13,232 research outputs found

    A Novel Distributed Representation of News (DRNews) for Stock Market Predictions

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    In this study, a novel Distributed Representation of News (DRNews) model is developed and applied in deep learning-based stock market predictions. With the merit of integrating contextual information and cross-documental knowledge, the DRNews model creates news vectors that describe both the semantic information and potential linkages among news events through an attributed news network. Two stock market prediction tasks, namely the short-term stock movement prediction and stock crises early warning, are implemented in the framework of the attention-based Long Short Term-Memory (LSTM) network. It is suggested that DRNews substantially enhances the results of both tasks comparing with five baselines of news embedding models. Further, the attention mechanism suggests that short-term stock trend and stock market crises both receive influences from daily news with the former demonstrates more critical responses on the information related to the stock market {\em per se}, whilst the latter draws more concerns on the banking sector and economic policies.Comment: 25 page

    Housing Market Crash Prediction Using Machine Learning and Historical Data

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    The 2008 housing crisis was caused by faulty banking policies and the use of credit derivatives of mortgages for investment purposes. In this project, we look into datasets that are the markers to a typical housing crisis. Using those data sets we build three machine learning techniques which are, Linear regression, Hidden Markov Model, and Long Short-Term Memory. After building the model we did a comparative study to show the prediction done by each model. The linear regression model did not predict a housing crisis, instead, it showed that house prices would be rising steadily and the R-squared score of the model is 0.76. The Hidden Markov Model predicted a fall in the house prices and the R-squared score for this model is 0.706. Lastly, the Long Short-Term Memory showed that the house price would fall briefly but would stabilize after that. Also, fall is not as sharp as what was predicted by the HMM model. The R- squared scored for this model is 0.9, which is the highest among all other models. Although the R-squared score doesn’t say how accurate a model it definitely says how closely a model fits the data. From our model R-square score the model that best fits the data was LSTM. As the dataset used in all the models are the same therefore it is safe to say the prediction made by LSTM is better than the other ones

    Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Finance: A literature review

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    In the 2020s, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been increasingly becoming a dominant technology, and thanks to new computer technologies, Machine Learning (ML) has also experienced remarkable growth in recent years; however, Artificial Intelligence (AI) needs notable data scientist and engineers’ innovation to evolve. Hence, in this paper, we aim to infer the intellectual development of AI and ML in finance research, adopting a scoping review combined with an embedded review to pursue and scrutinize the services of these concepts. For a technical literature review, we goose-step the five stages of the scoping review methodology along with Donthu et al.’s (2021) bibliometric review method. This article highlights the trends in AI and ML applications (from 1989 to 2022) in the financial field of both developed and emerging countries. The main purpose is to emphasize the minutiae of several types of research that elucidate the employment of AI and ML in finance. The findings of our study are summarized and developed into seven fields: (1) Portfolio Management and Robo-Advisory, (2) Risk Management and Financial Distress (3), Financial Fraud Detection and Anti-money laundering, (4) Sentiment Analysis and Investor Behaviour, (5) Algorithmic Stock Market Prediction and High-frequency Trading, (6) Data Protection and Cybersecurity, (7) Big Data Analytics, Blockchain, FinTech. Further, we demonstrate in each field, how research in AI and ML enhances the current financial sector, as well as their contribution in terms of possibilities and solutions for myriad financial institutions and organizations. We conclude with a global map review of 110 documents per the seven fields of AI and ML application.   Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Finance, Scoping review, Casablanca Exchange Market. JEL Classification: C80 Paper type: Theoretical ResearchIn the 2020s, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been increasingly becoming a dominant technology, and thanks to new computer technologies, Machine Learning (ML) has also experienced remarkable growth in recent years; however, Artificial Intelligence (AI) needs notable data scientist and engineers’ innovation to evolve. Hence, in this paper, we aim to infer the intellectual development of AI and ML in finance research, adopting a scoping review combined with an embedded review to pursue and scrutinize the services of these concepts. For a technical literature review, we goose-step the five stages of the scoping review methodology along with Donthu et al.’s (2021) bibliometric review method. This article highlights the trends in AI and ML applications (from 1989 to 2022) in the financial field of both developed and emerging countries. The main purpose is to emphasize the minutiae of several types of research that elucidate the employment of AI and ML in finance. The findings of our study are summarized and developed into seven fields: (1) Portfolio Management and Robo-Advisory, (2) Risk Management and Financial Distress (3), Financial Fraud Detection and Anti-money laundering, (4) Sentiment Analysis and Investor Behaviour, (5) Algorithmic Stock Market Prediction and High-frequency Trading, (6) Data Protection and Cybersecurity, (7) Big Data Analytics, Blockchain, FinTech. Further, we demonstrate in each field, how research in AI and ML enhances the current financial sector, as well as their contribution in terms of possibilities and solutions for myriad financial institutions and organizations. We conclude with a global map review of 110 documents per the seven fields of AI and ML application.   Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Finance, Scoping review, Casablanca Exchange Market. JEL Classification: C80 Paper type: Theoretical Researc

    Predicting Financial Distress Within Indian Enterprises: A Comparative Study on the Neuro-Fuzzy Models and the Traditional Models of Bankruptcy Prediction

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    The financial distresses is of major importance in the financial management system particularly in the case of this competitive environs. There are several traditional methods existing for predicting the financial distress within the country. Major factors influencing the financial distress is the stock market, credit risk and so on. Hence there is a need of models which could make dynamic predictions with the use of dynamic variables. There are several machine learning and artificial intelligence-based bankruptcy prediction models available. The neural network concepts and the computational intelligence-based methods are highly acceptable in the prediction arena. This research presents a comprehensive review of the existing prediction approaches and suggests future research directions and ideas. Some of the existing methods are support vector machines, artificial neural network, multi-layer perceptron, and the linear models such as principal component analysis. Neuro-fuzzy approaches, Deep belief neural networks, Convolution neural networks are also discussed
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