDR image encoding and compression, we derive a perceptually motivated color space for HDR pixels that can efficiently encode all perceivable colors and distinguishable shades of brightness. We use the derived color space to extend the MPEG-4 video compression standard for encoding HDR movie sequences. We also propose a backward-compatible HDR MPEG compression algorithm that encodes both a low-dynamic range and an HDR video sequence into a single MPEG stream. Finally, we propose a framework for image processing in the contrast domain. The framework transforms an image into multi-resolution physical contrast images (maps), which are then rescaled in just-noticeable-difference (JND) units. The application of the framework is demonstrated with a contrast-enhancing tone mapping and a color to gray conversion that preserves color saliency.Aktuelle Innovationen in der Farbverarbeitung bei Bildschirmen und Kameras erzwingen eine Präzisionserweiterung bei digitalen Medien. High Dynamic Range (HDR) kodieren Bilder und Video mit einer grösseren Bittiefe pro Pixel, und ermöglichen damit die Darstellung des kompletten Farbraums und aller sichtbaren Helligkeitswerte. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf drei Probleme in der HDR-Verarbeitung: Messung von für den Menschen störenden Fehlern in HDR-Bildern, verlustbehaftete Kompression von HDR-Video, und visuell verlustfreie HDR-Bildverarbeitung. Die Messung von HDR-Bildfehlern geschieht mittels einer Vorhersage von sichtbaren Unterschieden zweier HDR-Bilder. Die Vorhersage basiert dabei auf einer Modellierung der menschlichen Sehens. Wir addressieren die Kompression und Kodierung von HDR-Bildern mit der Ableitung eines perzeptuellen Farbraums für HDR-Pixel, der alle wahrnehmbaren Farben und deren unterscheidbaren Helligkeitsnuancen effizient abbildet. Danach verwenden wir diesen Farbraum für die Erweiterung des MPEG-4 Videokompressionsstandards, welcher sich hinfort auch für die Kodierung von HDR-Videosequenzen eignet. Wir unterbreiten weiters eine rückwärts-kompatible MPEG-Kompression von HDR-Material, welche die übliche YUV-Bildsequenz zusammen mit dessen HDRVersion in einen gemeinsamen MPEG-Strom bettet. Abschliessend erklären wir unser Framework zur Bildverarbeitung in der Kontrastdomäne. Das Framework transformiert Bilder in mehrere physikalische Kontrastauflösungen, um sie danach in Einheiten von just-noticeable-difference (JND, noch erkennbarem Unterschied) zu reskalieren. Wir demonstrieren den Nutzen dieses Frameworks anhand von einem kontrastverstärkenden Tone Mapping-Verfahren und einer Graukonvertierung, die die urspr ünglichen Farbkontraste bestmöglich beibehält

    Real-time Illumination and Visual Coherence for Photorealistic Augmented/Mixed Reality

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    A realistically inserted virtual object in the real-time physical environment is a desirable feature in augmented reality (AR) applications and mixed reality (MR) in general. This problem is considered a vital research area in computer graphics, a field that is experiencing ongoing discovery. The algorithms and methods used to obtain dynamic and real-time illumination measurement, estimating, and rendering of augmented reality scenes are utilized in many applications to achieve a realistic perception by humans. We cannot deny the powerful impact of the continuous development of computer vision and machine learning techniques accompanied by the original computer graphics and image processing methods to provide a significant range of novel AR/MR techniques. These techniques include methods for light source acquisition through image-based lighting or sampling, registering and estimating the lighting conditions, and composition of global illumination. In this review, we discussed the pipeline stages with the details elaborated about the methods and techniques that contributed to the development of providing a photo-realistic rendering, visual coherence, and interactive real-time illumination results in AR/MR

    Multimedia Forensics

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    This book is open access. Media forensics has never been more relevant to societal life. Not only media content represents an ever-increasing share of the data traveling on the net and the preferred communications means for most users, it has also become integral part of most innovative applications in the digital information ecosystem that serves various sectors of society, from the entertainment, to journalism, to politics. Undoubtedly, the advances in deep learning and computational imaging contributed significantly to this outcome. The underlying technologies that drive this trend, however, also pose a profound challenge in establishing trust in what we see, hear, and read, and make media content the preferred target of malicious attacks. In this new threat landscape powered by innovative imaging technologies and sophisticated tools, based on autoencoders and generative adversarial networks, this book fills an important gap. It presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art forensics capabilities that relate to media attribution, integrity and authenticity verification, and counter forensics. Its content is developed to provide practitioners, researchers, photo and video enthusiasts, and students a holistic view of the field

    Documenting bloodstain patterns concealed beneath architectural paint layers using multi-spectral forensic photography techniques

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    xvii, 678 leaves : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 29 cmIncludes abstract and appendices.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 174-185).The development of forensic photography techniques can aid agencies in the documentation of information regarding crime scene cleanup. This study compared reflective infrared, reflective ultraviolet, and fluorescence photography in the documentation of bloodstain patterns that had been concealed beneath layers of architectural paint. High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography, as well as a chemical analysis of all four paint types using Raman, Fibre Optic Reflectance, and Attenuated Total Internal Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy was performed. The photography results for reflective infrared were negative; reflective ultraviolet for two of the four paint types were positive. Fluorescence photography had the most definitive visual information for the two white paints but were concluded negative for black and maroon. HDR was concluded to be negative for reflective infrared and reflective ultraviolet; however, results for fluorescence were positive. Finally, spectroscopy results supported visual information as well as providing spectral data relevant for understanding specific chemical observations

    Learning geometric and lighting priors from natural images

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    Comprendre les images est d’une importance cruciale pour une pléthore de tâches, de la composition numérique au ré-éclairage d’une image, en passant par la reconstruction 3D d’objets. Ces tâches permettent aux artistes visuels de réaliser des chef-d’oeuvres ou d’aider des opérateurs à prendre des décisions de façon sécuritaire en fonction de stimulis visuels. Pour beaucoup de ces tâches, les modèles physiques et géométriques que la communauté scientifique a développés donnent lieu à des problèmes mal posés possédant plusieurs solutions, dont généralement une seule est raisonnable. Pour résoudre ces indéterminations, le raisonnement sur le contexte visuel et sémantique d’une scène est habituellement relayé à un artiste ou un expert qui emploie son expérience pour réaliser son travail. Ceci est dû au fait qu’il est généralement nécessaire de raisonner sur la scène de façon globale afin d’obtenir des résultats plausibles et appréciables. Serait-il possible de modéliser l’expérience à partir de données visuelles et d’automatiser en partie ou en totalité ces tâches ? Le sujet de cette thèse est celui-ci : la modélisation d’a priori par apprentissage automatique profond pour permettre la résolution de problèmes typiquement mal posés. Plus spécifiquement, nous couvrirons trois axes de recherche, soient : 1) la reconstruction de surface par photométrie, 2) l’estimation d’illumination extérieure à partir d’une seule image et 3) l’estimation de calibration de caméra à partir d’une seule image avec un contenu générique. Ces trois sujets seront abordés avec une perspective axée sur les données. Chacun de ces axes comporte des analyses de performance approfondies et, malgré la réputation d’opacité des algorithmes d’apprentissage machine profonds, nous proposons des études sur les indices visuels captés par nos méthodes.Understanding images is needed for a plethora of tasks, from compositing to image relighting, including 3D object reconstruction. These tasks allow artists to realize masterpieces or help operators to safely make decisions based on visual stimuli. For many of these tasks, the physical and geometric models that the scientific community has developed give rise to ill-posed problems with several solutions, only one of which is generally reasonable. To resolve these indeterminations, the reasoning about the visual and semantic context of a scene is usually relayed to an artist or an expert who uses his experience to carry out his work. This is because humans are able to reason globally on the scene in order to obtain plausible and appreciable results. Would it be possible to model this experience from visual data and partly or totally automate tasks? This is the topic of this thesis: modeling priors using deep machine learning to solve typically ill-posed problems. More specifically, we will cover three research axes: 1) surface reconstruction using photometric cues, 2) outdoor illumination estimation from a single image and 3) camera calibration estimation from a single image with generic content. These three topics will be addressed from a data-driven perspective. Each of these axes includes in-depth performance analyses and, despite the reputation of opacity of deep machine learning algorithms, we offer studies on the visual cues captured by our methods
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