5,157 research outputs found

    Forbidden Subgraphs in Connected Graphs

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    Given a set ξ={H1,H2,...}\xi=\{H_1,H_2,...\} of connected non acyclic graphs, a ξ\xi-free graph is one which does not contain any member of % \xi as copy. Define the excess of a graph as the difference between its number of edges and its number of vertices. Let {\gr{W}}_{k,\xi} be theexponential generating function (EGF for brief) of connected ξ\xi-free graphs of excess equal to kk (k1k \geq 1). For each fixed ξ\xi, a fundamental differential recurrence satisfied by the EGFs {\gr{W}}_{k,\xi} is derived. We give methods on how to solve this nonlinear recurrence for the first few values of kk by means of graph surgery. We also show that for any finite collection ξ\xi of non-acyclic graphs, the EGFs {\gr{W}}_{k,\xi} are always rational functions of the generating function, TT, of Cayley's rooted (non-planar) labelled trees. From this, we prove that almost all connected graphs with nn nodes and n+kn+k edges are ξ\xi-free, whenever k=o(n1/3)k=o(n^{1/3}) and ξ<|\xi| < \infty by means of Wright's inequalities and saddle point method. Limiting distributions are derived for sparse connected ξ\xi-free components that are present when a random graph on nn nodes has approximately n2\frac{n}{2} edges. In particular, the probability distribution that it consists of trees, unicyclic components, ......, (q+1)(q+1)-cyclic components all ξ\xi-free is derived. Similar results are also obtained for multigraphs, which are graphs where self-loops and multiple-edges are allowed

    Ore- and Fan-type heavy subgraphs for Hamiltonicity of 2-connected graphs

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    Bedrossian characterized all pairs of forbidden subgraphs for a 2-connected graph to be Hamiltonian. Instead of forbidding some induced subgraphs, we relax the conditions for graphs to be Hamiltonian by restricting Ore- and Fan-type degree conditions on these induced subgraphs. Let GG be a graph on nn vertices and HH be an induced subgraph of GG. HH is called \emph{o}-heavy if there are two nonadjacent vertices in HH with degree sum at least nn, and is called ff-heavy if for every two vertices u,vV(H)u,v\in V(H), dH(u,v)=2d_{H}(u,v)=2 implies that max{d(u),d(v)}n/2\max\{d(u),d(v)\}\geq n/2. We say that GG is HH-\emph{o}-heavy (HH-\emph{f}-heavy) if every induced subgraph of GG isomorphic to HH is \emph{o}-heavy (\emph{f}-heavy). In this paper we characterize all connected graphs RR and SS other than P3P_3 such that every 2-connected RR-\emph{f}-heavy and SS-\emph{f}-heavy (RR-\emph{o}-heavy and SS-\emph{f}-heavy, RR-\emph{f}-heavy and SS-free) graph is Hamiltonian. Our results extend several previous theorems on forbidden subgraph conditions and heavy subgraph conditions for Hamiltonicity of 2-connected graphs.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Forbidden triples and traceability: a characterization

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    AbstractGiven a connected graph G, a family F of connected graphs is called a forbidden family if no induced subgraph of G is isomorphic to any graph in F. If this is the case, G is said to be F-free. In earlier papers the authors identified four distinct families of triples of subgraphs that imply traceability when they are forbidden in sufficiently large graphs. In this paper the authors introduce a fifth family and show these are all such families

    Forbidden induced subgraphs and the price of connectivity for feedback vertex set.

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    Let fvs(G) and cfvs(G) denote the cardinalities of a minimum feedback vertex set and a minimum connected feedback vertex set of a graph G, respectively. For a graph class G, the price of connectivity for feedback vertex set (poc-fvs) for G is defined as the maximum ratio cfvs(G)/fvs(G) over all connected graphs G in G. It is known that the poc-fvs for general graphs is unbounded. We study the poc-fvs for graph classes defined by a finite family H of forbidden induced subgraphs. We characterize exactly those finite families H for which the poc-fvs for H-free graphs is bounded by a constant. Prior to our work, such a result was only known for the case where |H|=1

    A pair of forbidden subgraphs and perfect matchings

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    AbstractIn this paper, we study the relationship between forbidden subgraphs and the existence of a matching. Let H be a set of connected graphs, each of which has three or more vertices. A graph G is said to be H-free if no graph in H is an induced subgraph of G. We completely characterize the set H such that every connected H-free graph of sufficiently large even order has a perfect matching in the following cases.(1)Every graph in H is triangle-free.(2)H consists of two graphs (i.e. a pair of forbidden subgraphs).A matching M in a graph of odd order is said to be a near-perfect matching if every vertex of G but one is incident with an edge of M. We also characterize H such that every H-free graph of sufficiently large odd order has a near-perfect matching in the above cases