165,025 research outputs found

    A new particle swarm optimization algorithm for neural network optimization

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    This paper presents a new particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for tuning parameters (weights) of neural networks. The new PSO algorithm is called fuzzy logic-based particle swarm optimization with cross-mutated operation (FPSOCM), where the fuzzy inference system is applied to determine the inertia weight of PSO and the control parameter of the proposed cross-mutated operation by using human knowledge. By introducing the fuzzy system, the value of the inertia weight becomes variable. The cross-mutated operation is effectively force the solution to escape the local optimum. Tuning parameters (weights) of neural networks is presented using the FPSOCM. Numerical example of neural network is given to illustrate that the performance of the FPSOCM is good for tuning the parameters (weights) of neural networks

    Force Sensorless Admittance Control for Teleoperation of Uncertain Robot Manipulator Using Neural Networks

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    In this paper, a force sensorless control scheme based on neural networks (NNs) is developed for interaction between robot manipulators and human arms in physical collision. In this scheme, the trajectory is generated by using geometry vector method with Kinect sensor. To comply with the external torque from the environment, this paper presents a sensorless admittance control approach in joint space based on an observer approach, which is used to estimate external torques applied by the operator. To deal with the tracking problem of the uncertain manipulator, an adaptive controller combined with the radial basis function NN (RBFNN) is designed. The RBFNN is used to compensate for uncertainties in the system. In order to achieve the prescribed tracking precision, an error transformation algorithm is integrated into the controller. The Lyapunov functions are used to analyze the stability of the control system. The experiments on the Baxter robot are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed control scheme

    On-line learning applied to spiking neural network for antilock braking systems

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    Computationally replicating the behaviour of the cerebral cortex to perform the control tasks of daily life in a human being is a challenge today. First, … Finally, a suitable learning model that allows adapting neural network response to changing conditions in the environment is also required. Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) are currently the closest approximation to biological neural networks. SNNs make use of temporal spike trains to deal with inputs and outputs, thus allowing a faster and more complex computation. In this paper, a controller based on an SNN is proposed to perform the control of an anti-lock braking system (ABS) in vehicles. To this end, two neural networks are used to regulate the braking force. The first one is devoted to estimating the optimal slip while the second one is in charge of setting the optimal braking pressure. The latter resembles biological reflex arcs to ensure stability during operation. This neural structure is used to control the fast regulation cycles that occur during ABS operation. Furthermore, an algorithm has been developed to train the network while driving. On-line learning is proposed to update the response of the controller. Hence, to cope with real conditions, a control algorithm based on neural networks that learn by making use of neural plasticity, similar to what occurs in biological systems, has been implemented. Neural connections are modulated using Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP) by means of a supervised learning structure using the slip error as input. Road-type detection has been included in the same neural structure. To validate and to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, simulations as well as experiments in a real vehicle were carried out. The algorithm proved to be able to adapt to changes in adhesion conditions rapidly. This way, the capability of spiking neural networks to perform the full control logic of the ABS has been verified.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA This work was partly supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant PID2019-105572RB-I00, partly by the Regional Government of Andalusia under grant UMA18-FEDERJA-109, and partly by the University of Malaga as well as the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and its initiative, TRENoP

    Neural-learning-based force sensorless admittance control for robots with input deadzone

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    This paper presents a neural networks based admittance control scheme for robotic manipulators when interacting with the unknown environment in the presence of the actuator deadzone without needing force sensing. A compliant behaviour of robotic manipulators in response to external torques from the unknown environment is achieved by admittance control. Inspired by broad learning system (BLS), a flatted neural network structure using Radial Basis Function (RBF) with incremental learning algorithm is proposed to estimate the external torque, which can avoid retraining process if the system is modelled insufficiently. To deal with uncertainties in the robot system, an adaptive neural controller with dynamic learning framework is developed to ensure the tracking performance. Experiments on the Baxter robot have been implemented to test the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Populations of spiking neurons for reservoir computing : closed loop control of a compliant quadruped

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    Compliant robots can be more versatile than traditional robots, but their control is more complex. The dynamics of compliant bodies can however be turned into an advantage using the physical reservoir computing frame- work. By feeding sensor signals to the reservoir and extracting motor signals from the reservoir, closed loop robot control is possible. Here, we present a novel framework for implementing central pattern generators with spik- ing neural networks to obtain closed loop robot control. Using the FORCE learning paradigm, we train a reservoir of spiking neuron populations to act as a central pattern generator. We demonstrate the learning of predefined gait patterns, speed control and gait transition on a simulated model of a compliant quadrupedal robot

    An Intelligent System Approach to the Dynamic Hybrid Robot Control

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    The objective of this study was to solve the robot dynamic hybrid control problem using intelligent computational processes. In the course of problem- solving, biologically inspired models were used. This was because a robot can be seen as a physical intelligent system which interacts with the real world environment by means of its sensors and actuators. In the robot hybrid control method the neural networks, fuzzy logics and randomization strategies were used. To derive a complete intelligent state-of-the-art hybrid control system, several experiments were conducted in the study. Firstly an algorithm was formulated that can estimate the attracting basin boundary for a stable equilibrium point of a robot's kinematic nonlinear system. From this point the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) based solution approach was verified for the inverse kinematics solution. Secondly, for the intelligent trajectory generation approach, the segmented tree neural networks for each link (inverse kinematics solution) and the randomness with fuzziness (coping the unstructured environment from the cost function) were used. A one-pass smoothing algorithm was used to generate a practical smooth trajectory path in near real time. Finally, for the hybrid control system the task was decomposed into several individual intelligent control agents, where the task space was split into the position-controlled subspaces, the force-controlled subspaces and the uncertain hyper plane identification subspaces. The problem was considered as a blind-tracking task by a human

    Neural Network Learning of Robot Arm Impedance in Operational Space

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    lmpedance control is one of the most effective controlmethods for the manipulators in contact with their environments.The characteristics of force and motion control, however, isdetermined by a desired impedance parameter of a manipulator'send-effector that should be carefully designed according to agiven task and an environment. The present paper proposesa new method to regulate the impedance parameter of theend-effector through learning of neural networks. Three kindsof the feed-forward networks are prepared corresponding toposition, velocity and force control loops of the end-effector beforelearning. First, the neural networks for position and velocitycontrol are trained using iterative learning of the manipulatorduring free movements. Then, the neural network for forcecontrol is trained for contact movements. During learning ofcontact movements, a virtual trajectory is also modified to reducecontrol error. The method can regulate not only stiffness andviscosity but also inertia and virtual trajectory of the end-effector.Computer simulations show that a smooth transition from freeto contact movements can be realized by regulating impedanceparameters before a contact